45: Finally Getting Together

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Hearing that Hawoon immediately bow down on the floor and said," I will be honored to do this, Your majesty....."

So Ryun just looked at Hawoon's figure with a narrowed eyes as Namjoon looked pleased seeing her way of appreciation...... Hawoon get up ...... Namjoon looked at So Ryun who doesn't have any reaction on her face.....

Namjoon: I hope you won't mind it if She shows you around and help you in it..... Since she is quite experience and also has been in charge earlier when Queen dowager handled the Harem, I trust her......

So Ryun doesn't have any other choice but to accept it as she can't question Namjoon about his decision.... it's kinda disrespectful towards him and his judgement...... Namjoon then looked at Hawoon and asked," What's going on with your foundation, Lady Hawoon???? I heard you want to build a Shelter House near the slave market..... "

Hawoon smiled hearing that as she said," I am just planning about it, your majesty..... The funds for it has already gathered up by the help of the members of the Foundation..... We still have to look for a architecture for that shelter house formation..... I hope I will find a suitable one for it....."

And that's a quite surprising thing for So Ryun.... Hawoon having a foundation who does charity works.... She is not a Queen or a princess to do this kind of things.... She is just a mere concubine but the power she holds is absolutely something that So Ryun can't imagine.... Her handmaiden was right.... She is not someone who would be get rid of easily......

On the other hand, In Seven years, Hawoon has became someone that almost hold the exact power as Queen...... After Taehyung became Advisor of king, She was able to meet with noble women from different states..... She was well friendly with the Minister's wife and the female business women and craftswomen who are wealthy enough..... She is the one who first propose this foundation in front of Namjoon as to gain common people trust.... And Namjoon liked the idea and made Hawoon the Head of the foundation and give her the power to run according to her way...... Indirectly, she holds the most important part of this Harem.... The financial budget and services of the harem..... Not a single penny can be get out of her grip without her permission...... She has the same wage as the Queen Mother which any concubine ever has in this dynasty.....

Namjoon: I have someone in my mind... If you want, I will send him to you.....

Hawoon bowed down a little bit to give respect as she said," As your wish , Your majesty...."

So Ryun looked at them with her hurtful eyes... She felt like she is a outsider when she is his wife.... Both of them acted like a husband - wife in front of her.......

Both Hawoon and So Ryun took their leave as they both stand in front of Namjoon's bedroom door as So Ryun said," Open it!!!! "

But The guards didn't open it as Hawoon step forward and said," Open The Door!!!! "

And with her command, the guards opened the door as So Ryun just looked at her shocked.....They didn't listen to their Queen but they listen to a concubine...... The humiliation of it something that So Ryun will ever forgot.... They both get out of the room as Hawoon was going to the other side as So Ryun stopped her saying......

So Ryun: I never knew A concubine can be on the same level as a Queen.... It's really disrespectful that you don't care of greeting me in that way you should be......

Hawoon turned around with a smile on her face as she slowly went closer to So Ryun and whispered in her ear.....

Hawoon: You wanted the power wearing that Crown but I need the power without wearing the heavy crown... The Crown and The throne is bloody, Your highness..... And I don't step my foot on dirty things.....I don't need a crown to have power ........

And with that Hawoon left leaving So Ryun here as she just looked at her disappearing figure......So Ryun clenches and unclenches her fist as she looked darkly and said," But I am a royal blood.... I don't know how to give up..... I will snatch every bit of it you have....."


In Harem

It's already evening as the whole harem is getting cleaned once again as The only princess Of Royal kingdom of Korea is coming back to Seoul after four years....... Two maids who are folding the blanket as the other maid asked curiously," I never saw her before....I heard she is Really beautiful..... "

The another maid who was with her looked at her who is new maid came a while ago in the main palace from Daejoon and said," Her beauty killed so many Ministers already.... She has been married five times and in the wedding night, they died mysteriously..... "

Well the rumors about the princess of Seoul is kinda notorious.... Even the locals has a hint of her life stories which made her equally afraid as the King...... After the fifth marriage failed miserably, She didn't married instead, she went to Busan for two years.... Even in Late kng Seokjin's death, she didn't appear in there..... In the next year, she appeared out of nowhere in the Seoul and demands a princely state for her..... She wants to rule a state which got ridicule by the Queen Mother and Queen dowager....... Against Queen Mother decision of disapproval, King Namjoon granted the wish and give her Jeju island to rule...... Because that time, Namjoon is having hard time with Chinese assassins who are choasing havoc around the Jeju island and he give her the most problematic state in a high hope that she will fail but to everyone surprise, She was able to get rid of those assassins and took the control of Jeju island......

Since then, The princess of Seoul kingdom, Jeon Ji-eun became the Queen of Jeju island..... The only Woman to exist in Korean dynasty to rule a state by herself..... And her name will go down on the history pages for a long time as a woman empowerment in ancient times........

Hawoon entered into the harem as the maids stopped talking and started to do their respective works as she is checking everything with the help of head servant to make sure everything is okay....... As she was walking and talking to the head servant, she didn't saw someone is coming towards her as the little boy bumped into Hawoon..... Hawoon felt that and look down to saw the little prince, Jeon Jihoon is holding his head on the side feeling a little pain..... Hawoon excused the Head servant and bend down on jihoon's level and make him look at her.....

Hawoon: are you hurt, little prince????

That little Jihoon nodded in denial and said," It doesn't hurt because it's you, Lady Hawoon...."

Hawoon rolled her eyes hearing this kind of chessy words from this kid.... Jihoon has got the face of kid Jungkook and Hawoon doesn't hate him for what his father tried to do to her..... She is not that kind of person who will hate someone for their parents wrongdoings ......

Just then Hawoon look behind Jihoon and saw Se jun, Jungkook's concubine who came towards them and bowed to her a little bit and said," Sorry, Lady Hawoon.... Jihoon is really became naughty this days.... He run away from his tutoring lessons....."

But little Jihoon immediately hide behind Hawoon for his mother's scolding..... Seeing that Hawoon laughed a little and urged Jihoon to go near his mother who is glaring at him......

Jihoon was dragged away by his mother who is struggling to escape as Hawoon sighed seeing the scene......


All the girls and servants stood up in the one line and in the other line, The royal families and the concubines is standing expect for the king, Queen, Queen Mother and Queen dowager...... Hawoon, Harin and pregnant Nari is also here to greet the princess who she never met......

Nari: Do I really have to stand like this in this situation???? It's hurtful.... Prince Jimin will be angry with me for this.....

She said as Harin hold her hand and said," Just a bow a little bit and Don't engage into useless talk.... That would be enough Aunt....."

Just then the palace guards started to shout.....

" MAKE WAY!!!!!! THE PRINCESS OF SEOUL KINGDOM AND THE QUEEN OF JEJU ISLAND, JEON JI-EUN IS COMING!!!!!!!", The guards said as the princess entered into the Harem......

Ji-eun stand in front of the Harem door as
everyone bowed to her as she didn't care and turned her head on the left side and extended her hand on the air...... Soon, someone came and hold her hand...... And with him, she entered into the harem..... Everyone looked up as Nari who has bowed a little bit look at them first as her eyes widened seeing the person in front of her.......

Nari: Nicolas?!

Hearing Nari's words Hawoon and Harin immediately looked up only to see a fine young man who's age would be around 17-18....... On the other side, hearing a very familiar name from someone's mouth, made that boy look at her as he looked shocked seeing her.......

The boy left Ji-eun hand and went towards Nari as he said," A ..A....Aunt Eun????"

Ji-eun looked at them confusedly just like others in the harem.... She decided to step forward and said," Yeonjun, What happened??? Do you know her????"

He looked at princess and said," she is my aunt.... The family to whom I got separated....."

" Nico...", Hawoon said as he looked at the person who called him as he looked and saw two girls who's eyes are on tears......

" Who are you???", He asked as Nari decided to answer this time and said," Your sisters, Idiot!!!! They changed that much that you can't recognize them .... Oh... Even I almost didn't recognize you.... You just look like your father's younger version...."

He looked shocked hearing that he looked at those two girls as he never thought coming here will make him meet his long lost family like this.......

Hawoon came towards him and slowly touched his face as she asked," What's with the name, Nico??? What have you became???"

" My name is Choi Yeonjun.... I got adopted by a minister in here as his son and after the training,I became The Royal commander of Jeju island and became a right hand man of Queen.....", He said as he looked at them ...... They changed a lot..... Especially his sisters.....They became mature Young Woman...... This is the fate maybe, If he didn't came with Queen Ji-eun he won't have found his long lost family.....





Hi!!! How are you??? Welcome back with the new chapter!!!! I hope you will like it......

New entry of a character..... Well, I have given you all hint in first 3-10 chapter in here..... If you forgot you can check again.... So, did you like this??? Finally, Hawoon has found her whole family back expect for their father...... And it would be a another awesome journey!!!!!

So, You like hawoon's acheivement in here???? She created a very powerful base for herself!!! It will be so helpful for her in near future!!!!

Many of you are asking it's going to be happy ending or sad??? Honestly, I don't know....We have just reached near the half of the book.... This is going to be 100 chapters and one epilogue......

And about it's OT7 or solo?? actually Hawoon has gonna have some moments with every single member so, just like Seokjin but it would be different with the basis of the others...... And that's why it's OT7 ...... So, you know who is next?????😁😁😁

SEE YOU SOON 🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜

LOVE 💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕 YOU

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