10. Ready, Zee?

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The Pattersons was written in big, fluorescent letters that hung atop the sliding doors of the supermarket.

I didn't come often, only a couple of times to help around.

The shop was super spacious and brimming with all kinds of products. There were sections for everything imaginable. They even had sections for books and I loved to get lost in there.

Having to interact with the clients was the only downside of my few visits. There were the polite ones, the entitled, the having-a-bad-day, the shy, and my absolute favorite, Ian Martinez.

He was a quiet kid, tall but lanky. His raven hair always hung over his forehead in messy curls. His coal irises always glinted with mirth, like they were privy to a funny scene only they could see.

I dropped my books the first time we made eye contact.

My utter embarrassment was long-forgotten the moment he bent down, picked them up, and handed them to me with a faint blush coloring his caramel skin.

My heart went crazy, my palms started sweating, and my tongue was tied. I feared they might be signs of an upcoming panic attack.

I forced my lips to stretch into a smile as a silent thank you. He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded in return.

That was my first interaction with someone my age, with someone at all, without Cathie or Will by my side or nearby.

I haven't seen him since that. To be honest, I haven't frequented the shop as much after that since it was nearing the time for my final exams.

Catherine made sure to set up group studies for me alongside two other homeschooling families. Danielle was my favorite among the three of my fellow students. After a while, it was only her and I racing through spreadsheets of quizzes and frustrating questions.

Danielle was very pretty and petite. Strawberry blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and pink bow-shaped lips. She only had a single mother who was the owner of a small diner down the road, a very sweet but grumpy French woman. I loved her food and her sarcasm.

Dani and I had a couple of sleepovers. She wasn't a fan of reading but obsessed over movies and series. We were both different kinds of nerds. She did, however, introduce me to video games, and that was when our relationship flourished. We bonded over all kinds of games, bickered, taunted, and evaded many hours of sleep.

It was a relief when I learned that both of us would be enrolling in high school at the same time. I would hate to be separated from her. I would hate to be lonely on my first day.

"Take cover, girl, I've got your back!" Danielle grunted through the headphones.

I was injured, awaiting her arrival to heal me.

"Hurry up," I hissed.

"I'm coming, jeez." She cheered loudly after knocking down her opponent then sprinted my way. Patching me up real fast, the game announced our team as the winner. "What would you do without me?"

Her smugness made my eye twitch. "I'd be having the best time of my life right now. Aka sleeping." My lips were flattened in order to stifle my laughter.

"Very funny, Zee." I could feel her rolling her eyes on the other side of the call.

"Seriously though, gotta go." when she started complaining, whining about how we only played three rounds, I hang up with a quick and firm, "Goodnight, D."

I tossed and turned the whole night, my stomach in knots and my brain a storm of racing thoughts. Both of us needed the distraction but if we stayed up any longer, our parents would have to drag us out of bed.

It wouldn't be a good first impression if our first day was just us squinting at everyone and everything like vampires having to suffer under the sun.

The phone rang once, twice, and then she picked up. "I'd be having the best time of my life right now. Aka sleeping." Dani repeated in a mocking tone.

"Shut up." I huffed.

It went silent for a few heartbeats before a shaky inhale emanated. "Zia?"

"I know." I cleared my throat. "I'm scared too."

"I'm glad you'll be there with me." Her voice came out small, soft, and shy.

I hummed. "Me too."

I don't remember falling asleep. So, when Cathie shook me awake, my eyes flew open and I jolted up as if someone stabbed me with a syringe full of dread, anxiety, and nausea.

I heaved, scurrying to the bathroom, Catherine hot on my heels. "What's wrong, Zia?" Frantic, she fussed over me, pulling my hair away from my face, patting my back, and murmuring comforting words.

William rushed in with a bottle of water. After rinsing my mouth, I gulped as much as I could before I found myself surrounded by strong arms. He lifted me up, hugged me tighter for a brief moment then set me down. "Let's go have breakfast, little one."

I nodded reluctantly. I was famished despite the idea of food tearing at my intestines.

My cheeks flushed deep crimson when a cup of herbal tea was already awaiting me. It always helped calm my nerves.

They knew me too well.


Running upstairs to get ready, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth then stood like a zombie in the middle of my room. "Crap," I groaned out loud.

It was only the first day of school and I already wanted to quit. Heck, it didn't even start yet.

"Zia Patterson, you are not a quitter." I pointed a finger at my reflection in the full-length mirror, wiggling it around. "You made it this far because you're not a quitter."

Shoving my legs through my oversized denim overalls, I fastened the straps over my white sweater and then tugged on my brand-new white sneakers over my favorite ankle muffin-printed socks.

My hair was left in its natural, soft wavy state. It curled at the nape of my neck and tickled my skin. I loved the new cut, cute and refreshing. My head moved from side to side, admiring the way the strands followed it smoothly.

Catherine insisted on getting me a new haircut which slowly turned into a day at the spa to destress. "We deserve it after busting our butts all this time." I agreed, of course. I mean, why wouldn't I? Quality time with Cathie was always fun. Plus, we'll get to relax and enjoy ourselves.

So, while we were getting pampered, William was taking care of all the legal procedures – all my homeschool grades and records.

Here I am now, dragging my legs and beige backpack all the way downstairs.

"Ready, Zee?" William called right when my phone beeped with a text.

U snore when u sleep.🤭

I laughed.

Stfu🙄, I'm omw, c ya there!

"Yes, coming!"

The symbolism of the color white: white represents purity, innocence, peace, cleanliness, lightness, empowerment, goodness...


Ian is a name of Scottish origin that means God Is Gracious. (Well, Zia agrees. Ian was graced with adorableness.)

Danielle is a name of Hebrew origin that means God Is My Judge. (definitely suits her personality xD)

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