Chapter 6: Dust To Dust

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"Please forgive me but my I ask you something?" She asked awkwardly. I nodded giving her a warm smile. "Is your husband my brother." She asked, hesitantly. "I was wondering how long it would take you to notice. He does look like your dad he's your half brother you guys have different moms. He's older then you or your sisters." I told her. She looked at him. I could tell her she really wanted to ask me something. But she was too scared. I could tell her she was very coming and shy I could tell exactly which sister this was. Thie is was Daffodil. Daffodil was one of his younger sisters and she's really super shy. And adorable. She's only 21 short a little only the fluffier. And there were rumors she was bullyed after she shifted for being a bit on the bigger side. To the point where she stopped shifting in front of anyone. And because of her trama from being bullyied she stopped eating and whoever. Started it even leaked to everyone that she. I've been diagnosis of the eating disorder. My husband does actually keep close tabs on his sisters. He may not been in their lives but he still found ways to look after them. Anytime there's somebody would try to cause them trouble or try to turn reputation or harm them in any way he would always intervene. But we were overseas when this happened so we had no idea that even happened until after we got back and we spent a good about eight months there. And by the time we had gotten home it had spread so much that he couldn't track down who the original person was. But he is the only look. And the next clue  that we're looking for is not too far from here. Honestly now that I see her in person for the first time I realized how. Since she's gotten since the pictures that he showed me. Of what she look like before. He had his connections to keep a lookout on his sisters. And he had his ways of getting pictures of them their uncle took. Which I now just realized is Dominique dad. I felt dumb for not realizing it earlier. I just grabbed her hand and let her over I grabbed my husband by his arm and gentle tapped his cousin's shoe with my black heeled  boot on his cousin steal toed boot. Telling him to follow as I pulled them off to the side outside to the parkinglot. I did it so fast my husband didn't even have enough time to look over see his sister till I placed her in front of him when I stop. He instantly has a misaffectionate smile he was so excited his tail literally came out and started wagging. Which ended up almost knocking over his cousin. She couldn't help but laugh to see how excited he got he was starting even letting out a little excited whine.

"Believe it or not he freaking loves you. He loves all his sisters and believe it or not he does check up on you guys you guys just don't see it. He's always keeping tabs on you guys not in a creepy way. But why do you think that anytime that somebody tried to fight start stuff or spread rumors about any of you they always disappeared and anything put on the internet about you guys would always taken down. And especially if they met any of you guys harm. Why do you think they dropped off the face of the Earth they met your brother. He always made it his personal mission to intervene for any of that even started. Believe it or not my husband is very persuasive." I said, his sister went to open her mouth and he was already hugging her he nuzzled her excitedly. Smothering her with affection. But he made sure to be a gentle with her. But he was so much bigger than her. You can hardly tell he was hugging anybody.

"He didn't kill them did he?" She asked,

"No promise just gave him a Stern warning. I knew that you wouldn't like it if I did. Unless they were the ones that were targeting you that met you harm then yeah. But definitely cuz they were Hitman. It's best if you don't ask Dad has a lot of enemies. You're gonna have any other times I've had to actually intervene whenever an assassin tried to take his ass out. More times than I can freaking count. I wish you would use his authority more I mean he has the power he just doesn't use it properly. Not done talking pops but he's not you know he doesn't stand his ground. Hesitation gets you killed, trusting the wrong person can kill you. I'm just saying with his status he should be more careful be more authoritative show them that he's King he doesn't throw his weight around like he's supposed to and I worry about him." He said assuring his sister kissing her head. Pushing her hair back. Out of her face and she tried stopping him from pulling her hair back away from her when I which she had covered with her hair when he noticed why she had it covered she had a scar over her eye he was livid. She had hug him to get him to calm down.

"Who did that?" He Demanded. Baring his fangs I could tell he was about ready to shift. Shich he sometimes does when he is extremely angry if he can't control his anger. I whistled as Archangel Raphael showed up right behind him grabbing him in a hug. Using his Angelic energy to calm him. He talked to him they're very calming soothing whisper. See Raphael had the ability where he could just simply soothe you and call me by just simply talking to you in a little whisper only the person he's calming can hear it. He finally calmed down and stopped growling. And reverted from shifting.

"Okay you can let me go Raphael I promise I'm calm." He said, he let him go. And then my husband looked at him nodding. "Wait Raphael aren't you the Archangel known for healing?" My husband asked, as Raphael straightened out hmy husbands hair. Rafael was with the motherly nurturing type he just loved taking care of others.

"Yes my boy I'm the healer amongst the Archangel. I'm healing, Michael's protection, and Gabriel is knowledge/messenger." He answered, before my husband motioned to his sister. Raphael gently melt down in front of her grabbed her by the hand putting his hand on top of hers while the other one was underneath. As I walked to her side lowering my head. While looping my arms through hers. Rubbing her arm gently.

"It's okay you can trust him I promise this is Raphael he's an archangel he's one of the most gentle. Or the ArchAngels see his wings. As he lifted them to show her she was a little taken back I could tell this is the first time she doesn't remember arch angel in person. Which is understandable most people can't summon them like I can in fact very very little or able to and if any of they have to be really powerful white witches because our angels are very extremely powerful they're not a toy they're more of a weapon. They're not just giving anybody. So therefore not many people can actually summon one. Especially since there's not many white witches to begin with. He used his Angelic energy to make her relax. By  letting his angelic energy flow from his hands into hers. She nodded as he let go reached gentle up pushing her hair back. His expression was sorrowful as he examined how much damage was done to the eye. I moved to the other side so I can get a good look and see if I can open anyway.

"What do you think got any magic, spells, or potions for this." He asked, I reached into my purse pulling out a wooden box which I pulled a special enchanted cloth which I poured something on it from a viel.

"Promise this wouldn't hurt I just want to clean out any thing that can get in your eye since your actual eye is very damaged from that your eyes only actually partially there so once he does this it will make your eye become whole if anything's on the outside it can actually go inside your eye. Which is why you can no longer open your eye." I said, before gently wiping. Making sure it was clean. Before he kissed her eye like when a parent kisses their scrapes and bruises. When your a children. His luminescent Angelic energy flowed from his lips laminated to her eye making it heal as if nothing had ever happened. Which did take a chunk of his energy to where I had to revert him to a human simply to help him conserve energy anytime that they're running kind of low I'll have them change into a human form so they can regenerate all their energy because when they're in their human form they're not using any other powers. I mean it doesn't bother them and they can switch back whenever they want. And conserving energy like this actually helps them a lot because they're able to get larger quantities of energy instead of getting just little amounts at a time and haveing to regenerate all that. Which is a very rare case scenario. Because when they're like this even humans can see them I mean they do look the same just human. And they do technically still have access to small amounts of their power. Put it's not very much. And I figured were in a safe place it's public. So I knew he'd be safe. Which I did by touching his shoulder and manifesting him a human body. And she hugged him when she realized he fixed her eye. He hugged her back picking her up.

"Now who did it?" Bayne asked, she hesitated. "He didn't do it on purpose. It was am accident." She stuttered I could tell that she wasn't being honest. I touched her shoulder telling her she can tell me.

"I found my mate and when some shewolves that liked him decided to jump me after I shifted because I couldn't keep up with the other wolves. I was so humiliated I became a shut in. I locked myself in my room I and stopped talking to anyone." She bursted this angered both of us. I tried cooking her into telling me who did it but she wouldn't give no names.

"It's okay you don't have to tell us if you don't want to we're not going to force you. Honestly if you want to go anywhere or do anything just call Holly you can even stay with us whenever you want. I promise as long as one of us is around nothing will ever happen." I hugged her." Before kicking Dominique.

"By the way Mr you better not be banging that Vamp. Gabby." I said, he just looked away.

"Gross I can't look at you the same. She's married does her husband know. I mean I get it's normal for nonhumans to have multiple partners. And I know that you have a tendency of fooling around with different races even though their against them marring or reproducing. But why her I can't stand her snooby attitude. But hey you do you. Come on Daffodil. Let's go." I said, leading her inside with Raphael. We walked to a table as. I pulled a chair in front of her and made her let me do her makeup. She was so cute with the cat's eye eyeliner with a grey smoky eye on. I put the icon red lipstick on her. Before fixing her hair. And altering her outfit to make it more flattering to her body type.  Before showing her what I did. She hugged me. I hugged her before walking her over to the other with her brother. She literally stuck To us like glue. I didn't mind. I thought it was kind of cute how she played monkey in the middle between both of us. Cleo was having fun snapping shot of the crew.
She was so excited to have pictures of all of us in it because all along the sides before I noticed that they were pictures of all of our friends and but I was the only one that was missing. So she made sure to take serval of me and her.  one with my husband. And one with her and  both of us. She then printed them other small printer beside the cash register. Before hanging them up on the wall with the others. She did give me one of all of us. Which she signed. I put it in my purse.

"Oh man I wish the night could go on forever but it's getting really late I'm going to have to shut down soon." Chloe announce so my husband and sister are exchange numbers and he gave her our address. Then we walked his sister to her car just to make sure that nobody messed with her. We waited till she had already pulled out even walk to our car. We got in and as soon as he started and you heard the engine purr she was pretty loud. I mean it was an old muscle car. Some of the guys hooted and hollowed excitedly. As he pulled out of the parking lot. We drove home I was so tired after we just went to bed and pasted out.

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