Chapter 12:

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We walked back up to the cabin.  Walked in through the back door and walked in. I walked over to the fireplace where my black duffel bag opening it. Pulling out my favorite bow and arrow, The Archangels made for me. The two Daggers one made by hades and and the other Loki. And lastly the laso. Which Gaia made me. Each deity hand crafted not only with a peice of themselves. Like there actual body like the Angels use their own feathers while Hades used the tip of one of his horns which he takes the most pride in to the fact that he was willing to give up such a precious piece of himself to make something for me is an honor. Gaia used a lock of her own hair so did Loki. As well as his own tears. Each piece was crafted and infused with a special power each one carefully crafted into the weapon so it had extraordinary immense power than the other woman on her pad because he can use the power of an actual God into a weapon each one was designed to signify each deity so they were also very extremely unique like my bow and arrow were decorated. While Hades dagger is decorated with the handle being made of his horn which was decorated dark red and black. Locus was made of the purest gold made in a special design he came up with himself it was very different but was exactly what I expect on the blade it was crazy with a Nordic design and a wolf to symbolize him cuz he always used wolves for his symbol for me. Even the handling especially designed to look very unique and very nordic the whole dagger was solid gold made of his armor. While the blade was made with his hair I'm sorry there was all kinds of carvings through it and they were very intricate and very detailed. Well guys was made to look like a vine kind of like how her hair looks like Vines of green leaves that look like hair kind of like a weeping willows branches how the leaves grow except these were made into spikes but it was very special because it didn't just serve as a night they might have a special surprise ability. All she told me is it will be revealed only when it is truly needed. I never got to use them so to be honest I don't even remember what they told me they're supposed to do since I never got to actually use it. " I  pulled them each out laying them in front of me. His father seemed very curious as he knelt in front of them. He reached his hand out about to touch one.

"I wouldn't do that for you those aren't normal weapons. Their design only work for me. Each one is handcrafted not only by themselves but with a piece of each of them each of my deity's took a piece in themselves a piece of their own body and it's infused with the actual powers of my actual Gods so I wouldn't play with that. I pretty much the weaponized version of my deities powers so they're not a toy so please be careful and be very very careful I don't care if you examine them just don't play with it okay sorry but I work where's Hunters first time I came one of them accidentally tried to play with one of them and yeah I had to stop him because of anybody else tries to use them they're made to have a different system as in because he tried playing with Hades and Dagger he was ingolf wasn't golfed in Flames from the underworld. The defense system they put on those things is no f****** joke they did it like that so if anybody would steal them they wouldn't get very far the defense system each of them designed into each one it'll kill them in the most horrifying way I can even activate them to set off their defense system in case if I'm not close enough cuz Nicholas say they don't use it they can still take a really steal it as long as the sheath. But they designed it to where I can literally be anywhere in the world and no matter where it is if I set it off it sets off the defense system and also sets off the locator so I can also come find it. Then the most precious thing I own so I do not use them unless necessary which obviously means I never use them at all yet luckily. The one day I hope to see what they can actually do I am quite curious." I don't let him go his hand allow him to actually pick it up he definitely needed my warning cuz he was very very careful when handling it.
When I noticed he was actually and examining the engraved design on my bow specifically the handle I hold on to when pulling the bow back he was examining the intricate design engraved designs that were made throughout the rest of the bowl. I'm in the bow so look absolutely Wicked never seen nothing like it." 

"Beautiful craftsmanship I'm sorry lol and cravings. And I am very fascinated with gods never met one but I've always been very fascinated. They're so different compared to you and I. I can't but be absolutely captivated by them I've read all their stories I know all their songs that I've never met one none of the witches I've ever met have a very agreed to show me but I also didn't know that that was considered disrespectful to ask I've only met a couple of witches and I've only got to watch them from afar. None of them dare work with my clan the wolf King hasn't had a witch working with the wolf Clan and over 100 years since the last one wolf King that did actually attacked the witch all them sworn off of working with us. So the walking is the only King was out of which until now I'm going to give the title of walking over to your husband he is my son and he is the rightful heir and since you are his wife. You'd be the first never hunters of years I mean it's been a 500 years since they swirl over working with those why do you think that all together clans look down on the wolf clan.

"They won't be able to after I take his side thank you you deserve it sorry but he's worked his ass off to earn a title I mean he is a royal either way you put it even if he doesn't believe the elves and that they obviously won't give him the title so he's an organized off to earn his own so he can claim his title as an actual royal. I mean he is requested to have a meeting with the council several times what they always keep on this man on him he even claimed that there was a real among his people just to get them to let him you know come in so he can convince them but he is worthy either title that he was denied they was giving it birth trust me nobody is more suitable ruler than somebody that already has had to be around you he runs over 550 members from our organization. And if I just how you're planning on playing it out luckily for you your clan would technically gain the most powerful witch on record because I am they only evaluated. I beat every witch Supreme they've ever had on record. A king is only as strong as the witch he works with. I said. As he handed me something i was surprised it was skeleton key on a necklace chain.

"Never lose that it's the key passed down to each wolf King it's the key to any and all knowledge, power and any information of files that are marked top secret that the wolf Kings looked away. But since our witch was who not only made and designed the the library as we call it casted a very powerful spell that made it only another witch. But they have to be the wolf Kings witch's  to be able to be even able to physically able to even able to just enter the room.  The library is the wolf Clans hugest asset to the wolf clan but we've been cut off from it since we haven't had a witch Richmond we've also been cut off to all of her assets and anything that might be a huge value and you know to save my clan because at this point was be honest the world plans for my shutting down it's pretty much going downhill since we lost our witch how they don't even take me like it's only a real anymore why do you think I live here otherwise I'd live for other Royals live I mean come on I mean it's the town where they throw all the rejects anything they don't want to deal with they just send them here. I'm not even called into the council meetings anymore the only time I'll be calling there is when I retire. Which I've been wanting to do as soon as possible anyways so I can join my dad at the council. Plus my son would definitely make problem honestly the best working on record looking at the past kings that were powerful were actually either power hunger  or greedy. Not to mention they were not nice or and we're not easy to work with for the other kings they pretty much played The Lone Wolf Road they never really got involved with other clans. The week runs like me well are pretty powerless and pretty pointless of keeping in that position to begin with the only thing that makes me stand out from other wolves is back that might work is a lot bigger. And from when I hear my dear isn't bigger than any reason you had on record but the catches you can't let him show his ears he has to hide his oh elf that's where you come in. You're going to have to put a spell on him to hide any of his elf characteristics. Can't show his marking he can show mine but not hers. Your job is to make sure his cover never gets blown. You were to do everything in your power to make sure that none of the council or other rules on that he's a a hybrid you can do what you got this."

"Oh well then he should be good I have a spell put on where if anybody knows that he's half health and half wolf they can't physically say right or in any way tell anyone else that he is a hybrid" I said, kiss my head. "That's my girl." I slipped the necklace chain with the skeleton key around my neck.  When the chair changed the skeleton key to a cute witches pendant a tree of life with the protection nots in the middle of its branches on a circle sterleing silver pendant. With the chain changed into a thick strong spiral sterleing silver braided chain that changed into a choker which hugger the base of my neck it was a perfect fit. The clasp disappeared. Because once it's only I'm the only one who can activate it making it Change back into its normal chain and skeleton key. I absolutely love the protection pendant. It was absolutely love it. I hugged him.

"I'm honored father that you trust me enough to give me such an important crucial position. I promise I'll do my absolutely everything in my power to do anything and everything I can to not let you down. I will use my full potential to your disposal.  I can start immediately I can start before you give the throne to my husband. I've never actually got to actually to use my actual position. As a witch or I was supposed to take that position when my husband hired me. But due to how impressive I was as a hunter he took me as he partner. And since he never finalized me as Pandoras personal witch. I was never acknowledged me as the hybrids witch. Since I have to have the council's approved to take the position since any witches assigned to any King or Clan the council has to approve of and sign off on their request. For that position. They never even got a rejection paper. Which later I found out that as soon seen the request letter came from Pandora on the envelope the letter in they didn't even open. The envelopes they just threw it in the trash. I sent another and they burned it. I'm so happy I they don't reject this request If we pull this off. You know we'll be changing history." I said, he nodded.

"We need that sort of change in our world to make a better future for the little ones. I want to give them the best chances of survival and to grow up happy. Now do try to keep the fact that he's your husband. Like you can wear your wedding ring and that your married. So can he just don't tell them it's him." He said, we nodded.

"Thank you." He said, as I went to reach for my bow and arrow to put them away before my Phoenix Flair flew in squawking loud. I smiled quickly equipping my special weapons instead of my normal one.

"She only does that when somethings coming something big. Last time she went off like that she lead up to a really nasty roudge crypid."  My husband said as I crack the cabin door to see a nail black in the sky crackling with Thunder  and lightning when I ran out trying to see what came through I noticed that whatever she was squawking at actually came through the altar of the spirit realm that was on the property. Which meant whatever this was was coming from the other dimension. When I heard heard a weird roar wasn't similar to any animals but I knew what made that noise and as soon as I heard it. I ran back over strapping on the rest of my special weapons meaning my daggers because I didn't have them strapped to me yet.

"We got to hurry up something came through that door from the Spirit Realm the one that's on the property remember I showed you see this is specifically what I wanted this now time to put it to the test and see if I get my money's worth back I did it like that so I could capture a another familiar but I'm on a really strong one and I mean something big something that can do some real big damage not that my Phoenix can't she is very powerful but don't know I want another one one that I can actually take in a bottle like I can take her in a bottle but she's she hasn't been on the battlefield and then I want I don't even need you on numbers how to fight and honestly I only pull her out for the big stuff because of the fact that Phoenix says have the power to destroy everything and create it into a new her powers to destructive it's fire it literally turns anything or everything into an Inferno closer fire is very hard to control so I want something that is you store I want something red is dangerous  Unstoppable I want something that I can take into Battlefield without me no survivors but also not you know turn the entire planet in to Ash. she can't control her since she's not going to actually fighting physically because if she's physically I think she's only good for short confrontations long-term battle she's no good for and he energy easily gets drained. But that's also because of how old she is she's the oldest living familiar. Old girl ain't built for battle anymore. I carefully calculated and study each one of the doors to never dimensions to find out what creatures they hold and I said bait bait testing when I could catch so when I go to lure something and I know exactly what I'm going in." I said before taking off all the door my husband handed our children over too his sister and her mate before taking off following me out the door realizing that I put a barrier up around her property he didn't know that had all this planned you just knew that I wanted the property he didn't know why though. See every time something from one of the other dimensions over the Spirit Room comes through the authority of the non-human's automatically shows up to deal with it or stop it from coming through so I set a trap before they even had a chance to. But some last names are somehow it's going to cast me so and got through my barrier because when I got to the door there were a couple of officers already there surveying what was going on because I'm the outside of the door which is where I set my date there was a really huge trap a huge net a huge special type of net. They were trying to figure out what the heck then that was there for till I jumped on the net. They were with a very powerful Aristocrat though that was a member of the council he was their scientific researcher on the cabin everything that was from the different realms.

"I'd suggest I'd stand back if I were you. Sir Arch duke." My husband's father said warning. I turned back looking at him not realizing that you followed us. Luckily his elf features were disguise as wolf. Already because I had already cast in the snow on him toward he looked like normal unless he removed the cloaking spell I used to make his genetic features look like his wolf. As my husband ran up to his side.

"Cain. what are you doing here?" The Aristocrat asked. "I could ask you the same thing Luther. That you weren't supposed to trespass with that it's a Royals permission you didn't ask them the one that owns this land is actually a royal and that that net is hers she's trying to catch her familiar and your earned your interfering she can technically report you for that did you get the one you wanted darling." He yelled as my husband got to the ledge as I pulled out a tranquilizer and I traded my husband for the syringe with them medicine to wake it up. "It's the same size as a baby sperm whale. So by my calculations if it's the one I'm aiming for It's a baby.  So it's probably only a couple years old. That's good that's what I was aiming for. Np would the poor baby isnt giving me hell. It may grow up to be the most vicious violent aggressive  destructive creature to ever be created by God but they also have enough side. They the most loving gentle playful creatures when their juveniles. Their also the best parents when they have offspring. They're also like me and you are towards their soul partners. They mate for life. Can you guess what it is." I asked.

"I can't quite tell yet either .it's got it's spotted curls up in such a way I can't find its head. But with my calculations with how big this thing looks I'm thinking it is but if it is it's just a juvenile too small to be an adult the one that I may move for when it's fully grown let's just say is to hear the largest cra. Can you guess I'm aiml find out once I wake it up. Come help me hu....handsome" I said, asking my husband climbed down at taking his shirt off now that only his father's marking were the only ones that were visible. He carefully made his way over to me I stretched my hand as he took it helping him walk over to me. His tumbled whenever it started to stir to the point where you ended up falling into me hands of excellent wrapping his arms around me. And we ended up with her faces on the inches from each other and even though it was damn tempting I mean we couldn't share kisses in front of them. No matter how much we want to. It was hard for us to act like we're not a couple especially since we're so in love with each other. It was torment not to be openly affectionate. But we managed to restrain our selves before gave the shot to make it fully wake up. Since it was fighting so hard against the tranquilizer. Then my husband called his knuckles already ending it to me and touched it making my energy go start activating it. I make my husband carry it sometimes it's actually a very special whistle that I made with guy is she made it for me kind of the same way that she made her weapon for me she used a piece of herself. It's very powerful when it's played especially when it's played correctly it comes to endless angry at least but what it does it puts any living creature no matter how powerful or how far it is under my control music I play hypnotizes them under my control and only I can release them from home set control but it can also be used to soothe their anger and raised messages as long as you play you can only really make them do whatever you want but when it does is the frequency of it is that such a level that even enters the mission of being served for goodbye it because it looks all vibrations at such a frequency that one any living creature hears it it has to do something with their soul it vibrates their soul at such a frequency that it can break any negative or any harmful or eventual feelings they might have in other words you can simply make the mad as be happy especially just playing it it pretty much like it's pretty serotonin for any living creature but it's different than fair tournament at the same time cuz it's way more immense like it cuz it actually like how extra actual soul because your soul is what vibrates the frequency of energy that you give off work to take in and vibrations are very fragile because they can affect the swollen so many ways one wrong vibration and you can totally shatter a soul the Red Revolution and you can attract any. You just got into the right frequency we'll see you soon as you can be used for that sort of good it can also be used for that sort of bad too I can use it hurt a soul as well as fix one see I can run off of every vibrations I want with that whistle well it's actually more this week and very special flute it's not like normal place like it's not built like let me know what I mean then it does not look like a flute at all it doesn't look like an Indian also either I don't know what it looks like it we're always doing my mother made me honestly I'm not sure of what those carvings are I've never seen them in none of the books I've read either. As well officers that came up to our Duke of yelling at me to get down before I took off my couch throwing it down and they say my markings and immediately started changing their tune they went from cussing at me and using very verbal words as in not nice but as soon as they see my markings they started talking to me in a much gentler town and started using much more persuasive words. Like trying to sweet talk me and calling me honey. Trying their best to persuade me to get down and let them deal with it. I played it making it settle down.

Ain't no way I'm going to give you my prize I worked way too hard to find one of these you ain't taking it how's you're going to do is kill it I want to tame it making my familiar and then raise it to to its full potential by earning its trust in making it loyal to me. So shoe unless you're gonna help and by that I mean get the net off. I said throwing my son had to decide as long white hair dripped down the Archduke speechless was when you seen when I was a Charmed."

Oh my God I should have known you were Charmed you turned are so damn stubborn and you're always doing crazy s*** worked was enough of your relatives to know that can you go help her before she hurts herself." He said as the nodded cutting the net open before I grab one side of my husband grab the other and we just ripped it all the way open. It stayed coiled wrapped up around his own body.

"No cross your fingers Moment of Truth when it looks up its head will know what it is." I said excitedly, I play a tune that made it lift up its head I smiled when I've I assume that it wasn't a dragon's head with a giant surfing I immediately exactly what this was he had his Nick fanned out like a giant king cobra except his scales were really rough and jaggered like honestly like something that you're trying on a dinosaur. The Duke was horrified he knew what this was too.

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