Chapter 15:

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When something caught my attention. The boy was holding something in his hands. I heard Michael start hysterically cracking up laughing. I told her not to tease that boy with that dang chipmunk . Ariel can talk to animals and plants and had a very strong relationship with them. Now I understood why she was staring at me she wanted me to get him to let go.

"Hey what do you think you're doing get away from my k... oh my God what is he holding in his hand as it alive?" His mother stretched. As the dad walked out.

" it's okay promise that's the only reason I walked over I'm a mother too I'll never hurt a kid I have three my guess is in his Guardian Angels playing with him realizing that he was on the Spectrum. Ariels harmless she'd an arch angel she's the Archangel of creation so she can't control pants and animals she's also almost every soul and they're in your body when their reincarnated she seems starting and likeing to your son. She must had be playing with I'm using a chipmunk and he grabbed it my guess is it startled her and she didn't know what to do she can't communicate with him she can only communicate with them so sorry she probably had to kind of get my attention cuz I can see her she's standing behind him." I said, throwing some dust out of my hand to show her silhouette to his mother. She looked like she seen a ghost. Till I touched he arm. Making her fully body visible. But he physical body only stayed materialized for as long as I'm touching her. I could 've just made her just visible. But I went the extra mile. So they could see that she's just. As real as we are just because shes from different dimension doesn't mean anything. Their still jusy as much alive as me or you. As soon as the boy seen her he freaked out and hugged her. I could tell by his mother's expression she wanted him to hug. I knew it's probably cuz he wouldn't let her a lot of artistic kids don't like hugs. Or physical affection.

"I told you she was real you didn't I. Told you i wasnt making it up. I knew your weren't just my imagination. They all called me a lier. All I wanted to do was ask them if you could play with us. Mom said, your just an  imaginary friend. My friends even quiet playing with me because I always asked for you to join." The boy clung to her waist. Ariel wrapped  her arms around him. Picking him up Even. When she noticed she was  still visible and still able to physically interact with him. She looked down and realized why I slipped a special bracelet that makes her body physically materialize. Even without us making physically contact. And all she to do to was take it off when she wants to.

"Now you can see and play her as much as you want even if I'm not there just remember not to lose that bracelet and I also did something to wear anytime that you look through a mirror if you're wearing the bracelet yourself you'll be able to see her. She's not an imaginary friend my dear she is very real she's just remembered to mention she's a deity." I said, he hugged me.

"Really as long as i put the bracelet on her. Thank you so much I want so she wouldn't disappear will she. What's a deity? Is it rude if I ask what you are and how you know. And what's that it's wicked cool looking." He said, I laughed ruffling his hair.

"Gaia, Micheal a little help here would be nice instead of just laughing at me he's got too many questions I can't answer quick enough and my God I can hear you laughing get over here. And the mother your best to explain the stuff to children." I said, manifesting them both physical bodies. They all jumped back when they appeared beside me.

"Relax mother's here to help you know that. Sorry little man you got her  scramble brained. If you ask her too many questions at once and she doesn't have enough time to answer cuz that's good everyone so much to the point where she is dizzy. Forgive my daughter she's not going to take it on her feet and her children aren't that old yet so she ain't used to answer all the questions remember your first question no she will not disappear even if he can't see her we're always there it's like her honey I am a deity. But I am a much older one and I'm like them I'm a goddess not an angel there are angels genomics and gods I'm a God I'm a Titan and I'm Greek I'm Hades and the science grandmother you know from Greek legend Zeus. Poseidon God of the sea. I'm actually the oldest living gods. I am gay I'm a mother earth I am mother of all I am mother of Titans, I am mother of Gods. I'm also mother of giant and ones they call monster. They are all my children. You get it now I am Earth what your standing on everything around is my. And my lovely queen over here she's a witch a very powerful one. It's okay cuz she's a friendly witch your hair is white that means she's a white witch I mean she's good. I like dark witch means that she would be bad. She can use Magic and I like potions and spells. Witches also work with various gods and goddesses. Angels like micheal and yours. They're both Guardian Angels which means that are angels okay if you've ever heard of the Bible anything about it you'll know there's Me an Angel that's always called her angel Michael he's the one that protects you the one that face Lucifer. That's him get it or do I need to break it down more cutie." She asked I thought she was mainly mentioning stuff that she knew he wouldn't know about like this before and stuff like he was familiar with. He nodded showing her a book he was reading on Greek stories and the one he was asking when was not Zeus but Gaia. She just smiled.

" wait did I get you right I can never say that name wrong either and she had no clue which God they were talking about and she said she never heard of her."

"Yes well that's me you got it right and not a lot of people do actually now I'm not being very white new one because I'm so old I'm the very first Greek God technically. So good job buddy wow you're a smart little cookie. Nice job Mom and dad. Hi honey depressed especially since he does such a good job in front of wait a minute is that the Leviathan seriously Aradia Evangeline Charmed you did not seriously just bring a leviathan and as a familiar oh my God. In the big man upstairs what to get away with that. Is he sick." Mother said, stopping in the middle of what she was saying. when she looked over and seen my leithan just chilling. Because she watched we walk over to him I just drive through petting his head two older Islands during wrestling and snuggling up against me.

" I swear to how do you divide All Odds every time I think you're into one thing you do to complete office I thought you were going to be crazy and go after a dragon I thought that was nuts Benny grabbed her freaking Leviathan of all things.  But I might want to ask how the heck you have that thing so domesticated already. Wait a minute that ain't a baby that is not a baby a baby would make sense because they do tend to be more gentle but that's a foreign as adult how the hell am I going to ask why is this so nice. Their so violent and aggressive. to even go after us gods with no hesitation. we're not even safe it's only one specific god can kill it. Trust me I've had to fight one before they are vicious like they're not problem is powerful I need to ever created for nothing and that includes comets literally go ahead to head with God's no flinch it's even taking a couple of us out before. So why in how does the start of my morning only you. I love you but sometimes you are too bad shape crazy like what on Earth possessed you to do this one. The guy and the oldest living Titan and then the planet itself and I won't even mess with one if I have a say in it. And of all things you had to bring home an adult thinking of other than decides to eat you for dinner I am not saving you. I love you but sorry you're on your own that one the last one you just took me off the census. Like they're coming bear really called the most strongest indestructive creature ever created that like I said that includes God's honey. I swear sometimes you scare me." Gaia said, I could tell she was wirried. When I could hear a loud boming voice that only we could hear. But I could who's voice it was right away. " relax my dear brother I promise time date that one to her. It's trained and I raised it myself. What's that one saying somebody used to preach to me all the time. If you show patience kindness. But above all else make sure to give love. Because love is the most powerful thing. More powerful than a human could ever comprehend because love is the only thing I can turn something evil into something good leithans are marked as inheritantly evil. Everyone says they're born with it in their veins and programmed and set into their brains at Birth. They were even claimed to never be able to show any emotions such as love for kindness. So decided test my own Theory. I found out the most evil creature ever made something that I built literally to be able to destroy the literal planet I taught to love. So Gaia you lost in bet remember you in all the other gods bet that I wouldn't be able to find her the perfect familiar we all said I wouldn't be able to find her a perfect companion I said challenge accepted. Victory is mine. I mean none of you can beat that I've lost every single time to your mother literally up until now cuz I decided to play dirty last time she played dirty so this time I played dirty I never she feels about Leviathans and i know that they freak her out. By the way I like his name Goliath I definitely like that it fits him  perfect. I no I pick the right daughter for the job you always or whenever achiever whenever it comes down to my little Easter eggs I give you. I actually was not expecting you to accept the challenge of taking him on as a familiar. But you accepted him as a familiar question. And said that this is why you're my favorite daughter to challenge can you always meet me head on and Never Back Down. My other children are very cautious of me in the very questioning. You accept it without even asking any questions. This is why you're my favorite witch to work with. But I hate that I got to meet with every God that wants to work with you though I'm not the only one that sees how extraordinary you are which makes me wonder why the rest of the world can't see it I mean I know that I won't give you how much you can deal with but I do think I did overcome with you though as for one you're the most ordinary creation I've created and I don't even get to know about it unless it's other gods. No fair and when I get to brag I'm not going to make it to brag because I'm not the only one working with you. I don't like share my gold mine that you but it can't be helped you are a witch you are going to have more one that you talk to. But I do wish you would call me more often that's why I talk so much when I do see you I don't get to see you that often and you hardly ever call on me unless you know it's actually legitimately just talk cuz you do make sure you talk to me at least once a week. And keep me update from what's going on in your life. But you have come see me sometime. Or have you come see you see you can I know it's hard not with my busy schedule. I promise I will make time."

"Yeah I know father you practically raised me you know I respect you and I love you no matter what and besides we both have busy schedule it's kind of hard for either one of us to make time. Your the most worship God. So you're busy performing Miracles and listening to prayers and lending your hands to those who need it.  I'm in your power to those in need. Trust me I get it you have many people praying to you in that much energy you're expanding all the time you get exhausted that I don't bother you back. But you and guy did pretty much raise me as both your daughter. Since my biological parents through me away as soon as I was born. Disappointed where nobody in my family knows that I was born organized my name. Let alone knows I'm still alive to my foster parents were neglected would be someone never there. Thank you in the nanny That was supposed to be watching me everyday didn't even know my name she's been with me for the past 20 years. Still to this day does not in my actual name not even my nickname. I want acknowledged me as a daughter except to God's do you know how crappy that feels. The person from your dimension or your own parents want you pick up a God to different gods not even from the same origin decide to team up and raise you I got hella lucky. That you both decided to take me in. Teach, train, and discipline me the proper skills about you perform each one of my positions and so much more and go beyond when I'm supposed to be able to do and handle. You want as far as to nurture and even went as far as to love and cherish, and gently raised me as if I was literally biological daughter I'm not in the same species or from the same dimension you didn't want that stop you from acting as the Parental Guidance and support you made sure to teach me everything and how to do everything so I knew how to take care of myself in the real world cuz you need the real world is not going to be a gentle as you both tried to be. And you know that regardless of our status or whatever cuz you know I'm great you know he's from a different background entirely in another way like a mommy and daddy are but that doesn't mean that we are going to damn treat you like Mommy and Daddy would treat their daughter. We treat you no different and we're both aren't technically parents so we know how to lose a kid. And that's an interesting because I literally and the mother of all. But I'm glad he helped me with you because not going to lie you are pain in the butt like you don't know how many times you call me off guard and baby on my expectations or did something that I wasn't expecting you to do. And I needed having a second pair of hands is pretty dad on handy. I need to remind me like yes for friends and being at home Mommy and Daddy's relationship normally are they your parent dynamic a little bit cuz your parents aren't too gave birth to you nor are they a couple that talk you in I can get what I'm saying like normal parents are normally together me and him were more like family more like relatives we argue and I'm in blood relatives not the other way but you didn't want that to turn how you picked up partner or treated your partner we're confused you on how marriage works at all when you get the point make no matter how confusing your childhood was and your growing up was a lot different from everybody else's but did you feel that it's her with me and treat you as a person no which I'd like you know we are very proud of you for that. We're very proud of the woman, wife, and mother that you molded yourself out to be. You are the perfect image of whatever woman should probably aim for a doting loving mom, amazing Wife, excellent in combat perfect warrior, in this sounding Queen trust me we couldn't have asked for you to grow up any better. Your accomplishing fee so we never expected to do you're going further than we ever anticipated you have no idea how proud of you and we just want you to know that so you stop hesitating sometimes I do know that you do have a bad habit of second guessing yourself. But you've come a long way since then and you notice it since you quit so I can guess in yourself and you're doing a lot better. But we just want to know that you're not just our champion you are our pride and joy we take great pride in the fact that we raised you. Especially since you turned out the way you did." Gaia said, I hugged her kiss energy cuz she was always like a mother to me and I mean like a real mother like yeah they were not the married couple that gave birth to me but I didn't stop them any less like a daughter. When I looked over and see one of them was a camera of course that's because I didn't realize the woman's address exam was actually the news lady and she was there actually I'm doing an interview with the clinic owner they were shooting a shot for the news Hospital which meant that they comment not only the whole entire thing on camera they caught me by then on camera and they live airing it I decided to close my eyes.

"I was trying to distract you from noticing that I noticed earlier by accident and when I did I was like oh s*** but too late now that kind of already caught all that on camera. So we're going to be my broadcast you might as well do it right right might as well give him a nice show. Do you know the council is going to have a field day when they realize that you have a leviathan. Know that you're biological parents are probably going to see this and that's going to be awkward cuz are you going to explain the daughter that you thought was weekend powerless is actually the most powerful one of all they're going to want you back in a two second split. Personally find out so your husband is and that you have kids then they're definitely going to want involved especially when they find out their paper and inherited all your markings I guess we're going to go hard and might as well heard all the way and they're worried you might as well make them work ready if I'm on my baby and then act like you want it back no thank you cuz I know they're going to do that as soon as they say this because I accidentally said your full name on air. And I know it was loud enough for that camera to pick up. With my point is that this great jackasses can't have you back not after something you wait like you were garbage especially since you turned out to be the most powerful witch on record that is not cool. Every child deserves to love and affection and you were deprived in that from birth. Which is messed up cuz you're a white witch and you were born a white witch and a grand white witch at that. That's no way for a supreme to grow up so now they asked me back to help them now. Theyll have to go through me first. And if you already know I am very protective of my children I do not hand them to no one no matter of their blood or not. Especially not you cuz you're my friend Joy me and God will both freaking fight them you're me and God pride and joy." Mother repeated making sure that I looked her in the eye as a camera got closer now that he realized that we seen him and music safe to get closer because when you're new it's not like we're going to yell at him he had already done been videotaping as an airing it. She just cradled Me In Her Arms don't want to let go she kissed my head very motherly. That's the way that she was holding it was like she was trying to Shield me from the world with her own body.

"It's okay Mom and the full grown adult now it's not like they can do anything anyways and you already know that I might say no I mean my mother didn't even tell my father that she was pregnant with me and then she didn't dipped my biological mom and dad are really married? She had seven other children with somebody else so my dad's never going to know me I mean if he hears my name he'll know me cuz the name that I was given was the one that he picked out that's the only thing where I let you know when I ever gave me that my dad picked and that's because they did talk about baby names at one point first time I don't know I never asked and it's not like I get the full story anyways my birth was a confusing one because I was not intentional and I was not a wanted child. So I was a big bad accident. But check on her I'm the only child that she gave birth to that has a supreme earnings and I'm the only one that's a woman well that's your birthday naturally her other children she had there genders altered before they were born that's cheating mine was natural but that's just playing God hanging out the door of your kid I've seen him picked out the genetic hereditary traits of my siblings before they were born. My siblings were conceived in an artificial womb. My mother did not naturally give birth to my other siblings they took her husband's and her DNA because after she gave birth to me she hasn't been able to cheerleader found out that she was she was infertile after naturally giving birth to me I'm the only one that was conceived and birth naturally. She also took extra steps to make sure she would produce a good heir. I'm the only one that inherited the markings and that's because of you making an artificial womb for some reason pick Offspring never actually inherits they markings I think it's because of the fact that it turned officially conceived not natural. But you know that also makes me my mother's oldest haha. All three of my children will have my markings and their dads cuz my husband's a royal too jokes on them." I assured her. She kissed my head again.

"That's my girl the only people we dress for the people that we know are real family. The blood of the coven is thicker then the water of the womb." My mother said and that was her favorite saying because if you think about it my whole family it's not blood my family is made up of people from my clan because that raised me God's at work with me the Angels at work with me and my child is friends none of them are blood.

"I know mother I know I remember everything you taught me including every saying you ever taught me. I keep this close to my heart so I remember your wisdom and teachings."I assured her as she petted my head.

Good better not or extra training for you missy remember even though you're a very experienced Hunter now I'm still training you ruthlessly regardless. We need to keep your skills and sences sharp as a knife. We must keep you always prepared and always ready for anything and everything you must keep you visual until we must keep you properly always prepared for the unthinkable because you never know when you're going to need that it's going in knowledge. It might save your life someday. We must always keep you are sharp as a whip and always prepared to go in the bathroom whenever necessary. Plus it's a sugar you're assigned to hunt yeah we can't afford to slack on you and let you get lazy. Hesitating when you get you killed a special edition that you hung down and I thought your husband was bad. I know he gives you even worse ones than he has. People don't realize that since you came in the picture of marriage her husband he's not the one running the shower to you cuz if you were noticed the main priorities are giving me on him I mean yeah he wants it but you take care of all the other high priority ones all the ones that are considered dangerous." Michael said, before charging at me with no time to react on my reflexes are so good I grabbed bed bug shoulder and literally flipped him up over from my back grabbed his leg was my other hand I do not hesitate to body slam him I just did a WWE move on and instead he was trying to actually friends but I just decided to wrestle him I knocked the window right out of him when I fall on my bed because I literally brought down my elbow written to his stomach sure me him cough a lot.

"Honey that was a little too rough you just straight up WWE my butt in 2 seconds. Wasn't expecting that I wasn't prepared also probably block my stomach a lot better. I'll actually really freaking hurt a lot that's going on and immoral for crying out loud. You're a rich dude you're still technically human how the heck are you that freakishly physically strong. That makes Sarah something you have like a new muscle I mean you're a twig I mean if there's anyone who it is muscle but you don't have much of it you're pretty skinny that makes your sense your husband that makes sense that is huge you you're a child is so human how the heck are you able to overpower me that easily that's not even cool you're making me look bad." He complained running clutching his stomach as he rolled on the ground back with his face sweatshirt because he was trying not to cough his head off because of how much I knock the breath out of him. Good night even had to help in my baby's so struggling to get up because it hurts so bad like when I had him right after all my weight on there and then some like I know how to feel my way around enough to make it actually in fact the more than how much I weight like I know how familiar underwear I can make my way feel like 500 lbs I'm 136 and I don't have somewhere around enough to make me feel like a way over a thousand pounds. They had me tested that's why my hits hurt so bad cuz anything that I punch her I hit I do the same thing I throw my weight around a lot in fact they couldn't even calculate how much I can actually do because where you want to get their caught high or high numbers. And it sure because whenever I got him up I looked at his shirt okay if I left a pretty big mark on his abdomen and on top of that you could already tell where it was going to bruise and I mean whenever it fully darkenses it's gonna be pretty dark because I could already tell it's gonna be really dark has an average shit out of his stomach. I felt bad so I looked in my hand up to it my hand started Illuminating as I started healing it.

"Thank you I appreciate it because I'd rather not walk around with you Jasper's on my stomach and have all the other hurricane to ask me what the the heck happened and who did this and I'm trying to hunt down who did it just to find out it's and that we were training because you know I never get hurt even the metal I never get hurt but it seems like every time I pray with you I seem to always come out with some type of injury you're there aren't Angels start thinking god was beating me up for something. Luckiy he didn't get mad at some thinking that it was him because some of them were seriously starting to blame him until I told them that it was you and that I was just too embarrassed to say it. Because we'll talk when we were just training, we won't even actually fighting we were just training. I paid the stupidity that makes my pupil mad. Thank you you know I haven't care about you that's why I push you so hard. But I think I might have been a little too could have dropped it peeking you have a fight. You give best dealer and run for his money. No wonder he puts you in charge all the time.

That I know what I'm doing I'm I'm reliable I'm not like our other goofballs from Pandora that don't like to take take a threat seriously and treated as a joke I swear it was days one is going to get really hurt they don't listen I said you guys rate every threat like it a real threat because it's not like that's okay it is in your you're not prepare properly you're really screwed why do you think I got excited whenever I realized that God gave me a Leviathan that is a big one upper. In other words that's more Assets in my disposal I mean I'm the one doing most of the freaking have you left any situations so yeah kind of if I have a little trap card in case if I need it or in this case a huge trap card. And trust me if I'm going to figure you situation use a nice Ass trap card who's going to go up against something I know they can't kill and that's what it was three hundred miles length when are his full size and his venomous and have the strongest almost armor like scales over literally covering his entire body from head to toe hell even his underbelly had the armored scales which is odd because normally snakes have a soft underbelly this was not it was armored like he was literally wearing a full body armor that was his scales. Plus they're literally the most violent, destructive, and aggressive creature ever created. When there was one in this dimension whenever they slept for a couple of times cuz I'm only happened twice and it wasn't for short period they destroyed large amounts of huge cities in fact one you were destroying the entire not entire State put an entire country. It would have been worth it God had an interview because I had no toys in those ones that wouldn't leave I want to go back to their dimensions so they had no choice to do just take them out. That was literally in 2 hours of him being there as long as there's a 4 hours of loser only two and they did that much damage. Ya pretty sure nobody's going to try that one. Well at least the ones that don't have a life worth living. Now if you got it this way well that's an easy way to do it. So yeah if you heard me say all that be glad he's trying and be glad he's on my side cuz obviously I have no bad intentions but if you would have gotten in the wrong hands would have been raised as the wrong person they could have used him as a full-blown ass weapon we've been so screwed but he's mine he and bringing on me so he ain't going nobody else and there's only one ever created at a time so yeah I'm pretty sure there's only around for a long time because the other thing. Is God and that's who raised him. So I'm pretty sure that he has no intentions of killing it. Where is that all being aired by the way?" I asked, hugging Michael as he kissed my head. When I realized the vet had snuck and examined Goliath. He was surprisingly a very well-behaved boy who was so good for her he didn't move away or friendship Hall while she's examining again when you told me to stay still he really stayed completely frozen like a rock. She talked samples of his Venom saliva a pace of a scale that broke off when they were shedding something was impossible to at his actual scales because they were that hard/dense. Luckily whenever she walked around the back of the horse trailer. She was luckily able to find a tooth he shredded since she will slowly replace itself. She bagged that in anything that she could find in fact like any any more shedding. She can find it though droppings. She also need to sample of that didn't know that. But she needs to track his diet and make sure he's properly or if they need to change something in his diet. Like let's just say something's not agreeing with it. They'll have to change something he's eating. With him not be happy with you like this food. I gave him a treat when she was done and she started vaccinating him that's a fun part I had to distract him with Michael and Gaia, and even poor sweet Ariel started trying to help. And it's because you have fun trying to do is watch her once Lynch every time that she proud of them with the needles and since this camera said that he needed a pretty big meal and I mean like this one huge like gave me anxiety. Sorry I can only imagine how it was for him my poor baby so I try everything in my power distract him. But every time that she's injected him let out a. Almost like a heaven sound for my cat it did not sound like a snake his that's for sure and he growled. I mean which is not entirely weird because king cobras can grow. Like if they're feeling that they will make a growl like noise. He also  made a puffing sound. And he could spit Venom. One of the kids was getting really close while she was giving him his last instructions. One less time to go to stop him so you wouldn't get too close and when my husband comes up out of nowhere and picks him up. My stays just let up. When I seen him of course I couldn't help. But jump into his arms after he put him down. My husband laughed at how I latched on to him arms around his neck and legs around his waste.

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