12: Hold You Tight

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Taehyung: Finally, I found you....

Taehyung said looking at her as his eyes are sparkling in joy seeing her in front of him like that...... On the other hand, Hawoon is confused hearing his sudden words...... Taehyung slowly touch her silver hair as he slowly goes to her neck and started to smell her...... He feels heaven..... Hawoon is just staring at him with a little fear in her eyes.... He don't know why this prince is behaving like that....... Moreover, she is uncomfortable.... Uncomfortable by his touch...... She found his touch weird...... She Started to shaking in fear...... She was brave about this when she has gone to king but now seeing this unnatural behavior of prince, she is scared...... She is scared to be intimate with him..... Taehyung feel her shaking as he look at her as he saw her lips quivering in fear as her whole body is trembling......... He got worried seeing her like this...... As he immediately hugged her tightly and started to say sweet words in her ear.......

Taehyung: it's okay..... I am here.... I am here with you..... Don't be afraid of me..... please......

Somehow his words slowly started to soothing her as she calmed down....... Taehyung has so many questions in his mind and also wanted to ask her how she is here...... He knew that she was caught by merchant..... Did the merchant sold her here??? In this palace as a slave???? he doesn't want her to be that...... She doesn't want her to be concubine....... She don't deserve it........ She deserve to be queen..... His Queen.... Only his....... She pulled out of hug as Taehyung feel a little disappointed as he wants her to be in his arms like this........

Taehyung: what's your name????

He asked her as he don't even know what her name is...... He just loved her without knowing his name...... She slowly looked at him and said," Hawoon, my prince."

He felt a little hurt by her choice of words..... He wants to hear his name from her mouth......

Taehyung: When we are alone, Call me taehyung.....

Hawoon gasped in surprise as a prince want her to call by his name..... It's a sin and crime to call his name unless she is not his relatives or his wife.....

She lowered her gaze and said," I am sorry, my prince.... But I can't....."

Taehyung sighed in frustration as he saw her lowering her head like a normal palace concubine and he hate it....... He hate it because she is doing that...... Taehyung hand slide to her jaw as he lift it up to look at him as she looked at him......

Taehyung: I order you to call me Taehyung and don't lower your gaze...... I don't like it Hawoon......

He said looking at her like his life depended on her..... She let out a small breath and said," Taehyung"

He closed his eyes feeling her sweet voice calling his name...... Obviously, he won't get tired of hearing his name from her mouth every morning....... He opened his eyes as he couldn't control himself anymore as he kissed her lips with made Hawoon off guard...... She froze for a few seconds until she got melted by his sweet lips and closed her eyes slowly kissing him back...... They both are devouring each other lips not letting anyone dominate them..... Hawoon's hands slowly goes to prince Taehyung clothes as she took it off between their kiss and Taehyung took off hers...... Taehyung layed her down in the bed as they couldn't stop devouring each other lips as Taehyung pulled out and slowly slide into her neck giving her love bites as she started to moan in his every touch...... Her mind is conflicted with new feelings that is building inside her heart..... She don't know why she is feeling so good ....... In her deep thoughts, she didn't realize that taehyung has spread her legs apart and position himself to enter...... She got out of her thought, when she felt a sudden pain as he entered into her.... She let out a scream as Taehyung immediately kissed her lips trying to soothe her pain.... He didn't move as he wants her to be comfortable...... After sometime, taehyung asked her if he can move, she nodded as he slowly started to move as he is careful to not to hurt her...... After few thrusts, her pain switched into pleasure as the moan filled into the room...... He is thrusting mercilessly on her as she is moaning mess ...... She can feel something is building inside of her as Taehyung thrusts started to get sloppy....... After sometime, they both came together as Taehyung layed next to her being completely exhausted...... He looked at her tired figure as he pulled out the blankets on them and pulled Hawoon close to his chest....... Taehyung kissed her forehead as he found her sleeping in his chest.... He slightly smiled at her and hold her tightly not letting her go......

Taehyung: I hope I am not dreaming..... If I am, I don't want to wake up......


Namjoon Fest room

On the other fest room, The two person is laying down as the blanket is covering their naked body....... But Namjoon isn't satisfied......He was never satisfied with any of this palace concubines...... Even though his favorites are in the second floor but he never touched them after their first night........ Suddenly he felt a hand on his chest as he looked up and saw the girl who is laying next to him.......

Na-yeon: my prince, are you okay????

He found her question annoying... Who is she to question him like that......

Namjoon: Hmmm.......

Na-yeon feel a little disappointed as she wants to talk to him.......

Na-yeon: I am sorry if I didn't pleasure you enough than your expectations......

She said as Namjoon clicked his tongue in controlling his anger.... He doesn't like this kind of girl at all......

Namjoon: you can go back to Harem....

And with that Namjoon get up from the bed and wear his clothes and get out of the room not caring about the girl...... The girl slowly put the blankets on her body and took her clothes from the floor and go to the Harem........


King's chamber

The Kim couples are laying down in the bed as they are also naked by their intimate session...... Ji-Ha thought of talking about Princess Jieun as Seokjin is kinda relaxed........

Ji-Ha: I want to talk about princess Jieun situation......

She said slowly enough to hear Seokjin as Seokjin sternly said," I. DON'T. WANT. YOU. INTERFERE. IN. THIS!!!!"

She just looked at Seokjin as she can see Seokjin's eyes are in complete rage...... Jieun you messed up really bad!!!!

Ji-Ha: I am sorry...... I am just worried about her.....

Their is a awkward silent for few moments, until Seokjin decided to break it......

Seokjin: I order to throw Jihoon nanny out of the palace......

Ji-Ha is surprised hearing that....

Ji-Ha: what she has done???

She asked as she knew if Seokjin has thrown her out that means she has done something bad to her son......

Seokjin: Jihoon has gone to royal garden and tried to pull out roses that have thorns in it...... If she can't take care of him, I don't want that kind of nanny......

He said as he is kinda angry what if something happened to Jihoon if that slave girl isn't there.....

Seokjin: I am going to appoint a new nanny for Jihoon..... And my decision is the last decision......

Ji-Ha just nodded as she left the matter to Seokjin.......








ENJOY ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

SEE YOU SOON 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

SARANGHAE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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