Chapter 2-Catching Fire

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I Preyed at my hidden shrines for my to deities. after I climbed out with my which is bad that not only had a small portable or more but also had my portable alter and stuff with me. In my witchy bag. before putting on some of my crystal necklaces and jewelry which means my earrings bracelet and I had an evil eye anklet. which I had stashed in my purse before putting on my makeup when I stopped to sit down for a minute there are a lot of people outside of his house when it got there and seen my oldest friend Gemini who smiled when he seen me walk up. he whistled as he gave me a hug.

"Somebody went all out this year on their costume nice familiar. By the way holy shit that's a real cool I thought was fake. wait you brought your actual familiar with you. I mean I knew you were crazy they were that crazy come on aren't you afraid if something notices that yours is real."

"Was there to be afraid of you know I'm the highest type of witch you goofy. Not just anything can touch a priestess especially when as strong as I am." I said, giving a wink before he leaned in.

"Yes but I know he really are Miss Charmed what do you think they're going to do when they figure out your queen not just a priestess. Miss great grand witch. you aren't very good at hiding your markings only a grand has those." He said was whispering my ear. Making sure no one could hear him. if he gesture towards a group of jocks from his school and I can tell they were vampires position of course some of them were also werewolves see these supernaturals for men with one side did they more athletic stuff on witches when normally more of the state group the ones of top of their classes. he was talking at my sleeve to point out that's when my working for showing when they find long sleeves we're peeking out since I didn't use a spell to make them look like my skin you can see them. I pulled my sister I'm wearing make them not noticeable but I did discreetly. cuz I looked up at him and gave him a wink.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."I said as I walked away I walked over to get a drink when I poured it one of the jocks bumped me. almost making me spoil all over myself thank goodness I missed. and ended up getting it on his floor luckily it was a witch's house so just took one flick of my finger. To make his his mop hover over and start mopping the floor. and of course he was standing not too far. So they looked at him thinking it was him not even noticing me staying behind him.

"Dude not me look behind you you ran into my old friend thanks babe. sorry darling she's a sweetheart she's just trying to clean it up for me. I could thing she knows how to work my mop." he said is he gestured towards me who was behind him the truck look back seeing me and he kind of grew out for a minute.

"Oh shit you have the real deal over here. sorry about this one of the figure too. although I didn't hear her say anything." he said is he looked over seeing me twitch my fingers back and forth in the motion of the broom. when he noticed me trying to hide my hand he that's right here making the mop fall. when he's on my sniff my hand I thought this one was a vampire but it was not he looked at me and give me a nice s that one was a werewolf and an alpha. A big alpha. when my eagel let out a screech. you took a good look at it for a minute before he looked over at Gemini.

"This is a Charmed female ain't she nice try Gemini I don't know as when I see them and then the only ones that use eagles as familiars or falcons. considering this one is using eagle especially golden but I have to say she's a direct descendant. I'd have to say probably one of Vladimir's grandchildren considering that it's a big golden eagle."he said sniffing my neck. before looking up at online who just stared at him. as my eagel try to snap at his face. before it showed what it actually was soon as you seen it was a phoenix not an eagel he took a step back and just stared at it. and it's as it screeched at him some more it did not like him getting so close to me I grabbed it holding it my arms petting it trying to get it to calmed down making it turned back into an eagel. As I whispered something to it. making a calm down and climb back on my shoulder. I flipped its feathers proud but he has it perched itself on my shoulder. the other guest just stared at me awkwardly they did not mean to say. I want to go walk away when the werewolf grabbed my arm again. I yanked my hand out of his arm and bolted for the door. I got out before anybody can say I knew one of those things would do too being like me which is powerful as me would be a perfect Bride for one of those you got to understand all my friend a powerful female like me they have the tendency to try to breed us on one of them. because they offering from a wage and one of them is way more powerful than you could ever imagine. so I knew the quicker I can get away from the situation the safer it would be for me. I can be not in any more harm's Way than I already voice at this point. they had all seen my Phoenix they would Target me and hot minute knowing that I'm a Charmed and trying females are very rare female witches tend to be much more stronger than the male counterparts. so I decided to hide in the woods whenever I noticed. The werewolf was still trying to find me I caught him sniffing around. The house when I bolted into the woods. He was about ready to walk into the woods where I was with another werewolf from my district one from my hometown but pretty big alpha name Dominique tackled his ass growling at him cuz he was very going to his territory which was also and the border of my friend Gemini's yard.

"Nice try scum bag but that's my territory and you know better. good thing I happen. To be doing border patrol when you did that or my package is not sent on a territory that causes conflict. Between the packs and you know that."he snapped as the other alpha just looked in my direction and growled. he didn't look back he just growled back at him. he waited until the other alcohol ran away to look at the wood lines where I was hiding he's not there when I looked down noticing with my arm had been bleeding I actually pretty bad turns out when he grabbed my hand he actually deep scratches on my arm down to my hand. there's also someone from the bottom of my life when he tried to chase me he snapped a little bit and got me more on my thighs luckily just with his claws. he lifted his head before he heard me move my arm when I hit a branch because I was trying to lift it up so I could get a better look at how bad he actually got it when he got to go to wiff of the blood. he had known my son though. so he knew who I was which is why you let out another wine.

"Ariel honey you okay I can smell your bleeding quite a bit you mind coming out so I can see how bad. I promise you know very well I would never hurt you." he said, any sort of hushed tone trying to let me know that he meant no harm I know all this pack needs and have met all of them because Dominique actually had a huge crush on me. or is it this time was a huge breath over relief considering that he just saved my life. because alpha are very relentless when they want something. but I knew that he seen me as a potential mate which meant that he would actually hurt me. in fact that's why he was so protective of me. anytime he knows I'm in trouble he is always to my rescue. now the other mail was just seeing normally when one of them gets one of us it's normally just to reproduce unless he actually has feelings cuz normally they do not make them that mate and have that intention. I normally just want to offspring. so I wasn't very reluctant to walking out to him I was holding my bleeding on they didn't even look at my face either we just grabbed my hair and looked at it making sure he didn't bite me.

"It's okay it's just a scratch he only scratch me. although that's going to be a bitch to heal." I said closing my eyes real quick I was about ready to heal myself when I felt I'm licking me see werewolves saliva actually has healing properties and can heal you instantaneously. when he kind of looked at me kind of puzzled after seeing my skin heal because the scratch ones that he left. Left half my sleeve ripped he could see my markings. it was okay my good second to realize what they were. as I required my arm placing my hand over it the sleep where it was ripped holding it closed. and he noticed the scratches on my thigh. I didn't even give me time to protest. Before he already didn't licked. It he was so fast I couldn't stop him. I gave him a good smack for that one.

"Oww what the hell is that for trying to help you out for sale darling there's men Byers and I don't think you want them smelling your blood." He let a little growl. toys into my face is as hard as a tomato and then he replies why I did that and his face turned red.

"so when were you going to tell me witch you know you can tell me right I'm always there protecting you at least you can do is tell me who I'm protecting." He said, and protest before looking up at my face again noticing that my expression had changed drastically.

"I think you know damn good wine I never told you what does any supernatural do anytime they meet one of us it doesn't end wrong with me and you both know it normally. We get used as breeders I ain't being a breeder thank you." I pressed, my lips together as I looked away. as he used the tip of his fingers to make me look up at him.

"Now let's get one thing clear you know. I never let anybody do that especially to you. Now where's the asshole boyfriend of why are you by yourself." He asked, and a tear trickled down my cheek. As I looked away from him. when he wiped my cheek.

"I really don't want to talk about it how about I tell you when I feel like I'm ready right now I don't. he's an ass and can go die in a hole you're right about him and I should have listened the first time but I didn't. and he is my ex for good this time I'm never taking that jack ass back." I said, before my familiar nuzzled me. I kissed its head. As he kept on staring at me like he wanted something. when he didn't answer I just started walking away. I was walking through the forest to get home. when something pinned me against the tree. I thought it was the same werewolf from earlier. but I turned to see what it was a phone call rabbid a vampire that had lost control he smelled blood that was on my clothes. I war helpless as my Phoenix tried scaring him away and when he left out a Bellow is my archangel came down to smacked in the head only supernaturals could see our deities or archangels or demons whichever one you have which is can't because we're not supernatural and you supernatural thing is technically an interdimensional being. he beheaded the beast before looking at me. Noticing the blood stains he quickly grabbed my arm checking. when you see that I was healed he let go of my arm and asked me what happened.

"Some crazy wolf latched onto me photos of the party luckily Dominique. Noticed and stopped him from attacking me."I said as his face go right with anger.

"Okay we're going back show me this wolf I'm dealing with him it's a wolf I can do I deal with them is the human I cannot but I can definitely discipline for doing that."he said as I looked at him.

"Are you sure about that there's a lot of supernaturals at this party. They're all going to see you." I said, he just smiled.

"And that's the point if he's going to expose, and physically wound you like that I get to whoop his butt. plus I ain't just going to sit around and let somebody do that. to you because first of all that hurts my pride. your under my protection I let you get hurt I can kiss that good bye." He said, giving me pleading eyes.

"How I just point him out to you I don't want to face him again." I said. he nodded and I led him. To the party but didn't walk out of the wood line. I pointed out. Which wolf on the front porch with him and that's a wrap. car wash for my car as you walked up. hey Richards can see them but only wearing special glasses cuz one of the questions was wearing them they were trying to be when one of them seen my deity walk up to the well they literally drop their drinking about screamed I mean he's 15 ft tall and he's got six rings he's kind of intimidating and on top of that he uses fire so he looks like a giant 15 ft giant with wings he's literally what you're seeing with a giant sword. yeah not exactly who what you would expect to see and he's a pretty big dude he's all muscle pretty well built I mean he's literally felt like a damn gladiator when I say that I am not stressing it enough I mean he's a general of the winged Angels so yeah. He's kind of big. there are celestial Angels but they don't have wings and they're human so they're called cholesterol angels as in Earth Angels. they have special gifts that Angels do like healing and stuff some of them are psychic some of them have the same attributes as a medium because in Earth Angel is a Divine reincarnated. which is an angel with wings of his reincarnated as a human. a lot of times they help white witches like me or the Pope anybody of high authority you know what I mean like hi angelic energy. AKA positive energy. Or sometimes even like doctors and just people that help others caretakers you know that sort of thing. But they do it discreetly kind of like an archangel does. I watched as the world quietly turn to noticed what was walking up to him he dropped his drink and literally bolted for the door Michael grabbed him by his struff and held him up bringing I'm up to his face.

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