Chapter 8: As Rain Falling

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such a bad ass. Hey Daffodil what you scared you got to have somebody else fight your battles." Buckeye snorkeling said pointing his camera at my husband before my husband pulled his hood down and moved his hair and he just froze. Lowering his phone which he had been videotaping the whole thing on.

"What cat got your tongue jackass look you already hurt my little sister. I ain't afraid to back damn teeth and. Yeah sucks for yeah you call yourself a fan of my wife's but yet you made a purpose to go make my sister's life a living hell when I'm married to the mask. Fine you think she's so cool how about you find out how cool death dealer is since you're feeling a little Brave." My husband's been making him back up as my husband jumped over his sister shipped in the nosewiform and literally hide him into the ground underneath of him within a second he didn't even have enough time to react.

"We shit dude I didn't know that you were her brother relax relax I didn't know I didn't know. Holy shit why's your wolf so big. Please don't kill me.

"Ya bad for you you're not blood. You're just the asshole who hurt my little sister. She's my responsibility for protection and safety and well-being is my business." My husband snarled at him as he just stared at him wide eyed cuz he didn't know he could talk in that form. He straight up grabbed his head and his drawers and then literally picked him up like a chew toy and started throwing him around like a chew toy. Repeatedly flashing him around in his fangs.

"Oh my God please stop him I don't want to die." He screamed.

"Should have thought about that before you decide to be a dick." I said after walking over to Daffodil. Putting her affectionately petting her head. When the other sister came too and looked over seeing what was happening. She screamed when she seen her brother's wolf. Making him stop throwing him at a large Rock in the yard. Which he did crack his back on.

He growled standing on two legs making  them freak out even more. As
Angela came to in her human form and seen and seen how big he was standing on two legs she was absolutely terrified. So she recognized this scent he had his father sent. Then she just stared at him confused. "What the hells going on Daffodil who the hell is that." She yelled.

"Karma's a real bitch ain't it. I'm the only one that knew that we had another brother and sucks to be you because he's the oldest out of all of us he's 30. I don't wonder why you never were born with dads markings because you were never dad's heir we never were. He is. You were never special. You stole my mate made my life a living hell. I never deserved that I never treated you bad. Yeah you never ever treated me like a sister I just met her brother yesterday and he treats me way more like family than you do I'm younger than you and you I'll be with some bully me instead of protecting me. I never wanted to come back and I told you guys that but you guys forced me out of her house and drag me out drag me back here. I don't want to be here so I'm moving in with brother and whether you believe it or not he is our biological. And you know what's sad is that he was protecting you at one point all of you. Before you find out all this because I reported it to the mayor. And I'm glad I did. He's what a real sibling should be like. I deserve a life in which I can flourish not be torn down. It's your turn being on the other end of the stick." Daffodil said, as I stood behind her with a hands on her shoulder she sounded. So much more confident in this time.

"Mom." She yelled. As their mother came bolting out of the house.

"Oh yeah I'm with your mother going to do about it. She's not even royal blood like we are. And if you want to get technical about the rank of our strength yours is way lower calling your mother out here just puts her in danger too because if she starts her shit I'm going to take her too. Because as a mother I know how a mother supposed to treat her children and honestly I think she's a shity mom. Any real mother loves her children unconditional no matter what." I smirked.

"What the hell's going on out here what the hell is she doing to my babies" she yelled

"Babies really don't act all high mighty you didn't give a shit any other time to your child got hurt why would you give a shit now oh wait that's right cuz you have favoritism." I said as my husband shifted back into his human form as I handed him something to cover himself with their mother just walked wide-eyed at him when she seen his face.

"What the hell why does he look like my husband."

"What did you think your children are the only children of your husband's no your husband has an older son meet Bayne. So go ahead tell your husband he'll learn that he has a real heir. That'll just run all your plans anyways we already got children honey and they already have it smoking so Bet. Guarantee you he wouldn't want nothing to do with you ever find out that death dealer was a son and how you treat your actual children. Oh wait that's right we have it on record and no it's not the private records because they have it on the public ones you're welcome. I reported you in case any of your children are minors because child abuse I'm pretty sure calls for caseworker. Try me. We're not known to be the most world-rounded most feared hunters for no shits and giggles. We Are The Authority lady. Cuz I'm pretty sure your husband would love to find out that his son actually runs his own organization Pandora's Box. What's your daughters do Bully their sister until she had eaten disorder and was depressed and had anxiety really bad. To where she pretty much starved herself and isolated herself from everybody including her own mate. Or should I bring up the fact that you also put your daughter up to stealing your other daughter's maid because the fact that you guys were from isolation. And to think that she cared and loved her mate he's a piece of shit. Did you even care that one of your daughters gastrother daughter's eye no you didn't well guess it was on that had to fix it and heal it. So should I share the pictures and reKcord on social media. Or are you just going to do yourself a favor and just give up and let us take her." I said flashing her some of the pictures that I took from the mayor of where they beat the shit out of her. She looked nervously at me.

"Take her." She blurted.

"Smart choice. Have fun trying to explain to dad why she left willing." My husband said, as we got in the car. And took off. Daffodil did seem very sad to leave her family. But she knew it was for the best in order for her blossom into her full potential is for her to leave the toxicity of her house hold. If she wants to heal she has to get to a safe stable home life. I reached back my hand looking back at her. She took my hand holding it as I smiled at her. She timidly smiled back at me.

"I needed to. The abuse was the only life I ever knew. I need change." She said, as we drove home. When we arrived she was surprised by how big our house was. She was excitedly looked around when we walked her in. Our older children ran out over to me and my husband. We picked them up kissing their head.

"Mommy daddy we missed you. I love you mommy. I love you daddy. Who this." Our daughter asked.

"That's your aunty Daffodil. She's one of your daddy's younger sisters she's going to be living with us okay. So you got to be nice to her." I said in our children's squealed latching on her giving her hugs.

"Oh my God these are my niece and nephews are so cute. Hey we should totally take them to the park tomorrow they're having a show day where they're having a bunch of bands play and a bunch of girls doing Dance and Gymnastics and I am one of the dancers thanks to my college." She suggested.

"Yeah hun you just tell us when you have events you know that we have no problem driving you back and forth. And neither of us can drive you back to and from your classes." I said, and she handed me her schedule. I hung it over the calendar. So we would remember to take her and pick her up.

"Well darling since either early before the event tomorrow will get you early enough to get ready and then we'll drive you up with the little ones. We'll make it a family outing but if we take the kids we have. To take the nanny and the bodyguards." My husband said. She nodded before we settled down for a minute and I went to go see if dinner was done because the nanny cooks dinner for me. As soon as she had me taste it to make sure it was done then I called everyone to come eat. We all sat at the dinner table including the body guards and our Nanny. Which normal Aristocrats don't share their space with the low bloods they employ. So I confused her to see them not only see them sitting at the dinner table with this but also sharing small talk and joking around with each other it was literally there were no different than family even though they just work for. see any aristocrat if you work for them they don't treat you like an equal. So to her this was weird. As soon as I start a warming up to him saying that include her too she started feeling a lot more comfortable especially I have polite and respectful right away they literally talked to her like her with any other family member turns out her in the nanny clicked right away and she got along really good with one of her body Birds and I think those two had a little bit of Sparks going on there because they kept around looking at each other really flirtatiously. And he was have fay and half vampire. He was a nice young stud and he was a bit older then her. But it still  I'm kind of worked and he even sat by her. They warmed up to each other quite up quickly. And Emmanuel was actually husband's best friend and his childhood friend I grew up with him in Pandora.

"Why don't just ask Emmanuel to be your date why not he's way better looking ex mate. And he's nice plus he's your brother's best friend they literally grew up together and Pandora and these are really nice dude and he's really strong and protective why not. Plus it should have stupid jerk that he's an idiot. He'd be able to get you to come out of your shell. Don't you think you deserve to be happy." I suggested. They both stopped looking at me flustered before looking at each other.

"The wife's got a point. Plus no offense I know that you treat my sister nicely. And you never take interest in women you seem pretty interesting my sister." My husband send making a Emmanuel flustered.

"Bayne the hell I mean yeah but you know I ain't the type to force that till I'm sure they feel comfortable before I start pushing for that thank you. That's how you get friendzoned thank you you know the how you been a woman over is by paying a gentleman respecting their feelings and not being a douchebag." He choked before continuing. Plus she's a bit younger than me and just got out of a pretty serious relationship I'm going to let her heal before I decide that I'm going to do that I want to traumatize the four thing I mean cuz you know I mean she did just get out of a pretty bad relationship and it was a pretty serious one too so that was bound to mess her up a little bit there. So I'll help her heal first before I decide that I'm going to you know pop that just sort of question. Don't worry she told me we were talking about it just a little bit ago so it's not like I was eavesdropping or anything but point is is that I don't want to be that rude douche I want to prove to her they're not every guy's a douchebag and yes I am highly interested in her and she knows that. I've made it very clear. Like I told her I've never really been in a relationship waiting a little bit longer is not going to kill me I'd rather her heal first." He said when she just smiled and laid head up against his shoulder. The thing about a manual is that he has a thick southern accent that you can tell she absolutely freaking loved cuz every time I talk she just was all butterflies.

"Well that didn't take long." My husband teased I kicked his leg. He chuckled. Actually I don't think I have to wait to be honest I mean I was waiting for him but he obviously had no intention but I'm not going to make you wait if you're serious." She said.

"Seriously you're cool with it. I mean you just got to cheating on hun I don't want to make you feel like you're being forced into this cuz I'm not I can wait as long as you want. And no I'm not going to be like one of those dudes that just because you asked me to wait find another girl I don't do that. And it wouldn't bother you to have a partner that's up here red hybrid most pure Bloods that bothers them." He questioned.

"I want to say yeah if I wasn't sure just because I'm a bit younger than you doesn't mean shit he might be around my brother's age but I am still over the legal age I'm not a minor I'm a young adult. I personally really like you and I trust my sisters intuition if she says you're a good fit for me I'm going to give it a chance she's got a good judge a character. I don't give two s**** whether or not you're a different species of me let alone a pureblood. hybrid my brother is up here pureblood hybrid what the heck makes you think I care. I mean I accepted him in my nieces and nephew without no problem. And personally I prefer. Hybrids they're way nicer and accepting. Purebloods are too snobby and two stick up their nose. I couldn't stand my ex because of that reason. They act like their shit don't stink." She said making him laugh hysterically. Before he snuck and kissed her. She didn't pull away she actually leaned into it. At that moment she realized that she had actually found her. Real mate and that her ex was not actually her real mate Emmanuel was.

"Holy shit he wasn't my mate. You are wait did you know you knew that's not cool why didn't you just tell me." He blurted covering her mouth.

"Kind of was nervous that you're reject me if you'd find out that your mates actually hybrid." He was kind of embarrassed because he didn't think that she would actually accept him and when she did it made him feel dumb. She just reached up and kissed him again.

"Hell no I've been waiting for my roommate I mean I thought it was him but hell knowing that you I feel a lot better know you were definitely coming with us tomorrow." She said hugging him after we were done with our dinner we went to our beds we showed her where her room was her room was right beside me Emmanuel's that was probably not a good idea.

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