Chapter 7: Blowing In The Wind

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We woke up the next day took a shower got ready put our gear on. I kissed him before putting on my mask. And slipping on his then we put our heads together. We said, our goodbyes to our children. Before heading off to our car. We got in before taking off to meet whoever hired us. We hold the coordinates and it lived straight to the city hall. We parked, got out, and walked to the entrance. As soon as the guards seen us walking he and let us go right away and back to even walked out from behind his desk and told us to follow him. "The mayor told me you'd be coming and make sure no one gives you shit." He said walking us through the build to the mayor's office. He jumped up to greet us as he shook our hands.

"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you The Mask and Death Dealer. I thought I doomed. Thank you so much." He shook our hands.

"What's the urgent that you need to call Pandora and for though. From what we said there's nothing really wrong with the town." Bayne asked.

"Well I'm afraid my boy things aren't that simple so you wouldn't have called you for wanting me to do but my police force can't deal with no one humans so we had no choice to call him back up. The non-humans in this area I've been without Authority for so long and they. Well they're a little out of control. Well it's more like the younger ones are out of control not only are they attacking each other for no reason. Anybody that crosses in the wrong way is a target. And it's gotten so bad that even one of the world's own daughter got attacked. She has to keep it Hush Hush but we knew that we had to do something about it." He exclaimed. Showing us different pictures when I realized they were all pictures of this sister daffodil with physical injuries or I look like she had been beaten till she painted.

"Okay what's really going on with Daffodil there isn't. Any other inhale and human on here except Daffodil. Who's beating her cuz you obviously know something I'm trying to track down the son of a bitch since she stopped eating and lock her self in her. Now tell me what you know." My husband demanded angerly almost growling.

"Wait you're aware of Daffodils case I'm sorry I didn't know that you knew. Their mother demanded that we are to not let any information get leaked.

"Yeah well when it purchase my little sister I have right to know. I'm their older brother. I'm not only be there half brother but they're still my sisters it might have to her moms but that doesn't change the fact that they're still my blood. Know what the hell's going on before I start getting mad. If somebody physically harms one of my blood related siblings that makes it my problem. Especially the sweet little Daffodil she's one of my younger sisters she's more more vulnerable especially since she rejected her wolf. So either you can start talking or I can force it out of you." My husband so loudly working off his mask to show his face the mayor was taken aback big time as his eyes widened.

"Oh shit I didn't know they had an older brother you definitely exactly like your dad so how old are you you said you're older than them how about how much. Holy shit your a pure bred hybrid. That would make you the first purebred hybrid ever that's technically born of a royal." He said, in disbleif.

"Yeah no shit we deduce that both my parents are Royals. My mom's the queen of the elven. My dad's the wolf came got a problem with it. And neither one of them know that I'm alive so you better keep that between me and you and I'm 30 so yes I am the oldest and I have children that's what you have album and their house Supreme and Grand witch but they're stronger than both of us combined. And they both have the wrong markings too oh my wife's a supreme she's also a Charmed and who are you asking if she is a pure blood she is a white witch queen. And a very powerful one at that probably the most powerful woman that reduced in well when's the last time they've had a very powerful White Witch Supreme it's been a good hundred years like yeah her other relatives are good white witches but they're not they're not like her she's not like other white witches Savor otherwise which is a more passive she'll kick your ass and she was also trained by an archangel try the great archangel Michael himself. And considering it my wife can train is an equal with a deity something more powerful than anything on human I would have to say we're the real deal so I wouldn't be playing games with me if I were you my patience is thin especially when it comes down to my sisters. I keep close tabs on making sure that not only my dad but my siblings are kept at arms away why do you think it is the assassination attempts on my dad never succeeded you're welcome and the one that intervened every single freaking time that man needs to stop making enemies that are stopping in a damn pushover. I mean the one that stops my sister from being bullied made rumors of or humiliated but especially when anybody means them while I'm I'm always the one that deals with them so why the hell in I able to track down the one that did it this time I've been able to do in any other time so what's different this time. And you seem to know so tell me. Or you'll be dealing with my wife because she absolutely loves my sister Daffodil. She even healed her the other day whenever I seen her she had a big gash over her eye and there was a lot of permanent damage done to it luckily one of her archangels is able to fix it. So she got lucky this time but I want to make sure they never happens again. So what do you know. My husband said pulling off my mask showing him my face his face when I was waiting in the sheet when he seen what color my eyes were cuz he know exactly what family I belong to I'm pulled up my sleeves to show him my markings. Which made all the blood run from his face cuz he knew that those were real. Because he went to take a closer look in the more that he looked the more that he was sweating cuz he he could tell those that wasn't a tattoo.

"Damn I was expecting any of that. You two are just full of surprises since you have so much a sorority and position why don't you guys be ambassadors." He said as my husband just pulled out his card and showed him that we was already registered.

"I'm already legally registered as one actually. But did the stigma about hybrids. I even have a campaign made and everything but due to that stigma nobody wants to schedule a hybrid ambassador. Cuz I guarantee if we did our campaign even just once to a group of people I guarantee you it would change their mind entirely and would give them a whole different idea on a hybrids we're a lot more complex than a lot of people think we are a lot of people think that we're just half human or have another type of Beast not only am I half wolf and half elephant I can even shift and I can use all the powers of an elven but my power is a lot powerful. Than a regular elvin and I wolf forms a lot bigger than a normal wolves. Purchase for the latest on two legs I'm as big as an archangel archangels are 15 ft tall take your pick which one do you think is stronger. Because I can use both of the same time I can be shifted and still use my elven power. If you met any actual full grown adult hybrid purebred or even just a regular hybrid you'd realize how much stronger than they are compared to a normal one even without training they can take out a purebred with nothing even if they're half human. But nobody ever knows that because the only adult ones are Hunters and they don't exactly you know socialize like normal non-humans because we're excluded from their population until about 4 years ago. But my children are exactly why I chose to do that I signed up to being ambassador to educate people on that because of the fact that I want to make the world a place where my children can grow up safe and sound and not feel like they're going. To be you know sort of Slaughter just because they're hybrids. And I'm also the first hybrid that's married a purebred and also the first one that's produced offspring in all of my offspring have our markings not just one. But honestly really dealing with the neighbor will listen is it my wife speaks because the fact that she's a pureblood. They'd  be more willing to listen to her. But she wasn't able to join in the my campaign until a few months ago because we have a 8-month-old at home she stayed with her for 6 months. Before she even decided to come back to work with me. Needless to say when we have any children I let her take time off to raise our child to about 5 to 6 months and then I let her come back so she has enough time to heal. So needless to say when she came back we had to redo the whole entire campaign because we have to disguise it as a campaign for her not hybrids because well like I said The Listen a lot more than before they'll listen to me. Now are we going to keep on talking. Now circles or are you going to tell me what's up with my sister." He said, bluntly. The mayor let out of sigh.

I was hoping you let that go since I'm technically not allowed to tell you but since she is your sister and since you're already aware of what's already going on I might as well just be blunt with you. Two of your sisters ganged up on her with two of their friends but it was mainly your two other sisters that put them up to it and that's because she wants to start likes daffodils make she found out that he was from me and got pissed which is why death it alone or got her because that's her sister and on top of that it's her mother's favorite daughter so of course she flipped out and told her it was her fault and then told her not to be with him like they literally want to let David be with her maybe because the fact that her sister likes him they're trying to force her to reject him but he's her mate she doesn't want. Her to reject him and on top of he actually really does like her. Which is why she just started walking herself up in her room and not talking to nobody cuz he's actually daffodils boyfriend she really does love him like whenever she found out that he was her mate she decided to date him and they actually really love each other but the other sister got jealous who likes him and is pissed so she made it her Personal Agenda to beat the crap out of your other sibling Hey cuz that's why I even showed you pictures where you couldn't even tell that it was. Daffodil you were still able to know that it was her. Your father's wife demanded that we didn't give out which daughter's name it is that's why I told you favorite daughter figure out which one the favorite is and bingo mango there's your corporate and then the other one that was helping her that's also the other sister if the one that's always hangover around her and acting like arrangement like she literally acts like she's her how do I say this sidekick like she doesn't even have any Personal Agenda against her she just really envies the sister that's the mother's favorite so she always tries to hang around her and act like her and do whatever the favorite says so that way that her mother stays pleased with her." He exclaimed handing my husband the report which he wasn't meant to show us which did detail exactly that the other sisters were jealous she's one of the daughters of the mother really doesn't care for and the other daughter that beat her up is actually the mother's favorite so that's why she's not giving a shit about DaffodilDaffodil a little and why she's not getting in the way or telling her to stop or you know just being a mom interest not letting her children fight like that. Or mistreat each other sorry about your brother's wife does not treat her daughter's equally at all that's why they're always competing against each other for their mother's affection and whoever's mother's favorite is the one that gets spoiled and gets away with whatever they want and also gets everything their way like Mommy's little angel can't do nothing wrong I'm sorry I've tried talking some sense into that woman so what she's doing is not right that her daughter should be truly that she shouldn't make them feel lesser than the other one she told me that makes them work harder. And makes them work harder and make some room life isn't fair because of life isn't so why should a mother be only the strongest will survive only the most successful will succeed so therefore any child that she sees that doesn't look like Bill succeed or go anywhere in life she doesn't even bother with his name is show one little hint of that day aren't up to her expectations she pretty much just doesn't care for them." He informed my husband. The more that my husband seen the details that daffodil had gave in the mayor the more anger he was getting.

"That's it screw this I'm going to get her she live with us I mean at least she'll be treated better and get everything it's needs and be treated like an equal she's one of my youngest siblings she's my responsibility if one of my other siblings is being abusive towards her and her mother is being abusive towards her I'm not just going to sit back and let them do that. I'm sure that my wife agrees my wife loves her she met her yesterday she took Capital underneath her Wing automatically and took care of her. Not just by healing her physical injury but she emotionally supported her. Daffodil still very young she's still learning. Growing up in that toxic of an environment is not healthy. I mean how my sister literally has a physical illness because of it. Yes I know about my sister's eating disorder too. I'm aware for depression her anxiety and everything she told me herself." My husband said ripping out his phone and texting daffodil.

'Okay so now I know why you didn't tell me I know what's going on now I want to know if you're okay. Why didn't you tell me that that's what was going on you know I would have had my wife convinced you to come with us I would rather you be with us heck you can't even live with us I'll even move here just so you don't have to switch schools I'll stop traveling. I'm not even joking you need actual emotional. Support and you also need somebody that's going to protect you. I'm your older brother you're my responsibility I love you and I care for you I'm obviously not going to let you stand that environment so don't fight me I'm picking you up. When I'm done here have yourself ready.' He messaged her. She messaged him back. '....okay you know I can't win against you brother.. but what about my mom what if she starts looking for me.... I'll be an even more trouble...' She replied. When I snatched his phone and typed.

'Honey you let us deal with that. If it comes to that let us deal with her. You know we wouldn't let her touch you. And besides if she was a real mother she wouldn't treat you the way if she does so therefore she has no right to you as her daughter. Look I know you're staying around cuz you love Dad it's not even because you love Mom and I know it's because you love Dad but come on any he is too naive to notice what's going on he's too naive to notice how your mom's treating you because the fact that she puts on such a facade in front of him. And trust me I'll take you around anytime that you want to see him. But you can't live there no more. And it's best honestly if you don't see your mom anymore.' I typed sending it to her.

"Problem solved we're taking her she disagreed to come with us she agreed to come live with us hell won't even move into the area so she doesn't have to leave her father because I know that she loves dad and that's the only reason why she's putting up with her mom I know she doesn't have a real relationship with her mother but she loves her father but you've seen the facade that her mom puts on in front of her dad our dad has no clue how abusive his wife is because she puts on the facade of a perfect mother and perfect wife to him. Like I said I wish that he wasn't so naive I honestly wish that he paid more attention too because if he did and was around more he would know what's going on but due to him being a king he's a lot of times with the counsel and not at home due to his work. But I made a deal with her that I'd let her see Dad whenever she wanted but I had to be there and I had to be the one to drive her and one of us had to be there with her wall she's there visiting him to make sure that none of her sister's pull anything or make sure that her mother doesn't jump her she agreed problem solved. And she's over the age of 18 so she has the right to say where she wants to live or who she wants to live with. She has the right to make her own choices she's not a minor. Plus we are blood related siblings so I am still family even though we have to run others which means that she does not have to stay there." My husband said showing him the text messages to show him that you did actually text Daffodil he recognized that it was her phone number. Plus she also sent him a picture. Which once again proves that it was her texting him. The mayor knew her number because the fact that she had been talking to him personally and have been keeping in contact with him letting him know everything that's been going on because he was the only one that would listen to her we could tell in the mayor actually related care for her like he loved her make you could tell that he thought of her like family why else would she personally directly message him why else would they exchange numbers like that because he was being her supports system.

"Thank you that makes me feel a lot better and yeah that sounds good cuz she I know her she wouldn't want to move away and yet even though her home life is hard she does love her dad she does love her sisters too even though they don't treat her right but she's still so kind that she loves them anyways no matter how bad they treat her. And personally I think of her as my own daughter I was there some she was a baby I was very good friends with your father and yes he is very naive and he's also very no offense he's hard headed he's hard to get through too not only that he's a little slow at picking up on stuff like that like he's amazing at his job and he's going to be in the leader but whenever it comes down to managing his own children he Lacks whenever it comes down to physically being there for them he Lacks because of how much he works. So that takes a load off my shoulders cuz she's even came and stayed with my daughter a couple times just because she was chased out of her own home in fact where do you think she stayed last night which means that she's not home she's at my house I can take you straight there. And the side part is it this time she brought not just close from the night she brought all of her belongings and you can already tell by that alone that her mother definitely favorites her other daughter's way more her other daughter she gives whatever they want underneath the Sun yet this poor little thing barely had even a picture of herself or even barely had a picture with your father holding her she barely had any belongings in other words she didn't have that much stuff that she considered worth taking with her I mean the poor darling only have the basic necessity she had nothing that was just her personal belonging except Nicholas that your dad gave her whenever she was really young for her birthday." He said, giving us the address of his house.

"Wait she's at your house what happened why is she there and why did she have her things with her. Was she okay did they do something to her to make her leave."He demanded.

"Well she came over to my house to the busted lip Apparently one of your sisters punched her. When they seen that she was all dolled up they literally chased her till they were able to pin her down not only did they wipe it off her face so roughly the point where they left red marks all over her face the one had enough room to punch her they held her down while the other one was wiping her face off and on top of the other one didn't like the fact that she had her hair all done the whole night so she tried to cut off all her hair she got a pretty good bit of it. Daffodil absolutely loves her hair. So after they tried giving her a butcher cut she said that's enough and packed her belongs. And s*** about my doorstep she told me she snuck out the window. Since they took her car keys she walked her way all the way. To my house because they took her car keys. Because of the fact that she came back with makeup on and with her hair done. And the fact that her sister had her boyfriend over because even though he's dating her. Her sister is making a point to show her that she's trying to take her mate. In fact since the sister made her isolate herself so much he thought that she was ghosting him so the other sister talked him into getting back at Daffodil by shacking up with the sister that started all this whenever she just distances herself so he wouldn't get involved she didn't want him getting hurt or anything. Cuz she didn't know if they get physical with him too. But instead they tricked him into getting with the sister that started all this because last night she told me that he admitted he wanted to be with her sister instead of her she was so heartbroken. Her house is three streets over from your dad's house so the fact that she walked all the way there and was sobbing and crying with a busted lip. Heck my daughter had to crack her nose back in place. Cuz they broke her nose too." The mayor said and that's all it took for me to jump out of my seat.

"Those little birches that's it time to put the fear God in some little twats. They want to play dirty okay I can too that is so messed up. I'm a teacher's little bitch as a lesson I'm sorry babe I know they're your sisters do but that's so screwed up especially the poor little daffodil like now I definitely want to punch the one sister's face in if I do are you going to stop me." I asked my husband.

"Honestly at this point no that is completely messed up. They are little bitches they may be my sisters I might love them to death. I do not tolerate that bitches one bit and honestly just hearing someone that made me want to sick you on them already. Honestly babe sick em. I cannot allow something like that to go on any longer my sister deserves better I'm going to give her better. I'm going to give her the life so she deserves and the respect that she deserves and I'mma let my amazing beautiful wife do her thing and teach them a lesson because I already know that you were going to do it anyways but I'm really behind you now cuz that's bullshit. Let's go get her before they have a chance to get a hold of her." My husband got up and then we walked out the door. We hustled to our car got inside as quickly as we could and started the car. My husband wasn't such a rush that he even spun tires on the way out cuz he was in a rush. As he took off down the road I put in the coordinates to the address to the mayor's house put it in the GPS and we followed the road straight there as quickly as we could to the point to where we ran a couple of red lights. But we didn't care. When we arrived there she wasn't the one who answered the door when I knocked I dreamed of the car before my husband turned off the car and ran up to the door and started knocking. When the mayor's daughter answered she was a bit startled to see me at the door

"Hey honey do you know where Daffodil went I'm her brother's wife. We're supposed to be coming and picking her up." I said if she opened the door wider walking out looking in the car as my husband got out of the car her eyes went where she seen his face.

"Oh shit I didn't realize that she had a brother I'm so sorry yeah she was just here oh so you were always picking her up see I thought it was her dad because her dad's who just picked her up she fought him not to get in the car though. But her sister shoved her in your sister Angela you no the one that stole her mate." She said, as she scribbled down the address for me I gave her a quick hug before taking it running over to my husband.

"Get her out of there. It's not going to get any better they're just going to get worse with her and she's already not in good shape the way it is because of the way they treat her she needs to be taken away from that toxicity." She yelled, as I hoped back in the car.

"I know we are I'm her older brother and I'm the oldest sibling. Her protection and safety is my responsibility so is her happiness so we're having to move them with us the deal was that I let her see her down whenever she wanted but it only as long as one of us is there and she will not be allowed to talk to her mom or Angela. And trust me I will take care of her I love my sister. Daffodils the only one who ever accepted me for how I was born and chose to allow me to be her brother. I'm not about to fail her. I'll let your dad know when we have her home." He said before jumping in the car and taking it off. Whipping out oof her driveway. As he followed the GPS to her house he was speeding so fast he almost passed it up but when I seen her running out the door being chased by her sister. I jumped out in the car I jumped in front of her pulling out my brass knuckles. Before straight up kicking his one sister smack in the stomach making her fall on her back.

"Try that the hell again. I dare you. Touch her and you'll be dealing with me personally." I yelled at her making a boy that was standing in the doorway made him freak out cuz he recognized my uniform he whipped out his phone looking at something before looking to back up at me wide-eyed.

"Tamara be very careful that is the mask she will mess you up. Holy shit I can't believe this is happening by the way I'm a huge fan. Holy shit I can't believe I just seen the mask." He said snapping a picture. " like I'm scared of a little white witch.

"Well I would if I were you considering that I'm death dealers wife. And I don't think you were trained by an archangel let alone Michael I can find him as an equal I highly doubt a little stupid pup is going to even phase me I train with gods and deities for crying out loud on a daily basis what are you a tramp back off you're so lucky that you're related to my husband or I personally got your damn teeth. Oh wait that's right he did give me permission to do so. Sucks for you he already gave me a full permission to go all out on your ass as long as I don't kill you. Send Me Somebody taught you little brats how to act. Considering that I had to heal her face the other day from one of you guys water which by the way as soon as I find out who that is you're losing your damn paw." I said before totally catching her off guard when I completely when in an instant I had her by the throat and had her pin in front of me I use my brute strings alone to pull her head back. As I laid across her back and had my legs wrapped around her neck.

"Done being cocky yet more cockier you get the rougher I get honey. You choose you want to fight a world renowned Hunter who's got more numbers on her belt than you have dates mine are in the thousands highly doubt you can meet me if I can take out a giant I'm pretty sure I can take you out. I'm barely putting any pressure on you by the way want to still be cocky." I said as my husband turned out the car yelling.

"Aradia love don't kill her I don't want my blood's blood on my hand. Just make sure to get the point across and teach her a big fat lesson if you have to get a little physical with her go be it just don't kill her cuz I'll never hear the end of it. From Dominique, my uncle or Daffodil. So just don't kill her." "I promise I won't I'm just simply putting her in her place baby back I promise I won't hurt her I would never hurt your blood even if they are douchebag." I said if she started tapping out. I let go of her as her face started turning red before I put her in another pin hole but this one was way more uncomfortable I straight A pogbied her ass while she was shifting before I knocked her ass out. Daffodil ran right over to her brother right in his arms.

"You done now where's your dad. Don't tell me that you guys literally purposely got him to go get her just so you guys can bring her back and then you guys waited till he left let me guess that's what happened. That ain't going to happen to ever again." I said as the other sister the one I've been waiting to get my hands on dashed out. When she heard her sister yell. She shifted and ran right at me I just put my hand out in front of me and punched her right across the muscle hard enough to make her a bit disoriented. Because I got her right with my brass knuckles and just like when a dog has his muzzle off of something it causes him to go into a sneezing fit and causes them to shake their head vigorously because their noses are most sensitive spot. Before she tried running at me again I just jump right over her jumped on her back on my hands upside down bending my body to where my feet touch the ground and literally licked her over my head and bunker like it paper clip right in three. Knocking the breath out of her. Making gag and choke.

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