Chapter 4: Scorching Flame

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That was over 5 years ago. After rebranding myself as a mask, I went all over the country to hunts and even a couple overseas. Now known as one of the best hunters. Within the first 6 months of me being there. I also became Bayne, co-owner of the corporation. Not only became one of the most loved Hunters but also became one of the most feared. And to No Surprise, we actually are married and have three children of. A set of twins that are four and a baby who is 8 months. My husband was so turning and so sweet to me he treated me better than any man ever could. But he let me be my own woman. Which was something that nobody ever let me do. Needless to say I absolutely love him he is my everything and I would legit kill for him. He send me a world that I never went to existed. We built up quite a late for ourselves. We were happy and content. But then suddenly a request came in for me and dust dealer mainly me. But since I didn't go anywhere without him. So they requested him too. To go back to my hometown.

I was reluctant at first but then knowing that there was no way to avoid it because I kept on putting it requests after we ignored it. I decided to say screw it and go anyways. Even though we were barely through town I could already see that there was a lot change already. When we reached the Mansion my husband was renting so we could stay there. While we were on the mission of course. We brought a couple bodyguards and our Nanny because we obviously don't take our children with us on hunts that's irresponsible. But that's why we also leave bodyguards at the house. To make sure our children will protected. We had everything unpacked in no time. Before heading out into town of my husband while our children were at home. Since we wanted to survey the town. Get a good idea of what we were working with. He held under my hand as we drive we're always both were waiting rings we were dressed as civilians. But we didn't cover up that we were not human either. He smiled at me as we drove.

"What I know that look anywhere what are you doing what are you planning." I asked. "Well, we don't have the kids. We haven't gotten a date in a long time. So what do you say have a date night." He suggested kissing the back of my hand. I chuckled he was always such a romantic. But that's one of the many things I loved about him. I smiled.

"Okay, you win. Where do you want to go." I asked. He pulled into an old hangout spot. Which has been more for more updated from what it used to be I was surprised by how fancy it was now what used to be a old run down bar. Was now a really nice nightclub. Walked and expecting to be carded. But as soon as he seen that we were non-human he let us in. He even gave us a sleep out which was kind of awkward considering that my husband did not bother to hide his ears and his eyes were as gold as a wolf's. But we just Shrugged it off and just walked in we even seen that some of the bar stools were even swings. Which were on the sides not in front of the bar counter. As soon as the bartender seen us she ran right over. Choosing not to make us wait. We both looked at her awkwardly before giving her orders. And she nodded and while I was watching her poor or drinks and if she had a tattoo. Which happened to be the tattoo of one of my best friends. Which I found on because this female was obviously a vampire so I was confused. Chloe wasn't a vampire. When I noticed the bite marks on her neck. Meaning that she had been bitten by a pure blood they're the only ones. That can turn a vampire without them going crazy. From blood lust. And this was always her favorite place to go when we were younger. As Twirls her way back over to us. When I leaned over if she said our drinks down.

"Chloe?" I asked, and she just looked at me for a minute taken aback. She just stared at me for a minute and we just stared at each other for something silence. Till I pulled out when my necklaces that. I was wearing that she went out we were younger. Her eyes widened and she just squealed. Before practically jumping over the counter to tackle me and I mean like knock me out of my chair. Luckily my husband caught both of us.

"I totally knew that was going to happen as soon as I heard the name Chloe. You two okay." He asked as she hugs a crap out of me. For a long time before pulling away holding onto my shoulders.

"Ariel you jerk you totally. Scared the crap out of me I was like. Who the hell is that how she know my name. Dude what the heck happened. You just disappeared no nothing no answer. Your parents are freaking out looking for you. Nobody knew where the hell you went. Your parents were saying that you got kidnapped and then some people were saying you got murdered. Like nobody knew what the heck happened and I couldn't get a hold of you. So I just assumed you was like died or something. Where hell you been how you doing." She said, loudly.

"I got married. The man they said kidnap me is actually my husband. And before you ask no he did not kidnap me. Parents to sign up with a corporation and he came and picked me up that night because my parents. I overheard them talking to Major shit. So I decided that. I wasn't going to put up with it and I left. By the way they're not my biological obviously. I mean I'm a pure blood. They're human it's not that hard to figure out and you know how they treated me. Well, after I broke up with John after he cheated on me, they treated me worse. So I decided to screw that. Honestly, he's the best thing that ever happened to me, and because of him, you have three nieces and nephews. We have kids." I said, and she smiled at me excitedly.

"You got kids. I'm an aunt. HELL YA. So when do I get to meet the little cuties." She asked when I pulled out my phone and showed her our babies she just hugged both of us noticing how big my husband was.

"Damn what are you made of bricks damn. Nice he's definitely a huge up grade from your ex that for sure congratulations. She's a keeper treat her good or you'll be answering to me." She said, he just smiled.

"Always do. Always will promise. Plus I know her past. I'm not just her husband and her best friend. She tells me everything. We're pretty open to each other about everything. And you're free to come see the children whenever you want. I offered to come bring them during the holidays but do the fact that we travel. So much and we haven't been overseas we haven't been able to." He exclaimed. Handing her a card with the address on it. She took one look at it before looking back at us.

"Wait a minute that manner. Hold on are you Death Dealer." She asked the first tone as if so no one can hear her. He just smiled and gave her nod before taking a sip. She covered her mouth real quick.

"Babe you scored Death Dealer. DAMN. No he is definitelyan upgrade from that stupid ex." She said, before taking a shot one of the other bar tenders put in front of her. Before giving us a shot to do with her as soon as I took it they both watched me cringe and then started laughing.

"Still a little lightweight as ever I see." She teased, as they laughed. "I can't help it you know that. That tasted awful I don't know how you two were able to stomach that." I coughed, they thought it was pretty funny. When my face flushed. My husband patted my back till I stopped coughing. Then her husband the bar owner a young purebred vampire. Nice gentleman he introduced himself.

"Hello I'm Vlad Cloe's husband. Sorry seen you seemed to know my wife so figured I'd introduce myself." He said, bowing to me before kissing the back of my hand. It's the traditional greeting non-human males use to greet high ranging females. While males will bow to and shake their hand. Well if they are a closer acquaintance they won't hug after bowing like if it's a friend or family member. Or somebody from there pack or Clan. The hug is a sign of family or friend. In the several relationships the higher ranking will be more friendly towards those that are of that status to them. Well if it's just a greeting they will be much more serious and not as opening. So it caught him off guard when he bagged my husband when he got up and didn't just shake his hand but also gave him a hug. But it wasn't a normal hug it was more like a brotherly hug. Her husband was so trying to compare the money was actually kind of funny with like we laughed. You can barely see her husband when mine hug them.

"I appreciate the friendliness big fella but you're going to squish me. Holy crap you're huge." He said as my husband let go. From standing up completely straight in front of him and you. Can see the difference in their height and build. There was a big difference you could her husband a bit intimidated. But my husband just gave him this friendly smile which made him a lot more relaxed.

"I'm so sorry he's just a really friendly anybody that I get there close to me he considers family and your wife is actually my best friend so you can soon as you family just as much as we consider any of our other members and trust me he's really family-oriented. We have a very close family and our organization we might not be blood but we don't love that deter how we treat each other. Heck another serving the same species. I'm Ariel well that's what your wife knows me as my real birth name is Aradia Evangeline Charmed. My biological parents had me going to need the fake name to hide my actual identity. But considering that you're married to my best friend I will consider you to be trustworthy. Especially since you made her so happy. As long as you're good to hear you're good to me. So have you heard her you'll be dealing with me. But I trust that you wouldn't. Just keep making her happy she deserves it. I know what the girls been through and trust me. Just like me she deserves a happy ending. And just like family if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." I smiled giving him a hug which surprised him. He just smiled warmly.

"So you're the famous Ariel I've heard so much about you and I'm wondering that you trust me so much. To be honest I thought you were Charmed with those violent eyes of yours. And I understand no I'm not saying a word. And don't worry I treat her like a queen. She made me my second wife but I don't treat her any different trust me if I had in my way she'd be my only wife. But you know how her Customs are. We're always arranged to marry another pair of blood even if we already have a wife or husband. We still have to marry the one we were arranged to. You know since I turned her so she can't technically have kids. It's only a purebred female can birth me a purebred heir. But luckily we did have one before I turned her of course it's half human though so they can't be my heir. Unless somehow their purebred but that hardly ever happens with a human and vampire hybrid. Which is very extremely rare and even if they do they're still considered a hybrid purebred. but her child did not show any signs of being a purebred hybrid. So they're pretty sure he's a normal damphire and judging. From your husband you know exactly what I mean. Just don't treat hybrids properly. Even if they're purebreds like him. He would have to prove himself to be stronger than any of my first wife's purebred children. But even there they really hesitant to give it to give any position to any purebred hybrids. Because of how powerful they are and they don't know how stable some of them are. But that's also because they just now started opening up to hybrids and since most of the ones from the present years are mainly Hunters which means that they're cut off in the rest of the community they're not really sure how strong they can actually get and since in the past recent years they're actually allowing us to keep hybrid children. Instead of forcing us to give them up to either human families or will Hunter families. Since all the hunters are technically hybrids. We are not exactly sure of how powerfully they actually are. Which I'm guessing you're one since you're the first purebred hybrid I've seen that's an adult most of the ones I've seen are under the age of four cuz that's when they start allowing us to keep her children. So I would love it if you can give me any pointers. We want him to flourish to his full potential we don't want to hold him back just because they don't think he can do it." She asked.

"Well dear sister you happen to be talking to the right man. I am indeed up here by hybrid. In between us I'm the perfect example of how powerful a hybrid purebred can be. I'm born of two royal purebreds and yes I inherited both. I have both my parents is Royal Blood and I'm the only child of theirs inherited their royal insignias and the power that's passed down to the next heir so hybrids can still be born with them look at your child see if he has anything that might signify his rank as your next hair everything has their own marking which marks their status hybrids can still be born with it. I mean look at our children they're born of a purebred and a purebred hybrid and every single one of our children are born with our royal markings. I'm really purebreds can only reproduce one child that has this. Per family. All three of us do and all three of us have inherited my wolf my elven blood, plus their witches Grand and Supremes including our son. He's a grandwhite like his mother and his younger sister or youngest child. While p his twin is a dark witch but also a Supreme. And already are 4 year olds are starting to manifest their powers, strength and shifting. Because they can shift just like I can even though I have the same Powers as an elven. In fact my loss much bigger than normal werewolf even an alpha and I don't just mean I'm alpha of the alpha. I mean my wolf is bigger than the wolf Kings. Mine's literally as her guardian angel when he stands up. He's over 15 ft tall. In his true form. And he's taller than the other archangels. Because he's in general and I'm a guy just told him on two legs. And my strength is much more than an elven or a wolf's. And that doesn't deter how much power I have like an elven either mines actually stronger then my mother by alot and she's there queen. So gives you a little idea of what to expect because even if your son is half human I know from experience from training and working with the ones from our family. Which is Pandora's Box so you know that they're no joke they're really strong. I've seen them for Exceed that of what even a purebred can do. Like for one they don't need to drink blood of their injured they heal rapidly. They're allergic to Silver or sunlight. Hell wolves Bayne doesn't even phase. In fact the only way to kill them is by cutting off their head separating from the body and the lighting of Fire. Or ripping out their heart and catching that on fire but either way you have. To burn the body after you do either or otherwise. I'll just get right back up and start going after again. We had a case for a woman was being worried by humans and turned on his parents and we have interviewed. It was extremely hard to kill him. And his father was an aristocrat. Nobody knew he had a kid because. He hid the child because of being hybrid thinking that he'd be weak. Father was purebred son was raised as a human so when he found out that he started blossoming and his power starting to manifest. He went into a rage when his parents were lying to him and for making him a freak. Because he didn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand why he was so different from his father. And just attacked his father. And attacked his mother. Turned out he was so strong that he over powered his father like he was nothing. He never had conversation with another non-human never been a fight and never trained in his life yet he was able to overpower a high ranking pure blood like it was nothing. Tore him up like paper. That was the case of the Hank assassination. And due to the aristocrats. Embarrassed that one of their own had a hybrid child. And reciting it in secret. So they had yours truly cover up the whole shit show and put it on a. Cryptid hored attack. Because of how destructive the scene was a minute to look like a Cryptid hored went through there. Not one half human hybrid heck of food at home whether it would never have believed it. But the very few that did see the footage which was obviously the vampire King he was the only one that wanted to see it. Since he didn't want it getting leaked. He was horrified. You know what the most part was is that he actually love this and a lot that's why he made him live as a human. Which is why I say it is very critical for you to show your child and teach them everything they can learn about themselves. So they can learn to control it and learn new use it properly. Not even any of the other worlds know about this except the ones that were in the room. Don't worry my wife casted a special so nobody else can repeat it or hear it because of the person I'm talking to. So I wouldn't get in trouble unless somebody says something. But the technically can't even if you think about it and try to write it down it won't work. I told you this thing you know your child might be half human but he can still be way stronger than you. Hey if you ever want me to train in mind more than willing to. I honestly would suggest to train them." He said, her husband says wine for a minute.

"Seriously that would be wonderful brother. I really do appreciate it and yes I would very much like you do. Have you ever thought about being an ambassador you'd be perfect and you're an adult. You and your family should ambassadors you great role model for the young ones." He suggested. Before my husband pulled out his tag which more tomatoes and ambassador.

"Actually I'm already one I signed up to be one after they started. Being more open to the idea of hybrids I felt like my children deserve to grow up in a world that's more accepting towards hybrids. I want to create that world for them and like you said I am a full grown adult purebred hybrid so I figured I'm the perfect candidate and I'm royalty. I did have a campaign and everything but I never got no bites there's still a lot of stigma about us." My husband said, as I took a drink.

"Well that's excellent I've actually been trying to hire any hybrid willing enough to be a speaker at the next council meeting to educate them on the importance of hybrids. Would you mind doing it. Or at least make an appearance at one one of our events and since you're the first one. To have a pureblood wife. She might be the only one to get through to them." He suggested.

"Hey I'm more than willing to do it if but they allow it cuz she got to get it through the council first. But yeah you get the authorization I'll do it." My husband replied and they shook hands.

"Then it's a deal I just need you to get the counsel to allow my son to have a chance. He's my first born and my only son but they want one of my first wife's daughters to take it. I personally don't think they're ready for that type of responsibility. Plus I want my son to be my heir if possible but I need someone else to convince them not just me." He said, my husband nodded. Then they exchange numbers. Before they were interrupted by another woman walking up and putting her arms around Vlads first wife. She had this air about her that just told me she was one of those Aristocrats that was entitled. Because of how Godly rude she was to Chloe. She never went didn't even acknowledge her she went on to kiss him and hang all over him. As if you make her jealous and that didn't sit with me well. So I made a point to look over at her and make sure to make eye contact with her.

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