29: Desires Of Others

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Hawoon is feeding Taeyeong her milk as the fever has reduced a bit ........ Hawoon has been taking care of Taeyeong since she has barged into the room....... Her daughter longed for her mother's touch..... And that is quite understandable when Taeyeong went into Hawoon's arms, she stopped crying after sometime....... Only Queen Dowager is staying outside the chamber as Seokjin has to go when he got informed that Ji-Ha has gone to Jihoon chamber as Seokjin couldn't afford his son being with someone like her who is vicious......

Queen Dowager sometimes became astonished by Hawoon as how could she was able to manage both sides..... Hawoon has already got informed by her handmaiden that the physician has checked up on taehyung and they said there's nothing to worry about..... Taehyung just need to rest for few days as she also got to know that Taehyung has tried to get up from his bed as he was worried about Taeyeong and Hawoon..... Hawoon has sent the message through her handmaiden that there's nothing to worry about...... Taeyeong just have a little fever....... In this two years, Hawoon is the one who has gotten herself involved into palace activities in Queen's absence..... Even though, the harem's responsibility was on queen Dowager hands, but some things needed to be solved by someone else.... And that position was taken by Hawoon..... Hawoon is responsible and very calculative person....... She knows how to make people do their work properly and how to make things go okay.......

Queen Dowager was so busy admiring Hawoon and Taeyeong she didn't realize someone has stand beside her and look through that window where Hawoon was trying to make Taeyeong sleep....... Obviously, he isn't seeing her in any good ways..... Especially to Taeyeong......

" So, taehyung is okay??", He asked as Queen dowager flinched a little bit hearing the sudden voice and look at her right side.... Here is Jungkook standing beside her and looking at Hawoon with his lustful gaze...... Jungkook was never be able to get her out of her mind.... It's been already more than two years but still she has the same affect on her just like she has the first day he has saw her.......

Queen Dowager: hmm... He is out of danger..... He just need rest for few days..... You should have gone to meet her Jungkook.......

She said as she again looked at Hawoon.... On the other side, Jungkook bite his tongue inside his mouth trying to control himself..... In his mind, taehyung should have died.... Then it would be easier for him to get Hawoon...... And about Taehyung's daughter, he would be just killed her by giving her poison or something..... It's not like this never happened before in the royal family......

Jungkook: I will, if I have time......

He said as he took his leave from there as he was walking through the hallway and that time he bumped with Namjoon who was going to see Seokjin as he has something to discuss..... Namjoon looked at Jungkook and found him very much pissed off by something...... Then he realized from where he was coming from......

Namjoon: I guess, today sun has risen up from the wrong side, Jungkook..... You are looking so pissed off.... Something happened that wasn't supposed to happen???

Namjoon couldn't help but trying to instigate Jungkook..... After that incident of his and Na-yeon, He was kinda focused himself on the kingdom matters...... If his mother didn't help him, then Seokjin would have punished him for that..... He was still glad to his mother for hiding that Na-yeon was pregnant that time.......

Jungkook gritted his teeth and let out a mild growl and said," That's None of your business!!! "

And with that Jungkook left from there leaving Namjoon alone as he just chuckled seeing Jungkook went away like that.... Obviously, he knew what's the reason...... Hawoon.... The beautiful Dove that is now belong to Taehyung..... He knows Jungkook has some sort of a thing for her...... Who wouldn't? She has became someone that every men wants...... And obviously, namjoon wants her too....... But he is a cunning man..... He will wait for the right time to strike his hammer on the hot iron unlike Jungkook who will act recklessly and fall on his own trap........


In Bathhouse

Queen Mother is having a relaxing message by her servants as she is getting ready herself for getting out of this imprisoned life of hers......As she was so engrossed in this, the door of the bathhouse opened reavealing Ji-Ha as she has also came to have a bath..... After seeing Jihoon from the window as she was going to her chamber but she met Seokjin in the way and they have a little argument about Jihoon...... After getting out of this, she tried to get into her chamber but only to find that where she used to live before as Queen, her chamber is locked and king Seokjin has strictly probihited not to enter into that chamber...... Because he doesn't give her title and position back ...... She isn't back here as a Queen..... She is here as a mother of a prince........ So, her new chamber located in another part of the palace named Hidden Souls.... Where Queen Mother is living imprisoned..... So, she decided to pay a visit to her.... After all, it's partially her fault that she has gone to palace of Tears.......

She went to the other side as some maids came and started to help Ji-Ha with her bath...... Queen Mother looked at Ji-Ha and gesture everyone to get out....... Everyone left from the bathhouse leaving these two women alone......

Ji-Ha looked at Queen Mother and bowed slightly and said," Nice to meet you again, Queen Mother...."

Queen Mother scoffed and said," Well, it's nice isn't it?? How was your trip to palace of Tears, Ji-Ha???? I hope you didn't suffer much in there????"

Ji-Ha smiled at her and said," And I also you didn't suffer much in here living in the same room.... As you know, I have the freedom to get out unlike you, Queen Mother."

Queen Mother face hardened as she looked away and asked," why are you here???"

Ji-Ha: to pay you a visit.... To see how you are living your life in four walls......

Hearing that Queen Mother laughed and said," King was took away the imprisonment from me.... So, from today onwards I am free again..... But what about you, Ji-Ha??? You are only here because of prince Jihoon being sick..... If he became well, you will be sent back to Daejeon again....."

Queen Mother emphasize the last word as Ji-Ha bite her tongue inside her mouth in anger and stand up and get out of the bathhouse...... Queen Mother rolled her eyes as the servants came again...... After sometime, Queen Mother new handmaiden came and bowed to her and said," Your clothes are ready your highness and I have prepared coffee for you..... And king wants to meet you in the evening....."

Queen Mother: And what's the situation around the palace????

She asked as Her handmaiden, Sunyun said," Lady Hawoon is with princess Taeyeong... And prince Taehyung has recovered from the disease...."

Queen Mother: glad to hear that..... That girl is doing well by staying on her side and giving us information about her..... Tell her to be cautious.... It's Hawoon after all..... She is now unpredictable..... After all, I was her mentor of tactics and sharped her as a what she is now.... And the Quality and lessons of politics that she has got from Queen dowager.... Indeed, she is a one intelligent woman who is staying both side and having the fruit of benefits......


In Busan palace

Jimin is sitting in the sofa and drinking his drink as girls are dancing to entertain him as the Erunch of him has prepared this for him ....... Jimin is still not was about to make any girls pregnant as he has slept with countless women....... He is also like Namjoon in some way as he also slept around most of the girls but it's not one time for him..... He slept with same girls numberous times.... Moreover,he likes virgin girls...... So, on the fest day, Erunch tried to found some pure girls from the village brothels from where the girls are bought and sold......

As Jimin is boringly looking at the girls as every girls that are dancing stood aside as a girl came in front of Jimin and started to dance seductively........

She is deeply looking into Jimin's eyes and dancing moving her hips as she rolled down on the floor and started to dance seductively.......

Erunch gesture everyone to get out leaving these two as he knew his plan worked..... He has definitely choose the right girl for prince Jimin today...... And it's going to be long night......


In Seoul Royal Palace

King Seokjin is going through some important scrolls as for him, this one thing is very important...... He has been in this thoughts for a long time as the door opened reavealing Yoongi and Namjoon... They are both summoned by Seokjin......

Namjoon: what happened hyung?? You called us.....

He said as he looked at Seokjin who is looking at the scrolls still as yoongi decided to stay quiet..... After sometime, Seokjin finally looked at them and said," Yes, I have called you for something..... I have called you two for a very important decision that I want to make.... You know, After our Great - grandfather's our father took the throne as he killed his own step brothers to gain his throne.... And in our time since I was the one who was fit to be on throne so I sit there ...... You all know, there's a rule to inherit a throne...... Two propositions.... One, if king have any brothers then the the throne passed through king to king's brother and another one, If king has no brother than the throne passed through king to king's son..... "

He said as yoongi looked at Seokjin for a few minutes until his eyes widened as he couldn't believe......

Namjoon: what are you trying to say by this????

He asked as Seokjin said," I want to change the proposition.... I want to change the rules.... I want my throne to be passed through me and then my brother, that means you, Namjoon..... I don't want Jihoon to be part of this throne inheritance...... "



Vote and comment or this cutie jiminie will eat you.... And you can think where👿😏😌😏😬

Everyone great kingdom falls down and became dust because of -

1. Wrong Decisions







And Seokjin's fault is wrong decisions and that will lead him to--------------------

I hope you will like it... Try to fill those blanks and think about those.......

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