46: Temptation Of Desires

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Choi Yeonjun is having some family time with his long lost sisters and his aunt as he took permission from Ji-eun to have some family time as Ji-eun has give her approval...... Instead of going to her chamber and taking rest, she decided to meet Min Yoongi, The king of the princely state of Daegu......So, here she is right now, In Yoongi's reading room, sitting in the chair and looking at her half brother with a questionable eyes.......

Yoongi on the other side, is looking outside the window as he is thinking about something very serious.......

Ji-eun: I am not here to have vacation, Yoongi..... I want to know why you wanted to talk to me.... With the wedding invitation of the king, I got your letter as well.....

She asked as Yoongi still didn't turn around but asked," How are your ruling going on in Jeju island???? I heard the people of Jeju is rebellious....."

Hearing that Ji-eun smirked as she said," They might be rebellious but I am Ji-eun, the only daughter of late king Kim Hwang Won...... I know how to control the things...... As now you know, my state is the most Peaceful on among all of the states....."

She was boasting about her acheivements as this time yoongi turned around and look at her with a glare and said," You massacreed nearly thousands of people in Jeju island.... You not only killed the rebellions but also killed the innocent people who are with the rebellions, helping them or even the people who are suspect to be involved in this...... YOU KILLED THEM IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE VILLAGE PEOPLES, EVEN CHILDREN NEEDED TO SEE THIS?!!! WE NEVER RULED LIKE THAT!!!"

Yoongi said those last words raising his voice a little bit at Ji-eun which Ji-eun didn't like a bit...... Ji-eun get up from the chair and look at Yoongi with cold menacing eyes as she said," But I rule like that, so what!!!! What are you going to do, Yoongi??? I need those people to fear me!!!! I want them to know what will happen if they tried to double cross me..... AND I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!"

And with that Ji-eun turned around to get out of the room but stopped when she heard laughing sounds from her behind.... And she obviously know who it is ....

Yoongi laughed hearing her words as he said," Ji-eun, It's not you who are ruling there..... It's Choi Yeonjun, one of my trusted loyal soldier.... If he wasn't there beside you, let alone be the queen of Jeju, You won't be bear out alive from there...... Remember this, Ji-eun, you are still nothing without Seokjin's help, without my help.... Namjoon sent you there to get rid of you with the suggestion of Queen Mother but here am I , still saving your a$$ because of Seokjin.... Because I promised him to take care of you all...."

Ji-eun listened everything as she bite down her tongue inside her mouth to surpress her anger as she didn't say anything and get out of the room leaving Yoongi alone.......


In Nari's Chamber

The siblings and their aunt is right now in Nari's Chamber as they've so many things to catch up with...... Hawoon has called Ae-jin and told them to get their kids as she wants Yeonjun to meet her kids......

Hawoon: Nico, tell me how did you ended up with princess Ji-eun????

She wants to know how he get to be with Ji-eun..... Harin looked at her little brother as he sighed and started to answer hawoon's question.....

Yeonjun: I was caught by the Seoul Royal soldiers in Jeju island when they attacked on the village.... After that I have came to Seoul.... In slave market, a minister took his interest on me and he bought Me from there and adopted me as his son..... That's how I became Choi Yeonjun, he, my adopted father, Minister Choi who is one of the members of the royal court......

Hawoon took a mental note on her mind to show gratitude to Minister Choi and her wife to take care of him...... She has already meet Minister Choi's wife..... She is really a good woman...... She is glad that Nico ended up in good hands other than being on the gangs of bandits or some rebellion group.....

Yeonjun: After that, He send me to prince Yoongi for the military training and in his guidance, I took my training as I was my last year , he assigned me to be Queen Ji-eun Royal commander in charge and go to Jeju island..... Since I still thought I might be able to find you or get some information about you all if I go there...... But I couldn't find anything....so many things changed..... And I.... I tried....to...find.... father....but.....I couldn't.....

Yeonjun's voice started to shake badly thinking about that day how he got caught by that soldiers..... It's like a truma for him.... And why it won't be..... He is a very little boy back then..... Now, he is almost 19 years old and became a commander of a state that used to be our home......

Yeonjun was pulled into a hug by aunt Nari.... She patted his shoulder as Hawoon and Harin are sad hearing his story...... They also slowly went to them and hug them lightly....... Their family is complete...... Just their father left..... And one person who is not with them anymore.... Their mother.......

Nari put her hand on yeonjun's cheek as she said," I am sorry for not being with you.... It must be hard for you..... But now, I will always be there for you.... Your aunt and your older Noona's are going to be with you.... You are not alone...... "

Yeonjun nodded as he looked at Hawoon and said," you can't call me Nicolas anymore... I am Choi Yeonjun.... Just like you, Kim Hawoon, Noona....."

Harin chuckled hearing his words as Hawoon said," as if anyone can stop me from saying that... You are my Nico... My little brother... Who I took care of since your birth..... You and Harin are my first children......"

Just then the door opened reavealing Ae-jin with hawoon's kids and Harin with hers...... That day went by meetings with the children of his sisters and other talks from memory lanes.......


Few Days later

Namjoon has came back from the royal court completely exhausted as dealing with the kingdom things.... Now, he kind of understood why Seokjin hated it..... Just like it's his duty as being the first born of the Royal family, he was obligated to do it..... Same now goes for Namjoon..... He is king , he needed a Queen to have a heir so he got married and have a heir ..... He is doing what his mother wants him to do expect for one thing.... That is not letting him to rule ...... All of the orders Namjoon approve, first got approved by her..... Basically, he is a puppet of her mother....... But still, he wants to do something that he wants..... And it's having Hawoon in his life....... That's something that his mother doesn't like..... She doesn't like Hawoon...... Well, you can't blame Hawoon, she is someone who can't be tamed by putting leash on her neck..... Not like So Ryun...... So Ryun is her mother's perfect little pet... Who do that she says...... And Namjoon hates it the most......

Namjoon's eyes went on the table where so many sketch are done for a building.....He thought for a while as his maid put his bathrobe on his body as being going to bathhouse,he ordered," Call lady Hawoon.... I want to talk to her about some important thing......."

And with that he went inside the bathhouse......

Time skip

Hawoon get inside the king's chamber as she saw king Namjoon is standing in front of the window looking outside maybe enjoying the view ......

Hawoon bowed a little and said," Greetings,Your majesty..... You have summoned me ...."

Namjoon turned around and saw Hawoon as always she looks stunning......

He couldn't take off his eyes from her as he asked," you are looking beautiful, lady Hawoon....."

Hawoon shy a little bit hearing the compliment as she said," it's chosen by Taehyung itself..... His choice is always the best....."

Namjoon's smile faded a bit hearing that..... Taehyung.... Taehyung always take care of her belongings like this..... He knew taehyung is obsessed with her...... And his obsession can be clearly seen by hawoon's clothing and her choice of jewelries.... It's all Taehyung's favorite.... She wears what Taehyung wants her to wear and she wears it without any complain..... But namjoon didn't know that same things applied with Taehyung too .... She chose his clothing too..... They are obsessed with each others...... And that makes them to protect each other from anything......

Namjoon went beside the table and took a few structure sketchs and handed over to Hawoon.... Hawoon took it from his hands and look at those building structure...... It's really unique and very much different from the buildings structure made in here.......

Hawoon: it's so beautiful, your majesty..... W..who made this???

Namjoon came a little bit closer to her slowly filling the space between them as Hawoon was so much engrossed seeing this sketchs she didn't realize that Namjoon is that close to her.....

Namjoon: it's me... Hawoon.... It's me who made it just for you.....

The words of Namjoon made her immediately look at him as she gasped seeing him so close to her..... She looked at Namjoon which showed desperation and madness to have something that she couldn't pin out......His face is holding a very dark expression as his hot breaths are touching her face......

Hawoon: you...your....ma.... majesty...

Hawoon immediately took few steps back as Namjoon suddenly smiled seeing that...... He chuckled as he said," I guess, I scared lady Hawoon too much...... Chose one and immediately start the work of the orphanage......"

Hawoon looked at him as she immediately snapped out of it and bowed to him and immediately went away from there leaving namjoon in the chamber alone......

As soon as the door closed , Namjoon throw away the things on his table in anger..... He is angry..... He should've just claimed her just like his father did to Jimin's mother and here she is being sweet towards her to have her attracted to him...... The way she backed away immediately that almost made him to grab her and f**king her till she passed out....... He is a king!! He can have anyone but he can't have her......


In Slave market, Seoul kingdom

A new loads of girls came from the different parts of the world as a slave to be sold ...... The girls condition is bad..... they haven't got anything to eat...... Not even a drop of water was given to them still they're standing on the scorching sun...... The merchants are trying to gain attention to the buyers to buy them......As all of a sudden, a girl fall down because of exhaustion..... The people who are watching and wanted to buy started to gossip seeing how weak those girl is.... They might be useless..... The merchant got angry and immediately went to that girl and started to shake her with his legs trying to get up.... Not even a ounce of humanity is shown to her......

One of the passerby was going from there, he stopped on the midway seeing this..... He looked at the girl who is laying down on the field as she is mumbling water.... Tears came in that passerby eyes seeing the inhumanity..... He immediately went towards that girl and pulled out his water bottle and made her drink the water slowly....... With him, there's a another friend of him saw this but didn't say anything.....

After making that drink the water, he went away but he feels so pain......

" Why did you help her??? This things are common in here..... ", That friend said to him as he looked at him and said," I got reminded of my daughter seeing her.... She was almost same age as my daughter..... I wonder what worse would have happened to my daughter if she was bought in here..... "

Hearing that the friend put his hand on his shoulder and said," Andrew, yo..you shouldn't get your hopes high..... You have came to look for your daughters but we don't know if you're able to find them or not..... The kingdom is big and if by chance, they got in Harem, you have to give up.... the moment they entered the palace, they became royal possession......"

" I lost everyone.... I lost my family... I love them with my life .... My wife is dead.... My girls, Katherine, Era, my son Nicholas are nowhere to be found..... How can I give up on them..... I... can't... I can't.....", This time he couldn't control himself and brust into tears.....

A war has destroyed the life of many.....Took the happiness away from different households..... just because of the power, the common people suffer...... The monarchy isn't made by the herioc deeds of the king's.... It's made by the suffering of general people who lost their lives, their family and Everything......






Hi!!! After a very long time, isn't it??? I don't want to talk about exam... It's stressing me out 😔...... So, let's talk about something else.....

My whole body is in pain..... My legs are hurting like hell... My back is paining too .....I walk around the campus since my exam hall is in the end of the university ...... I slept since afternoon and I woke up now it's 10.01 pm.... I might be woke up for whole 🌃 night I guess......

This chapter was made long time ago... So, I am just publishing it without checking out that much.... If there's a major mistakes, please forgive me for that.....

I hope you are doing well.... I will update regularly from now on...... I will try my best to write more in here......

And comment a lot and vote too ..... I like to read your comments and it motivates me to do more......



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