18: Nightmare Of Her Life

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Hawoon pov

I am in the bathhouse as the girls are helping me to wash myself as I am going to king's chamber tonight...... I was locked up in a separate room by Ji-sung since I had meet queen Mother..... I can't meet prince Taehyung until the task was fulfilled...... I chuckled thinking about what I have gotten myself into...... I became a puppet of the royal palace..... They use the way they want and when the purpose is finished, they throw them away..... Having a heir means I am going to be tied up to this palace for forever...... I won't be able to go back home or I will be able to meet my siblings...... Prince Taehyung.... Where is he??? He didn't seek for me today.... Usually, he can't stay away from me...... Why am I thinking about him suddenly???? It's not like I like him or something .... Or do I????

I snapped out of my thoughts hearing a whipped sound that landed on the floor...... I looked up and saw Ji-sung with a whip on her hands as she ordered......

Ji-sung: Girls!!!! Do the work properly or this whip on be your back plastering a mask that will be showcase your ugliness..... And princes doesn't like girls with scars.......

After washing me properly, I was taken to another room where girls are ready to do my makeover........ They helped me to put into a beautiful clothing and did a makeup...... The fragrance oil was spread on my neck and my curves as my hairs are tied up properly......

I looked myself at the mirror..... I couldn't recognize myself..... Who am I??? Why am I here??? And what am I doing??? This is what I am supposed to do??? Should I try to run away from here??? Or should I go to prince Taehyung??? Why am I thinking about him??? Just because he was nice to me it doesn't mean he is actually nice..... He is also a member of royal family or moreover, he is the youngest son of queen Mother...... He can't be good..... They all are evil.... Manipulative and Cunning......

Ji-sung came to me as she hold my hand and made me stand up as she checked on me to head to toe....... She seems satisfied by the transformation of mine as she whispered into my ear......

Ji-sung: behave properly in front of his majesty.... You have to bear a heir from majesty..... Your only purpose is that...... Nothing else.....

And with that she dragged me out of the room and took me to the king's chamber...... I was going through the hallway with her as in the way, I get to meet prince Jungkook..... We bowed to him......

Jungkook pov

I finished my work and went to Jin hyung to give my record of it as after giving that, I was returning from his chamber.... In the hallway, I saw Ji-sung with that unique girl who I first saw in the enternce of the palace gate..... She was Jin hyung concubine..... What she is doing here??? Going to his chamber...... They saw me as they bowed and look down......

Jungkook: where are you going, Ji-sung???

I asked as my eyes can't seem to get off from her..... Most ironic is that I don't even know her name but still she had a effect that makes me look at her ..... She is beautiful..... Heavenly beautiful...... But for Seokjin hyung......

Ji-sung: my prince, She was going to king's chamber and I am escorting her as Queen Mother's order......

She said as my eyes aren't taking off from her..... I went towards her as she backed away immediately as I gritted my teeth in annoyance.....

Jungkook: Look At Me!!!!

I said as my voice sounds harsh as she immediately look at me...... The blue shining eyes and pale skin.... A radiating beauty walking through the palace..... A ravishing beauty should be with me..... I moved my hands to touch her soft silver hair as suddenly Ji-sung interuppted saying," My prince.... She needs to go to king's chamber....."

I looked at Ji-sung with a stern eyes as how she dare to interrupt on my things...... She immediately looked down... I was looking at her....... Then I look back at her seeing, she is shivering in fear ...... Huh!!! Such a scary bunny....... I went close to her ear and said," see you soon, bunny....."

And with that I moved away from her and went back to my chamber......

Ji-sung sighed as Hawoon just looked confused and scared.... She don't know why this is happening with her....... She was taken in front of the entrance of king's chamber as the door opened reavealing king's chamber...... They bowed down seeing king as he is in his robe..... Hawoon's eyes are on the floor as her throat is dry thinking about this ...... It's like her biggest nightmare of her life...... Ji-sung bowed and slowly went out of the chamber leaving Hawoon and king alone......

Hawoon just stand there in one place looking at the floor as Seokjin is looking at her for a long time..... He low-key chuckled seeing how beautifully she was prepared for him..... His mother is eagered to have her a heir from him that she sent her that early....... He wondered if Ji-Ha knew about his mother's conspiracy...... Because Ji-Ha doesn't let anyone come near him...... After bearing his son, Ji-Ha seems to want to be like queen Mother...... Everyone is here for the power ..... The power of the throne.......

Seokjin: what's your name????

He asked as he has appointed her as his little prince Jihoon caretaker......

Hawoon: Hawoon.... Your majesty.....

She said slowly but enough for him to hear..... Seokjin slowly move towards her as he looked at her closely....... His hands went to her soft delicate silver hair as he removed few strands of hair from her neck...... His hands slowly went to her jaw and he made her look at him..... When she looked up at him into his eyes, Seokjin was bewitched by her beauty....... Beautiful pale skin with dazzling blue eyes and soft pink lips....... She is a epidome of beauty.... Just like him ......

" On knees now!!!!", Seokjin said as she immediately kneeled down in front of him in the floor...... She just did she was getting told even though she doesn't want to do it......

His thumb trailed on her pink lips as he is trying to open her mouth as she understood and immediately opened her mouth and sucked his thumb...... He smirked seeing her actions as he looked at her with a crazy eyes as how innocent she is looking right now in front of him...... He understood why everyone is so attracted towards her.... She is a irresistible beauty.... Who wouldn't got attract....

His hands slowly goes to her throat as he hold her tightly making her stand up and hold her close to him.... Her breath hitched seeing king so close....... Seokjin didn't waste anytime and kissed her......Her knuckles clenches suddenly as she is doing something that her mind isn't giving permission...... Seokjin feel that she isn't responding to his kisses so he bite her lips making her Yelp in pain..... And with that chance, he put his tongue inside her mouth trying to deepen the kiss and started to devour her...... He is fighting with dominance as he takes her on his arms and go to the bed...... They continued as slowly slowly he put off her clothes making her naked in front of him...... He pulled out as she was breathing heavily because of shortage of oxygen as Seokjin took off his clothes and throw them somewhere and smashed his lips again...... Hawoon's hands slowly went to his hair as for her it's overwhelming..... Room filled with heavy breathing and moans with skin slapping sounds......


In queen Mother chamber

Author pov

Queen Mother is sipping her drink as the moon was glowing in the black sky..... Ji-sung is here with her after sending Hawoon to Seokjin's chamber..... She was pleased with her plan to put Hawoon on Seokjin's bed...... Ji-Ha isn't letting any of Seokjin's concubines to get pregnant so, she had no other choice than chose the alternative way.... Queen Mother just saw her potential by letting Hawoon to go Taehyung bed and the result is great.... Greater than she thought..... And moreover, Ji-Ha can't get pregnant with another child of Seokjin because if that happened than her position would be at risk.... And for that someone else need to have a heir from Seokjin..... And who would be better than Hawoon.....

Queen Mother: In the morning, check on Hawoon..... Make sure she was taken care of properly and No one should know about this..... This matter stays between Us.....

She firmly said to Ji-sung as she nodded and asked," Prince Taehyung has asked about her..."

Queen Mother: And what did you say???

Ji-sung: She has became nanny of little prince Jihoon and that's why she wasn't able to meet him as it's the first day....

Queen Mother smiled and satisfied with the answer Ji-sung gave..... Just then there's a knock on her door.... Ji-sung went to the door and saw Erunch Kwon has came as she opened the door and he entered into the room bowing down to queen Mother.....

Erunch Kwon: Your highness, there's a special parcel from Gwanju Palace.....

He said as in his hands there's a big rectangular box...... He put it on the floor as she was kind of confused because she wasn't expecting any kind of box or something......

Queen Mother: open it.....

She ordered as Kwon nodded and opened the door and as soon as he opened the box, Erunch Kwon face color drained in horror...... He put his hand on his mouth as his eyes are widened in shock.... Seeing his condition, Ji-sung decided to see what's in the box and when she saw she screamed and back away from there..... Her trembling eyes look at queen Mother...... Seeing that, She get up and went to the box..... Her heartbeat raised seeing what's in the box......

Erunch Kwon: How!!!!

The head of Gwanju Palace Erunch who was a spy of hoseok palace and giving information about him in Seoul..... In the box, there's a letter as queen Mother took the letter and opened it......

Dear Queen Mother,

Greetings, Queen Mother..... I hope you will like my gift.... After all, he was your loyal guard who has been sent to spy on me..... I won't stop sending this kind of gifts if you don't stop spying on me..... This time it's just Head.... But next time, it can be anything else that won't be appreciated by anyone.....

-General Jung Hoseok

I threw away the letter as I clapped my hands and servants came and bowed to her....

Queen Mother: take it away!!!!!

Erunch Kwon immediately kneeled down to have forgiveness as he failed.....

Erunch Kwon: forgive me, your highness.... I would have been careful.....

Queen Mother: Go away!!!!

She shouted as Erunch Kwon immediately get up and bowed and get out of the room and with him Ji-sung also leave..... She furiously go to balcony and looked at the Seoul kingdom.....

Queen Mother: hoseok..... You are getting on my nerves.... Just like Jieun..... Don't cross the line that makes me kill you by Seokjin's hands.....









SARANGHAE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

SEE YOU SOON 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

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