56: I Will Be Stronger For You, My Baby!!

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[ Listen Fake love Orchestral version while reading this]


In Taehyung's chamber

Author pov

It's early morning as the sun just peeped outside.... It's the beginning of the new day with unexpected situations...... Fortunately or unfortunately, Taehyung has woken up as his right hand is on his head as it's throbbing in pain..... He still didn't opened his eyes as he slowly sit on the bed...... After few minutes later, he somewhow was able to open his eyes as he looked at his surrounding and found himself in his room...... He gulped as his throat is dry....

He can't remember what happened previous night as only thing he remember is he is eating his dinner and the next second he started to feel uneasy..... And after that he don't remember a bit......

A cold chill wind blowing out from the window as he suddenly feel so cold as he feels goosebumps ...... He looked at himself and found himself naked..... His eyes widened immediately seeing himself like this...... Just then he feel something Beside his bed..... He looked at the other side and found a girl sleeping next to him completely naked.......It's didn't took that much time to understand what happened between them..... Or possibly who was behind this......

Anger rushed into his veins as he started to shaking in anger..... His fists clenched as he shouted at the top of his lungs....


Hearing such a furious outbrust, Miyeon who is sleeping peacefully flinched and woke up as she hold her sheets above her chest and looked down at her lap and slowly whispered," m-my Prince.... Actually--"

Before she could utter other sentences, she was pinned by the headboard of the bed as a firm hand was grabbed her throat and started to chocking her...... Miyeon unknowingly looked at Taehyung who is fuming in anger...

" SPIL THE BEANS, WOMAN OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS!!! HOW DID YOU END UP IN HERE????? WHO IS BEHIND THIS!!!!!!!!TELL ME!!!!!", Taehyung whispered those words while gritting his teeth in anger......

Miyeon is so scared seeing prince Taehyung's inhuman behavior as she is struggling to get out of his hold but nothing seems to work on as Taehyung started to press more harder making her almost impossible to breathe.....

" Y...you.... your....ma... majesty.....", Miyeon barely whispered those words as Taehyung still isn't convinced because he know it's Namjoon's planning... Who would be other than him???? But for what??? Suddenly a realization stuck on his head making him gasped...... He immediately let go of Miyeon's throat as he get away from his bed and took his clothing from the floor and get dressed...... He immediately went away from the room.....

He was walking through the hallway that leads to king's chamber where namjoon lives..... He turned to left as soon as he entered into the other hallway, he saw so many people are standing there...... Queen So Ryun to Queen dowager everyone is here...... Erunch Yun is looking at the door of king's chamber worriedly as Taehyung came closer to the chamber.......

Queen dowager noticed Taehyung and immediately went towards Taehyung as she hold Taehyung's shoulder......

He took a glance of the king's chamber as he looked at the queen dowager and asked," Grandma,What happened here???? Why are you sad????"

Before Queen dowager could answer Taehyung's question, So Ryun said," Namjoon is injured..... Hawoon attacked on him and run away from the palace....."

The answer of So Ryun shocked Taehyung..... He turned around and looked at So Ryun with a glare and said," What are you talking about???? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED HERE????"

Erunch Yun immediately went towards Taehyung and bowed to him and said," We really don't know what happened... We just found your majesty in the physician ward unconscious and lady Hawoon isn't there in the room.... We searched everywhere in the palace but couldn't find her....."

Taehyung grabbed Erunch Yun's jaw tightly and said," Why would Hawoon would be in the physician ward, Erunch Yun???? What is it you aren't telling us????"

Erunch Yun's eyes widened hearing Taehyung's words as Taehyung know there's more than that what he is saying right now.....Why namjoon would be in physician ward and Hawoon too unless something happened......

Taehyung grabbed his throat and put him in the air making Erunch Yun on chockhold..... He is struggling to get out of Taehyung's hold as Taehyung throw him in the floor.....


Taehyung's rage is right now to hard to handle as Erunch Yun spilled everything.......

" Your majesty planned to separate you from Lady Hawoon by putting a girl on your bed .... I mixed some herbs in your food that create a illusion as you spent the night with her.... And apparently, la...Lady Hawoon saw it and s... she couldn't handle it and collapsed..... We take her to physician's Ward.... And your majesty went to see her after hearing her condition..... I don't know anything after that......", Erunch Yun blurted out everything......

Tears fall down from the corner of Taehyung's eyes hearing this heinous conspiracy against him..... His heart is paining a lot thinking how Hawoon would have felt about this......


Two girls are running in the forest that is opposite side of the Seoul Royal Palace..... They have came so far away from there but still they can't stop running.... One girl already got tired as she stand beside a tree and huffing........

" We have to get going, Hawoon... I bet, the royal soldiers might have started to look for us.... We have go near Seoul- Daegu border where there's a village we can hide for a while.....", The girl said looking at Hawoon who is exhausted from running for a long time.....

" It's hard, Hyu-Sua.... I can't run anyone... My leg is paining...... And the wounds in my hand is worsening.... If I can't stop this bleeding, I will lose my child... I can't let that happened....", Hawoon said looking at her with a little hope to stay here for a while......

Hyu-Sua sighed heavily as she looked around the forest and then looked at Hawoon and said," Stay here.... I will look for a hideout here.... Let's see if I can find a cave or something....."

With that Hyu-Sua went to look for something as Hawoon sit down on the grass..... Her hand slowly went on her belly..... It's really unfortunate for her to have a child right now in this dangerous situation...... Her minds went on the last night where things went down will for her......

[ Flashback ]

In Physician's Ward

Hawoon is resting on the bed while she is slowly caressing her belly and thinking about her condition as the door of the room brust open reavealing, King Namjoon who entered into the room and looked at her with a uncontrollable rage......

" LEAVE US ALONE!!!!!", Namjoon roared as the physicians immediately bowed to him and went away from the room leaving them alone......

Hawoon's eyes are on namjoon who is looking at her with predatory eyes...... Suddenly Namjoon started to laugh out loud...... A malicious laugh echoed on the whole room making Hawoon shiver down to her spine.......

Suddenly, his laughing died down as Namjoon's eyes darkened......

Namjoon: So after Taehyung, his unborn child came between us..... Tsk!!! Tsk!!!! Tsk!!!!! So, my little Dove, Tell Me what should I do?????

Namjoon sit down on the nearby chair while his eyes are on Hawoon who eyes widened hearing those words of him.... She immediately get up from the bed and backed away from there.......

Namjoon grinned evily seeing her backed away from him like a scary cat......

Namjoon: Should I also get rid of this child too just like Jungkook did, huh????

Hawoon started to shaking in fear as her hands went on her belly trying to protect her child......Tears are rolling down continuously as she saw Namjoon slowly get up from the chair and coming towards her.....

She took few steps back until her back crashed against the wall making her nowhere to run.......

Unknowingly, hawoon's hand went on something that was on the other side of the wall as Namjoon moved his hand towards her to grab her and trying to protect herself, she use it.....

A painful scream was heard as Hawoon saw Namjoon's hand is bleeding nonstop as she finally look at her hand and found a small knife that has blood on it.....

" YOU SLUT!!!!!", Namjoon tried to grab her as she moved away but bumped into something and fall down on the floor with so many tools that's was used for surgery...... She cut her hand as blood is pouring out.....

She tried to move as she saw Namjoon is coming towards her trying to kick her stomach to kill the baby..... But someone hit Namjoon from behind making him fall down on the floor unconscious as blood is coming out from his head......

Hawoon looked up and saw Hyu-Sua who throw away the wood and went towards Hawoon......

" We have to get out of here.... We can't waste our time... Come on...", Hyu-Sua said as she helped Hawoon to get up and they went away from there and left the palace from the back door of the palace from where once the assassin's came years ago to kill Seokjin......

[ Flashback End ]

[ Present ]

She sighed as she looked at her belly and said," You are strong, my baby.... We survived..... I will do anything to keep you alive, my baby.... Omma will do anything...... Omma won't let anything happen to you...." , Hawoon said those words as she talked to the baby unconsciously.....

She is sad.... She is sorrowful about her life...... Ever since, she came to the palace, she is trying her best to survive...... In that way, she found Taehyung who entered into her life like a light that swallowed her whole darkness and make her colorful...... She thought she found her spring day.... But fate has another plan..... Because right now, all she see is dried Winter that is making her numb...... Will she ever be able to happy for once????


In Palace Of Tears, Daejoon

In the main Entrance door of Palace Of Tears, a royal carriage came..... The carriage Door opened reavealing a woman who is in her late thirties almost same age as late king Seokjin..... Behind her, her Erunch and her handmaiden came as all the palace guards are bowing down to her..... She has came to meet her mother Who is living here a life of a widower and in the pain of losing her son by miscarriage.....

And another reason, she has came here to see the step mother or more specifically say, the Queen Mother who was on House-Arrest by her own son......

Here she saw her mother who is looking at her affectionately.....

" Greetings, my dear Mother.... I hope you are well....", The girl said looking at her old mother who caressed her daughter's face with adoration.....

" My beautiful Daughter, my Johyun.....", The mother said looking at her beautiful daughter as they hugged each other.......

From the second floor balcony, Queen Mother is watching the scene as she sighed and thought....

" Mother - daughter came to celebrate my House-Arrest..... I wish you would be more clever, Faria.....", She thought as she went away from there......

Only a few know that late king Hwang Won has another wife beside other seven wife..... Kim Faria, The Ex-Queen of king Hwang Won who has a daughter and was the real Queen before Queen Mother who snatched her position from her.....

And In Later Life, Kim Johyun Will Play A Significant Role In Queen Mother's Death......






hi!!!!! My favorite slothies!!!!! How are you all??? I am sorry for not updating yesterday!!!!!! I hope you will like this chapter!!!!!

Seems like Queen Mother death is near ??? But not before Namjoon's one..... Get ready for assassination of Namjoon's..... It's getting ready....... You will feel bad about it or not????

I guess, the people who hate namjoon for this is really unnecessary!!! I am a Muslim and I don't think he has any purpose to hurt any religion!!!! I don't even understand why 😞 the other Muslim fans are so upset about it.... They really didn't stop attacking him.... And I guess he already give you the answer..... I really didn't talk about it because I found this completely meaningless. Because it's just a song. ... And another reason is Bangladesh is kinda secular country and we practice moderate Islam.... Not conservative Islam.... And I never experienced this kind of religious intolerance in my life... So, I can't understand...... For me it's meaningless and a complete absurd thing to Question namjoon that he insulted or hurted Muslims..... On the other side, black pink Jisoo shared that song people didn't say anything.... It's literally double standard!!!! I cleared out my opinion in here......



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤

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