Chapter 14:

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I got up got up getting ready after showering with my husband. After dressing in skinny jeans and my favorite shirt. Then we all had breakfast. I finished first because I didn't want to be late. I kissed my children and husband. Then hugged Daffodil. Before grabbing my purse car key for the truck because it had trailer hooked up the bad. Because a horse trailer was the only thing we had to transport our pets. My husband had some wolf dogs he took great pride in. He decided to keep them at the cabin.

"Don't forget to take care of your dogs remember their in their crates in the basement." I said, before walking out the door I pulled out my flute and played making Goliath lift his body out of the water.

"Hey handsome. Good morning my handsome boy. You ready?" I said, as he yawned cutely. And I opened the trailer gate and he climbed right in and I shut the gate. Then got in the driver seat and drove to the clinic which was a bit I was awake considering that it was the clinics that I just found that would take in well mythological creatures. But as soon as I got there I walked in and she gave me a Hug. She had been waiting for me at the front desk. "Hey there now there's our new little patience." She asked looking around me. Looking for him when I noticed the same man that's here every time that I seem to be here or schedule an appointment. Luke which is actually the vet very close friend. He was the one that worked on fire time whenever she broke it he's sometimes acts. As a substitute assistant and never heard is not available. I brought her in the first time whenever she broke her when and he was so was helping with her he was low-key kind of flirting but I just ignored it early as I thought so but obviously didn't work with him I show up here he shows up and seems to know exactly what time I'm going to be here of course my main bed has never actually met my husband. So she actually doesn't even know that I'm married but I actually became friends in my bed and I do talk to her normally I even talked to her outside of her pet clinic which honestly is why I think that she's trying to shock me up with her friend better because she thinks that like him which I've gave them no reason to think that. But she never seems to correct him or put down. A boundary anytime that she knows that he is crossing one. Which is why I made a point to wear my wedding ring today. I don't wear it when I'm hunting. I actually just put it on my neck on a chain. Well each time I had to bring her before it was right after I went hunting so I didn't have enough time to let you know spruce up but three part is that you never actually talks to me he just stares at me or like watches me from his phone or a magazine. Kind of cursed me out but she tells me he's just shy so I just ignore it. See I never cared nor pay attention to him because of the fact that I'm obviously a married woman so I don't know why they thought I liked him but I got that just after last time I came she texting me making a little comment about how I always come there to see him specifically. I never replied back but I didn't make a point to make a comment.

"Well the little fellas outside. Yeah yesterday I was off work so I actually had time to bring him in." I said pointing my finger of my shoulder making sure she got a little glance. At my ring she looked really awkward when she realized I was wearing a ring and she instantly gave him a raised eye  brow look. Before grabbing my arm and leading me out the door pulling me close to her.

"Girl when were you going to tell me you were married?" She whispered. I thought that mean not being interested in your friend was kind of a hint enough likeable girl and interesting they want to flirt with their obviously and she brushes them off like I do it's obviously because they got a man at home and that happens have three kids of me so yeah no I'm definitely married happily thank you my husband's working amazing and he trades me like a queen. Maybe not cross that boundary when you notice that your friends not kind of leaning into it I mean cuz I gave you every idea that I was not interested y'all just didn't take my social cues like for one I'm friendly I'm not flirty can't see how you got those two mixed up. And trust me honey if you met my husband you would no for a damn fact that I got me a STUDD." I said pulling up my friend is showing her a picture of my husband her jaw just dropped. "Okay touche he is very freaking handsome and damn. I get it I'll be careful too he's got a nice body." She said when I realized I accidentally sure to the picture that you sent me of him shirtless where he was flexing. I fumbled with my phone I realized which picture I showed her she just laughed. Hey it's okay honey I'll be showing that too. Damn and your married to him him and my husband got to go together to the gym sometime I can't get him to find any guy friends he wants to hang with that isn't female he grew up with all women no men involved in his life growing up. He grew up with all women so all his friends where women. I only got him to hang out with men his close to his age and when I picked him up after he said, I'm okay with some dating your friends and I'm okay with them being around us but I'm not comfortable. With us hanging out alone I don't like how the talk about women I didn't like what they were saying about their girlfriends. No one should treat a lady like that especially one they love.' He was genuinely upset by something they said or did. But I've heard the non human or a lot nicer to their women." She said as we walked out.

"Oh he does he treats me like I'm the center of his world. We cherish each other and I met to show you this one. Sorry the one I showed you was only supposed to be for my eyes only." I said, she her a cute picture of me and him. He had one arm around me. She laughed.

"That's cute still like the other one better." She teased, making me fluster. When I noticed another horse trailer pull up. Zane a farmer that lived nearby that I helped the vet with his cattle more then once. He was also quiet smitten with me and always tried to come everytime I was helping her or was coming in for an appointment. He was a cute Southern boy from Texas with a thick southern accent. And by cute I mean keep for a human and by that I mean I was way out of his ledge. He proceeded to walk everyone brush my hair back making sure that you seen my ring. He dead stopped in his track.

"I didn't know you were married congratulations. Sorry I didn't know that you were engaged.

"Actually I've been married for 5 years and I'm married to my best friend in love with my life so. That's pretty good we got three kids. We cherish eachother. I just don't wear my ring during work why when you send me I wasn't wearing it because I was working those days and that's what I work with it's just better if I don't wear it. I'm off today. So what brings you hear things by the way do you have any rope on you cowboy." I asked, he nodded told me it's hot at me before I went back to his truck and pulling some out running back over here next to me.

"One without a horse holster on it. He just bite through it. I'm bringing in my newest familiar to get a checkup, vaccinated and to get tagged." I said, he held his hand up.

"Wait since it's a mythological beast. Can I get mine out first so they don't get spooked." He asked, I nodded and I set it in the passage seat. But left the door open and walked over.

"Need any help?" I asked when I noticed whatever he had in the back was snorting and stomping its feet angerly. And the closer he got started kicking the trailer door. Which that's when I noticed the more worked up it got the more it stared getting mine worked up. Because mine started trashing around in my horse trailer to the point where mine was rocking the whole trailer. Making them nervous till. I pulled out my flute and started playing it calming both mine and his. He just let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God your a witch. I swear I keep forgetting your not human. But at time like this I'm glad your not want to help me get out this little miss sassy. She's being a drama queen." He asked, unlocking his trailer. We opened the door to expose not normal cattle. Like I was expecting and then that's when it may pull social why am I familiar with reacting to it he had a freaking unicorn in the back of his horse trailer.

"Surprise this is why I came when you were here. I found somebody trying to sell it illegally and a horse auction they didn't notice what it was locally but I did. Cuz you showed me. How to tell if not that man or probably not sold it. They were trying to sell it to a slaughterhouse. Luckily I was able to when the auction. But then I tried to work and with it I figured it'd be a good way to impress you that's also before any were married. Which I respect. But the more I tried to work with it the more I realized how impossible it was for me to even try. So I was planning on giving it to you." He said, as he whistled, grabbing the lead he already had on it. As he pulled her out she started charging when I got infront of her, arms out stretched and blowing on my flute making her stop. My flute fell onto my cheat since the necklace it was attached to. I started singing to her in our native language. Since mythological creatures, Cryptids, and dietys can universally speak our language. She gradually started slowing her breathing down. As her body started to relax as she even started lowering her head. I slowly and gently brought my hand up to her face. She grunted, but I stayed completely calm and emanated an angelic energy to  soothe her restless spirit making her close her eyes and pushing her nose against my hand hesitately. I smiled petting her. She nuzzled me I gave her a hug and within a split second. She turned from vicious miss sassy butt to wanting lovens, snuggles, kisses, and talked to in a baby voice. Like how you talk to a young child. She refused to let me go she even grabbed the back of my shirt when tried walking away. I laughed. As I heard a man say. "Well I'll be. What the heck kinda sorcery is that." When I looked up realizing it was Zanes older brother. I waved at him. He snickered waving back.

"This is Aradia. The friend I told you about told you. Told you she's something else and she would be a perfect fit." Zane said.

"Ya she is really something else. Good thing she's married. Dad will be happy you didn't ask." His brother made a point to say. 'Oh great one those.' I thought to myself rolling my eyes. He noticed and got out. Walking back to us.

"I meant no disrespect mama. It's ju..." He started when I cut him off."Just that he's a normal citizen. While we not even the same species and its not natural for a normal human. Blah blah, you do realize genetically I'm still human scifically I'm just blessed, gifted, by the Gods, the planet and by any forces on this Earth that are considered devine. To to do literally anything including alter the world space and time. As well as any aspect of my life that I want differently. Including changing the world in any way that I feel fit I'm also blessed with a man's power to do anything and go beyond anyone's expectations or comprehensions so yeah I am different but genetically I am human although they're not humans are not but witch is our. That is one thing that says this apart from any other non-human we're just linked in that same category because the fact that we are immortal as in after a certain time we don't grow. And we also have a non-human appearance so I what suggest watching your prejudices. Besides sometimes having a really strong one of those as a friend especially when you guys are supposed to cuz you I'm up insulted in someone in my position and I have a big crime. And for the information my husband is hybrid pure blood so I take offense to this have comments. Because they're on my children and I love them dearly." I said, sternly. Making sure he knew he had over stepped. He bowed his head apologetically. I let it go and walked over to my horse trailer. Hitting the door making sure he heard me.

"Okay Goliath. You ready to come out my handsome by boy. I want to be careful he's kind of really big you're about to see something that only one of them exist at a time so they're extremely rare and they're the most powerful creature. That exist you can only be killed by one person and it comes from a different dimension. So this might be your only chance to see one in person and trust me they're magnificent." I said, the vet excitedly. Waited for me to ask her to guess which one it was. She see she friends little beast absolutely fascinating. So she does ask me a lot of questions about them and about us of course. "DRAGON." She practically yelled. "No" "chimera." "Nope give up yet." I asked. She nodded in defeat she was so disappointed that she cut them all wrong she was so sure of herself. I opened to back gate.

"I'll give you a hint it's a type of servant what's the biggest creature 'god' ever created. Zane you should know this one your my mother was strong in her faith and it's in the bible." I said, he just stated at so did his brother.

"Goliath is a leithan you know giant pherfant. Only the god can kill it." I spouted out and one looked dumbfounded and the other was frozen to where he speak. As Goliath quietly he out over to me while I was distracted looking at them. I didn't notice till I felt something lay against my chest. When I looked down to see him laying his head on my chest. As he did the most adorable thing ever. He smiled and flicked his tongue licking my face. Then started snuggling against me. Rubbing his head all over me. When I hugged him as he grew his body to the size of a sperm whale. His full grow size is 300 miles length. The vet gasped.

"Did he just grow." She questioned. "Ya he change his size he's actually full grown. His actual size is 300 miles length so this ain't even close to how big he actually is." I said, noticing a little girl watching with a fourteen year old. They were blocking him from  walking over. When I look through my third eye I can see people's tomorrow and any entities that are attached to their souls. His arura was rainbow and I noticed and Angel hanging around him it's was Ariel an arch she is the one that has the power of closing a suitable soul out of the ones are ready. Be ready to be reborn into a new physical body. And she make plants grew. Pants living things too so when they technically have a soul. They can feel love and hate because if you ever noticed if you talk to a plant and you shot lots of love it grows and flourishes if you neglect it and treat it badly it wilts and dies.

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