31: Bitterness Of Truth

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The night glory of the festival is still on intact as the door of the throne room opened reavealing a beautiful girl and behind her, so many people with different kinds of gifts and jeweleries..... She straight went towards king Seokjin and bowed to him in respect as from behind, her kingdom general who has came with him moved towards king Seokjin and bowed to him and said," greetings, Majesty..... This is The princess of Venice kingdom, Isebella Da Loore...."

Isebella: Greetings your majesty..... Thank you for inviting me to your spring festival.... I never saw this much colorful celebration in my life.... It's all thanks to you....

Seokjin smiled at her generous words and said," I am glad to hear that princess Isebella..... I hope you will like our hospitality......"

Isebella: If you excuse me, your majesty... I would love to meet the royal members of your family.....

Seokjin nodded as she bowed down a little bit and went away from there as she took her steps towards Queen Dowager was talking with Taehyung, Hawoon and with them Hoseok and Harin is...... She went there and greet everyone as Queen dowager step towards her and said," Welcome, princess Isebella... I am so glad to see you here ...... Thank you for coming here in behalf of your mother..... How is she doing?? It's been ages when I met her....."

Isebella smiled hearing that and said I'm gracefully that her mother is doing fine...... Isebella Mother and Queen dowager became acquaintance as she has gone to Venice for a celebration there few years ago...... Queen dowager introduced her to others as when it came to introduce Hawoon , before queen dowager could say, Isebella asked her," Are you prince Taehyung wife????"

She said as Isebella saw a beautiful girl in hawoon's arms who kinda looks like Prince Taehyung..... Hearing that, Hawoon don't know what to say as as Queen dowager was about to answer that Question but Taehyung interuppted saying," She is the Mother of my child and That Tittle is enough for her to be mine.... And about being my wife, Maybe one day she will be....."

He sternly said that to Princess Isebella as she felt his tone was a warning for her not to ask any more questions.... Moreover, The reason taehyung interuppted because he doesn't want her to be called his concubine or his slave.... He has never treated her like that... And he won't in near future...... On the other side who isn't happy by taehyung words is Queen dowager....... But she decided to let things go for now as she will talk to Taehyung later about this......

Isebella looked at prince hoseok as she started to talking to him about some state matters that she wants to discuss with him...... Unknowingly, Isebella put her hands on Hoseok shoulder as she kept on talking..... Both of them didn't realize that Harin was looking at them with a glare and she is mostly glaring at that princess.... Who has put her hand on hoseok shoulder!!!!! She bite her tongue inside her mouth in anger as she really wants to jerk her hands from hoseok shoulder.... And that time seems like God listened to her prayers as Hosu started to crying suddenly making hoseok stop talking to Isebella as he turned around and looked at Hosu immediately and went to Harin who is trying to calm him down as hoseok took his son in his arms...... She feels satisfied in her mind as she loved her son very much in this times.......

Hawoon saw everything as she went to princess Isebella and said," princess, if you want to tour around the palace, I can show you...... Come with me......"

Isebella nodded as she went outside the throne room with Hawoon as they both are walking to the balcony.......

Isebella: Seoul kingdom is beautiful..... I wish I could stay here longer......

Hawoon: indeed... It is a beautiful place..... People fate change in this kingdom...... It's a magical place.....

She heard Hawoon as she can feel hawoon's voice isn't that happy when she talked about it....

" Are you from the Harem???", Isebella asked Hawoon as Hawoon looked at her and said," Hmm..... I was 15 years old, when I was bought from my homeland as a slave for the royal palace.....I was supposed to be bedded with king but I guess, prince Taehyung was my destiny.... He is a amazing person.....He never thought of me as slave.... He treated me equal as him.... "

Isebella listened to her words.... Stunned.... She is stunned hearing that..... She thought it's nearly impossible.... As princes aren't like that..... Princes doesn't treat their lower cast like that.... Hawoon saw Isebella face as she said," Isn't it little strange??? I also thought the same..... He said he loves me and so do I..... So, I can also be selfish to be with him and for that I will do everything......"

She said looking at Isebella eyes with hatred...... Isebella saw her darkened eyes are looking at her like a predator who is going to kill her prey......

Hawoon: So, STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM.

Hawoon said as she turned around and was about to went to the palace but Isebella said," I am not interested in prince Taehyung.... I am interested in someone else... Who has the crown of kingdom of Korea....."

Hearing that Hawoon laughed a little bit and turned around and said," Then be careful around your surroundings, princess Isebella..... You need to be cautious to be the Queen because the title that you are seeking for is too high to reach...."

Hawoon turned around and left from there leaving Isebella in the balcony as she looked at her disappearing figure and said," Throne always seeks blood and I am not afraid of shredding it....."


In Taehyung's chamber

Hawoon decided to leave early as she needs to feed Taeyeong and put her in sleep....So, she bid goodbye from everyone and went with Taeyeong in Taehyung's room.... Since, taehyung will be late so she thought of staying Taehyung room with Taeyeong..... She feeded Taeyeong and give her to Ae-jin and said put her sleep in her room..... Ae-jin bowed to her and gone out of the room with Taeyeong as Hawoon decided to sleep in Taehyung's chamber but something caught her eyes making her stand up from the bed......

Her eyes went on the other side of the chamber where Taehyung painting room..... She was never allowed to enter into Taehyung's painting room..... She was always curious about taehyung painting but Taehyung has strictly probihited her not to go inside..... but today, she wants to go there..... She wants to see what is in the room that Taehyung never let her see...... So, she moved towards to the door as she stand in front of the door and have a second thought about it.....What if Taehyung get angry over this?? Then she thought it's not like she is going to stay in that room for forever... She will just see for few moments and then come back to the chamber.....
She pushed the door as the door opened and she went inside.....

She saw so many paintings are hanging in the wall.... Some are on the floor...... She started to look from the corner of the door as so many landscape paintings are drawn by Taehyung......As she moved towards as she saw some paintings of so many children playing in the garden and from the painting she guessed it it's royal garden and Taehyung has painted his brothers along with him...... As she moved towards she saw a painting that caught her eyes..... That's isn't hanging in the wall..... That painting was put on a stand and there's a cloth that has covered the face...... She went there as she is really eager to see whose painting is that that are covered like that....... She slowly removed the cloth from the painting and gasped seeing it ........

She couldn't take her eyes off from the painting... It's none other than she, herself in the painting..... Taehyung has painted her but the clothes she was wearing is the same cloth Taehyung has given her when he got to know about her being pregnant..... Taehyung said taehyung designed this clothing himself......Her eyes shined like a meteor shower as she just can't believe it...... Just then her eyes went on the other painting that was on the floor and beside there there's so many paintings but they are are covered with clothes......

She took that painting and removed the clothes and saw another beautiful creation of Taehyung......

The painting of Taehyung and her...... She touched the painting as she don't know how much she is feeling loved by seeing this .... She decided to look at the other paintings that are also covered with cloths..... She put down that painting and took another one and remove the cloth but this time, what she saw in the painting shocked her a little........

It's a painting of her but the place she saw in the painting is familiar to her .... How can she forgot this place!??? After all, it's her motherland, Jeju..... And it's the river where she used to bathe...... But how can Taehyung get to know about this?? She started to look at the other paintings one by one as more she saw the paintings the more she got shocked..... All of these paintings that are covered with clothes are her.... But the paintings are all of Jeju island.... Her swimming in the river, playing with birds, helping her sister in the house.... Taehyung has painted everything that she has done in Jeju..... But one thing that she can't understand is how can Taehyung know about this??? She has never meet Taehyung before the war..... She was so busy in her thought she didn't realize someone has entered into the painting room......

" So, you finally found out???", That person said making her turned around as she saw Prince Yoongi standing with a malicious smile on his face.......

Hawoon: what ...... What do you mean, prince Yoongi????

Yoongi went towards her and said," You really think you are taken here by the merchant?! No, you are bought here by Taehyung.... Because Taehyung became obsessed when he saw you in Jeju island.... He was responsible for killing your mother...... He killed your mother and separated you from everyone just to have you.... You thought he loved you.... The thing is he is obsessed with you....You are his dark and possessed obsession..... "




Hi!!!! After a very long time.... Finally I got time to write this chapter.... It's national holiday in my country..... It's mother language Day...... We, Bangladeshi, are the only existing nation in the world who fights for our own language and our own mother tongue..... It's a very significant day in our country and for the Bengali people.......So, many people died in the language movement in 1952......

I hope you are all well.... And some of you asking how is my university hunting going?? Actually, in March 30-31 I have admission test in university..... And probably in June I will have another one in my dream university where last year I couldn't get into..... I am studying well but the thing is I can't remember what I read.... Specifically, English is the subject that I have huge problem..... I hope I can get over this......


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