47: Dive Of Lovers

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After getting the structural sketch of the orphanage from king Namjoon, the work for that orphanage started immediately......Few months passed away as the base of the orphanage is slowly slowly started to shown...... And around the kingdom, the general people are living a peaceful life....... Hawoon was busy with the other works of orphanage and her new work as a Head Treassuer of the Harem...... She and So Ryun still didn't get along well with each other.... The main reason is their thought process....

They're completely different from each other......

So Ryun thinks about herself and the betterment of the people who are royals and tries to put much money on them and try to please those royal accquintance of hers.....

On the other side, Hawoon tries to put more money on social works and the betterment of the harem and other lower rank people who live in the palace.... But it's not like she doesn't care about the royals but for her, she wants to balance the spending between these two..... She wants to make sure everyone was happy and try to consistent.....

And with that argument, they've started to dislike each other even more.... And more than that, namjoon being too friendly and humble with makes So Ryun irk about it a lot......


From Taehyung chamber balcony, Hawoon and Taehyung both are looking at the beautiful shining Moon...... They're spending some quality time with each other as they now Don't get much time to meet each other because of their duties..... Taehyung misses those days when he doesn't had to work that much and was about to spend most of the time with Hawoon....

Hawoon: The moon... is looking very mesmerizing, isn't it???

Hawoon asked as her eyes didn't went away from the moon ...... But In Taehyung eyes, all he see is Hawoon.....

Taehyung: but not as beautiful as you.....

Hearing that Hawoon look at him as he found Taehyung looking at her.... More like lost in her...... She slowly stand up and went towards him and sit in his lap..... She put her warm hand on his face as she is looking deeply in his eyes...... Both of their eyes are showering compassion and immerse love for each other...... Words are not enough to describe those loves because the eyes write the tale of the great Love.....

Taehyung took her hand and interwined it together as he placed a kiss on her back of the hand and said," Before meeting you, I was hopeless.... My life was meaningless.... Everything around me feels like a burden to me..... I feel suffocated around the four wall of this palace..... I was roaming around the deep forest of Jeju when my eyes went on a beautiful angel..... The angel who was sent from the heaven for me..... A angel who was going to make me feel loved.... A angel who filled up my life with a greater meaning.... Who made me to live for her and for her love..... I love you, my Queen.... I love you so much that even my heart bleeds when I don't see you for a moment..... My eyes finds peace when I saw you.... No matter what happens, I can't think of myself without you..... I want to live with you for forever.... Will you be with me for the rest of my life?? Will you be Kim Taehyung wife??? Will you be Kim Hawoon????

A drop of tear rolled down from hawoon's eyes hearing the most sincere proposal of Taehyung..... His eyes that are showing nothing but passionate love for her and the commitment of being together for the rest of the life.......

She nodded as she smashed her lips on his as both started to kiss each other...... Both of their tongue are dominating each other..... She put her hands on his shoulder as Taehyung's hand went on her neck as he tilted a bit trying to have better excess to explore her mouth...... On the dazzling moonlight, They're putting their promise to each other to have with forever......


In Namjoon's Concubine Chamber

The door of the chamber opened, as everyone who are living in the room stand up immediately and looked down...... Queen, So Ryun get into the room and look at everyone as the concubines of namjoon are lowering their head......

Behind her, The Head maid of the Harem is standing as So Ryun looked at the girls for a very long time.....

So Ryun: Why it's too many????

She asked as she looked at the Head maid who immediately came forward to answer her question.....

" Your majesty sleeps with one woman only once, Your highness.....", The Head maid said as So Ryun raised her brows trying to understand the situation......

So Ryun: Whose are staying here for the longest send them to the old palace..... Why bother having unwanted if the king himself doesn't touch them more than once......

And declaring that, she turned around to step outside the room, but she stopped when she heard ......

" Who are you to order this!!!!", One of the Namjoon's concubine said as she moved towards so Ryun.....

So Ryun turned around and saw a girl who is basically glaring at her ....... So Ryun went towards her and stand in front of her looking at her eyes as she slapped her right across her face making her fall down on the floor..... Few gasps was heard in the room and the girl who fall down on the floor is holding her cheek with his hand and looked at So Ryun......

So Ryun: You Dare To Ask Me Who Am I!!!!! I am the Queen of the Seoul kingdom, The legal wife of king Kim Namjoon, Kim So Ryun.... Since, you are in my husband concubine chamber, I have the full rights to decide who will stay and who won't.....

She said as she looked at everyone and with her eyes she give warning not to mess with her.....

" We are his Majesty's Concubine... Just like you are his legal wife... We are his Servant..... Only the king has the right to do this!!!! We, His Majesty's concubines won't accept order from the Queen!!!!!", That girl said looking at So Ryun as she scoffed hearing her words.....

So Ryun turned around and said," GUARDS!!!!!!" THROW HER IN THE DUNGEON!!!! "

And with that So Ryun left from there...... The guards took away that girl from the concubines room...... As So Ryun was going to her chamber, in the mid way, she meet with Nari..... Nari bowed to Queen and said," Greetings, Your highness.... I hope you're fine....."

So Ryun eyes went on Nari's baby bump, she is eight months pregnant and she is taking her regular walk around the palace with the help of her handmaiden..... Just then, Nari heard the screaming and shouting sound of a girl from the second floor as she saw a girl being dragged by the guards.....

Nari: Did she do something your highness????

She asked as the Head maid said," She misbehaved with her highness....."

Nari: Well, that's quite unexpected from her.... She was the first concubine after His majesty acended on the throne...... She was pregnant but her child died on her womb..... I feel sorry for her.... Obviously, it's a matter of time she snapped..... I also know how it feels like losing your child on your womb.....

She said as she caressed her womb .....

So Ryun: I heard you are Lady Hawoon Aunt?!! But the way you talk it seems like you are from a noble family.... I can't quite understand you.....

Even though, So Ryun was able to understand the people nature around her but she couldn't understand Nari and Sei wei nature..... They give her the attitude of noble family vibes......

Nari smiled and said," I don't know if I should be falttered by hearing Hawoon's Aunt more than King Jimin's concubine..... And about my behavior, I am kinda well educated about the palace etiquette and classes..... But I hope we can have a good relationship despite of my niece bitter relationship with you -

She stopped suddenly as she suddenly feel pain in her stomach..... She hold her Belly as she said," my....wa....water....bro.... broke!!!!!!! "

The handmaiden immediately hold Nari as Queen shouted for guards to come and help her to take her to the room.......


In Jungkook's chamber

Jungkook slowly get up from his bed as he is fully naked after having a intimate moment with one of his concubine who is sleeping peacefully on his bed wrapped in a thin sheet of blanket.... He took his pants from the floor and wore it as his eyes went on the corner side of his room that is covered with a thin but shady curtains......

He walked towards that side as he slide those curtains away and went inside..... He saw a painting which was standing on the standing rod.... A cloth has covered the whole painting..... His hand slowly went to the cloth as he removed it and throw it on the floor.....

He looked at the painting with his unfocused eyes.... No matter how many times he saw this... He feels like it's first time seeing this..... But the girl in the painting is a worth of looking thousand times......

The painting is none other than Hawoon... Painted by Taehyung himself..... After Taehyung painting room converted into a chamber, One painting went missing..... And no body found it..... Because Jungkook has the painting.....

His finger roamed around the face of the painting..... It's a imaginary painting of Hawoon.... She wore this kind of dress or Jewelries in here..... The painting is after that time when Taehyung's obsession was developing deeply inside them.... And he started to see her in his lucid dreams...... This painting is the perfect replication of his imagination.... Taehyung's imagination is wild..... How much deeply Taehyung is obsessed with Hawoon that can be seen by this painting...... The light pink shade of the dress with extiquite piece of jewelries who will she is a slave...... Anybody would think she is a Queen..... No matter how mature she has became now but still her beauty moves the people around her......

Jungkook: Why you are so stubborn, Hawoon??? Your stubbornness makes me to have you even more.... It wants me to break you completely and mold you into a little pet..... My obedient pet..... Should I make you, my pet, Hawoon??? Should I kill Taehyung and have you by myself??? Even Namjoon hyung wants you..... What should I do, Hawoon. What should I do???

His eyes are showing nothing but immerse lust for her..... How can he control himself when someone like her roams around him...... She is too beautiful that she should've been caged.... If she was his, he won't let her see the sunlight..... Still taehyung lets her freely roam around..... Only if Taehyung has seen the situation around him. Everyone wants his girl......

Not Everyone is friend here.....

Betrayal is common.....

Specially, In Royalty......

It's obvious.......






hi!!!! I am back!!!!! I was on vacation since it's Eid..... A holy festival.... I went to my grandparents house and spend some days in there..... By the way, I am back.... The updates will be regular... Since I got so many ideas about how to progress this book....

And I wanted to say about my recent concern about something..... It's like I am ranting or something.... But it's about my university... Since you know I got selected.... The total seats for my faculty is 45.... And my position is 67.... Obviously, thinking of the it's not good.... And I am s nervous 😬😬😬😬.... I don't think the other who is in the position till 1-66 won't move out... Most of them are like me... A second timer.... So, I am so worried about it right now....I don't know what should I do about my this thought.... It's really killing me... I can't sleep at night thinking about this ..... I don't know what to do.....

Whatever it would be, I hope for the best.... Allah please show me the way.....


LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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