When It Starts To Start Spark-1

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I was laughing and spending time on my way over. To leave the school to make my way to the parking lot. Where I was supposed to be long term her boyfriend. That I have been dating for several years. we were in such good times terms and we never fought. We had amazing chemistry perfectly made for each other. was excited when I seen his car and went run over but when I was unleashed like three or four feet away from his car which normally I would have sat and talk to my friends a little bit longer seeing her goodbye so it would have taken me about 5 minutes longer than I normally do or 10. and the next thing I know I see him up against the shed across. From his car pushing the road against the wall making out with her. I was discussed at the girl and looked at me was one of those emo witchy girls. It was a new friend that was going around. Since the pandemic and was spread like wildfire throughout the lockdown. I couldn't believe it. he looked at me or hide when he realized I seen them. When I checked something directly at his face and run away. I should've seen what I threw at him. That was the moment. I ignited my own down fall. just because of one tiny seemingly harmless, insignificant mistake. That at first went unnoticed and was all but forgotten. I pushed the whole ordeal to the back of my head and ran off to my hiding place. Deep in the woods. In wooden hut hand built building that I built my self. I touch the handle residing
"Sign Argis" and the doors locking mechanism clicked unlocking. I turned the nob opening as I pulled the door and walking in as I swung the door open revealing a huge witchs alter for Gaia. I decrated the whole space it nature. plants in special plat pots which were decrated in pretection sigils and had crystals on. At the base of the plants stem where It grows out of the soil. with a man built through the plants that brought water to them that I had made with my bare hands I looked up seeing a sigil right above the door frame and there was black salt in front of the door entrance keeping anything from coming in going out and making a barrier around the entire man-made building that I had made but it was where I found comfort whenever I was sad or just whenever I wanted to get away or just in general like I enjoyed being at my alter most people that are strange so I hit the fact that I was actually one of the oldest building witches my deity was Gaia. Which was why my whole entire area was the plants in nature-based. I even had a pair of antlers at the top of the door. well I also have things that were referencing the Angels cuz I also have my guardian angel as one of mine which was Michael the great archangel. I had an angel Crystal which I use reference him. both of mine which was Giants because believe it or not in archangel is also a giant which is why the next one was so tall because I seen mine in a dream he was flaming with giant six wings I thought he was a team in there whenever I was younger I told my mother explain to me know he wasn't he was from an ancient Rich bloodline which is when I told her about my nightmares she stopped when I said that you had six wings and explain to me that the reason why I did not feel threatened by it was because it was my archangel he was actually very loving an affectionate towards me in the meantime I felt like he was like a big brother to me so his energy was very common and very soothing so was God is guy is a very accepting very gentle and very loving baby she is also a Titan. I absolutely love both of them and it's very connected to each both have looked after my entire life guy is showed up when I first awakened about 2 years ago she startled me because she started coming across everywhere to be honest I didn't even know who she was whenever she showed up in my life I just never said I'd seen a lot of things I ain't got it I had no idea what it was and I've seen a lot of things pointing towards her that caught my attention I ended up a lot of stuff that was referencing to her as well because every time that something caught my eye it was referring to her. Turnsis trying to get my attention in the whole entire time. I do not live with my biological mother I lived with My adoptive mom I still got to see my biological mom whenever I wanted but she was a very powerful witch so whenever she was younger because her parents thought that she was nuts they sent her to a hospital to get help. after I was born because her third eye opened when I was born. Because I was such a powerful witch even in her womb. I was also very powerful medium so I could actually do more than just talk to my deity's. I could see them. so while I was feeling down in front of my altar I saw something touch my shoulder I looked up and seen a beautiful dark skinned tall very tall beautiful African American woman her dark chocolate skin was very beautiful collected to her red lips but your red like the roses in her hair see her hair was actually not hair at all it was like French civil weeping willow with flowers growing out of them every which way. her eyes were dark brown like the soil of the Earth. As like she was pregnant. because Gaia is a Greek god but Gaia is mother Earth. So all of her features were references to the planet itself. she was a very gentle and affectionate and very nurturing and motherly deity. see her reform was very much different this is her human form but since she's a baby not offer features are average you could still tell her she was she was very beautiful and very gentle. I love her like my very own mother because she was just with me more than anyone my guardian angel had been there my entire life and I showed himself to me at a very very young age he shouldn't telling me when I was only four I have seen him through out my entire life every time that I needed help because even though I hadn't just awoken as a witch like 2 years ago I had a woman as a medium since birth Which medicine my third eye had been open since birth but my witch magic didn't awaken until I was 17 I'm now 19 years old. both of them have been taking care of me so much since I was very young neither one had ever left my side since they showed themselves to me. but see I didn't know what my guardian angel was until my which is magic awoken when I was 19 and I went to go to my other family human biological mother had never really been in my life at all so I didn't know much about her. and I had known about me being 5th generation medium. For a while now my friend was in a bath and was very close to. Me and had noticed my gift.Very early on in our friendship. but I didn't know that I was so much more than that until about 2 years ago but sadly but talking to that impact before my Awakening see if we had gotten no fight she abandon me because I was having I was struggling with a lot of the time because I had just lost my biological father he was always sick so I never lived with her and still bothering me whenever we passed away. see on him and my mother's side they both had very powerful bloodlines and the old blood lines of witches. they were very good at covering up what they were so nobody ever called on they were witches we acted like an old fashion family so everybody thought that was normal. my biological mother was the only one. That was actually open what she was and they locked her up. so I knew better than to be open about what I was. when I got my bag. want to know something is very important was missing out of my bag when I started panicking realizing. That I accidentally throwing my grimoire at my boyfriend. well ex-boyfriend because after Chuck today's head I texted him that we were over and then I wanted to have nothing to do with him. when I looked up a guy and look on her face told me that she already knew what happened.

"So that's why you came out so early why didn't you just tell me if that's what it was all about I would have checked in on him and gotten it back. if I had known." I said as she looked at me worriedly.

"Sorry darling I just know that you didn't have it when you walked in and he deserves getting his thrown. At him but you probably should check. Which book you through cuz now we. Are going to have to work hard and get it back let me check. Your phone and see if he texted you." She said, as I looked in my phone seeing that he did text me.

'so I'm guessing you'll want this back aren't you did you look to see what you threw at me cuz I did didn't know you had one of these you do realize that. While I was with was a witch don't you. She realized what you throw at me.She told me she recognized the Sigil. Probably should have put your sigil. That you put on the front page on the front. So that way that I couldn't read it. But you made the mistake of putting the protection sigil on the cover. I just thought it was a design to be. since you always had it. But she identified it as a grimoire So when were you going to tell me that you were in the witchcraft here I I'm thinking. You're a goody goody Little Miss sneaky. You know how sexy I think witches are.' He texted, as she read it over my shoulder. I looked up at her.

Juìòst make sure that Michael goes with you you should be okay at least take him make sure that you're protected if this girl's a wish she's probably not a good one from what I know about your boyfriend he has a tendency to go for the bad ones you on the other hand are not a bad one of my darling you are a white witch you would be very susceptible to like them. I mean I could go with you if you wanted me to but I know that you normally refuse to take me. Because of my appearance I'm one of the most iconic. Deities and too easy for them to identify." She said, as my guardian angel touched, I turned to see him in a human form let me see my family looked like an average human I mean yes he was very tall very muscular but that's just because that's what he look like his hair was very dark and black his face your features were very enhancement angelic his demeanor was very calming and affectionate you felt safe around him he gave a very safe aura.

"Thank you sorry that I have to make you guys doing this but I need to go get that back and I don't know this girl. and now she knows what I am so now I have to keep my guard up around her. the more people that know that I'm witch the more danger it puts me so I thought all possible I'd like to avoid actually getting close to her I don't know who she is and I don't know what she's planning unless she's a white wage she probably means me harm but then again at the same time I'm not sure cuz I've never actually been around to the witches and you guys aren't allowed to tell me about who else you serve so I don't know anything about them.

"Trust me they probably won't harm you. But that's why I'm going to see you don't have a panic attack and freak out. Trust me actual witches are actually pretty nice even. The dark ones aren't really. That bad unless they're an extremist being hardly. Ever get those and those ones are the ones that avoid but they hardly ever show up. they come off very very few so we really don't ever get involved with them. they honestly just stick themselves in them they don't really bother anyone so we just got to leave him alone. Let do their own thing. I just know that you have a tendency of getting nervous around people and have a chance to be getting really defensive and most switches on violence so I'm honestly just trying to keep you from punching her in the face I mean she did not only just steal your boyfriend she has your grandma so I know you're going to probably deck her honey you do have a background of having a hard time controlling your temper and since I know which is I guarantee you she's honestly just trying to get it back to you because most which is actually trying to look after other witches and then we they try to have each other's backs so honestly you should probably realize what was going on and was just trying to be nice and give it back whether she'll be darker she'll be like. She's probably just trying to do that. and seeing as her tattoo is that I have to say she works with Loki so she could be either late or dark cuz that's a symbol on her arm. I guess we'll just have to see when we get there but I'm not taking a chance love you too getting into a fight because the elders hear about that and the council blues they won't be amused and they'll want you to come in and will either evaluate you or put you in a company just to make sure they keep you in mind better send you one of their school so you can learn which craft since you're a powerful bloodline. And you are very powerful witch in general. And that's highly impressive for a baby witch like you." He said, as I told Gaia we'd be right back and we left. I texted my ex meet me by the old oak tree Merrillville Park that we used to go to I told him to bring it place it by the way being Willow and walk away. music through the woods and no time and got to our destination he was wearing a hoodie and had his head pulled up soon we'll be able to recognize Michael because anybody in the witch community that works with angels would recognize him instantly he was the most well known out of the arcangles wasn't that hard to put pick I'm out of a crowd he had already distinct creatures humans are not as beautiful as Angels either so even as human form his face was very revealing he had in human beauty. but then again service guy but she's more humanoid looking see in her original form she is a Titan that has wings antlers but her feathers were more like that of a peacocks very flashy very green and blue while her hair was like it was when she was in her uniform green like lions were weeping willow with flowers going through them she was probably one of the in human working Titans because she represented mother Earth so she cares a lot of characteristics that reference to nature as in all living things on earth. but she always looked pregnant and in her Titan form she's about like 27 feet tall. Since all patents are between 20 and 30 ft tall. and she is the mother of all Titans in Greek mythology. which includes Zeus Poseidon and Hades parents. Which means that she is also the parent of All Greek gods. migraining angel my guardian angel. Who is 15 ft tall. While a nephilim will be 18 ft tall. While a frost giant from Norse mythology is 120 to 300 meters tall. Where is several types of giants I'm not going to go through them all. But that's just some of them just to give you an idea of why they don't really show that form. Well at least while they're in enclosed area like this anyways. and guardian angels are actually archangels your guardian angel is never going to be somebody that you know it's never going to be a soul that passed over because they are not really reincarnated or spend a little bit of time as a Divine as an angel with wings. But they won't again will be reincarnated later on. same family regular demons as long as they are not like one that's like Lucifer or one of the really high ups. Because just like ArchAngels they do not get reincarnated. an archangels have more than one person that they are the guardian of. yes there a lot of archangels but not enough to where they can cover the whole population of humans. There's too many humans on Earth for them to have one for each one. Because there are only seven archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sariel, Raguel, and Remiel. see regular defines which are really angels are also giants as well. archangels have six wings not too. well the higher up on me archangel ladder you go the more or less human they look in the more actually scary to become because they do not look human at all. One is an eye wings. and if you recognize a demon because they will try to deceive you and nothing in there something else if they figure out you caught them they are forced to be honest with you as if they can't lie and they're not only bad either they don't all necessarily stand for evil either they just happen to work in the underworld because he stands for Lucy for her but he does not in fact he's not even a demon at all he's a baby but he's not demon he's just a pegging God that happens to have a goat head. But he's actually neutral believe it or neutral. which is when it popped into my head that she did have Loki. He is known as a trickster God the god of mischief. He's shapeshifter. and Greek mythology he is a cunning trickster. Has the ability to change his shape and sex. Although his father is the giant Fárbauti, he is part of the Aesir (a tribe of gods). so I knew better than to trust the one that worked for him and I need to listen to Michael's warning when he lifted his hand right before we got to the park. when you guys the grimoire or situated in front of a tree where the entrance was about where you walk into meaning that she knew I was coming this way he looked up and seen a raven quietly watching us that have been how long is quietly after we walk past the sycamore little that a lot of young witches like to start bad because someone made a big giant altar on it and only the witches in town actually do about it because it was so deep in the woods which deserved any of the deities have have to do with nature would know about. since a lot. Of the witches around here are actually working see. There's a wiccan community not too far from here. because believe it or not there was a hotspot for witches don't you call from here which meant that there was a dimensional portal in the area that the interdimensional being use to go back and forth from here to their dimension. such as our deities and other entities good and bad. Cuz there are ones that are good and there won't start bad. so sadly our town is a huge hotspot that attracts a lot of witches. they're naturally drawn to deities so of course whenever they drawn to our town. there were a lot of. Witch Awakening they're magical powers. so not even all of them are just drawn here some of them are also just normal people that are Awakening as witches since there's so much supernatural activity in the area. but I was one of the very few that actually came from an actual bloodline it's the fact that my employment was ancient it made my existence even more precious. Because I was a Charmed which is the bloodline of the first witches and by Charmed. I mean my last name was Charmed. I know funny I love the same thing when I used to watch and all teenager when I was hungry because that was the name of it and it was about witches. I used to get a chuckle out of it but since I'm adopted they actually didn't change it but I use my adopted parents' last name instead. Because any witch that hears my last name. Knows exactly what bloodline I'm from. I looked up at the Raven nursing what he was looking at I instantly realized that wasn't an actual Raven but instead Loki. In the form of Raven which is why it had been following us. It called at me realizing that caught on.

"Nice for big guy but I'm not that stupid okay Loki enough of the funny games. where is your witch I know she looked at my grimoire. tell her to come out. I'm not playing games. let's get this over with." I said as he flew down closing his wings as you formed into a human form looking up on me smiling clapping his hands.

"Now that's a first. so what was it that exactly gave me away no one can identify me when I shapeshift. But yet you did impressive why is that."he said walking really trying to get look at my guardian Angel's face and mine as he walked around us checking us over didn't take him two minutes but sweet to figure out who Michael was. Because of his energy alone.

Ah Michael I thought I recognize that were of yours you are angels always did have a very distinct aura. Interesting so you got one of the big guys. so I'm guessing is your guardian angel interesting. so I kissed me and my attention the most the fact that he is you're going to Angel isn't the fact that. it's the fact that he's willing to show himself to yourself willingly I'm really guardian Angels do not shit themselves to anyone not even to know which and witches. fair enough to work with them just not an interesting themselves in front of them yet he's working side by side with you why is this. This is unusually from one of you guardians."he tried to ask as I ran over and grab my grimoire real quick.

"That I believe is none of your business Loki. without the respect you know I make I not dare challenge a baby but I don't have to exactly explain myself to you either though."I said as I heard somebody walking towards us when I looked back and seen it was my ex-boyfriend and that girl. I hustled over to Michael turning around and placing my bag against his putting the grimo in between us behind my back in my hands. I didn't want to look at him or her but I also don't want to see I had grabbed it already.

"Well nice to see you too I know it was just broke up. But is it seriously appropriate for you to hiding such things from me. how far I know you could have been cheating on me." He said me and him both glanced at each other and roll their eyes I face palmed.

"Man you really are stupid if you think that. I have more than one person that can even agree you're an idiot if you think I was ever with anyone else. first off I'm only around a couple of men that aren't even related to me. but like my brothers I've known most of them since we were in diapers or Prince Charles husband all of them are over 10 years. and the one I spend the most time with has been watching me my whole entire life grow up since I was literally in the womb. and I know for a dang fact that your little mistress over there definitely knows who this is. don't you know who is it so you can make your little boyfriend look stupid cuz you can have them I don't want him he's a piece of shit no offense but you are I mean I give you 5 years of my life just to get cheated on with a much weaker which because trust me your girl doesn't even have the equivalent that I am. and honestly if she can keep you because you're trash I'm really nice to people and I try to be kind but you're a dick and this is the first time you cheated on me I'm not stupid you're like I didn't ask you the first time damn it or have him deal with you but he really can't physically harm someone unless they are another enter dimensional being because they are not allowed on humans in your lucky cuz he's like a brother to me and if he honestly could he probably whip your ass because he knows the shit you put me through and how bad you hurt me and how much trauma you gave me over the years he's been there since day one. speak English where were you exactly cheating on me then too think I don't know about it you're such an idiot. on my way to dumbass." I said crossing my arms as Michael gave me a hug calming me down you know I was about ready to smack the book over his head.

"Trust me he ain't worth it you don't need to. Be destroying your grimoire just to beat some sense into him. It's not going to work I can tell you right. Now his IQ probably is not that high." He said taking it off me to make sure that I didn't damage it at me in case if I did decide to hit him. the moment she noticed the way I was postured and looking at the empty space in front of me that I was talking to someone was talking to me and I had my arms polished like somebody was holding me about my shoulders like you would if you were trying to hold somebody back.

"Oh I see an you've got your deity with you. something told me you can see mine that should be impossible."she said before looking at her deity. he gave her life out of his head giving her a yes.

"so who is her deity she seems like a really feisty one She replied as she crossed her arms trying to mime me.

"okay we're just going to talk about the back of that mayor gang is here we're going to talk about why you wanted to give my grimoire so bad. I mean you did send Loki to come watch me before I walked over here to place my room over there to begin with instead of meeting me at the meeting place. I text you specifically the weeping well out in the park not in the woods and the entrance of the pagan/wiccan alter."I said rolling my eyes is like let her deep breath so I was getting irritated with her attitude he noticed when he's on my he knows what the haul off and hit her.

"I mean it's bad enough that you probably fucking my boyfriend the entire time that we've been trying to make up which by the way I ain't taking you back this time so you can go literally fuck yourself. I'm tired of giving you time every time extra chance of a chance for you to just screw me over. I don't think that we're buddies just because I'm a witch too cuz we're not okay I just want to make that very clear. We will never be on good terms actually. and actually I am going to be doing and getting a new man because I'm tired of dealing with your child is bullshit so I'm going to date me a little man might not be average though because I'm tired of happening today you losers just to have you cheat on me that somebody weaker blood I'm never how stupid men are."I said shooting a text to my childhood friend who was also my best friend he was the son of somebody let me know biological mother his mother was actually like my mother's best friend. and we were like siblings and he was a warlock. so we had a very harmonic and loving relationship. let's see I loved him as a family I didn't exactly have romantic feelings for him cuz I never thought about it I guess I mean I was a kid well the older we got and the more that I flourished he started getting interested so we haven't really talked to each other in a in a year or two but we used to be extremely close but he tried to kiss me. I freaked out and got off work I didn't know what to say so I just started going on together I mean like I'm texting him I was sorry I just couldn't see him like that. and then I had no idea that he felt that way for me and I'm sorry that I couldn't return the feelings. and turns out since my mom and his mom were best friends and they seen how come we got together going together and she was my biological mom they arranged just to be married when you were older still are actually by the time so needless to say I've been avoiding making physical contact with him like meeting him in person. I still talk to him but not like I used to and I do still text him just know as much.

'Hey what have you been up to I haven't heard from you in a while?'I send the message and it didn't take long for a reply

'Hey baby girl what's up you normally never text me something wrong?'he texted me back I'm almost as if I could hear him saying it in his deep southern accent to be honest you just had one. Of those voices that you just could listen to for days. I had missed it so much and didn't realize. Exactly how much until I realized how much wanted to hear his voice. guess I did feel comfort and I didn't love him just I couldn't see us being romantically involved with each other just because the fact that we were just so that close like surely that you're back close to you you don't want to ruin that type of relationship with getting romantically involved with one another involvement is involved. the religion really falls apart.

Well maybe I just miss you jerk I do miss your voice look crazy. sorry but you do know I love your voice I mean who doesn't you don't you don't not hear that one of your friends or girlfriends you're so lucky you're with Celine. at least one of us is a happy ending yeah just caught my boyfriend cheating on me again for the I don't know how many time. at this point of lost count of how many times he's been unfaithful I mean we were dating for 5 years and I'm an idiot for keep it going that long so yes you're right I'm actually going to ask you to hear me single friends that I can get a hold of a real man cuz I know that you actually have like really good judicare to be able to tell me to do good enough for me or not and I know that you wouldn't disturb me wrong cuz I can actually trust you and your judgment. look at my other friends find out that I broke up with him this time permanently they're going to want me to make shoes and everything and I don't feel like doing that shit I want to actually bond with somebody that can actually be open with about my practice and lifestyle without having to hide it. and tell Selena I said, no but seriously bro I do you want to congratulate you. both of you that kind of doing this heard from your dad and I do apologize for taking me so long to talk to you they don't understand I had a very controlling asshole or boyfriend that won't let me hang out with any guys even if they're related to me.'I texted not mean to send such a big message.

'Again this time must have been serious what happened and there's something that you're leaving out. Aradia' he replied he was the only one that really knew my real name I actually meant by Ariel. just because I never use my real name return to bloodline was very dwindled the way it was there was very so very few of us I carry the true bloodline of a Charmed. like there is only so very few family members actually carried the parable of mine most of them were not here purely ever bloodline as in their partners were not witches their partners want a mortal and when you pair mortal with a witch you get a week or witch with mixed blood that's not pure prepare the more concentration of lineage that the witch has more powerful her magic is. and to be honest I didn't really know my biological father at all and I'm going to be passed away and I only met him 2 years ago same with my biological mother. and microwave the time that she got visitation with me finally in one over the trail in Court to come visit me. he was very sick and was bedridden and couldn't take care of himself. So when I first was reintroduced to him again he was already living at the hospital. he wasn't allowed to go home he was that sick so when he suddenly died not too long after I didn't get the chance to ask many questions about him or his family or figure out who my dad was as a person only was his I knew name and all they got to do is talk to me a little bit I wasn't allowed to give him too many questions because he was not doing too well made it more stress him out with him trying to answer all my questions or explain them to me his name was Gemini. and all the news at his family was above one of which is I just didn't know which one and I didn't know how powerful they were but I didn't know which is because the fact that I was born. which meant that I was from a pure blood line. Both my parents were from witch lineages. and my mom really didn't want to talk about it too much. I can't really get her to talk. so I just want to left it's alone. see my mother was taken away from her original mother as well she was five when they took her away from her mom because she didn't show that she was a bastard child as in her dad was not in the picture and I'm pretty sure she in around about way told me that she was born from an affair so the dad didn't want anything to do with her and asked her biological mother to get rid of her as well so she grew up in the system. and she awoke at a very young age like around 13. let's see she forgot that she was from which bloodline. So whenever her power awakened. She wasn't exactly quiet about it. in fact she was quite open with her friends but she was able to do things she probably shouldn't they thought she was nuts so grimoire I actually had was hers it was my ancestors as we passed down for generations of generations it's impossible family since very first witches of my family started she had taken it from a biological mother. whenever she went to go visit her when she was older. they let her in but as soon as she told him that she was they turned into the door she was luckily able to slip out the grimoire because they left it sitting out in the oven on her Alto which wasn't exactly tucked away as a centerpiece of the main room so shit it pretty easy for my mom to sneak out with it. and they didn't Wilmington Harris because nobody ever got a hold of her trying to get it back. At least not to my knowledge but this was also way before I was born this is when my mom was about like my age now. as I I looked to them.

"well it was not nice seeing you guys and I will not see you later bye I have to get to go and I have stuff to do."I said his return to leave I waited till I know that we were far enough away it pulled my phone back out and text him.

'I caught him making out with some random wish and I told my grimoire had in my accident. so he accidentally found out I was a witch so yeah I told him I was done with his ass I had to walk out here with my guardian angel just to make sure I didn't beat him up or her she had to Luki follow me around cuz that's what her deity. personally I'm just tired of him always cheating on me and being unfaithful and just being stupid about it I want to see he's not worth my time I'm with so much more than that and I'm finally listening to myself. I deserve better and I'm going to get better. So do you know anyone. I texted him. I walked back to my alter with him to go to Gaia like I said my shed was actually pretty big it was honest as a small house so that's when they were in front of us to make her so comfortable and I did have chairs in there so it wasn't like it was just one big empty space there's also a table in the Middle where I had more plans lined up and I had a bigger area in cancel forever decided to have guests in the words in case but decide to make a cover they suggested it since I was such a powerful witch they thought I'd be perfect as a covenant leader or a priestess Which is higher than a covenant leader. and because of me being such a high ranking when they thought it would be smart for me to make myself a cousin so I'd have more protection if somebody decided to have which one I mean which ones having every few centuries but when it did it was pretty much a slaughterhouse every time they always would find ways to come find us and slaughter us they're actually quite a few witches in fact anybody can actually be a witch technically but the ones that come from the traditional bloodline to the ones that are the most powerful like me but technically anyone even from alcohol which people of wine can actually use magic if they learn how to I studying witchcraft and there are some kinds of witchcraft you can study okay stuff and it's not that hard to learn as long as you're willing to learn cuz when you're learning it there is a lot of Truth in these practices because it also teaches you a lot of that history and our planet time and space and as well as the different dimensions most of the days. I'll come from different dimensions which means obviously their not from this world. But several different ones. broccoli for us all of them are good and kind and protect and heal and the main majority stand for good there are a few that are a little bit bad apples. like there are like there are some that are total chaos and are very destructive and violent but there's only a few. But like us and they all have different personalities and attitudes as well as intentions. So you really do have to be because there are just there's a lot of entities like they and drug spirits and just evil and vampires will they exist too but they differ they can be either good or bad same as the werewolf but they can be quite ferocious and yes they can lose control very easily when they do is control the or can be very violent and very deadly but they vary some are actually very nice very good very kind and there are others are just greedy and dark and deadly violent murderers I can name them all. but they are all interdimensional beings instrumental things aren't exactly all. deities and they also are entities like spirits supernatural things like vampires or cryptids cuz they also exist like and banshees and were also Bigfoot all that shit wasn't joking anything that can be unexplainable I guarantee you as a cryptid. they like to Tuesday in or near Forest so just avoid them at night you know unless you're powerful enough which in have fun cuz if you can if you're powerful enough which you can either repel or vanish or vanquish one cuz you have to be either able to fight it back kill it or do something because if you're up against something like the Tasmanian devil or something you are so screwed and you don't fight him back. see these entities are always after their power so there was attracted to them like flies to shit the more powerful one you got them work entities and supernatural because it's going to get attention that's why I have a guardian angel that's why everyone angels what are you living human doesn't anyways but you can't sweat their granny Angel is more involved with them because of their main focus. I grabbed my new plant that I had laid out and since it was a whole moon tonight and the moon was already rising I was going to go put my water out to make moon water and was going to gather my crystal so I can set them underneath the Moon and planned a plant random one of my plant in this world. Since it was a full moon. I had put this over dagger in my pocket before I walked out just in case because most entities and cryptids and anything like that they don't like silver that or cut off their head and burn them if all else fails. and Muslim do come out on that night if you see them during the day is mostly unheard of I'm in there has been some articles where they have show number during the day but very very little and it's not like Bigfoot and shit do you see after the day or a Fae. but both of them you want to not allow you know that you've seen them in other words if you do see them don't want to know that you did very weird same with a copy I guess that there are some that Tuesday out during the night it's mainly not the mainstream ones though it's mainly like off to the side orange and vampire or werewolf or an evil spirit because even most people spirits don't really come out during the day too many people and evil spirits can turn into evil under these two so not all the time and they're going to be certainly even recognize sometimes they'll be something entirely different like there's some entities where like a baby there's only one of them there's the ones you want to avoid though because they're made of picture of pain and suffering good morning chaos. Like the Tasmanian devil ones like him are hard to get rid of it's not impossible and if one is able to get rid of helmets I'm going to have to be a witch a normal human would not stand a chance against one of these things they slaughter for fun I mean do you know how many people skinwalkers take out every year just because somebody just happened to wander into the wrong Friday force of the wrong time and one just happened to have been in the same area and they just happened to accidentally ran into it not realizing what it was. Same with a wendigo just because somebody walked into Indian Land by accident not realizing that they were in their territory. and if they Papa's family very open like me will be more susceptible to be possessed. rather than be killed because they only kill the ones that they have have no use for it but if they can possess you or what does that too and the more your third eye is up in the morning they're going to notice. the purpose of Target a medium because they are technically a type of witch and the stronger the witches it possess the stronger that they're going to want it pursue that one because they're looking for somebody very powerful for them so they can channel their power when The possession if they can channel is powered they can do a lot of damage the more damage they do the more satisfying it is to them. he wanted user just looking for a strong vessel to the guys can't remember that they just want a strong vessel. I was thinking to myself as I walked outside to do my business I said all my things out on my tray is waiting for my shed there was an opening of the trailer line for the moonlight came in so I can close my crystals and make potions that me and Mike which I did on purpose Michael did it for me I had him put down the types of trees near The sheds that was that there would be an opening and we would like to go down in. I looked up to make sure the moonlight was right while I leaned down to the ground with my little shovel after I placed my Crystal's old one this tray on this log outside the shack. Where I normally cleanse my crystals. I put out my picture of water which I use for my mini water which was clear glass and said it beside my dark orange vials bottles that have little live that looks like a little Oakley at the top which is where you pull the cork out of customer everything I used for my questions or my witchcraft was Major based so all of them have something to do with nature in a way or another. I had a candle holder with three candles which I put my hand over cops of the candles are probably been down on the log and recited.

"Let light rise out of darkness" As every top of the candle was lit. the flame sparker 2 a full size within seconds. I made sure that I had enough candles to burn while I was out here I didn't want to run out of light while I was digging a hole. my candles had protection sigils on them so as long as they burn nothing won't be able to come near me or detect them there. or at least that's what normally happens but apparently I wasn't quick enough with getting them lit because if it was locked over I seen somebody looking at me it made me jump cuz I didn't know they were there and couldn't detective they were there I knew I should have let them before I walked out but I made that mistake and not doing it I can feel her I was beating on my chest with us I was ready freak out. We just stared at each other. with a blank stare just stare at each other and didn't say anything and neither one of us dared to look away. I can feel my heart I'm just beating on my chest as I was trying to hold myself back from a little bit of panic attack because I had the realization that this was not unable spirit this was crypted of some sort. I couldn't move a muscle he's in genetics I was scared for this is my first one running into I have been luckily able to avoid cryptids my whole entire life except three one skinny. as Christians are the only ones that they regular people can see other than just witches so anybody can take equipped it but not everybody can see a deity. in fact only the witch that works with them can see them or another Deity. which locally didn't notice and I noticed him because I was definitely able to keep my colon pretend like I didn't notice and walk away at the time I wasn't a fully awaken witch so he didn't sense me I was only a meeting at that time and wasn't. To my full potential. I try to turn my head to the shack or get my eyes on him as a reached back completely and carefully about ready to pull out my silver dagger. When I let out a deep breath as I close my eyes.

As my phone went off I pulled it out.as I noticed looking around cawing looking for for something as I hit behind a fallin log as I put out the candle.

'well I am sorry to hear that but I cannot help you right now I'm kind of busy doing man thing girl I did love you and you should contact me more instead of avoiding me all the time have a party tonight at my house you should really come to it I haven't seen you in a long time I really want to see you. sometimes I feel like he here just don't want me around or like me.'

'And what are you talking about first of all you know I love you like family second of all you got a girlfriend you've been busy lately your work and on top of that practicing which so yeah no I think just giving you your space letting you be you I know that you didn't appreciate me being of your house last time. and don't say you did because you didn't even plan the entire time. But I'm too clingy to your girlfriend cuz I heard her mentioning it. plushie contacted me asking me if I was being inappropriate with you like you know being in the inappropriate relationship with you as in asking if side piece and I told her no and she told me okay well then prove it. so I just kind of left you alone cuz it ain't the first time she said something like that to me so I told her that I'd love you guys doing just to show her that I wasn't trying to see you she told me okay we'll see how this goes I was respecting her feelings cuz she is your woman do you not want me to respect her feelings that or did her understand that there's nothing inappropriate about our relationship that I'm literally just like a sister to you unless you can convince her that then you're going to have a hard time coming and see me cuz I don't think she likes me that much because she knows you can best me at one point which is why I told you not to talk even though you told her that I rejected you. The's still thinking that there's something going on. you know I love you just not like that you're my best friend and my oldest friend. I've just been letting you have a personal life. you do girl admit your life got a whole lot more busy. Since she started dating her.'I texted letting outside I realizing State entity had disappeared I was relaxed now knowing that it was going on message him if you ignore cryptid or something dangerous they will normally leave you alone it's whenever you overreact and you give them attention that they get dangerous. so I just finished my ritual and went about my business. I relaxed if I looked at the moon and I bathed in the moonlight. For 2 hours. Before realizing what time it was and we relocked my shack with a spell. Before running away to my house thou the woods. I climbed in Through the window. being as quiet as a church mouse. I changed my clothes and got myself ready I decided since it was a Halloween party I was going to wear a witches out. But I actually I'm more than one party to go to. Used a spell to make my hair and eyes violet and my appearance more exotic. I called my Familiar which was a giant golden eagle. who is fully grown in a pretty big boy I had raised from him from a hatchling he was a gift from one of my moms relative wish locally made neighbor who really liked me luckily was nice enough to let me keep it at their house he went in between her houses of course because of the fact that he was mine but my foster parent wouldn't let me keep him at their house because they are well he's a lawyer and she's a Doctor doesn't take much to figure out. That their a little judgie about everything. So I raised him and secret and have been taking him back and forth through my house to the neighbors since I first raised him my mom and dad know nothing about cuz they're currently at her home. and how rare in English to have as a familiar but he's not actually an eagle he's a phoenix he just appears as a golden eagle because they're more common and plus because he's a type of familiar that's more like a cryptid and that's supernatural kind of like an untold Fox cuz they're familiars too they just are supernatural beings. As well so is a phoenix and they cannot be killed. but see these beings work with deities not like the cryptids who work totally to create destruction these guys can create creation and can perform miracles like which you can like granted wishes or my case like my Phoenix can heal any anything internally or externally on the human body even cares sickness or illnesses. I'm like any normal familiar communicate with they're witch. and got her and be her assistant.

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