57: Conspiracy In The Bushes

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( Listen to BTS" Black Swan "orchestra version while reading this chapter)


In King's Chamber

Author Pov

Namjoon has got his conscious few minutes ago as he was in complete bed rest and under physician observation...... Queen So Ryun entered into the chamber and saw Namjoon is sitting on the bed and deeply thinking about something.....

So Ryun decided to went towards him and sit beside Namjoon.... Namjoon was so into his thoughts that he didn't realize his wife has sit beside him and slowly touched his face using his fingers making him snap out of his thoughts....

Namjoon found So Ryun sitting beside him as he turned around his face on the other side not wanted to talk or see her.... He started to get irritated seeing So Ryun..... She has became a eye-sore for him......

So Ryun: Why you are so eager to have her??? What She has that I don't have???? I even give you a heir for the throne but still you don't look at me.... Why??? Why Kim Namjoon?? Why????

So Ryun is so tired of seeing Namjoon's madness for Hawoon.... Hawoon has clearly rejected him... But still he is going after her..... Today, what he heard from Erunch Yun and then she saw Taehyung's sadness that made her realize that prince Taehyung is madly and deeply in love with Hawoon.... He loves her with his whole heart..... The sadness she saw in Taehyung's eyes has proved that...... How lucky Hawoon is to have such kind of love from a royal prince.... Because in this household of royalty, Love is a unknown and meaningless word.....

Namjoon gritted his teeth hearing such a rubbish from So Ryun as he hold So Ryun throat and make her closer to him and said," Because you can't love me the way I want from Hawoon.... The affection, the warmth , the peaceful tranquility only Hawoon was capable of giving that to me.... I want her because I want the love that Taehyung is getting from her ..... He is happy... He has a peaceful life... But What about me??? I don't get any.... All I wanted from her is to give me the love the same way she gives to Taehyung.... WHY IT'S SO HARD FOR HER TO GIVE???? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!"

Namjoon is frustrated.... He is frustrated by this kind of life where he is chained to the throne.... The Bloody responsibility that he never wanted.... He hate this throne.... This throne has snatched his all happiness and made him empty.... And in the same time, he feels Seokjin's pain ..... He understood why Seokjin became cruel in the later life after becoming king..... Because this Throne makes you like this.... This Throne is a curse.....

So Ryun: But yo..u can't.... Force.... someone...to...love ..you.....,na... Namjoon....

Hearing that, Namjoon chuckled darkly and said," Why can't I??? I have everything that any woman would have wanted..... I am a king... I rule a massive kingdom..... Why can't I have her??? But what she did?? She decided to kill me... She run away from the palace.... Now, I won't spare her.... I tried to show her my love but now she will see my wrath..... I will kill her with my own hands..... "

And with that he left So Ryun's throat as she fall down beside the bed and started to coughing out loud to get oxygen......

Just then the door of the chamber opened reavealing Minister Lee who bowed to him and looked at Queen So Ryun who is on the floor holding her throat..... Namjoon's guards came in and took So Ryun away from there as the door closed leaving Namjoon and Minister Lee alone in the room.....

Namjoon: So, Minister Lee, what you have got to know in this time???

Namjoon asked as he is holding his head that is bandaged .... It's paining a lot and physician has give him some medicine to ease the pain......

Minister Lee: There's a another person who is missing from the palace other than Lady Hawoon.... The girl is in your Harem, Your majesty...... More importantly, one of your concubine chosen by Queen dowager.....

Namjoon looked at Minister Lee with a confused as he asked," what are you trying to imply??"

" When we're interrogating , One of the maid saw both of them running towards the back side of the palace and we searched there and found a secret Door that leads to get out of the palace....", Minister Lee replied as Namjoon thought about the whole situation for a while.....

" GUARDS!!!!!", Namjoon shouted as the royal guards came inside the chamber and bowed to him......

Namjoon: I want to Meet Queen dowager.... Tell her to come here right now.....

The royal guards nodded and immediately went out from the chamber as Namjoon asked to Minister Lee," Did you asked where she has came from????"

Minister Lee: Yes, your majesty.... She is from China...... And there's another thing I need to tell you your ma-jesty.....

Namjoon looked at Minister Lee who is looking worried so Suddenly..... Namjoon signalled him to speak as Minister Lee said," Your Majesty, The Royal officers wanted to inspect The whole palace..... They got a lead that they're must be spy living in the palace who was involved in killing Late king and the rebellion group was also lead by those people... And they're thinking the attack on you is also from them..... That concubine might be a spy from Chinese Empire...."

Namjoon: Do What they wanted to do... The rebellion Organization is getting on my nerves.... But I don't understand why that concubine took Hawoon????

The question remained unanswered as the door of the chamber opened reavealing, Queen dowager who looked at Namjoon's condition and said," I hope you will get well soon, my grandson....."

Hearing that Namjoon scoffed and asked," When did you became so generous about me??? As long as I remember, You admired Taehyung, hoseok and Yoongi hyung as your grandson....."

Queen dowager didn't say anything just smiled s little bit as Namjoon decided to ask her," You really admire Taehyung a lot, don't you??? Then why don't you tell me where Hawoon is???"

Queen dowager sternly looked at Namjoon and said," I don't understand what you're trying to say...."

This time, Minister Lee decided to talk as he said looking at Queen dowager," Lady Hawoon ran away with a concubine that is in your majesty harem who has gifted by you.... Since, she was in your service, we suspect you know something about their whereabouts????"

Queen dowager looked at Namjoon with a scowled face as she said," How Dare You To Put Such A False Allegation Against me, Kim Namjoon??? Why would I do that????"

Namjoon chuckled hearing that as he said," why won't you do that??? Taehyung is your favorite grandson.... You can do anything for his happiness....."


Namjoon shooked his head in denial as he doesn't believe in her a bit..... And he is bit irritated seeing how she is speaking to him..... He hate it......

Namjoon: I am not Seokjin hyung who will listen to your words just for the sake of being Elder... I am not like him.... So, don't even think of raising your voice against me!!!!!!GUARDS!!!! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STAY IN THE PALACE!!! I AM SENDING YOU TO GRIMM TOWER!!! SPEND REST OF YOUR LIFE IN THERE, QUEEN DOWAGER!!!!"

And with that Guards hold queen dowager's hand and tried to get her away from there as she is continuously shouting to let her go......


In Taehyung's chamber

Taehyung is comforting his daughter who is crying to meet her mother..... But what can he do???? He himself don't know where Hawoon is..... He is right now hugging Taeyeong and caressing her beautiful brown hair and whispering sweet words to comfort her sad daughter.....

He can't get out of the palace as he is in House-Arrest by namjoon.... After what Namjoon did , he don't know how he will recover this.... How he will explain this to Hawoon...... He don't know what Namjoon has put on her head..... She can't believe those things.... She can't believe Namjoon's words ..... She can't fall into Namjoon's trap......

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the door of his chamber opened reavealing, his right hand man sunwoo who bowed to him and said," My prince, We got the reply letter from the Chinese Empire...."

Taehyung saw Taeyeong has fallen asleep while crying as dried tear stains are visible on her cheek.... He feels bad seeing his daughter is suffering without her mother.... He slowly put her in the bed and put the blanket on her.....

He went towards Sunwoo and took the letter from his hands and read it...... After reading the letter, he sighed and went to the fire lamp and put the letter on the fire to destroy the letter.....

Taehyung: They've agreed but on one condition.....

Sunwoo: what is it, My prince????

Taehyung sit beside the bed and thought about this whole thing for a while ..... He knows it's wrong but still he has to do this... Or namjoon will kill everyone..... He will kill his children and him.....

Taehyung: they'll only help me if I kill king Kim Namjoon and be the puppet king for them.... With their instructions, I have to be the next king of Korea and rule over this kingdom....

He has to dethrone him or most probably kill him..... He has to be the killer of his own blood brother???? Will he able to do that???


In Nanyang Village, Near Seoul- Daegu border

After taking rest for a while, in the afternoon, Hawoon and Hyu-Sua reached to the Nanyang Village which is near Seoul-Daegu border..... They went to the soup kitchen as Hyu-Sua bowed to the owner of soup kitchen and whispered something in his ear......

After a very long time, Hawoon has got out of the palace.... The outside world became unfamiliar to her..... Once, the village market used to be her daily walking place now she feels so awkward seeing this...... The owner looked at Hawoon for a while and signalled Hyu-Sua to go inside......

Hyu-Sua: Hawoon, let's go.....

With that they went through the soup kitchen as Hawoon asked," Where are we???"

Hyu-Sua: This is a place where everything started, Hawoon..... Welcome to China Town, Hawoon..... I am Moon Hyu-Sua.....I am Sei wei Elder sister and The Leader of the Rebellion Organization under Chinese Empire.....

Hawoon backed away a little bit hearing those words as she didn't understand what she is saying.....

Hawoon: what do you mean??? Rebellion Organization?!! Chinese Empire?!!

Hawoon knows about the enemity between Korean empire and Chinese Empire..... She knows that Chinese Empire Quing Dynasty has been involved in assassination of late king Kim Seokjin......That means, Hawoon body turned cold realizing something..... She is in Great trouble.....

She turned around and decided to run away but suddenly so many girls came surrounding her and Hyu-Sua not letting her escape.......

Hyu-Sua: I am not Queen dowager spy..... I am a spy under Chinese Empire Quing Dynasty.... I am the one who killed late king Kim Seokjin in my own hands.... I plucked out his eyes and gifted it to the Emperor...... And now you're now under our custody..... After all, we need something that will help to put a leash on prince Taehyung neck.... And it's you..... Hawoon.....


In Taehyung's chamber balcony

Taehyung is looking at the drowning sun as his mind is on choas...... He fall into a dead trap..... He can't forget the letter and the words on it.....


Take Greetings From Me, Prince Kim Taehyung..... It's really honor for us to have such a delightful offer from you..... I agree on this but in one condition..... You have to kill the current king and if you're willing to do that we will help you ..... But you won't be the king that will listen to his own will..... After you get the throne, we want you to allow us, the people of china to be allowed on your land to do business..... And give us a free tax to do business.....

And one thing, Prince Taehyung don't even think about betraying us or we won't hesitate to kill your favorite concubine, Kim Hawoon who is already in our spies captivity.....

Hail To Quing Dynasty!!!!!!!

⚜️ ________________⚜️

Taehyung don't know what to do.... He look at the few pieces of her silver hair that came along with the letter.....He was never this much helpless in his entire life......






Hi!!!! How are you all??? I am back with a new chapter!!!!!! I hope you will like it !!!! Please vote a lot 😄🙏🙏 and comment too... I love to read your comments!!! It motivates me!!!!

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What do you think will happen next??? And how you think 🤔 taehyung and Hawoon will be able to get out of this trap????

I was so sad throughout the day until, I came across to this.....


I am officially in grave after seeing this 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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