30: Happiness Bloossmed In The Door

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The sudden decision of Seokjin obviously made Namjoon off-guard as he really didn't expect that.....

Namjoon: hyung.... Are you sure????

Seokjin stand up from his chair and nodded as he said," I can't be more sure than that.... I don't want Jihoon to be King...... I don't want my son fate stained with blood and treachery that this palace has..... In tomorrow court, I will talk about this matter with other Ministers..... You can now go, Namjoon.... For this I have called you....."

Namjoon nodded as he went out of the room but before leaving the room, he looked at Yoongi who hasn't got the permission to come out.... And from the expression on Yoongi's face, it's clearly stated that he didn't like this decision....

As soon as the door closed, yoongi said," please, reconsider your decision......"

Hearing that Seokjin furrowed his eyes at him and said," I have already made my mind yoongi..... And what's the problem in it???? I don't want Jihoon to go through like me.... You know yoongi, how much I have suffered because of this throne...... You even know the Blood Law..... That Law states after king sits on his throne, he has to kill his brothers to make sure there's no rivalry for throne..... You know, father has sent executioners to kill you all that night...... If I didn't kill father and have a fake written law by his blood then All of you would have been dead......"

Seokjin said looking at Yoongi as Seokjin's hand is trembling thinking about that horrible night when he has given a choice if he give up on throne , his father will kill his brothers and that will force him to get into throne... And in that argument Jin accidentally stab his father throat by knife that was on the table and he kept on doing that until he suddenly realized that he is Dead......

Yoongi went towards him and said," If you think changing the proposition to king through brother, you really think we will be saved???? And you now really think we can't save ourselves.... Hyung, you made me military in charge commander, you give hoseok and Jimin your most influential economic areas of Korea, Gwanju and Busan.... You made Namjoon your personal advisor and you made Jungkook your Right hand man and warrior and you made Taehyung to be in your royal Court as a important position of a Ministers.... You did everything to save us ..... You saved us, hyung..... You don't need to do this to protect us anymore..... We believe in you and we will never hate you for killing our father.... You just did that to save us and everyone knows about it..."

He said as he tried to make understand Seokjin about this..... But Seokjin said," that's why I am doing this.... I believe in you all...... But the tactics and politics that is happening around us how can I save Jihoon from this.... I don't want him to grow up like this...... And moreover, because of this reason Ji-Ha and my mother is killing my unborn childs..... For Ji-Ha it's the throne and for my mother, it's the throne.... The throne is bloody, yoongi and I don't want Jihoon to sit on it...."

Seokjin said as he has made his mind no matter what Yoongi says to him..... Yoongi sighed in sadness as he can feel the danger of this rule being changed.... So many things will happen....


Almost one months past as the winter has gone taking all the pains and hueing with the deadliest disease that spread and took out many life in this winter..... Spring has come into Seoul with the call of new journey in life..... As the first day of spring, To remember this day, the royal family arranged a spring festival in the kingdom for 12 days...... The season of new hope has come with the first ray of sunshine........

The royal castle of Seoul is so busy preparing for the celebration as the whole palace is being decorated with flowers..... The sweet cherry blossom tress are giving a scent of spring from the royal garden as royal families are getting ready for it.......

King Seokjin is getting ready as the maids helped him as his crown was put on his head...... Seokjin looked himself at the mirror as there's a very important things to do today...... Today, king is going to have a tour around the Seoul...... The security management was done by yoongi as the layers of protection shield would be there to protect the king....... Jimin and hoseok are coming from Busan and Gwanju to join the celebration....... Colorful festival of spring is going to bring new happiness around the kingdom........


Hawoon is getting prepared by her maids as Ae-jin is with Taeyeong who is also getting prepared for it....... Just then the door opened reavealing Taehyung as everyone bowed to him.... He signaled everyone to get out of the room as everyone went out leaving them alone...... Hawoon didn't turned around as she is looking at Taehyung through the reflection of the mirror as Taehyung is looking at Hawoon with his sharp eyes...... He slowly went towards her as his hand snakes through her bare back as Hawoon shivered a little bit feeling those cold fingers of Taehyung........ Taehyung went to her ear and whispered," I don't like this dress, my Queen..... Everyone is going to see what's only mine to see and devour......"

And with that he kissed her neck and started to sucking it making her moan a little...... He wrapped his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him and started to kiss her neck to her shoulder making Hawoon moaning mess........

Hawoon is taking heavy breaths as she was managed to say," Stop doing this taehyung or we won't be able to make it to the festival....."

Taehyung made her turned around and kissed her lips as they both are so mesmerized in their own world...... After sometime, taehyung pulled out and said," Festival isn't entertaining, my Queen is more entertaining to me.... I guess, Taeyeong needs a another sibling to play..... "

And with that taehyung put her in his arms and went to the bed as he put her in the bed as Hawoon kissed him as her hands went on Taehyung's dress slowly undressing him as Taehyung is doing the same...... The couple spend a blissful day while the room filled with moans of both.....

Time skip

It's already evening as people from different states of Korean kingdom has started to come to Seoul Royal Palace as a celebration festival of spring ....... Hoseok get down from his horse as behind him, there's a carriage from there Harin come down and behind her, the little prince Hosu in a maiden arms....... Hoseok went to Harin as he moved his hand towards her as Harin took his hands and they both went inside......

In the throne room, so many states Head chiefs and many commanders are present..... From the behalf of Indian empire, a princess has came with her subordinates to visit this beautiful Korean empire..... The king still didn't came to his throne room..... The door of the throne room opened reavealing Queen Dowager as everyone bowed to her and some came to talk to her and congratulate her for the spring..... After sometime, Queen Mother and Ji-Ha also came as they also received the same greetings..... Hoseok and Harin has gone to Queen dowager as she and hoseok bowed to her...... Queen dowager smiled at hoseok said, " It's a really long time since I saw my grandson..... I still left to meet your son..... Where is he????"

She said as Harin took Hosu from the maiden arms and look at Queen dowager and said," My majesty, Hosu.... Your great Grandson after Hoseok's name....."

She said as queen dowager took Hosu in her arms as the little one is sleeping peacefully.......

Queen dowager: Omo~~ such a beautiful kid.....

She said as she is praying something and blow some air in Hosu to make him protect from evil eyes...... Queen dowager gesture her handmaiden Kein as she pulled out a beautiful bracelet and give it to Harin.....

The ceremony is going well as the time for king Seokjin has arrived...... The door opened reavealing Seokjin and prince Jihoon as everyone bowed to them...... Seokjin is walking towards the throne with 5 years old Jihoon...... Seokjin sit on his throne as he said," Just like the first day of spring, I hope this new season will give us the Hope of joy and prosperity......... And rest in peace of those who died because of the deadliest disease......"

And with that the ceremony began as one by one from the states representative came to greet Seokjin..... They're giving him precious gifts to impress him ........

On the other side, Queen dowager is looking for Taehyung and Hawoon as they should have in there....... And just then the door opened reavealing Taehyung and Hawoon came as Hawoon is wearing that same white dress but this time there's a red cape is attached to her shoulder and her hair is untied and little Taeyeong is in her arms..... First, they went to Queen dowager as Hawoon bowed to her and Taehyung went to Queen dowager and hugged her...... She patted his shoulder as she asked Taehyung," why are you so late, taehyung??? The ceremony has started long ago... And you didn't join to the festival...."

She said as Taehyung pulled out the hug as she looked at Hawoon as her eyes went to her neck where's a big hickey and she tried to hide by unting her hair..... She smirked and look at Taehyung and said," I want a Great grandson this time, Taehyung....."

Hearing that hawoon's face is red by embarrassment as Taehyung just laughed a little...... Taeyeong is trashing around as she doesn't want to stay in hawoon's arms so Hawoon put her down as she is wearing a beautiful baby hanbok and looking so cute.....

She is one year old as she can stand and took few steps as she went to Queen dowager and hold her dress with her tiny hands...... Seeing that, Queen dowager smile at her cuteness and took her in her arms..... On the other side, Ji-Ha is glaring at Hawoon and Queen dowager as she can't understand why she was getting so much love by giving birth to a girl..... In this one month, Ji-Ha found out Hawoon has become a important person in Harem..... Her words are the last words in harem..... Not having any royal blood or any status, she is ruling the Harem like a Queen...... And that bothers her more... And she also saw the affection for Hawoon in Seokjin's eyes.... She is perfect for the position of Queen....

On the other hand, someone is looking at Hawoon and Taehyung with his angry eyes.... Jungkook is glaring at Hawoon as he saw that big hickey mark on her neck when she was going to Queen dowager.... No matter how much she tried to hide but it's still noticable..... And another reason that jungkook eyes are on fire because taehyung has did that intentionally to show everyone that she belongs to him.....

His grip on his wine glass became tighter as he thought in his mind...

" No matter what happens, I will have her in any way..... Even if I have to force myself on her.....", He said in his mind as he gulp down the whole drink.....



Vote and comment or this Jungkook will haunt you down in dreams.....

Hi!!!!! How are you all??? I hope you are fine..... I hope you will like this chapter!!! Things will be little different from next chapter!!! Next 10 chapters will be complete rollar coaster ride.....

And Jeon Jungkook finished me by his live.... The most shocking thing for me is singing unholy song and that by Jungkook.... I was jungshook.... I never imagine it in my life to hear him to sing this song that I saw so many fmv of it.....

I don't know how am I still alive after this!!!!

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