Chapter 11:

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"Mother you know I'd do anything for you now go sit down and recover your energy. While I try to figure out what these egg heads are doing." I said, walking her over to a rock where she could arrest before I walked over to their altar to see what the hell they were exactly doing I haven't picked a book in opened up and starts looking through it as soon as I seen all the mumbo jumbo in it I realize he's poor kids have been had by somebody. I signed.

"First anybody got a pen I'm not going to work with on the other yet because I I just glance at this and I got a headache if I look at that I know I'm going to be definitely asking questions." I said as I realized I sat beside the one that was a huge fan of my mother's because she legit would not stop staring at me.

But she was who handed me a pen so I took it. Okay now before I go through this whole entire mess are you for sure 100% that you want to be a witch before I do this because if you choose to go down this fast the actual damn path not whatever the hell this is this is like a sideway Wrong Turn bitch going on over here okay first of all mess this is voodoo or who do or black magic stuff that you are 90% not supposed to mess with. And no I'm not talking about your rental Texas nothing like that I'm not talking about Soft Stuff either I mean like hardcore attach a spirit to you that will haunt you until it causes you to commit suicide type of bullshit in other words stuff that will kill you. I asked they nodded.

Wait so what about the love spell one I used it the other day I don't want it to hurt my boyfriend

Love spells are good and you're not supposed to mess with love first of all love spells they're not meant to be used because for one the person will become over infatuated with you to the point where they will become obsessed with you in a very unhealthy way to the point where they will become so possessive they will either physically harm you or even kill you and to they won't work if the person is already in love with somebody else if it does work and that's when you should be scared because that's when you're in danger because if you actually did it correctly they will become a really obsessed and infatuated with you to the point where they will literally be to the point where if they can't have you no one can so yeah pretty much death. And trust me it starts out sweet when you first do it you might think oh it worked that's because it seems like it did because you know they're being all everyday but then over time it becomes very dangerous because the longer the time period that they're under that love spell the more and more possessive they become over owning you I don't mean having you as a partner I mean owning you like they will literally lock you up in your house so you can't see nobody else because whenever they become infatuated in that position they get extremely jealous of you and give attention to one person other than them I've seen it Go nasty in so many different ways more than one and it gets bad." I want her Crossing that one out saying Voodoo do not do they will become infected with you and possessive deadly do become violent and can even kill you. Ever as a little side note of the spell so they know not to use it.

"Yeah isn't there like four big things you're never supposed to mess with them witchcraft sis isn't it a love when you die and not recent future I mean like long-term like you can't ask how your life is going to be 5 years from now you just don't ask about the future like I said ask about tomorrow is okay but nothing past that." Daffodil asked, as I looked through the book writing what the spell actually was and what they were actually writing and the writing down what it actually does on little side notes beside the Spells. Before going back to the book like the back of it and writing down the actual spell. That that was supposed to be for and how to actually do it properly. Luckily I knew mostly everything by heart because of how many times I've read the family room wire and then they research myself and did the Spells myself I have memorized pretty much every single one so raining down the simple common ones was nothing that was Child's Play cuz I ever literally just basic spells like the moon water luck jar different schedules and what they mean like schedules for protection schedules for health. But the schedules that were in their book were nonetheless it was written that it was supposed to be for so I went back and put the real schedule down and then explain to them what the actual schedule that they were using. Which ones they were all using were all Summoners or banishing or hexes. " I wrote down basic schedules and then gave them the actual rituals and summoning so they actually wanted wish they had written down a Sigils so yeah they had no clue what they were doing guy that looked over my shoulder at it when she seen her frustrated I was getting and she had an instant cringe.

"I may not be a witch but I do work and teach with them and I dang well know that it's not how that works." She said, as I registered down all the basics and there for him like I wasn't going to go into too much detail because they're still young they need to get to know the basics before they even tried to get into the hard stuff or even try to cuz the hard stuff. Before I handed the bathroom before I took a good look at their altar. So you did finish the ritual now where's the little shit head hey Emmanuel give me a weapon brother. No one dropped your damn guard okay I don't know how long it's been since you finished the ritual but I am don't know is where it went. I said as I was a properly interrupted by buy shots being fired and screeching that's what I immediately knew what that was.

"Well don't mean this anymore never mind a mystery solved. I know exactly where the little shit went went to my house that was a dumb idea death dealers there. No we're good no reason to freak out my husband is a psycho. Trust me one of those things to take him out I don't know how I feel about that because that man takes out hords by himself daily if he had to crying out loud. I said before being quiet to see if I can hear anything else when not even seconds later I heard a roar that was not the beast but my husband and his will form and then I heard the Screech that definitely came from the monster but it was not like a screech when it attacks it's more of a screech when it's being attacked isn't it being killed and I could double three so he had it by the throat and was ripping out his throat I knew right then and there that's all she wrote Because you could tell by the way that it died out that he literally tore store it out probably towards head completely off his body honestly with how big his Wolf is.

"Nope we're good that was my husband he ripped the store out I could tell that last great to know he definitely worked his throw it out probably decapitated in the process because that rule was from one of his shifts and his wolf is pretty freaking big. So yeah we're safe we're good carry on I said before dismantling their altar so no more can come through.

Thank you so much

You're welcome and you can come to me anytime that you want lessons but no coming onto my property without permission and no touching my tree and don't tell anybody about it. Because they already sealed your lips I use a spell every try to tell anyone about it or talk about it or even write it you literally physically can't. And if you try to bring anybody to it without my permission this film makes you disoriented and turned dizzy may even make you hallucinate but it makes it to where you can't figure out which direction to go in. I don't want anybody going in my tree again okay no one this is my property I do not want y'all in it okay I mean I don't got a problem with y'all but y'all can't be on my property okay this is sacred land about her reason and plus I want to keep my goodies and if y'all keep on coming over here more people are going to find out about it and then I'm going to lose all the value to this land because I know that either somebody will steal my tree or drain the land of all of it's Essence which is what makes it sacred land. This is all man and I ain't afraid to use some underhanded tricks in order to keep it mine and no offense I don't want you guys finding it again. Kapish kiddos now go home like I said I'm willing to teach you but I ain't having you destroyed my property." I said as they got up reluctantly the one that sneak over and hug me though I handed them their book and they went on their merry way I also hand them everything else are alter I told him I didn't know that older anywhere near my property. Great now I might want to make sure the rest of the property isn't infested with teenage angst. I said before Sis pulled out flashlight handing one to each of us. Sent it straight get in the world dark I didn't even know since I'm starting to go down until after the kids left. But we continued our little venture around the property needless to say I did find quite a few unexpected visitors those weren't the only kids here for some odd reason this is a freaking kid's hot spot I found several of them all throughout my property I don't know why kick them out they did not like that.

Sweetie we've been partying here for years nobody's ever made a big deal about it till now it's the forest not like I'm going inside your house. Before I pulled out entire map of the entire property line that I own and then pointed at exactly where we were at. If you are in the green square then you are in my property I am a land if you want to argue with me take me to take it to court I bought the whole property not you which means I don't care who you're partying go somewhere else this is I don't want that crab in my house I have kids dude and there really young my oldest one's four so no I don't want no drunk teenagers ending up in either my yard or my house because they're too drunk to figure out where they're at and I ain't taking care of your ass you ain't my responsibility. So late or I'm calling the cops you choose. And I'm destroying your party spot this will no longer be here because I'm going to be surveying this area so I hope y'all know if you guys are in here I'm going to find out about it don't come back. Luckily my husband's a smart-ass Tomorrow there's going to be a whole entire fence put in along the property line to keep people out and it's going to be Electric with Barb Wire to make sure that they stay out especially since I found five groups of teens just partying in the edge of my probably Lines no drinking and quite a few of them were pretty drunk and we're making a mess out of my beautiful land which really fired me up to the point where I threw one of the cans at one of the kids.

"Take your damn trash with you too who raised you were you born in a barn you don't trash other people's land that's it I'm purposely finding out who you are a trashing something."

"Yeah whatever lady don't be a b****"

"Oh really you want to go to jail for one I'm royalty and you just insulted me first of all we don't call a queen a b**** that's how you get executed and you're lucky if I don't report it but why bother with that there's going to be barbed wire and Electrical Fence up tomorrow so say goodbye to your party spot and don't even bother trying to get through cuz if I catch you guys trying to cut my gate or anything I will personally have you arrested and by the way I got all your pictures so try me I can take this to the fair right now. Plus since I caught you unrecord calling me a b**** cuz I recorded that whole conversation learn some damn respect Punk." I said straight up kicking him down the hill ran off my property and he literally went rolling his friend yelled at me. You want to end up down there too. They started yelling more so I just straight up you did them over the hill by straight up dropping kicking them. Honestly when they were yelling at me I couldn't even tell what they were saying cuz they were so drunk they were swearing their words so bad that's why I didn't understand what the heck they were yelling in the first place but I made sure to put a little on this one so I sent that one a little bit further.

"Hey you got it done give me it I'm done telling these kids to leave I'm just going to fire off a bullet and make them scared." I said as I seen yet another fire but this time when I walked up it was actual adults I was very confused about what was going on here though they all just looked at me funny.

So anybody want to mind telling me why you guys are on my property and they get the heck out.

Excuse me

The cabin on the land it's mine which means I am the land I don't want don't want all y'all here why is everybody parting here anyways literally I have kicked out five groups of teens and now I got to kick you up I'm not getting paid enough dude okay so don't don't give me some smack okay.

"Oh yeah and what you going to do about it"

Well I could always just called death dealer since he's my husband but I don't think he want that right bro so back up because I don't need him to kick your ass either.

That's funny and no death dealer is a good money in mine I don't know he's married

Really cuz that's funny I've never met you and for the fact that I've been married to him for the past 5 years and we have three kids I'd have to see your f****** lying unless you're one of his childhood friends you're blowing s*** out your ass because I damn fact I know what you look like if you did because everybody is closer including his childhood friends he showed me pictures of you do not match any of those descriptions. If you're so sure you know him what's my husband's real name.


Get the hell out of here you're not even close my husband's name is none of your business because I ain't telling you cuz then you'll say oh yeah I need it like a dumbass I ain't stupid now fall for that little convention okay so just get out ."

They they just looked at me like a crazy person that's when I had enough and I just gave a whistle.

That was your cat call in other words the you got three seconds before you actually for reals meet my husband brother you so on me 20 bucks if he did actually doesn't know him because I'm pretty sure he's just blowing s*** out of his ass considering you grow up with him you don't even recognize this dude. No and he's just being cocky I know who that is but he doesn't know me I know him cuz he's done this s*** before Clemson he knows somebody claims he has connections to people that he doesn't he did this to one of our other friends who got a cabin near the specific area too it looks so Marvel Now broccoli must knock the s*** out of him not only did he hit on his wife he was rude well I'd watch being rude to these ones cuz their actual royalty they can have you executed just for calling him a b**** at least I gave you a warning oh and by the way we're not be cocky cuz you're about to be the real death dealer. Emmanuel warned them the one to just laughed in his face right as we heard footsteps. And they got quiet as soon as I realized so many actually was coming. I know some washing with extreme anticipation to see who actually walked out but as soon as my husband walked up they went as white as a sheet cuz they realize that he actually was a real death dealer and I mean like all the blood ran from their face like they were instantly terrified. Sorry honey this little jackass tried to tell me that he knew you I told him we'll concern that my husband's death dealer I would say so and it would s*** had enough nerve to tell me he knew you I asked Emmanuel I was like you got you her up and you know who the hell this is so I decided to put his money where his mouth is cuz I got tired of him giving me smack he literally was nothing off to me like how rude and then you told me excuse me cuz this is our property I'm so sorry honey I am just so pissed off from having to deal with so many people I've already kicked out almost five different groups of teens and a group of adults now adding these assholes they literally laughed in my face English returning in cuz I'm pretty sure laugh at my face means you get your tongue cut out." I said hey kiss me before looking at them.

Okay who gets an ass whooping first who's the a****** little after my wife's face and who's the a****** who said he knew me and was giving my wife smack.

We don't know what you're talking about

Oh you don't do you well we can either place the easy way or the hard way I could either beat the s*** out of you till you tell me or you could just tell me and I can beat the s*** out of them because for one you're a man a full grown ass man she is a young lovely lady you should be more f****** respectful than that I'm a 30 year old man I'm not afraid to beat your ass plus she is a mother of my children you really think I will not spell blood pressure any day of the week you name it and this is our property by the way a****** so whoever said that you can get the s*** out because I'm the one about it and by the way by tomorrow I am having worldwide her friends put up here with electrical because I am not going to have that s*** happening okay first of all y'all are drinking we have it children there for in 8 months we do not need y'all f****** staggering all over our property destroying it or break it into my f****** house or stealing my s*** you're strangers your new friend or family to me I don't want you on my property I mean you see the cops or in a body bag you pick because right now I am not in the mood in other words you get me smack I ain't going to talk back to you like my wife I'll just kill you honestly I'm just tired of dealing with crap so you choose.

What are for human.

Nice try Rogue I'm half wolf I can smell that you're a rogue you might not have a pack but you still smell like and not human by the way you lucky I don't kill you from just being a rogue because the fact that you were all broke and we're all Hunters we literally have the license to literally kill you and you can't do s*** about it cuz you're not registered you don't have a pack and on top of that the fact that y'all aren't bloodthirsty and out of control means that you all have been drinking blood that alone gives me the right to have all of your heads and trust me I mentioned to kill something so your choice I'm feeling a little considerate considering with my kids are in the house but you say it wrong word and I'm killing you. Because feeling blood is illegal cuz you know it's pure blood that you got to get not human that's illegal my husband said pulling out something that made them all nervous it was a signature weapon he liked to use he had a bad habit of using swords and his had a narly blade on it but he also had a silver whip which he can make catch on fire. They all abandon their it is not charging and their bonfire because they all took off running especially as soon as he let go of that whip letting the chain fall down they knew he met business they weren't going to stick around to find out. He walked the rest of the property with me just to make sure that he can handle anybody else that we would have to deal with since I dealt with the first. 

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