Chapter 16:

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"Well I missed you to love. Someone's in a clinging mood that I'm complaining you are my wife. But why are they out and why. Is that man holding a camera. Yo knock that out sorry I don't care if you either forecasting or whatever you can't broadcast us you don't have permission did you get your permission first?" My husband asked.

"No he did not but by the time I had never seen here already had been recording I had my cards out so yeah it's kind of a little too late cuz he's broadcasting on live. I didn't know that you were doing a segment on the dogs the favorite and my shelter getting her fat Jacobs for their adoption day I didn't know that the news was doing it in the episode caught my leithan in there. Plus guy I accidentally hit my full name on air. Because neither of us were aware they were broadcasting. I did warn them about doing that without permission. What he just caught on camera was it broadcasted live right now automatically or do you guys edit it?" I asked, he still had the camera and was not pointing it slowly at I think you were both looking at him see me another camera definitely got good shot of our faces.

"It's broadcast mama instantaneously I have no control over that it's with network is set up. If you happen again please you'll have to take him to the board trust me try to tell them maybe you should go to editing because you catch something on video and I'm not supposed to and so we don't get in trouble legally not good to do it like that and do the save it to work on editing because I actually do not want broadcast you guys because obviously are recognize that she's queen I'm not an idiot and obviously very fast one and they obviously know who the heck you were so I was like nope I'm not picking that fight at least I'm being honest I didn't want her though so if you go to see anybody to see her she's the one that told me the video tape it not the news report of course she was sweetheart. What are main producers that told us to do it. She's a red truck and her name is Lydia." He said handing us a card when we realize he was actually a non human. Vampire. Low status. We looked over and seen his boss we did for a moment trying to get her attention but she completely ignore this and was being rude and kept on turning away so we just my phone note telling her some seriously about how we did not appreciate her attitude and have disrespectful she was and then told her I meant to say that it was over again this information and if we do not see her she is what she's getting arrested. Because we told her she doesn't show turning her in. I'm going to make sure to care they said with her assistant and total is American her that or there's going to be hell to pay. Before walking back up into the cameraman.

"Thanks brother I appreciate it. Behavior like that and it's not tolerated especially towards a royal in general you are not supposed to do that that is downright disrespectful and is a crime disrespecting a royal is a crime embarrassing a royal is a crime. And besides sources and there's a reason why the nursing a picture of us but the reason why I get don't know who we are because we don't get videotaped we don't get broadcasted nobody knows what our face look like. We would have liked it to stay like that obviously not the case anymore we just had our face is plastered all over your life broadcast. Talk about a slip up spent that much time protecting our true identities just have some breaking newscaster think it's okay to not ask before broadcasting our face all all over the news channel like dude really maybe spent all those years I never faces being careful not to get caught on camera and one freaking newscaster is what cracks us. Talk about a pathetic way to go down. So now she's definitely getting sued. She just made five years of us hiding our faces go to waste in 2 seconds do you know how much effort we had to put in to avoid all cameras like that the enemy interviews we had to avoid like that is so freaking stupid. I know I'm letting you know I'm not telling the camera so please stop pointing at me I am legit telling you cuz you did tell me that she's the one that told you to do it." My husband said, he lowered the camera to a side.

Look reason why I continued deployment is because screw there already seen your faces your face so why not show them how sincerely guys feel about things you know let the audience get to know you. Because what I just seen you got answers very invested in you too they're not even interested in those Sports invested in you do is if you two are the most interesting thing we thought on the musician forever they absolutely love your wife by the way she's got a bunch of fans now. And if somebody from the non-human community I'm sorry I'd like to have somebody I'd like to be represented somebody love by the people. I mean you two are two hours nobody's ever heard of you and they're just a lot of speculation behind who you guys actually are and I'm letting a little bit to bed I think it's interesting but the crowd the crowds are going nuts. I'd like to be represented by somebody that can do that Kimberly capture the hearts and attention to everybody look wait on humans are treated like s*** sometimes sometimes they're pretty good but 90% of the time is both point is that there's a lot of stigma between us I mean it would be better if there was a hybrid involved cuz then you know they have a hybrid representative and that honestly be way more controversial so honestly be better because of how people treat hybrids they turn them away worse than they do non humans. And blow up and coming Wednesday kind of need that encouragement because we're always told that we're going to be stuck on the same place all of our lives it's kind of nice it's going to give us a little bit hope that when can be more." The cameraman said in my husband's side putting his face in his palm for a second.

"In advance sorry Dad I promised my father I wasn't going to do this but you know what you talking about I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm boring the rules I'm breaking the rules my father sat down if he kicks my ass and kicking yours. Plus this is not easy for me to do myself because I am very subconscious about this." My husband motion him to lift up the camera pointing it at him again. He took off his bracelet that concealed his elven physical body features and alters his appearance as well as restrained all his power that comes from his elven side. Including any additional physical strength he gets from his elven side that is assentally added to the physical strength he already he already inherited as the next wolf King. And it also concealed the marking he inherited from his mother. Faded revealing his marking from that marked his mother's hair as well he ripped off her before they could see. He made sure his father's marking was fully visible before turning around pull his hair to side so his mother's marking was fully visible. He almost dropped the camera. When he realized what he was looking. He was so excited that he realed not only that beyond words that he revealed he was not only a pureblood but one that is the heir of not one but TWO different royal family both in desperate for an hier to take the throne. And in desperate need to birth a son. To carry their name.";

"Oh shit wasn't expecting that. I had no clue you were a hybrid. Your wife is definitely pureblood. I just assumed you were to. Wasnt expecting a hybrid . Pureblood hybrid I'm guessing Since you have marking from two different families. That's crazy. No wonder no matter how many children they weren't able to produce a proper future king. And you are magnificent damn and I thought Dan you half cousin was the the ideal to win the competition for perfect ideal king. Which every high ranking males show off they're muscle, physique, strength, and how attractive and handsome they are compared to who their they are on the inside. To see what their best qualities are then the el election where they all vote on who makes the idea perfect image of what a kings supposed to be. Flex a little get them riled up. The love competition. But damn you must be one hell of a warrior. If you are one you'll definitely have the uper hand over the other contenders. Their muscles are all for show they would be completely useless in an actual battle. People are more likely to vote for you if if someone they consider a king's candidate can also keep them safe it wins you some more big brand new points with the normal citizens and the larger population because they can't tell them and they'd rather have a king the actual protect them. Makes them feel safe and secure. Especially since most can't defend themselves." He said, and him and Michael of course had to be a smart ass and decided to give them a little show. He tried attach my husband. My husban Columbus back and forth showing off their hand to hand combat. My husband and him were trying to keep me overpower each other. Michael was having trouble getting the upper hand since my husband Trains with me almost daily and my fight tactics and fighting style is the same as mine. So all he had is watch and track each move and the predicted what to next to that might be the most effective. Then the next thing you know my husband was able to overpower my archangel. My husband kissed me as his reward.

"I would rather not show my body off to anyone that isn't my wife she's always loves my physique. Plus you know we're married we're not thirst trap. We're the the best power couple. We work to she others that you can achieve the I'm possible. I mean if you take a step back and look at this amazing we've created. we achieved the impossible. If they said it couldn't be done we did. We created our family to inspire others not to let limit just because someone said so. And dream big no matter how unrealistic it may seem. People shouldn't just give up or settle for less then the life you deserve. Life is already hard enough so might as well find your own happiness. Love whoever you want. Don't let others dictate what you do with you life. Live your life for you or unless your like us and we live for eachother. Like I said, we inspire. We're literally the strongest power couple I'm the strongest hybrid pureblood recorded. While she's the the strongest supreme on record ever. Why do you think Death Dealer and The Mask are not only always together and no one can separate them. Only make appreance together. Who do you think we are. We're married. Everyone thinks the mask is a man. She not she's definitely a woman. We're the real deal. My dadsthe one that asked, me to hide my other half. He wants me to take his position. He doesn't want my biological mother trying to try taking me back. She finds out I not only did I marry someone of such a status we also have children and my children have our markings. They have all three sets of markings meaning that either one of them can go to either Clan and take over if they want to . And on top of that they're way stronger than me and their mother combined and there's three of them. Point is that I'm not really trying to give my biological family other than my dad a reason to get a hold of me no offense my mother give me up without him blinking she's threw me at my grandpa's feet and told her to take me in or take me somewhere where they take hybrids in in other words she ordered me from day one so and then then proceeded to not tell my dad's I even existed he literally just said that he even had a son like yesterday. So it's not like I can be mad at him he's literally didn't know otherwise he would have taken me but Mom has no excuse him he had a decent one cuz now he's being really involved and that's good." My husband said putting on his shirt the new heavy walked over since she saw that the camera who was the one that was asking him all the questions they figured she might as well do it so he doesn't get in trouble for interviewing him himself.

Okay so let's get the dad release notes you exist the mom on the other hand like you said she threw your way of birth no offense she kind of has no right to you I'm guessing the same thing happened with your wife considering that she kind of explained to me that she doesn't know the other term which one's her mom anyways if you don't mind me asking. I'm a bit curious which one she belongs to. But honestly I was not expecting that I was not expecting you to be a hybrid that caught me well off guard so why did you hide it I mean hybrids are accepted now in society yeah there's a little thing behind them but they're accepted so was that all about

"Well I can explain my dad didn't want my mother to figuring out that it was me he doesn't want her trying to come back and claim me yeah I'm hurt only natural born child and after seeing him first of me she was some fertile so she kind of had the rest of her children made an artificial womb and whenever you have a child made an artificial womb if you are a real they will not inherit your markings because they are a byproduct as an artificially made they're not naturally made. I mean without having children and everything I'm with everything going on the way it is yeah my dad just didn't my mom coming back and trying to be like oh he's my son and then yeah I mean did you imagine how awkward that would be to have the one literally 300 Grandpa's being said here take it do something with it I don't know what to do with it like she knew I was a purebred hybrid and she just straight up didn't even care she's never once checked up on me or anything so I do not associate I'm honestly yeah I know I'm going to get yelled at for that interview but I don't care I mean like everybody's been telling me Oh well why don't you just be a hybrid and I'm like I am a hybrid so why not You're such my advantage I mean this is why I am so mean it very useful for something other than just being a problem I'm sorry but as soon as everybody here's however they're like what and I'm a full grown hybrid so obviously I've made quite a nice life for myself more than just comfortable we created such an a happy life is unreal and I'm okay with it like yeah I might not have a traditional family but who cares I mean we're happy we got everything we need where stable or children have a him in a roof over their head that's not like a nice roof over their head I think you get my point like my children are very well taken care of and yes what I would love to be in the main Breadwinner in this family I'm going to be honest my wife's one in the pools around us for weight I wouldn't be where I'm at without her she really helped me grow my organization in the past like years ridiculous and on top of that like she's helped me so much like she's helped me become a world Renown Hunter. Like she's helped me get so far and my career that I wouldn't even dream that my small little organization of hybrids would have grown to this magnitude because as soon as my wife came along well everything else is kind of went please and everything else is sort of followed and our organization grew to massive size due to the fact that nobody wants hybrids and family is family to us so no matter what you are no matter where you come from where automatically accept you as long as you are willing to accept us that's just how we are especially in Pandora yeah we might not have a traditional family but like I said who cares we have just as good as her family they're just not blood and honestly like organization is also really adapted and involved since my wife got here by like a lot because at first it only started with me and like 60 other Hunters and it's grown up about 550 give or take and that's just from us traveling around and taking in any hybrids we seen that needed the place of Their Own and honestly it works so I ain't complaining my people are happy they're content my life is happy I'm content my wife is happy I'm content happy wife happy life they're not joking my wife is literally the monarchy of our homework organization like yes I might have been the one that started it but I'm the one that runs it now that it's this big no my wife does she does most of the work I'm not even a lie I do help her but most of the time she just tells me to sit there and behave and let her work she is an independent woman and I let her be herself I let her do her thing let me tell you nothing is more sexier than it independent woman who makes your work is done. And same as a hunting I'm not going to lie I miss if I'm going to be going home yes at first it was me doing most of it but nowadays it's kind of more her she kind of just does her own thing and like I said I do not control what she does or anything she does her own thing and I just I support her the best of my ability and I always will but my point is is it just because she's a woman and was raised by humans don't mean s*** physically and mentally she is the strongest person I've ever met. And she's taught me a hell of a lot and I'm older than her she just she she's going to get things done she's good at knowing what she wants and she's good at vocalizing and communicating what she wants and what her intentions are my point is in the household my wife rules playing is in the organization my wife is her word is law. No matter where we're at no matter what the situation is she is always one call in the shots. My woman runs the show what she says gets done what she wants she gets. No exceptions. I'm just a muscle she's the brains she's the one that works the whole thing but I'm just the muscle. I do the physical labor she does the strategizing and all that stuff and that assigning hunts I'm putting the best people wear their needed my wife has a whole system of how she picks out certain hunters for certain things and she's got it down to a science where if there's a certain type of employer that wants whether it be a Pacific creature or even how many they want Hunted she's the one that adds everything up and figures out the best way to do it with the least amount of casualties we haven't had one ever since she took over cuz I'm not going to lie whenever it comes down to hordes and stuff that's really hard to take down yeah I'm not going to strategies like that like if it's one of those really really smart ones now I was never good at that I mean yeah we never really lost anybody like we lost a few here and there but we didn't like lose a big consistent amount either and it honestly was just because I was careless and didn't completely think of the situation layout and all that but all that into consideration before I came up with a strategy for us to take it down but she actually does all the math and crap and when I tell you with how big are a numbers are current I don't know how she does it and then still manages to go hunt with me and still carry on the responsibilities of not only being a queen but also being a mother and also being a wife and also having a social life on top of all that so yeah no she's she's amazing I love her and I want to try to hurt anything literally honestly that's why we didn't feel the canceled that we were married because we knew they would have a freaking cow cuz the fact that we're both Royals but not only that my wife to turn and on top of that she's a pure blood they would totally throw a cow. And personally we needed the other worlds would most likely be very dismantle about it and most likely criticized the f*** out of us and honestly we just didn't feel like dealing with the drama because come along let's be honest royals are very over the top whenever it comes down to just throw in b******* that goes on their lives like they found stupid as s*** to be mad about just because somebody didn't do something a certain way that they wanted him to do it or just something really dumb or in our fact she married a hybrid they would make a big point out of that even if I am a royal they would you get the point so yes we had decent reasons why we hit that from the General Public same reason why we hid the fact of when we're hunting we hide our faces just so nobody you know cuz once everybody knows what you look like you're screwed and where you go they're going to be like oh I know them and then there goes your privacy and not to be weird but I already got enough people in my business then what I'm comfortable with and that is literally just because like you you kind of have to have people involved especially since like my father is planning on having my debut with my wife soon whenever you know gives me his position and yeah you are I'm probably going to get a lot of s*** I don't care that's the only reason why he had me like hide my ears and s*** and I was like you know what I don't care I mean honestly if it helps out the hybrids screw it all expose myself as much as you want. Besides I'm an ambassador so I'm kind of supposed to do that it's supposed to educate people on the factor that you get yelled at this shit all wrong. And I just choose not to be negative about anything I mean like yes we're and are the Royal Family I mean we're unconventional we're odd compared to the rest of the families but that's because they're normal we're not and we don't let that deterua us in anyway. I just want to make a world that's better for my children to grow up and not one that's full of prejudice and full of psychos that can't just back off and let people marry who they want or you know not care who they marry because you know let's be honest we not humans were very judgmental about what species they're marrying like you know I mean like we're so judgmental about well if he's a different species that's a no No Love Is Love it shouldn't matter what species you are and honestly like you always have seen me in my life we're happy as hell I mean we're amazing couple and there's no negativity in a relationship at all I mean like yeah we have to do with normal b******* like everybody else but you get my point like we don't fight we don't we don't have conflict in our lives and we don't let gender roles control how we treat each other either and we don't want ginger rules be even in a relationship because we do everything equally hunting cooking raising the kids all that who is taking charge of disciplining the other Hunters if they do something wrong we take turns on everything we got something beautiful going on over here and something nice like I'm not busting my ass to do everything myself and she's not busting her ass to do everything herself I mean like yeah she does do a lot of more the office work and the hunting with me but that doesn't help me and I do not pick up my weight I like just because she's a woman just not make her weak and that she's can be stronger than me at times and yes I mean physically which is impressive because of the fact that she is technically Still Human she should not be able to have superhuman strength like we do but she's able to left over a thousand pounds ever freaking head like it's nothing I do not underestimate her one bit she says she's going to do something I have for 1% confidence that she's going to do so and I also fully support her she is never by herself on any decision we help each other out but that's the way it should be that's how has been life should work and come on if I know that you known on humans that is not how it works in our world gender has a lot of holes if it wasn't whatever you do in the household or in the clan and on top of that I'm there's a certain things that clients also just don't want their women do or don't let their or don't want their men get involved in I mean there's just a lot of discrimination between non-humans and humans of course obviously because anyway you put it come on everybody's freaking races at this point because we're either discriminatory towards each other or we're just coming forward genders or races or in our case species cuz we are definitely two different species like she's technically genetically Still Human I'm half something half off no I'm not going to tell you what the other half of me is because you got to get someone cuz you haven't figured it out honey I ain't giving you any hence because of the beauty of confusing the hell out of everybody because you do not know how many people actually get my species wrong. Well I got quite a few people think that I've had human and then I had quite a few of them think I'm half vampire with I don't I don't care where they came from my house my appearance does Give It Away pretty good bit too cuz the other species I'm mixed with is genetic trait is that they are unnaturally very beautiful even though men are. Endertal and the Very powerful they are very bearable they are not all that physically strong though which is where my wolf comes in that that comes in handy cuz I get a lot of physical strength from my wolf I mean they do have some in human physical strength but it's not like my wolf half is you have a point like this race in particular does have a tendency to have a much weaker physical strength. Buenas what what One race lacks in the other the my other race makes up for. Like my wolf lacks the knowledge and wisdom that my other have inherently has when they're born cuz they're born with you know superhuman intelligence some species are born like that vampires are but they're also physically strong you get the point. I also just don't want people messing with my wife because the fact that she married a hybrid I'm kind of ashamed about the fact and I'm bears about the back that I am a hybrid because obviously you're right now people don't treat eyebrows right my goals just be honest they treat us like crap in the I guarantee you any hybrid appear blood's ass any day of the week because we're just felt like that we're built to be stronger than both species that were mixed with. That includes ones that are half human so maybe we can stop that because it's bullcrap. I know that everybody's going to want to have a Stern talking when my father introduces me to everyone trust me I know how the other Royals are I might not work with them but I worked for them they are not easy to talk to and they're not understanding what they know is Law and what you say is fake in other words I've tried to talk to him before my wife going with one of them that we worked for we work for her before quite a few times honestly and I tried having a mature conversation with her husband about like it's like that and yeah he got a little bit at you with me because as he said I quote you're just a hybrid you wouldn't know how hard it is for your purebred. You don't know how hard it is to be me I quote sorry but little comments like that or the reason why I don't talk to it purebreds doesn't like I said they're they talk to you like you're a damn servant." My husband explained being very sincere they were very understanding.

Honestly I don't blame you but hey at least you got somebody to you no give us a little inside on what it's like to be a hybrid sorry but you guys are really hard to f*** come by I never actually like talked on I like I've talked to Pirates many times but I'm never actually ran into a hybrid cuz normally if you run into them they literally they're not allowed to talk to you they have to keep quiet they have to do their head down and all I just like associate with anybody other than when they're being talked to directly. Cuz like you said they are treat them like their servants. With or without that law that allowed hybrids to come out into society in the past 4 years is that why I still see a lot of them not even allowed to say hi is there an acquaintance of yours or you know them like I had a friend that I literally wasn't allowed to talk to me because she was they found out she was a hybrid man well I've been keeping you here for so long I mean you guys are probably busy with other things but no you really should show up to that Festival that they're doing with that Kings candidate thing is funny it's actually really hysterical plus if you shut up you probably went to floor with all of them not even joking cuz you actually know how to play they don't? And honestly they just act tough and intimidating you actually are tough and intimidating plus I like so I see you guys are a lot more open and a lot more clear communication when you guys are talking to people rather than you know talking in informal manner but literally sounds like you're talking to a peasant if you're making a sound like you're talking to a poor person or a servant you know what I mean like you're not you're not talking them like their person. Heck even the rest of the she likes you guys a lot better then the other non-human customers that she had because you guys were nice and your wife has always been a super sweetheart like everything that she's walked in she's been super respectful if she never overstepped me boundaries or nothing I just I like her she's got an air about her that I just like I didn't even have to know her as a person I just literally just tried grading her like I did any other non-human and she well she was Aradia just being herself super friendly super didn't listen to give a s*** which is what I love about you girl cuz you just you really don't I like that most arrested cards are too busy worried about their social status while you and your husband could honestly give two shit less I like that you guys aren't afraid to be yourself essentially.

"Why be fake when you can be the authentic you I choose not to be anybody else but myself I would not respect myself if I did somebody somebody else that was not actually me because there's one thing I do not do and there's one thing I'm actually really highly against I don't wear masks I've been against that ever since my last relationship unless it's just because he was so fake and not going to lie I had to take a lot with him too so it was okay like I had to lie to him a lot and pretend a lot to be somebody that I'm not to put there but their expectations and that's not actually who I am at all this is who I am I'm a bad ass. Who don't give a s*** and who loves it all her heart and I will straight up tell anybody that oh and also I don't freaking lie and I don't I don't play games no more that's also I left I actually grew up here I left because of the fact that I want my ex first of all her engaged yeah he's with the other girls yeah that was fun and I just got really tired of Faking I got really tired of pretending to be something that I'm not one that's not me at all and like I said I'm a total badass that is obviously not me I am not the quiet submissive little human girl who always listens to your parents. I was always on her best behavior it was always such a people pleaser and a complete doormat and trust me everybody knew what you could tell by their attitude because literally anybody else to school with s*** you not called me a doormat or told me that I was always too too nice and too kind to ever tell anybody no. Oh they they used to walk all over me I'm outside they don't realize I was just tolerating them because if I had to deal with them they probably won't be here just being honest cuz when I get mad or I get mad and I can hold a grudge for a long time. But I choose to have no ill will because they are not worth my energy." I chimed in she just started laughing.

"Seen I lost what I'm talking about I love that I don't give a shit and just love it you just have you really have no filter and I just I freaking adore it." the news lady said. Laughing pushing my hair back out of eyes. Tucking it behind my ear. Before my husband twirled me his arms before dipping me before kissing me.

"Honey! Okay now I know your trying to romance me. First you took me one out on date yesterday. You've been trying to spend as much time with me. As possible and you've been trying to dance with me. Every chance you get that or you're trying to be cute. it's working." I caressed his cheek before kissing him passionately possessively. He let out a low growl before pretending like he was bite my lips. When i pulled away. Snickering as I heard him but I have a low seductive growl I looked back giving him a warning look. 'Now he's just asking for it.' I thought to myself. "Before somebody yelled keep a PG-13 kids." An older non-human meal said walking from the parking lot he was carrying his dog but he was cracking us up.

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