40: Unhealing Scars Of Life

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In Gwangju Palace

Author pov

It's been two days since Taehyung and Hawoon has came to Gwangju with Harin as hoseok has asked her to come to Gwangju...... the reason of them coming here is to change the atmosphere around Hawoon..... The physician suggested that to take her out of the palace and go around so that she won't feel depressed about it..... But for Hawoon, there's a very different reason to agreed to come to Gwangju as she wanted to stay away from prince Jungkook....... the next day, Taehyung has asked her what she was doing at the lake at night and if she has saw who pushed her and hurted her..... she wanted to say about jungkook's name but she couldn't able to do that because of her daughter.... So, she lied she didn't saw who attacked her...... Hawoon is looking at the water as Her mind went to that day when after two days later, she was finally able to muster up her courage and went to the king to talk about this..... She wants to tell king Seokjin about this... Only king Seokjin can stop this.....


Hawoon feets are shaking slightly as she stand in front of king's chamber in the night..... Taehyung has gone to some palace work so she decided to went to king...... She said to the guards to told the king She wants to talk to him..... One of the guard went inside as after sometime, the guard came out and told her that the majesty will talk to her....... She got the permission to get inside as she went inside.......

She saw king Seokjin is standing in front of the window and seeing the shining Moon....

Hawoon: Greetings,My Majesty.....

She said tried to gain attention of king as she bowed down when Seokjin turned around and saw Hawoon...... The guard told him she wants to talk to me.......

Seokjin: what brings you here????

Hawoon take a deep breath and she said," My king, I have something to confess about that night I got attack.... I... I know the person who did this to me......"

Seokjin eyes frowned in confusion hearing Hawoon..... He got a report that Hawoon didn't see the person who attacked her... Now, she is saying she knows.....

Seokjin: but you said something else in front of Taehyung....Then, why did you lie about it and now why are you saying the truth????

He asked as Seokjin looked at her with narrow eyes..... This time, Hawoon couldn't able to control herself anymore and started to crying as she said," I don't have any other choice.... He.. he... Threatened me.... That.... He will kill my daughter if I tell anyone about this.... What should I do??? I am a mother.... I can't let anything happen to my daughter...."

Seokjin: Then tell me, who did this to you??? Who attacked you on that night???

Hawoon: It's.. it's prince....Jungkook....

Hearing that, Seokjin immediately went towards her and hold her throat making her gasp as he made her stand up and pulled her closer to him as he is dangerously looking at Hawoon......

Seokjin: Do you know what you just said?!!! You said a prince name..... You are accusing a prince of the Seoul Royal kingdom and the Head warrior of this kingdom!!!! ARE YOU TELLING THE TRUTH, LADY HAWOON????

Seokjin is fuming in anger as he can't believe that he heard this ..... He can't believe, it's Jungkook..... Because Jungkook is not that kind of person who will go behind slaves.....

" I... I... Am telling the truth, my king!!!! I am telling the truth!!!! He... He tried to force himself on me!!!! I refused to him and h... He tried to kill me!!!! After I woke up, he came to me threatening with Taehyung and Taeyeong life...... Please believe in me!!!", Hawoon desperate voice was heard as Seokjin looked at her for a few moments seeing if she is telling lie or not..... Because he knows, she is Queen Mother accquinted slave.....What if it's queen Mother plotting to slander against Jungkook.....

Seokjin: why would he do that??? Why would he go after you???

He asked her as Hawoon is hiccuping as she somehow managed to say," I don't know, my king .... H.. he just said, I am supposed to be shared with all of them .....Then he can't have me!!! I love Taehyung.... I don't want to be anyone's..... I just don't want anyone to touch me that way.... I don't like that..... I never enjoyed that..... I was guilty about our night when Queen Mother forced me to be bedded with you......"

Hawoon said what she wanted to say Long time ago ..... Her unspoken words that she holded on her heart all came out in front of Seokjin......

" I just wanted to go home... To my family.... I don't want be part of this kingdom....", Hawoon's broken voice said those words as Seokjin put pressure on her throat making her breath shorten.....

Seokjin: Who are you to decide what you will do??? Huh?? The moment you stepped into this kingdom, you became our slave.... Who are you to take decision about your own life??? What did Jungkook wrong in it???? You are chosen to be the concubine of seven princes ....... How can you fall in love???? Slaves aren't allow to love.....Princes never fall in love.... They just marry for the sake of the kingdom!!! And as a slave, I, and the other princes has the right to do whatever we wants to our slaves.... So, Jungkook did nothing wrong!!!! GET THAT THING IN YOUR MIND THAT YOU ARE A SLAVE!!! YOU ARE ONLY HERE TO GIVE HEIRS TO THIS DYNASTY!!!

Seokjin pushed her on the floor as Hawoon was heartbroken hearing the same words that she heard from the Queen Mother...... She is not considered as a human.... She is just a slave!!! A slave to this dynasty!!!

On the other side, Seokjin is beyond angry hearing Hawoon words....... Her words hurted his ego..... He is a king!!! How can she can't enjoy that night?!! He is attractive, beyond the everyone reach..... How can she say that she doesn't like it..... His handsomeness didn't attracted her..... She should have glad she got a chance to sleep with a king!!! The king of this mighty dynasty!!!! And on the top of that, she is in love with Taehyung..... How dare she!!!! Who is she to love a prince!!!!

Hawoon's last hope to get justice is completely destroyed by Seokjin that day ......

[ Flashback End]

Hawoon felt a gentle touch on her shoulder as she get out of her thoughts and turned around to see Taehyung who is looking at her worriedly.... He is curdling Taeyeong on his back as the little girl is sleeping peacefully on his father's arms......

Hawoon looked at Taehyung for sometime as if she is thinking something...... Taehyung slowly put his hand on her cheek and asked," What happened, my Queen???"

Hawoon: Am ... I not allowed to love???

Taehyung was taken aback hearing this Question from Hawoon...... He came a little closer to her with a very worried face as he asked," Why are suddenly asking this Question??? What happened??? Did someone said anything to you???"

She Shaked her head in a denial and asked," And Are you allowed to love, Taehyung???"

Taehyung: I am.... You are also and everyone else too ..... If their heart fall for someone, if they love someone, they have right to love.... No one... No one can change it.... And no one should oppose it.....

Taehyung answered her Question other than Questioning more as Hawoon seems to have a deep thoughts about this.....

Hawoon: But I am a slave..... This Kim dynasty slave..... I was meant for this dynasty!!! I was meant to be slave of this dynasty and the people of royal family..... And slaves aren't allow to love.... What if one day, you fall out of love for me??? You will leave me to this dynasty as I am a slave.....

Taehyung couldn't control himself anymore and hugged her tightly as he said," You are not slave to me!!! You were never a slave to me!!! You are the best thing that happened in my life...... You might be slave to others but for me you are my Queen.... My only Queen and the mother of my children and soon to be my wife ...... And about fall out of love, it's Obsession, my Queen.... I am obsessed with you..... Love is sweet but obsession is dark!!! You are my dark love!!! And it won't fall out even if you take my heart.....Kim Taehyung, The prince of Royal Kim dynasty, Swore that I will love you till my heart bleed!!!!!

Hawoon closed her eyes as tears fall down from her eyes wetting her cheek...... She doesn't need anyone if she had Taehyung with her......


It's few days, Hawoon and Taehyung stayed in Gwangju..... they are going to Seoul after spending 3 days in here...... Hoseok wasn't able to bade them as He, Yoongi and Jungkook went to Sea border Area to stop the invasion of Chinese Army.......So, Harin bid them as they returned in the night .... The same night where Sei wei planned the assassination strategy of King and the main members of the family...

In the hallway, the royal guards are guarding the king's chamber as it's really deep night and everyone has fallen asleep...... Even though they have enough guards to protect the palace but not many..... Since, some of them went to border Area with them...... And No war warrior being here in the palace is a huge disadvantage.......

None of them notice that, some people in black and red clothes with the symbol of Chinese empire with masked face entered into the palace..... They are specially assigned to kill the king.......They get inside with the help of Sei wei......

Sei wei has returned back after getting those assassin's into the palace through the secret tunnel as she looked at her children who is sleeping peacefully not knowing the bloodbath is going to happen..... Sei wei looked at her handmaiden who said," The girls went to Queen, Queen dowager and Queen Ji-Ha room.... And some of our men who were servants has gone to Prince Taehyung and prince Namjoon to kill them.... We are told to leave the women in harem out of this..... "

On the other side, In Queen Mother chamber, she is sleeping peacefully...... In the outside of her chamber, two girls going towards her chamber as they saw the guards who are guarding...... They went towards them calmly in the next second, they pulled out the knife and slashed their throat.....

The guards fall down on the floor dead as they went inside the room of Queen Mother...... They entered and saw her sleeping.... One of them went to the Queen Mother and other went to the handmaiden......

That girl jumped on Queen Mother and hold her throat making her wake suddenly as she saw a girl is trying to kill her with the knife.....

" Chinese Empire has sent their regards, Queen Mother!!!", The girl said as she tries to stab her but queen Mother hold that girl hand and resisting ........

After a few minutes of struggle, Queen Mother was able to throw her in the floor making that girl to loose her knife..... And with that chance, Queen Mother took her dragger from her side table and stabbed her back making that girl scream in pain.....

She stabbed her multiple times as from her handmaiden room, the other girl came out tried to kill her but before she could reach near her, Queen Mother throw her dragger on her as it priczed on her stomach making her dead......

Queen Mother immediately went to her maiden room and saw her dead..... She didn't waste time and went outside the room to only see her guards are dead......

The enemies attacked them!!!! Straight into the palace!!!!!





Hi!!! How are you all??? I hope you will enjoy this!!! I might be regular in here..... I am just going update This and CARA MIA-my beloved!!!! Everything else on be hold for a while!!! My exam is on June!!! So, preparing for it!!!!

And I have a backup account in Wattpad!!!! Join here if I get disappear someday!!!!

That was my cousin's account before and that story was mine which I gave to her to write but she didn't because she doesn't have time.... So, I takeover her account and now it's Mine!!so, follow me in there!!!!!!

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