Chapter 4: Lies

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Before you start.
I only own my characters and their plots!

"We need to steal a car." Leia says as they made their way out of the bar. "I don't want to walk all the way back."

This got Leonard to look at Mick, as they both smirked. Mick stopped walking when he saw a fire red car. He tried the doors, which were open, and opened the door.

"Stupid idiot left his car open." Mick smirked at his partner as he gets in the car. "Oh, and the keys are still here too."

Leia happily gets in the car behind the passenger seat where Leonard is now sitting. Sara gets in beside her and Mick takes off as soon as the door is closed. He drives fast to the way they came from.

"How about you slow down a bit?" Sara asked as Mick takes a turn, holding onto his chair for her life. "I eould like to not crash and die, if you don't mind."

Leia laughs and turns her head to look out of the window. "What is the fun in that."

As they come closer to the Waverider, they could she someone was shooting at the ship.

The person was dressed in green armor and was shooting lasers.

"Hold on." Mick yells as he pulls the brakes and turns the wheel hard so the car would spin and hit the Green guy hard. The force send the guy flying and hit the ground hard. Mick stopped the car and everyone stepped out fast.

"We go out for one lousy drink, and you guys somehow manage to pick a fight with Boba Fett." Leonard says as he lifts his gun on his shoulder.

Firestorm merged together and Raymond Palmer was in his suit flying above the ground. Boba Fett, as Leonard called him, recovered quickly and once again began shooting his green lasers at the group of Legends. Everyone was trying to get to the ship, by running and trying not to get hit by the lasers. Carter and Kendra spread their wings and Leia had to blink twice before she realized it was real. The two winged persons carried a man dressed in Seventies clothes.

As almost everybody entered the ship, Leia was stopped by a laser hitting the ground before her. She looked at the Green guy before he shot at her again. Before it could hit her, she sends a ball of fire at it, causing it to explode. The explosion was close to her and the force sends her flying to the hard
ground, close to the ship. Leonard and Mick jump out and carry her in. The heavy metal door slams close once they were inside. Leonard and Mick set her down in a sitting position on the ground. Leonard gets down on his knees and takes a look at her.

"Your lip is bleeding and you have a cut on your cheek. But it doesn't need to get stitch up." He tells the Brunette.

"Lucky me." Leia says giving Leonard a smile. He slaps softly on her shoulder and gets back up standing next to Mick.

"Professor Boardman has sustained severe internal injuries." Gideon suddenly says

"Prepare the Medbay to receive Professor Boardman and get us the hell out of here!" Rip says and starts to walk away to the control room, leaving the group behind.

"Course heading?" Gideon asks Rip.

"Anywhere but here!" Rip yelled before running away.


"Our cloaking shield and aft entrance have been significantly compromised, Captain." Gideon tells the group, but mostly to Rip.

"Considering none of you have ever time traveled before." Rip began, turning his back to the group. "Bringing a family member from the past onto a time ship? Breaking out and carousing around the 1970's? We've barely begun, and already this is the worst, mitigated disaster of my career."

Kendra stalked towards Rip, and before he gets the chance to turn around fully, he was greeted with Kendra's fist hitting his face.

"I see why you got the hots for that one." Mick says, stepping toward Carter and swinging his arm around Carter's shoulders.

"My son is hurt because of you." Kendra said, clearly hurt. She pulls Rip by the collar of his shirt and pushes him against the wall behind him. "Who attacked us?"

"Better tell fast Rip, 'cause it doesn't look like the lady is in a patient mood." Leonard said and walk over to stand next to Mick.

"Neither am I." Carter said, taking a step forward to Kendra.

"His name is Chronos. He works for the Council of Time Masters. My former employees." Rip explained. Kendra released Rip for her grip.

"I thought you were a Time Master." Sara says as she takes a step closer to Rip. Everybody could feel the tension in the room, and it was gathering up on Rip Hunter.

"As I've expressed, time is not a linear thing. At some point, I was in fact, a Time Master." Rip said and stepped closer to Sara. And when he did, Sara takes her chance to punch in in his face as well.

"Will you people please stop hitting me?!" Rip pleaded.

"Start telling the truth, before I punch you too." A voice snapped at him. Leia's head turned in the direction it came from, she never heard that voice before. Her eyes meet the brunette that was sitting next to Raymond earlier. Her face showed just how angry she was.

"I relinquished my position as a Time Master when I commandeered the Waverider. Chronos was clearly sent to bring me in." Rip explained the group.

"So you lied to us..." Stein said.

"Of course I lied to you. I needed your help... you barely said yes as it was." Rip tried, defending his honor.

"What about the Legends part?" Jax asks Rip.

Rip look down to the ground and that was all enough to know.

"You lied about that too, didn't you?" Leia stated, sadness in her eyes.

"I chose you all because, a hundred years from now." Rip started, locking his eyes on the Brunette Leia heard for the first time just a moment ago. "Your lives have a minimal effect on the recorded timeline. I needed your help without disturbing the future of 2166."

"So, we're like the opposite of Legends." Jax says.

"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you." Mick says, stepping closer and next to Leia. she crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an explanation. Secretly agreeing with the fellow Pyromaniac next to her.

"Ditto the arsonist." Stein said.

"Because Gideon wouldn't listen to your commands and you'd be stuck here forever." Rip tried. Leia rolls her eyes at this, there is always a way to fix that.

"Great, so we're not an elite team of heroes on sanctioned mission, sent to rid the future of it's most horrific bad guy. Just a collection of nobodies who time really doesn't care about." Raymond suddenly spoke, he had been so quiet the whole time that most of the group forgot he was even there.

"I was never a Hero either way." Leia scoffs.

"I didn't lie about the mission itself. Or the brutality and ruthlessness of Savage." Rip says. "Or my need for your help."

"I don't imagine you're the kind of guy who quits his job and takes on this kind of threat for altruistic reasons, so Rip, why don't you tell us. What did Vandal Savage do to you?" Raymond asks.

"The Times Masters discourage marriage. They urge against procreation even more. A Time Master should be free of any personal entanglements that might compromise him." Rip told the group. His eyes never leaving the brunette stranger in the room. "But... I fell in love, and we had a child. A Girl. Katerina."

"Savage killed your family." The brunette stated.

"He slaughtered my family. And thousands of other families. And that body that I swore an oath to serve turned a blind eye. they continue to turn a blind eye. I won't. The last thing that my child saw in this world was that monster's face. You can be damn well sure that when Savage dies, the last face he sees will be mine. I understand, given the circumstances, if you wish to return home. We can make the jump once the repairs are done, if and when Professor Boardman stabilizes." Rip says.

After Rip was done, Carter and Kendra walk both out of the room, to check on their son.

"I think we all need a little time to consider out options." Stein said before he turns to the rest of the group.

Without a word, Leia walks away. Leonard looks at her and signs to Mick to follow her, and they both did, behind them, Raymond and Sara followed too. Leia walked back to the place they got in when they got back, the cargo bay, and before she sits down on one of the boxes, She punched the wall behind it.

The two other criminals entered the room just as Leia punched the wall.

"Woah, easy now, spitfire." Leonard spoke as he sat down next to her and puts his legs on the box in front of him. Mick takes a seat on the other side of her and starts cleaning and messing with his gun. Ignoring the both of them.

A second later Sara and Raymond enter the room. Sara takes a seat on one of the boxes against the wall in de back of the room, while Raymond sits himself down next to the box where his suit is in.
As he sits down, he takes out his suit and starts fixing his it. The million dollar suit as Leia heard from Sara. While Sara leans her head back and closes her eyes.

Suddenly a flash of blue shoots out of Raymond his suit. Almost hitting the three criminals.

"Watch it!" Mick yelled as the blue light was hitting the ground closest to him.

"Sorry. Sorry." Raymond apologizes as he looks at Mick in shock.

"What's the point of us even giving this a second thought? Rip has already seen the future. He knows exactly whats is in store for each of us. Might as well have stayed dead, 'cause the world doesn't need any of us. You're just a lost Assaaain. You're just three good-for-nothing criminals. " Raymond says as he looks at the all of them.

Leia scoffs, scolding at the shrinking scientist. "I'm good for myself, thank you very much." And Raymond just rolls his eyes at her.

"I can live with that." Mick snapped back as he looked up before he continued cleaning his gun.

"Well." Raymond said. "I can't live with somebody putting a cap on my destiny. Spent my whole life working to be something greater by becoming something smaller. Then some guy comes along and tells me that being the Atom is as insignificant as an actual Atom."

"That's not what he said. Rip said that in his future we're nobodies, but this mission is about changing the future. I mean, if we have the power to change the world, don't you think we have the power to change our own fate." Sara says as she stands up, walking closer to Raymond and eyeing everyone in the room.

"For the better or for the worse. That's a very good point." Snart added to Sara's speech.

"She is right. I mean, i could just go back to 2k16 and steal the stuff there, while I could be traveling through time and steal something every where we go." Leia spoke a grin on her face.

"That's not what I mean at all." Sara laughed as she looked at the Brunette. Both Leonard and Mick looked at the Brunette with smirks on their faces.

"I think I'm convinced." Mick smirked.

With that Leia stands up and walk out of the room without another word. As she walks thourgh the halls of the waverider, she founds herself walking to the control room with the rest of the group behind her.

"Chronos, even Vandal, won't be the only enemy we face. Very often, it will be time itself." Rip finished as they entered the room.

Raymond entered the control room first, followed by Sara and the three criminals.

"With either it wants to happen or not, we're gonna change time, erase Savage's future, and earn our rightful place in history." Raymond says.

"Dr. Palmer is correct. We may not be legends in your time, Capitain, but we are going to decide our own fates." Stein walked in followed by Jax.

"I don't give a damn about being a legend, as long as we end Savage once and for all." Carter said and his son from a previous life had just passed, Proffesor Boardman was dead.

"I can get down with that." Jax says.

"And our Malocontents?" Stein asked the three criminals before looking at them.

"I like killing people." Mick answered followed by Leia.

"Yeah, that and more." Leia smirked, winking at Mick. "We Criminals gotta stick together, right?" She whispers to the ice and fire duo.

Then Leonard spoke. "We're in. For now."

"How do we find this guy?" Sara asks Rip.

"Professor Boardman had a theory about that. I've already had Gideon plot a course." Rip says and sits down in his chair before putting on his safety thingy.

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