60: Pain Is The Only Thing You Feel

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We sometimes forgot that, we live in a materialistic world where one day we have to leave everything and will buried under soil of the land..... Only thing, we will take with us is our good deeds and Sins..... According to those, you will be held accountable on our next life..... We do some sins under the influence of Devil.... We forgot our morals and do what our desire wants..... Mostly to satisfy our ego..... And in order to do that, we destroy the other people life.....

Just like the black clouds that are slowly slowly going towards the shining moon that is giving the light of hope..... Black clouds are trying to cover those hopes for forever and most probably wanted the light for themselves.... But those clouds sometimes forgot, the light isn't for them.... It will never be.....

In Wonju palace, the errie silence that crept the people who is living in the palace... The beast has finally calmed down after devouring his desires...... Two days.... The palace heard the pleading, begging and crying sounds of a pitiful woman who's soul was taken away slowly and slowly..... The Screams that wonju palace won't forgot till next decades.....

In Jungkook's Chamber, Clothes are here and there in the floor scattered around..... The beast is in the balcony enjoying the gloomy night as in his bed, a woman who is laying completely naked..... Bruises and different cuts became the ornaments of her body..... Purplish red deep wounds with lips busted and the burning mark of hot iron rod in different parts of her body almost make her unrecognizable...... The several slap marks and the dried tears stains are visible on her cheeks...... Her eyes are empty.... No emotion was left..... She was torn apart, broken and miserable condition..... Eyes are not moving and looking at ceiling with empty thoughts.... Like the soul was sucked out of her body leaving nothing but a broken and mindless doll.....

Jungkook entered into his chamber and looked at the person who is barely alive by his forced love and his inhuman torture..... Jungkook's slender fingers touched her delicate skin that are ruined by him....... But he didn't saw a bit of emotion in her eyes...... Which irritates him.... After all, he loved when she screamed for mercy.... Her desperate pleading and crying beggings made his Beasty soul happy......He loved when he saw her in pain.... And it's just because of him.....

He slowly hovered over her and slowly went on her neck and started to sucking her already marked hickeys..... Sucking it hardly to make he moan.... But he heard nothing...... He then looked at her face and saw no emotion...... Like she is in daze..... And Jungkook knows how to get her out of her daze......

Jungkook slowly went towards her ear and bit her earlobe and lick it and slowly whispered into her ears," Don't you wanna meet your son, Hawoon???"

And it worked.... Hawoon blinked finally getting out of her daze as Jungkook smirked feeling that distraction worked.....he knows in where hawoon's world lies on...... Her children..... She loves her own children a lot and willing to do anything for them....

Jungkook looked up and saw Hawoon is trying to speak..... Her voice has became horase as words are really difficult for her to make it come out from her mouth......

Hawoon: w....w.....wh....wh....wher....where.....is....my.......s....s.....sssss.....son....????

Hawoon's eyes finally have some emotions that he loved to see but at the same time hated it because it's not for him.... It's for someone else......

Jungkook: you wanted to see him??? I will let you meet him.. but you need to be freshen up for that, don't you think??? You don't want to see your son in this state, right my bunny????

Jungkook innocently said those words while looking at Hawoon like he did nothing to her in this days.... Behaving like, he is really really hurt by her condition which is inflicted none other than by him ......His eyes shows a fake concern to her which Hawoon can clearly see..... She saw those eyes in namjoon.... Namjoon used to do that same..... So, she know it's all pretendance of him......

Jungkook kissed her forehead like he cares about her and went out of the chamber and told the servants to prepare a bath for Hawoon.... He clearly said that she should be completely cleaned and all of her wounds get patch up..... The servants bowed respectfully and went inside the chamber and slightly gasped seeing the condition of the women lying in the bed ....... They're shocked and bewildered to see the cruelness of the head Chief of Wonju being like this to her......

They slowly make her get up and took her to the bathhouse .......

They slowly make her get into the water as she didn't protest a bit and let them do whatever they're doing..... They're cleaning her up and was being careful with the wounds and cuts but Hawoon didn't say anything...... No matter how much they clean her, she feels disgusted from the inside..... Her outer shell might be cleaned by them but what about her inner shell??? The scars that wounded her heart and Jungkook who inflicted the pain on it.... Who will put the ointment on it??? Will it ever be healed??? The scars in soul won't heal .... The mark that was engraved by Jungkook in her soul that she needs to carry for the rest of her life......


On the other side, Jungkook is on the other side of his chamber, in his fest Room, enjoying his dinner and seeing his concubines dance for him.... Trying to persuade him to get into his bed....

As he is enjoying the entertainment of his concubines just then a loud screaming echoed in the whole palace making everyone halt on their positions......

But Jungkook isn't bothered a bit by it and looked at his concubines and said," Do what you here for...."

Hearing the order from Jungkook, his concubines started to resume their works as the screams got louder and louder in each seconds making the concubines hard to do their things.....

On the other side, Hawoon layed down the floor holding her dead baby boy in her arms as the agonizing Screams left from her mouth..... After she got dressed up by the servants, one of the guard came with a big bowl and said it's a gift from chief Jungkook that was sent to Hawoon.....

The moment, it was placed in front of Hawoon, her whole body became cold seeing the horrifying scene in front of her eyes.......

In the big bowl, a little child was drowned into the water as the child whole body was pale and it didn't took long for Hawoon to realize, it's her own son, Taemin.... A blood curling scream left from her mouth as she immediately took the little infant from the bowl and started to give oxygen to him by using her mouth..... But it's already too late for that.... He died long time ago by jungkook's hands..... The cold body of a little boy she felt s she started to crying like no tomorrow..... The screaming got louder and louder as she fall down on the floor holding her little Taemin and crying hysterically.... Her sobbing was miserable to hear for the servants but it's not in their hands .....

Just then, all of the servants went backwards seeing Jungkook coming into the bathhouse as he gestured them to leave...... After all of the servants left from there, Jungkook saw hawoon's condition who is sobbing and holding the dead baby closer to her arms and murmuring some words.....

Jungkook bend down on her level and said," I am sorry, my bunny..... I can't help it.... His crying is too annoying for me to bear, So, I shushed him for forever....."

In reality, Jungkook is so happy to see her like this... Completely broken and left with nothing but misery..... He feels so better seeing her crying like this.....

Only reason of Hawoon being so vulnerable is gone... Her son is gone..... Jungkook didn't understood that he give her a reason now not to be in weak anymore..... Her weakness is gone.... Only thing that is holding her till now and making her endure all of this is now gone.....


In Daegu

Sei wei has returned to the Daegu Royal Palace at night as she went out through the secret door ..... And she knew Yoongi won't ask for her as he is busy with the state ..... But tonight, she miscalculated the thing.....

Just as she stepped into the hallway of her chamber, she found the royal guards are coming towards her and with them yoongi is also coming......

She immediately bowed to him and said," G.. Greetings, Your highness.....What brings you here???"

Yoongi step closer to Sei wei with a cold expression on his face as he asked," where you are all this time???"

Sei wei: I...I ...went.... outside..... To look around.....

Yoongi frown his eyebrows looking at Sei wei as her answer hold uncertainty.....

Yoongi: Really???? But I saw you going near Seoul-Daegu border especially in a certain village.....Are You giving information to Chinese spies, my dear Sei wei???

Sei wei eyes widened hearing that..... She was caught..... Just then the royal guards hold her both hands capturing her as she said," I....I....can... explain...... yoongi....."

Yoongi scoffed hearing that as he went towards her and grab her jaw tightly almost breaking it.....

Yoongi: you did a very great job in fooling me..... but your handmaiden reavealed everything... Because she doesn't want to die because she is pregnant with my child and she was so sure that you're going to kill her child just like you did to my other concubines who were pregnant before.....you messed up my beautiful concubine.... TAKE CARE TO THE DUNGEON!!!!!

and with that she was taken away as his right hand man Soobin came with a deep bow and said," your highness, The preparation is almost finished.... Prince Jimin is going to join with his army to Seoul and from here you will too .... I bet prince Taehyung deal will be beneficial for us....."

Yoongi knows the risk of this as he almost got killed by namjoon but he can't tolerate Namjoon's incapability to handle a kingdom because all he now do is pleasuring himself into his concubines.....

Soobin: prince Taehyung is having alliance with Chinese Empire who killed late king Kim Seokjin..... Don't you think this will be a great problem in later life as it will be consider as treason??? And how all of you are allowing it, my prince???

Yoongi just looked at the dark night sky and said," Who said he is having alliance??? Taehyung is a next crown prince after namjoon.... If we decided to throw Namjoon away, someone else need to sit on the throne..... He is taking advantage of the situation.... That's why he is having double alliance with us.... This is our Homeland, Soobin..... Our ancestors sacrificed their life to make it their home, we aren't going to throw this way just like that.....This whole Korea is ours..... This Korea belongs to Kim dynasty....."

Yoongi knows everything that is happening around Taehyung.... He has soft spot for Taehyung.... He care about his brother as they're close..... And about Hawoon, yoongi is trying to find Hawoon too because Taehyung's happiness lies on her...... Even if Yoongi doesn't like Hawoon but Taehyung's sake, he is going ignore this fact for now......


Palace Of Tears, In Daejoon

The morning has came with a new hope for the palace of Tears as the sorrow doesn't go away from this palace..... The women in here live a miserable life and Queen Mother took a pity on them since she is also in the same position as them.....

Queen Mother decided to take a court meeting at her chamber as she used her money to do some infrastructure works to make the palace shine and people can live here longer...... As the meeting going on, the door of her chamber opened with a thud reavealing, Queen Faria who came into the room and looked at Queen Mother with a bewilderment.....

" You cut off my expenses for what??? What are you trying to do??? You wanted to take the responsibility of those women in here when you're the one who made them like this??? What are you trying to be now, A saviour??! A well- wisher?? You think your sins will be washed off my doing this???", Faria agonizing words echoed into the whole chamber as Queen Mother gesture everyone to get out of the room to leave them alone....

As the door closed, Queen Mother said," I am trying to handle the management of this palace.... You are doing well in those years and I appreciate your work for that... But now I am here , I will take care of it.... Since you are spending too much for no reason, so I thought of cutting off..... "

Faria couldn't believe her reasoning at all as she let it go to her..... As she turned around to leave but stopped and asked," How is little prince Taehyung doing????"

And that's something that made Queen Mother looked at Faria with hatred.....

Queen Mother: that's none of your business, Faria!!!! He is my son.... My own blood..... You may have became his nanny and took care of him, but you're not his mother..... You can never be.....

Hearing that Faria chuckled and said," But he used to call me Mother, because I am the one who breastfeed him, when you don't have time to do that for him.... Taehyung was always neglected by you.... I and Queen dowager take care of him.... You maybe his real mother but you never became the mother he wanted..... So, till now, he sends me letters ...... Because I am his that mother he wanted...."

And with that Faria left from there as Queen Mother screamed in anger and throw away everything in the table...







Hi!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!! This is the chapter is the most difficult Chapter to write in this whole 59 chapters!!!! The shift in hawoon's character will start from next chapter....... Jungkook is the real definition of Devil walking in earth.... only in here in this book.... I never made this much dark character of Jungkook before....

And about the little argument between faria and Queen Mother, you will find some hidden clues in there....so, try to see it.....

My meow meow is going!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Be healthy in there and come back soon!!! I will be waiting for you ❤️❤️❤️



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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