Chapter 10:

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My husband had the perfect amount of the more masculine rugged wolf features mixed with the perfect amount of the unnatural Beauty elves possess. Portioning them out perfectly in his features but yes a lot of his speakers been matched that of his dad they were just altered to the perfect portions. But either way he still looked like his dad.

"Holy shit you can be my twin. I can't believe how much you look like me. Thank God you inherited my chance instead of hers no offense not that she wasn't beautiful she was very beautiful she just had a very sour personality and a very snobby attitude. I'm so relieved you only inherited her blood, power, ears, and height. That's such a huge relief no offense to your mother but she was awful that's why I never stayed with her that's why after the incident I literally never spoke to her again. No offense to your mother. But she also intimidating and scary as shit I never once thought of a woman as terrifying till I met your mother. She honestly is a scary woman she may have been extremely beautiful but she was like I said terrifying and she was also 6 years older then me. Honestly it was so long ago I had honestly forgotten all about it I don't honestly forgotten all about her until I seen in the back with your marking and realized it was the same as hers." His father said, eyes full of pride when he looked at him.

"So that's who you get it from. No the terrifying and intimidating part  definitely inherited. He can strike fear into the most horrifying of monsters and send them running with just his glare alone. Mina's wife will see him do it to a Wendy as in a wendigo like what the heck. I mean have you ever want one of those things they are absolutely the most horrifying thing to deal with personally cut off their head she don't want the Silver Bullet right in the head and just like a hybrid half human half vampire you have to burn the body except they're like way more aggressive cuz they're not in non human they're Cryptid. And trust me as a non-human you are so like you've never had to face when those things are nasty they're gnarly honestly the only pure blood that's ever had to face one is honestly our earlier his wife she fights side by side with him all the time and she's the only one that has truly understood how messed up Cryptids are and how absolutely like they are freakishly strong like some of them are on deity level so yeah. They are not going to deal with and this man over here literally sat and played with one skull he uses a puppet like what the. How is wrong with you like me his wife and Emmanuel we're tracking a hoard of them okay so we set up cam he literally told us I have to pee disappeared for like 20 minutes and he came back using one's head as a puppet and scared the crap out of his wife she almost beat him up that night cuz he made her probably almost piss herself and I don't blame her cuz she just sitting there in the campfire talking us marshmallows the next thing you know there was wendigo's skull on her shoulder with a hand going through its head like seriously Bayne." Our other bodyguard Lucas joked. And my face said it all because as soon as they seen the expression on my face when he mentioned that scenario they just all started busting out laughing.

Why did you have to bring that up I just now I'm starting to forget about it and you just seriously had to bring it up for your information I did pee myself thank you that was not funny that was like on our our first time after being together and he decided to pull that on me that was the first time that we did after we got married and my memory of it is him holding a skull like seriously and Wendy wanted that like who the heck does that it's not as bad as the alligator stole though no he seriously hunted in an alligator just so he could put us to play with his skull like a puppet like this man and skulls and puppets I don't know what's wrong with him he just always does that and somebody kill something he takes it's going and starts puppeting it." I said, glancing up at me husband.

"I can't help it I'm sadistic and find it amusing and your just way to easy to scare. I literally get you with it every time. Like you know I love hunting. And I love skulls and you knew way before marring me I have a morbid twisted sense of humor. I love scarying people. We've been married over 6 years, and even after me doing shit like that our whole marriage and I'm a creature of habit I have a tendency of repeating my behaviors or repeating certain things I do so if you see me do it once if you just pay attention it's pretty easy to tell when I'm going to do it and I still get you every time." My husband said, before I blew dust at him in a random person shot Out of the Dust grabbing on my shoulders making him scream. As he like going started laughing hysterically as I did. Before Loki high five me oh not using one of your gods seriously that's just evil. And it's just cheating to use the god of mischief hi Loki long time no see and why do you enjoy scaring the crap out of me." My husband laughed as they hugged each other.

"Oh come on give it to the Norse god of mischief that was pretty funny that was pretty funny. And come on it's not like you don't get any freebies with your wife I'm just leveling the Plainfield besides I like mischief and pranks pranks are my thing. So of course your wife's going to pull me out every time she wants to get back at you but no hard feelings big man. You know I'm also a god a protection. " Look, he laughed, holding onto his hand and a shake. Before looking around realizing that there was a festival going on there's so many people don't even noticed that God just showing up.

"Ooh Festival I haven't been to one of these in decades. Can I stay please I don't get to do much anymore plus this looks like fun." He asked me smiling.

"Sure okay Loki I don't get really let you do much and I haven't let you out in a while so it's only fair just know using Mischief powers on any unexpecting humans please remember nobody can either God and you have to use a human body you know better if I leave you in your garage form it's too noticeable for non humans and that draws attention." I said, he not and not even hesitating one because as soon as I touched his handy manifested into a physical human body I mean look just like his God from just human and you know not a giant.

"Darling nothing to worry about I just want to play the games. Or you know watch whatever play you know they believe these days that is a play stage right that it looks like." He asked.

"Now it's a stage for dancers several different local colleges and their dance teams are having a competition today to see who is the best and when not only bragging rights but a trophy a big ass trophy that they fight over every year. And over there they're having a band play on the gazebo and then the field has the vendors you will see the gymnastics College performers from local colleges competing to see who wins. They pick only the best of the best and they make them compete against each other. Whichever School wins same thing bragging rights and a giant ass trophy. They're very competitive each School wants to prove they're the best." I said, as I stood suicide pointing at all them.

"Oh this is interesting is it like a duel sounds like a duel. But why would they put children into a duel to the death. Wait what am I talking about this is 2023 they probably don't do that anymore." He said as I shook my head I allowed my husband to talk with his dad while I talk to Loki. Bigger and I might as well get them some one-on-one time. I was glad at how good things were going.

"No it's a challenge like gymnastics is like really Advanced Athletics and in the dance is would you call the funky feet wiggle only says what you called and every time that I show you what dancing looks like nowadays. It's not like the Viking dance." I said. We were lining up against each other's shoulders.

"Well I know what dancing is I'm not dumb but why would you have competition of it we only did it when we were drunk. Or making which was only done on Party nights full moon." He replied for looking over nursing the child was holding an action figure of well him. He looked horrified at first.

"Relax I promise it's not real it's a doll they made a show about you don't ask sadly they actually got your description pretty on point if I were you I would feel wondered that they got your description so on point they got your personality pretty on point too I watched it. That type of doll is called an action figure action figure is one of the best sellers among the boys a lot of the people that watching her the idol so how are you I would not feel offended by that considering that they get most God's descriptions completely off." I said, calming him down.

"That is so creepy I mean yes I'm not offended and yes I'm actually quite impressed living on my features so on point but that is so creepy staring out a little action figure version of myself that's kind of creepy. But honestly so cool at the same time you totally get me one." He said, as I pulled something out of my purse handing it to him. He got so excited when he realized that it was the action figure.

"Don't ask it's my son's favorite and he always freaks out if I forget it so I have more than one at all times. So future advice you're probably going to working  with my son when he's older. You can keep it." He hugged me.

"And I shall I will be his Patron." Loki said, before Daffodil hugged me.

"I have to go up and train you gather free to try the vendors. Just be back here when you hear the whistle blow." She said, I hugged her. I walked over kissing my husband.

"I'm going to go take loki to play some of the vendor games you want to come." I asked, he kissed me. 

"Of course let me grab the children." He said, pulling out the foldable wagon which we carried in case of an emergency it folded so small and compact that I was able to carry it with me just about anywhere he unfolded it and actually pulls out into a pretty big one we buckled the kids into their seats as him and his father push the children behind us. His father refused to leave his side. And they were just having a blast talking to each other. So we did the balloon worries are darts in a balloon to pop it win a stuffed animal. But he was actually surprisingly good at most of the games which was surprising cuz he's never played them I just showed him once in the copyed me. As my husband carried my kids behind us picking up her kids letting them watch Mom try to beat Loki. Anytime that came to any type of game like this he was unnaturally really talented at it. They even had some fair rides which I took my our children on with my husband Loki and my husband's father. We were getting off the marry go round. Holding my son. Walking with my husband. When I spot in my ex's best friend he was always with with his girlfriend and her kid. Luckily I was able to spot them so I was able to avoid running into them because I knew that he wouldn't be very far behind. When I heard the whistle and we carefully made our way back to our Picnic blanket to find that our place had been moved. We were now much further back where it was hard to see because some jackass decided to Raid our spot. Not only are blanket but are picnic basket too. They even had their audacity through my diaper bag to the side Me and my husband. We were both ready to confront the asshole. Till I seen  who it was then. I grabbed my husband's hand before he was able to see us.

"It's not worth it. I'll just go get the diaper bag." I been telling you enjoyed as I walked over carrying my son. Doing decoration and grab my diaper bag when his stupid little girlfriend over the f*** she was trying to grab it.

"Excuse me a little b**** but unless you pay for it do not take my s*** you're lucky I don't break your damn alarm and I don't touch me you're like I don't break your legs for stealing your spot you asshole I wish you the worst misfortune. By the way that's a hex so f*** off. Seriously with a****** steal I'm a family with three kids seriously get a life." I said blowing stand in their faces and yes it was a hex cuz I was pissed cuz I am there so they went through my things. They started coughing as I kick their blanket in the basket right at their faces store food all over them before walking away how's that for karma bitch." I yelled as I walked away with my baby bag. When the girl had enough nerve to run up behind me and try to take it again I straight up hit her and I made sure I knocked out a couple of teeth.

"What do you not get about doing not touch me I am carrying my son but that does not mean that I want to whip your ass get disrespected a royal family you dumb baboon I'm a queen you can't just straight up do that or were you raised in a f****** jungle which I'm pretty sure you were considering what you look like a f****** monkey now back off where I start to get pissed cuz as soon as I hand this baby off my husband I'm kicking your ass. For disrespecting me got it." I huffed but once again she grabbed my arm I just smiled looked at my husband and he just he knew he knew the draw he took our son. Gave him my hat took off my sunglasses and kicked off my heels.

"You're really fing testing my patience. Do you want a chance to tell me why the hell you were grabbing me or my bag before I brush your damn teeth in. I am not in the the damn mood and I do not like getting violent for my kids but I will suddenly pushes my buttons. Now what the hell do you want." I crossed my arms. Needless to say I was fumed at the audacity of the human. She didn't say anything she just staring at me." Which of course just pissed me off even more I going to my teeth angerly before Gaia showed herself.

"Relax my child that's not a human it's a puppet he's trying to challenge you." She whispered in my ear as I looked back over and focus more realizing that she was right it was a puppet she made me look like her at night and his friends when I realized she's a f*** was actually doing it. One of their friends was playing with a voodoo doll and had it hooked up to the puppet which was a hollow shell that look like a human which obviously means it was a warlock that was doing it. Not a very smart one either because the more you look the more obvious he is no more sloppy work is.

"Oh asshole that's even better I don't have to deal with you. Hey John your funeral. oh honey you want to deal with him for me. It's John you know what that douchebag looks like I showed you." I said, John worked his head back realizing he got caught red-handed. He had already handed my son and daughter too The Nanny. Which he had found with the body guards. He walked right up to reached over that damn voodoo doll out of his hand and burned in the ash in his hand with fire. Before he straight up pulled him up and handcuffed his ass.

"Im the authority. So anything you say and won't be held against you in the court of law let's see harassment, assault, theft, an instigating a royal of the highest statuses. That's a whole lot crimes you're breaking there. And the fact you had premeditated intentional you knew exactly who she was you were totally doing that on purpose cuz you know how much she didn't like you. Wll that just put you in jail I'm calling the sheriff I mean I could just be doing s*** out of you could show you why they call me death dealer but I know I don't like you so much to the point where if I did I'd probably kill you by accident. Anything like you I got a wife and kids to go on to so I don't want that on my record so I'm calling the sheriff instead and I'm having you thrown in the slammer. For a very long time especially since you did all that in front of my kids while my wife was holding my son big mistake. That's child endangerment which will Mark you as a high risk around children meaning if you ever run again you need supervised anytime you're around a minor. Even if it's your own child." He said, making a call and turns out the show was already there he walked right over he said shaking his head.

"You just couldn't leave her alone could you I warned look I don't know how you know her but I want you as soon as I encourage your little plan I told you it was bad idea. The mayor even want you after you seen you watching her after she came into the courthouse not to do it now you spend the rest of your life as a criminal was it worth. And why are you so dumb to the point where you challenged freaking King are you stupid or just got a death wish especially this one I'll teared you to shreds. And you wonder why the girl you're propose to send no. Your an idiot.

"That's not the only reason why I left it dirty ass he also was a whore. Caught him sleeping with two other girls while we were engaged. Surprised I'm the ex-fiance and I'm glad I left his dirty ass cuz I got me a real man. And I think his family thought I wasn't good enough for him well jokes on them you were never good enough for me but I was nice and I cared about you and we were together for 5 years so I think you're why not. Even though you cheated on me more than once lied to me and were complete douchebag how's it feel to have the show on the other foot next time you mess with me I will personally make it my Personal Agenda and got it can't believe I ever said I even loved you I don't like you you're disgusting you make me want to vomit. So obviously I want you nowhere near me or my children or my husband. I once thought of you as the top of the world now I think of you as a scum of the Earth. Honey how are you thoughts can change when somebody shows you something better. And I'm glad I did he's the best damn there having me. I imagine that everything that you couldn't and so much more now I'm like that thought to stay in your party little brain of yours and hold you for the rest of your life. And the people wonder why I hated this town it's beautiful but the people heck no they were raised in Barns or idiots no offense I just can't stands from the people live here and know that it's not including anybody that is affiliated with me cuz if you're affiliated with me obviously I like you if I like you obviously you're not a douchebag so not that hard to be my friend as you got to do is be nice and respectful that's it oh God the damn sugar coated in fact I actually don't like Kiss asses. To me it was made me feel like you try too hard and it also seems like you have an alternate agenda because of your ride too hard there's obviously because of your ride too hard there's obviously and alternative intention I like people that are honest and upfront people that I can really not people that I don't know where I stand with. I like people communication with no people that like to talk in circles Lego let me ask you if there's anybody anybody anybody here think that what he do is okay because if you know the laws of the non-human that is not okay. That is breaking so many of our laws ain't even funny. Like do you not the word Royal as a queen or King or an excellent line or let me tell you and Aristocrat if you know how wristcraft lives in you damn will know that is not how you treat them not even there no different which means if you break any of these rules you get punished so really or even executed. What is there that you did not understand in that context and when I say I'm a royal it's the only woman arrest crack and if you do something stupid you might die do you want to die just because you want to insult somebody ain't worth it. Just because you simply don't like them just swallow your damn pride and keep your little mouth shut and just let it go it's not that hard it's not like I have to see them everyday. And I damn well no I'm not the only royal aright here so what is there that people don't understand about how you should treat one of us. unless your friends or family any Behavior outside of being courteous is considered being disrespectful we do not tolerate misbehavior. Human or not." I said.

"Exactly and it's not like any of you haven't been around them for so what's the big problem now. What you see when that's proud of their Heritage is not afraid to show themselves openly and you guys automatically descend Target them. I swear. By the way I've heard a lot about you ex fiance he talks about yours and I pick him up drunk. I seriously have no idea that it was you that is funny trust me he's an idiot you won the battle he lost." This year when you get me before taking him away in cuffs. We went watched their performance Daffodil did amazing. She was feeling so overly confident since she found her me like before when she had her exed me she wasn't nearly as bubbly and does confident as she was when she met him you can't even tell with her dancing because I had seen her videos beforehand since my husband showed me and you could tell her awkward she was and this one she was just full of confidence she just she owned it she even beat her sister her sister hated it. Heck even at the end when she was getting the trophy her ex had enough weirdosity to freaking weight at the bottom of the steps were but she ran right past them right over to her new mate and they locked in Embrace which pissed off her ex so bad it was actually kind of funny. I walked up behind him and whispered.

"Shouldn't have treated her so badly otherwise we wouldn't have introduced her to her realmate." I walked away so quick he didn't even have time to turn around and see who whispered that he thought he was just hearing things. I laughed watching him paranoidly to looked around. We left as a group and went to our house his dad even followed us his dad didn't even go home with his mom he literally hopped in the car with us I thought it was so funny but here's the thing send it a couple of his uncles and cousins like they just didn't care like a couple more even sitting on usually laps like it was hysterical like we were packed in a can of sardines this point like everybody was sitting on everybody's laugh. But here's the thing that's not where my husband went he went to the cabin that we were also on cuz right after he took his sister we decided to buy a Lakeside Cabin too just so we had somewhere to get away from cuz it's out in the woods but it's in between some of the Clans so there's a lot of non-human traffic. And regular hunters coming through plus the type of hundreds we are to. Know if we ever run into them we're going to have an issue because just like Clans Hunters we don't go into each other's territories so we have to order the other one and we're going into their territory. We decided to go survey our new property since we haven't actually gotten a look at the property like we got to see the cabin but not the inside like he gave us pictures but also showed us from the windows it looks like it's obviously at the curtains open so I need to open the door of the back balcony and let us see what the inside actually look like but we didn't get to see everything everything like every little detail I need an exactly give us a full walk through either like it did take us through the kitchen I guess but that was about it cuz the kitchen lays straight to the dining room and then laid straight to the front door. It was a pretty decent size cabin and it was pretty modernly advanced so my husband got it after he had my A-Okay cuz it liked where it was placed at his areas actually settle on is actually sacred anytime a witch is on sacred landed amplifies their power. So I obviously couldn't think it couldn't pass over the opportunity. But I knew that I wasn't the only one that had my eye on it for that reason. But I knew that I wouldn't be the only one trying to get at it the seasons we own the property they can't technically touch it but that doesn't mean that they're not going to try to trespass there is also a special shrine that's there that's also a trying to the spirit World which means in other words another dimension entirely which are Super freaking rare and the fact that both of them are on the same property I wasn't going to let anybody else have it but I also need them and I had to be protect my investment cuz everyone and their mother would be trying to use a dang portal. Or you know you the sacred land sacred land is landlord has been blessed with the type of energy that which is used in magic or that bees use if they use powers so not only which is or what I got to worry about it I also going to worry about the other non humans well at least the ones that can use powers are magic now if their powers mainly physical and that doesn't exactly help. Not going to lie I was super excited to see it I haven't found a find like this in forever and I was not about ready to let it sit through my fingers see you sacred lands only found an isolated that's one areas in the forest certain parts of certain Forest will carry special places like this and these places are not only magical like everything comes through there like spirits anything you name it it goes through there it's extremely magical but it also isn't a massive extraordinary amount of power that lies in that soil so burn away I was going to let that pass I did once find a still like this and yes somebody stole it up and leave me and I was pissed so as soon as I seen this one I didn't even look on the inside that's why we didn't take a full house where I didn't give a s*** I just wanted the area because it's also sacred land and that means is also got a bunch of little secrets in the soil too certain places of these secrets Secret lands have not only special tools for witches to use well special materials that we can use for tools that only grow in those areas there's normally an abundance of crystals there too and anything else which could honestly want to find that's really hard to get a hold of like tree of life it only goes in sacred areas and the tree of life is extremely hard to find and I mean like extraordinary the trailer life is also a tree of manifestation so is pretty damn valuable like you can literally manifest anything just by sitting underneath of it. I can even bring your dreams to real life if you fall asleep underneath of it. And trust me every witch and their mother is always trying to get a hold of that day on a tree oh we're not the only ones like I said oh they're not humans including the ones that don't use powers they all are darting for that dang tree and luckily whenever I was surveying a little bit I didn't notice a spot where it would be perfect for one to grow and I plan on checking after by purchasing the property I hope I get lucky because there were a few and in between and they're honestly only very few that actually grow at a time I mean they only Blossom every hundred years and the only grow every thousand how long their lifespan is how long it takes from one to regrow so they're pretty much a most extinct because the tree of life also works on humans and they figured that out as soon as they realized how to identify which tree it was yeah that's all she wrote they pretty much haunted him down to Extinction metaphorically more like chop but you get the point because they figured out that if you take the tree of life would and make anything with it it does the same thing as long as it doesn't get turned to ash in other words don't use it as kindling wood. And there actually estimated there's probably only about only three in the entire world right now and I've been searching for one for three four years no luck and I've checked every where even made sure that it was perfect environment for one to grow and everything and I still haven't gotten a bite. We pulled into the driveway and I literally just jumped out and didn't even go into the cabin no my b**** ass went in the woods while everybody else went into the house to go take the kids in pack my husband even abandon me I'm joking I actually told him to stay back at the kids cuz I told him I was doing and I told him that I knew exactly what I was looking for Daffodil. Did take off after me though and luckily her meatful with us so at least one of us had a weapon cuz I know my ass didn't even have a piece on me." I whistled calling my Phoenix down she swept down flying past my head I gave her the signal meaning search I noticed scanning the property below before making the Screech I always hope I heard I taught her to make a specific scratch when she finds what I'm looking for I took off running so fast it wasn't even funny they can't even keep up with me. But you might despair I screamed as soon as I got to location she was leading me to and seeing a bunch of low ranking witches sitting there with a bonfire doing witchcraft right in front of the trailer of life they were taking six off of it and we're trying to burn the freaking Tree of Life you can see the score tomorrow's on it where they were trying to build a bonfire inside of it. They were very young teenagers I don't even think they were humans that were born and normally families that decided to start practicing witchcraft now that's a new blood they're not that strong at all they're very weak unlike me who was born into a pure blood like family and old bloodline that's been with you something on a Time they are the first in their families and in their bloodlines to actually be witches so they're not that strong at all but they're also complete idiots they have no idea of anything that someone like me would know because of the fact that I come from a family of all witches see since we've passed down Knowledge from one generation to the next and just built on and went built on it went built onto it and her grimoires we have all that knowledge these guys don't they're they're literally making up their own room where they have no idea what the hell they're talking about they're learning as they go. The poor children I scared the living s*** out of all of them they jumped and were absolutely terrified.

"What the hell are you doing get that off there now are you idiots." I yelled running up ripping the fire right out of the tree trunk. Oh no what you do what the how I have search for this thing forever and I finally found one and you guys are burning a fire in it they're only three of these in the world you dumb dumb I mean I get it to you guys don't have the education that I do but still it's a tree of life I swear to goodness if you guys ruined it I'm sorry I'm calling the cops because that's b******* I guess it's my priority you're not supposed to be here I'm royalty That is rude and disrespectful and on top of that you totally Rooney I literally have tree there are only three of them in the world and you're burning a fire in it you are so lucky that one of my matron is Gaia hopefully she can fix it oh my God guys on this way son of a b**** all that work just find this I am so f****** pissed." I yelled letting them know where I was as the young witches watch me pull out not only my pendulum but my pendant forgot it and watch me do a prayer for her as the leaves started to swirl in a circle almost in kind of like a small tornado I have something rose up through it they freaked out because they could actually see her see I purposely made them be able to see her because I was pissed.

Hey mother I'm sorry I really did try to stop him I didn't know they were burning a hole in it can you fix it please I promise I'll nurture it.

Oh my goodness how who does the story Tree of Life my darlings of course I will fix it as best as I can but the damage has been done it will be hard to reverse I might need to borrow some of your strength if that's okay my darling daughter and you who burned the hole

Sorry I didn't know it was a tree of life I mean it just look like a regular weeping Weller to me I'm serious I didn't know.

Of course you're not because you're a newborn look honey if you want to learn actual witchcraft learn from an actual witch I live here I'm a supreme and which means I'm a queen and I come from an old f****** blow the line of witches and I'm honestly one of the most powerful and I have a lot of knowledge I can honestly help you learn if you want to learn that bad as long as you don't burn my damn tree and don't tell anybody that's here trust me things are super valuable humans Hunters all of them they want a piece of it and I ain't letting nobody touch my tree I will seriously kill somebody. I said offering them as I pulled off my head showing them that my hair was white and then my eyes were violet

Oh s*** you're a charmed I'm sorry I've heard a lot about Charmed I am really obsessive with if she is my idol I swear I want to be just like her.

"Yeah well you're looking at her biological daughter so you're welcome Eve is my birth mother but she gave me up at Birth because when I was born in my Powers were not manifested and yeah when they did I kind of hit it from them so they didn't know cuz my grandfather gave me the Phoenix was from the Trump family specifically so he would know I made sure she couldn't." I said it as I turned to examine the tree and I heard her gas she was so excited.

Oh my God I'm so Huggy if that was not weird but you'll probably think it's weird

"And not really mean you're a kid I'm a Hunter trust me hugs don't scare me. I mean I'm not mad because you kids do seem like you're really sweet and plus you guys seem like he has a really young honestly I'm a mother and obviously going to want to help out if I see some kids struggling and you guys are witches and I happen to be a witch so yeah I'm more than willing to see you guys if you guys are that curious don't ever follow what you read on the Internet by the way or I'll smack you not really cuz I don't hit kids but I might be hungry I might kill things for a living but I do not hit children I have three of my own I do not do that and on top of that I have younger siblings that I have never met so either way I'd rather be a good role model for any kids I see rather than teach them the wrong way to do it. Besides I already teach other witches so it's not like I can't do it cuz I totally can Pandora we have a couple of hybrid but I actually do have which blood you know they can use the same powers of the Witch which is extremely rare because normally witches are the only ones that can reproduce with the different species without actually producing a hybrid they normally produce only pure Bloods I had to teach all of them trust me and I know exactly what I'm doing. Plus I was taught by God my teacher was mother of herself trust me she is the best teacher. Not to mention I have access to all the knowledge my ancestors are gathered over the years since the dawn of time because my family what is the first Royal bloodline of witches so I have access to all that I can teach you how to actually do it sorry but I seen what your kids were doing when we were walking and I immediately crunched y'all are doing it all wrong y'all are going to send me a freaking demon no we're not doing that today no literally the simile you guys have in the middle that's for somebody a demon." I said as me and guy are both put her hands over the tree making our hands laminate as our energy went from her hands to the tree those kids were mesmerized watching us poor energy into the tree making it heal rapidly but not too rapidly it wasn't instantaneous but it was pretty fast we had to let it heal layer by.

"Seriously they told me that it was for summoning a certain God and no it's nothing like that the God I wanted to summon was Greek but it was not to be offensive guy it wasn't you but I was trying to summon Athena." The one girl flirted freaking out.

"Okay and who the hell told you that that's a symbol for Athena I didn't even close now watch this I know Athena trust me all the guys love me. And just for the record you don't summon a thing out with a simple I'm sorry but give me a minute let me finish this when I'm done I will look at what ritual you guys were doing until you exactly what the hell you're actually doing because someone asking it was pretty nasty isn't that good as and if you were to finish it you would have finished it one of you would have probably going to be going home in a casket just saying and luckily for you I I'm not just going to Magic I'm also good at fighting I'm a warrior type I'm a Hunter the mask so yeah at least if you would have someone something that nasty I would have been able to protect you but still that would have sucked because those things are nasty as s*** I've had if I don't heard of them they're not fun because the type of damn it you're summoning yeah it steals  your skin. It's hands are pretty much giant steak knives no I seriously like it's it's nails are literally the size of its arm and what does it does is it fillets you like a damn fish. And I am so not having a kid be slaughtered on my property with me present I would get in so much for trouble which sadly also means for you that either way even if I wasn't willing to get my hands dirty for you kids I still technically I would have to because if anything would happen one of you it be on my head because it's on my property." I exclaimed as I noticed daffodil and her mate joined us I didn't even hear them walk over.

So is that the true life what the heck happened to it or sis I'm so sorry you were looking so forward to seeing it hi Mother. So will it be okay I mean I'm not saying that you guys are healing it

Yes but healing a thousand year old tree this big does take a lot out of you because I'm going to have to reverse its aging so I'm going to be using a lot more energy this tree is already a thousand so it's actually just really old I mean they can live for over 1000 years but only last 1,000 nowadays because of humans chopping them down. Sorry to help it survival and a raises survival rate I'm going to reverse the age it won't actually reverse the age of the tree but it'll make it look like it is you know what I mean like it's gross when we reversed but not it's actually age which means that it will gain way more power that way but that also means that we much smaller than this sadly beautiful tree though. Makes me so sad how people spoil my gifts soon as they see something they grow that's worth and they saying they take it whether it be land or a tree that's why I pick if anybody gets to own any of my gifts is going to be my daughter because at least you take care of them black people spoil and you don't you nurture them you treat them with compassion you help them grow flourish to their full potential or others just get greedy as soon as they realize it's true worth while you let it multiply and let it grow even more exponentially. Why do you think I purposely LED you to this area I knew the tree was here but they did not know that they were catching in a fire see I cannot always see what's happening on my service that is not my fault plus do you know how many people burn bonfires in my tree trunks a lot kind of hard to keep track of where which one's that or the distance or the location unless I'm there in person." She said, as I noticed her tiring so I put more and how much energy I was getting it and I ended up doing it too much of a massive amount and it actually before she could even like reverse the age and process to make it bloom again it literally not only healed but spark it literally was budding with all this green Vines as I noticed there was a white luminescent flower growing from the lines I awaken at the massive size that it is though so I was happy that you didn't have to shrink it in order to make it blossom she did examine the blossoms there before saying that she wanted to leave it like that. Darling I think you're better than a bit although I think that's what did the trick she looks healthy or worse and these blossoms and believe the foliage is perfect. Told you you had a green thumb by the way thank you. I appreciate it it was making me a bit tired." She said kissing my forehead.

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