11: A Royal Fest

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Queen Mother chamber

Author pov

Hawoon entered into Queen Mother chamber and bowed to her as queen mother moved her hands towards her and told her sit down....... Hawoon sit as she was called by Ji-sung that Queen Mother wants to meet her........

Queen Mother: You are going to slow down your process to go near king for a time being....

Hearing her words, Hawoon just nodded and didn't said anything...... She doesn't want to step back..... King is the most powerful one and the only way to found her siblings but for that she needed to be close to him..... If she step back now, she won't be able to find them...... Queen Mother saw Hawoon's uneasiness as she said sternly," You shouldn't forgot that You are bought for 6 princes not only for king."

Hawoon lowered her head and apologize for it......

Hawoon: forgive me, your majesty.....

Queen Mother smiled seeing this little girl stiffness and patted her head in assurance......

Queen Mother: I have called you to get ready...... You are going to one of my prince fest......

Hawoon looked at Queen Mother as she needed to know more about it......

Queen Mother: I have prepared a beautiful dress for you..... Seduce my prince and spend your first night..... If you succeed, You will be moved to his favorite concubine.... The Second floor.... For you, it's now important to get into second floor...... Always remember that, The more higher you will go, the more powerful you will become......

As she finished her words, The door opened reavealing Erunch Kwon as he bowed to Queen Mother.....

Erunch Kwon: You summoned me, your majesty????

Queen Mother pointed out at Hawoon and said," She is going to Prince Taehyung fest in the evening..... So, make her learn some seductive moves of dance and make sure to put more effort on her as She. Is. My. Favorite. Got it????

Erunch Kwon shivered hearing queen Mother Stern words and said," as you say, my majesty."

Queen Mother: Ji-sung take her and prepare her well...... She needs to look most attractive..... So attractive that taehyung can't take his eyes off her....

Ji-sung bowed as Hawoon bowed too and one by one everyone leave expect Erunch Kwon......

Queen Mother: Now, Do you have any news from Gwanju Palace???

Erunch Kwon smile and said," That girl you sent is successful to secure a place to prince hoseok favorite concubine...... She was moved to Favorite floor..... "

Queen Mother smiled in satisfaction thinking her plan worked as she took the glass and drink.....

Queen Mother: Make sure my two sons are entertained well.... Well, namjoon is not easy to entertain so pick a curvy girl for him.... Not thin one..... I remember a girl in brown hair, that I talked to you......

Erunch Kwon answer to the question immediately and said," lady Na-yeon..."

Queen Mother smiled and said," prepare her for Namjoon and put roses fregnance in Taehyung room.... He loves Red roses...."

Erunch Kwon: I will do my best, your majesty....

And with that he bowed and left the room as Ji-sung came in......

Ji-sung: she is getting prepared for it......

Queen Mother hums and said," if she succeed to get into Taehyung bed then I would be so happy.... I will find out finally what is bothering my son..."

Ji-sung looked at Queen Mother hesitantly as seeing that Queen Mother ask," What happened??"

Ji-sung took a deep breath and said," My majesty, I found something inappropriate in King's concubines food and also the reason of them not getting pregnant when they are being send to king.... There's a herb that is used to prevent pregnancy is found in king's concubines food and I incpected other foods but it isn't found in there.... Only in king's favorite..... I am afraid to say, I think Queen is involved in this.."

Hearing that, Queen Mother jaw clenches in anger......

Queen Mother: How Dare She!!!!! Who is she to do that!!!!! That wench got too far now!!!!! I am going to get rid of her too.... But before that I have to tame Jieun and only person who can do that is Ji-Ha....... Make sure to keep eye on kitchen ......

Ji-sung bowed to her and said," as you say my majesty."


Taehyung room

The guard came into the room as Taehyung is reading books in the chair as he looked at the guard .......

Guard: my prince, Prince Namjoon has prepared a fest for you in the evening to cheer your mood .......

Taehyung sighed hearing that..... He doesn't have a single piece of interest in it..... Just because he can't upset his brother, he have to attend this fest and also have to see those tasteless concubines.....

Taehyung: I will attend, now go away.....

And with that the guard went away as Taehyung stand up and go towards her paintings that he made....... This time , he added himself in the painting......

( Imagine it as Taehyung and Hawoon)

Taehyung: where are you?? You are so bad.... Making your soon to be husband waiting for you....

His Obsession is growing crazily each day..... He is mad... So mad in love that it turned into vicious Obsession.....


Hawoon is looking at the mirror as she is dressed well by the handmaiden and the same girl who who prepared her for king.......

Handmaiden: You look ethereal...... Prince will head over heels for you......

As I smiled at her compliment just then the door opened reavealing Erunch Kwon as he looked at me from head to toe and said," You are looking so so..... Now, I was assigned to learn you some moves..... Make sure to do that well or I will make you clean whole palace clothes..."

And with that he started to swing his hands and hips to try to learn the dance.....

Time skip

It's almost evening as the preparation is going well in both different rooms for princes..... Hawoon and Na-yeon was getting their final touches of makeup as the fregnance is spraying in their hands and their curves.......

The fest has started a while ago as the other dancers are dancing in princes room as both princes attended..... From the other girls, Hawoon has heard that prince Taehyung doesn't have much fond with his harem's concubine.....

Erunch Kwon came hurriedly as he screamed," COME ON!!! YOU CAN'T STAY HERE FOREVER..... PRINCES WILL GET ANGRY IF IT A MINUTE LATE"

He shouted as we both started to move and went out of the room as another Erunch is with Na-yeon who will go to prince namjoon fest room... As I am with Erunch Kwon......

After sometime, we finally arrived at Prince Taehyung fest room as Erunch Kwon first go inside as he gone into the room.... I pull out a cloth and put it in my mouth only eyes can be seen..... Erunch Kwon came back and gesture me to go....

I took a deep breath and relax myself and opened the door..... From now on, my life won't be normal anymore......


Taehyung pov

I am so bored seeing this same girls swinging their hips in the same way Erunch Kwon has taught them...... I am barely losing my patience over myself just then Erunch Kwon came and bowed to me as he told the Incharge of those girls to step them..... I took a sip of my drink as the door opened reavealing a girl who is completely wearing red color clothing as her clothing is completely different than from others as her face is covered with clothes..... Somehow I am conflicted by her apprearence......

She slowly came as she lay down on the floor and slowly started to dance.......

I can see her moves are different from the ones Erunch Kwon has taught...... But I don't know why am I so attached to her..... I am not supposed to do that..... I love her..... I didn't realize that she has get up from the floor as she started to do different and unique moves that I have never seen......

I don't know but I can't move my eyes off from her.......

I gulped as I sip my drink again but for me keeping my eyes from her is being difficult.... It never happened before.... I never got that much attachment with any palace concubine...... I looked at her hip swings as her firece gaze is on me.. challenging me to dare to move my eyes from her......

No.....No...... I am not supposed to do that.... I can't betray her like that..... She is in my heart..... What is happening to me? I didn't even saw her face and I am that much intrigued by her..... No.... She is coming between us..... I won't let it do that..... I.....I ...... have to kill her..... Yes.... I have to..... Only then this obstacle will be removed from my queen...... I will kill her in here tonight and make her disappear like that girl too......

On the other side, Erunch Kwon is so angry at Hawoon not to do his moves that he taught him but when he saw prince Taehyung is looking at her like a prey.. he just didn't say anything .......

The dance is over as Hawoon came in front of Taehyung and bowed to him and looked into his eyes confidently.......

For a second, taehyung got reminded of his queen eyes on her which he immediately regretted when he reminds himself she need to kill her..... She is nothing but a obstacle.. Taehyung hold her chin tightly and look at the others .....

Taehyung: GET OUT!!!!!!!

As everyone got out, leaving these two alone in the room......

He slowly made her sit in his lap as he touched her belly and curves as Hawoon is breathing heavily...... In a Swift second, he throw her in the bed and hovered over her........ He is slowly caressing her body sensitive parts as in the other hand, he is pulling out a knife that is hidden in his sleeve......

As Hawoon is moving a little bit being uncomfortable by his touch as the cloth came off from her mouth as Taehyung was about to put his knife on her belly as soon as he saw her face, he frozed........ His eyes got bigger seeing the person in front of him...... He moved his hands on her face as Hawoon is looking at him seeing a very confused prince looking at her like that...... He almost didn't believe but when he touched her and feeled her warmth..... He understood..... She is real..... For real.......

Taehyung: Finally, I found you......








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