Chapter 3- Burning Fire

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"You know I have to cut your mouth off dog. You should know better than messing with somebody. Else underneath one of our care. But you did not everything. Has aconsequence and you know that you heard anything so now. I got to take something to yours your decision. So which hand do you want me to chop." He said making sure to show him his blade. To show him that he met business. He was cowering before Michael could even finish his sentence. I listened as he begged for forgiveness. He looked at me. When the wolf noticed me and dashed over begging me. For forgiveness grabbing my hand and begging pleading. On his knees for me to give a chance. As my witches hat fell off revealing my snow white long hair. Only grand white witches have. As he noticed my markings that identified me as a queen witches have. The highest statuses witches. Making him tremble. Because witches are hard enough to reproduce. Let alone a grand white witch and there hasn't been a Supreme aka a queen white witch. In over 78 years my birth mothers grandfather. Who was the last Supreme born and he was male. Female witches are stronger and more higher statues to male witches. So as soon as he looked up at me seeing my white hair his face went white as a sheet. When he put his arms up in defeat.

"What I did was unforgivable and I deserve punishment. My queen so you can take one of my hands as payment. For my foolish actions and physically harming you." He pleaded, I knelt down. So I was looking into his eyes. He tried looking away from my violet eyes which marked me as a Charmed. The most powerful, influential, and oldest witch family. I grabbed his face making him look me in the eyes.

"Do you think I'm so cruel. No I'm not I'll leave karma to punish you for your actions. While I could punish you myself I choose not to. I choose to be empathic and understanding. I choose to be compassionate and kind to all living creatures. Michael trained me himself to be a warrior if I was like that I could easily have ended you before you even touched me. But I didn't I know how to take out some of the most strongest creatures. But I chose to teach you a lesson rather then vengeance. I'm not like the rest of my blood relatives. I don't throw my power and authority around to get what I want. I work for they didn't raise me a human couple did. And even though their negative and hardly ever around. I never wished harm or revenge on them. I chose to be the daughter they never had. I chose to love and respect them. Even though they didn't do the same for me. Same goes for my biological family even though they gave me up at birth. Just because I was different in my Powers had manifested yet. They expected that since I was born I Charmed and born to do very powerful which is that I would be born with it manifested when I wasn't they gave me up at Birth. But I chose not to be angry with them. To be honest I've never even met my mother or my father I don't know anything about them the only one that I've actually met with my grandfather and I was only five when I met him and he stopped coming and seeing me when I was 7. But I choose not have harsh roll against any of them so what would make you think I would choose to have this type of intentions against you I do not our Harbor no anger in the harbor no hatred. Not even for the man that cheated on me after being with me for 5 years he was sleeping with an empath yeah it hurt like hell. But I still never chose to be angry with him. Yes he broke my heart a lot hurt me really bad. And he'll get his dues but not by me. But by the gods and deities that love me. I am loved by all of them. You mess with me you're messing with the higher authority." I said, he swallowed hard before nodding.

"You sure you don't want to get even with me. I'm giving my permission to do so. I deserve to be punished." He said, I nodded making sure you seen the sincerity in my eyes. He nodded as I helped him up. And even though he was twice my size I pulled him up like he was nothing. Showing him that was a lot more physically stronger than a lot of the other witches. Because of how I practically lift him up. He just watched me in disbleif realizing that I wasn't joking. As I called Michael over. He walked over picked me up like as. If I was nothing and carried me through the woods. Back to my house. I jumped down and he even walked me inside. I walked through the house up to my room. To shower while Michael made me dinner. I cleaned up, dried off, and got dressed. Then I walked out after bushing my hair. I was making my way down when I dead stopped. When I heard my aduptive mom talking. Saying how much better there new daughter was so much more better then me.

"I'm glad we decided to adopt another daughter. Since Ariel hasn't amounted to anything. I mean did you even know she broke her engagement off with John. How are supposed to keep a daughter born low blood to break it off with a high born man born of high status. She has such low standards." She said, before pausing as I decided two just being asked for once and decided to walk down without even bothering to cover my hair or eyes or arms. Good morning by considered to be the highest beings in our considered the highest authority to biggest smack in they're faces. I just known she won't leave for myself a cup of tea and she looked different and stopped talking entirely. Wided did you drop her phone. Especially watch me sip look up that my God made for me he knew how much I like my lavender chamomile. And she was natural eating the food they had already made me which she had dropped her fork onto the plate.

"Ariel?" He said as I sipped my tea. I going to start brought her in as soon as she seen my eyes she practically fell out of her chair.

"Yes mother but you send my name wrong my birthday is Aradia. And for your information I am not a low blood jokes on you. In fact jokes on even more cuz I'm happening to be a pure blood so that's really going to smack you in the face when I leave. Karma's a bitch. And if I were you I'd watch my insult. Since you just called a queen a low blood. Pretty daring since I've been so nice to you. You and her husband took me in and all I was was kind to you. But I get treated like trash or dumping a man that cheated on me. So yeah I'm a low blood. I guess it doesn't matter. Since I'm probably going to be leaving tonight. I mean I put up with a lot of crap but I'm not going to put up with that no more. Micheal dear do you mind helping me pack on somebody ate my dinner." I asked before touching his hand making her be able to see him she practically jumped when chasing his wings all three pairs of them and realize he was an archangel.

"Of course Queen I told you that you should have left a long time ago. To be honest I don't like how they treat you." He said in now since he was visible to her. She could also hear what he was saying. She realized exactly it was inclined stuff at her statue. That she had him realizing that he looked exactly the same. You said before walking out from behind the island coumter and picking me up. He walk me upstairs before she could say anything and we started packing. I told him to get a hold of any group looking for a witch. Luckily we're able to find an organization called Pandora that are nonhuman Hunters. Which are mainly made up of hybrids and purebred hybrids. Purebred hybrids are hybrids conceived between two different purebreds that are stronger then both. But were extremely hard to produce. But purebred for that reason are not accepted by purebred. Their considered a threat. So they've never had a witch. Till now as soon as I got incontact with the head of the origination. Bayne aka Death Dealer the strongest purebred hybrid and most feared hunter. Who was hesitant to contact with me when I told him what position I wanted. When I got a video call which Michael answered while I packing my clothes. He seemed very confused till he seen his wings. When I say that it was a group call and heard a bunch of whispering.

"Sorry she's behind me she's packing I apologize." He said, bringing over the laptop. And he lit up ripping his mask off when he seen me.

"Sorry arkangel Michael's my Patron. And my guardian angel so he's helping me pack. Sorry if he had you a little cut off guard I do apologize. I'm Aradia Charmed I'm Eves biological daughter." I said before turning into he was actually really handsome and that he was half Elvin and wolf. He just let her whistle when he seen my face. Making me chuckle and fluster a bit.

"Damn didn't know Eve had a daughter. You are gorgeous. Wasn't exactly expecting you to be a white witch let alone a grand. Wait is she a Supreme. And you're asking to work with me what's the catch." He said does Michael treated me places to pack first my stuff and nodded to him.

"Well her family doesn't exactly know that they gave her up at Birth. And I trained her so she knows how to fight in fact she's actually very good at it. She trains with me as an equal." Michael said, he smiled.

"Well we'll take her if she's willing. As long as she willing to be my partner." He smirked.

"That's fine by me Bayne. But I didn't think you liked working with anyone." I teased.

"Normally no but that's only because I haven't found a good fit. If I work with anyone I would like them to be my equal." He said, awkwardly. I chuckled making him fluster. Making me laugh as the other hunter started teasing him. He growled at them but they continued to tease him. He was pretty cute when he pouted.

"So when are we picking her up. Because we read on your resume you want to pick up." He asked.

"As soon as possible would be nice. I don't want to stay here any longer than I have to." I said, he smiled.

"Bet all you got to do is send me your coordinates." He said. Typed in my GPS and he gave me the thumbs up.

"Okay so I'll be personally coming to come get you." He said before hanging up. I am the grab today absolutely needed and only grab the necessities and mainly just close that I know I would wear. If I knew I wasn't going to wear I didn't even bother to pack it. Then I snuck up my window snuck over to my Altar and grabbed anything that I needed off my altar which was the main stuff I used. After having everything ready I walked back into my front yard and just sat it had been a while. So I could hear my mother freaking out in the inside. I didn't even bother to walk back and to tell her goodbye. Even though I knew that my father was even home and they were arguing. Within a no time at all occur pulled into my driveway. It was a old fashioned muscle car. Platinum black with even the license plate saying Pandora it has in Pandora's Box organization of hunters. Are they tall muscular handsome man walked dress on black very well built very handsome he didn't even bother to put on his mask. I just hopped up and took my stuff over to him he popped the truck and put him in for me before shaking my hand and giving me a hug he was so much bigger than me and I mean like I've met some big wolves but this wolf was huge in his human form he was pretty big. But you could tell by his facial features that he was definitely half opens are normally very attractive but they're normally very thin and tall. He was muscular. Which even for male owls they're normally pretty thin. I normally not built with much muscle at all even though they are very powerful they have all power over nature. But I noticed that his hair was not black like I thought it was but a deep red. Which I know for the fact that the wolf King has that same hair. That's when it hit me that he was a royal. He noticed me looking. Before you ask yes he's my dad and my mother is the elvin Queen." He said, before showing the trunk and opening my door for me. I smiled.

"Such a gentleman." I smiled, you could definitely tell from the first time. Of us meeting we there's already sparks. I could definitely notice because as soon as I got a new show this door for me and got in on the other side after he started the car he put his hand on mine. We basically start to learn smiled. Before my parents notice that they were headlights in front of the house as we were pulling out as they ran out to see who it was as soon as they seen it was me in the passenger seat. They tried to yell but I did not acknowledge it. So he just kept on driving.

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