Chapter 13:

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"Oh gods please tell me you did not just summon a freaking Leviathan. There's a reason they don't come from this Dimension honey it's because they're destructive I mean do you know how destructive those creatures are and the only thing I can kill them is God literal God not a God the god." He spouted angrily. As I rum ditched him and just started nuzzling up to me.

"Yeah I know this I actually asked that guy before I even did it and I told him I wasn't actually intentionally trying to get one but in case if I did I was actually aiming for a dragon like you but I got a little bit more lucky and you're just lucky it's a baby dude when these things are fully grown they're about as big as a freaking Megalodon actually they're bigger than that there's why there's only one born at a time. And only after the original one dies and believe it or not they're like the most sweetest creatures when they're babies they're like the manatee. But when they become older they just become a really aggressive and hateful and destructive and as long as I raise it with love and affection it shouldn't end up that way. Besides since it's a baby had already imprinted on me so you're screwed either way. Ain't that right Goliath." I said kissing its head you just stared at me like he was dumbfounded.

"Oh great she named it. Well looks like it's here to stay might as well tag it you better get that thing vaccinated ASAP. Seriously who is this witch that can tame a Leviathan. How am I going to explain this one to the cousil." He said leviathans were the only creature that literally had no diseases or nothing other than God's.

"Nice like that name. You think they'd believe you. Your hilarious they'll think your making it up." My husband said, laughing at the Duke. Who was not amused.

"Yo know it's my job to keep record. Of everything ocures during my investigation my job is research and document everything that has to do with the doors and creatures from the other realms. The council has watch over, operate, and keep all the officers in line Sotheby's had someone the trust running their new project which is controlling everything that goes in or comes out of the different dimensions. But you obviously are much more aware of the function and how these portals work. So I hope you know we'll be in touch. Well since your technically aren't in any danger so I can leave but I will be keeping in touch." He said, before leaving when I pulled out my phone and made a call. After I coxed my Leviathan out of the his own body was pretty big I mean I had a rough estimate he was aboutthe size of a small sperm whale always said today or at least that's what I thought when I seen him curls up but now that he was so extended they could actually say he was actually a lot bigger than that and I noticed that the more comfortable I made him the bigger he was getting that's when I realized this little shit could control his size as in he can control how big his body is she means honestly I probably had a full grown one and didn't even know it and after a couple of other rubs it I realized I was completely right he was fully grown but I can easily tell if this was a male cuz he had a hood like a king cobra females don't have those. Plus the males are bigger. He was so friendly and loveable hard to imagine he was wild with how he behaved as if he was raised in domestication. Like someone raised him from a babywith lot of love. As long as their raised with love even the most dangerous and aggressive creature can turn into your best asset their not afraid to return the favor of the kindness you show them ten fold. That's when I had the realization that it was raised by someone when I noticed a collar on it made of crystal when I noticed it even had a freaking gift tag tied on with a ribbon. I snatched it off and opened it. My husband laughed, hasaricaly when he read what it said, over my shoulder.

"Seriously God! Hope you like the little present I left you. Take good care of him I made him specifically for you. Lots of love God. Seriously that man has such a weird sense of humor. But good one." I said, and I heard the sky crackle with his laugher as he laughed. My husband couldn't help but laugh along with him. I shook my head. As Goliath nudged me. I chuckled petting his head before. I slipped a rope over his head so I could use it as a lead to direct him where I wanted to take him. I lead him to the small pond in the front yard. He adjust his size and slithered in before calling a special vet that I found for Flair when she injured her wing. Even after she was healed, she would have me bring her in for annual check up. Because she absolutely loved her. His assistant patch my call to the doctor when I told him it was me.

"Hey hun long time no see what can I do you for?" She said, cheerful. "Hey Dr. Yang do you still do tags on mythical creatures like you did with Flair." I asked. "Yes. Yours are my only patients that are though. So I don't do it for the general population." She exclaimed. "So I can still bring mine to you. Your the only one I trust with my familiars speaking of which that's why Im calling I got a new one. I need him tag, vaccinated and examined. Can you do it." I asked. "Of course my clinic is always open to you. Can you come tomorrow morning so we can get him in as soon as possible I know how the council is if you don't have your familiars arent registered." She said. I agreed after she confirmed my appointment. Then I hung up. We went in a got ready to call it a night. We went to bed.

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