61: The Died Emotions And A Cold-Stone Heart

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( LISTEN TO BTS Black Swan orchestra version while reading this)


Author pov

Sun has started to peep on the early morning... The darkness of night was fading away as the dark forest is slowly becoming lighter.....As the rustling sounds of someone running can be heard ...... On her one hand, there's a dead baby boy on her arms and on the other hand, there's a small dragger that was blood on it...... The appearance of her face is quite vulnerable as the deep cuts on her lips are still visible but there's a another thing that is added in here is the blood smared on her face as her white clothing was spattered with a poll of blood and dirt......

She is running .... Running away from those Guards..... Running away from her problems.... Running away from the reality of her life..... Everything has turned upside down for her...... Doors of illusions has made her do things that she never imagined...... she never knew her life would be this much miserable..... So much that her son would be the scapegoat of her destiny......

She stopped god knows where as she is exhausted from running..... She slowly looked around and found the errie silence of the forest but there's a little bit sounds of different animals roaming around...... Then she looked at her arms where the little one is sleeping peacefully.... Sleeping peacefully for forever......Tears rolled down from her cresent blue eyes as the tears fall on the cheek on the dead baby.......

Then she looked at the soil under her feet..... She slowly put down the dead baby boy on the ground and started to digging the soils until there's a good amount of hole has became...... Her shaky hands took the dead body of a little boy and she slowly put it on the hole...... She wrapped him in the clothes as she slowly put that bloody dragger on it and with her hands she started to put the digged up soils at him..... She is saying goodbye to her beloved son, who has became the euphoria of her life for a certain moment...... She filled up the hole as she gently caressing the dirty soils as tears didn't stop falling...... Saying Goodbye is always tough.... And especially,if it's the mother......

The sounds of horses coming near her is too good for her to hear..... But she didn't run away.... This time, she chose not to run away..... She heard the horses stopped in here as the guards went down and pulled out their swords and said," SURRENDER NOW!!!!!!"

She didn't look behind as she let them to do whatever they wanted to do..... The guards captured her as they tied up her hands and hold a fistful of her hair and made her look at the Head guard who was under Prince Jungkook's influence.......

" What a beauty you have.... No wonder, Chief was intrigued by you.... But killing him is a biggest mistake you have done in your whole life......You will be presented to the King of Seoul kingdom..... After all, you've killed a royal family... A Royal prince..... ", The Head guard malicious words went to her ear but she didn't say anything as they took her back to the Wonju palace......


In Seoul Royal Palace

The whole palace is at choas since the morning has came..... The news came from the wonju palace is devastating for the royals...... Specially to jungkook's Mother...... Her heart wrenching screaming echoed to the whole palace as the others are trying to comfort her.... But how can a mother can be comforted when she gets to know her only son is dead by one of his captureers hand's...... It's completely unacceptable and very astonishing news for the whole kingdom.....

The Seven son of Late king Kim Hwang Won, Prince Jungkook has died last night by the attacks of a captureer..... It's quite shocking and trumatizing ...... Because, he was the Head Warrior and The Military incharge of Korean kingdom...... He is a man of steel who is too hard to defeat...... The Dead body of his was taking to the Seoul Royal Palace from the Wonju palace..... It's also to be known that, the one who killed Prince Jungkook was captured by the Head guard of Wonju palace and was taking back to the Seoul Royal Palace as the king has give punishment for the crime that was committed....... Killing A Prince, A light of a kingdom and a respresentative of a mighty kingdom is considered as a treason......

The News of jungkook's demise was informed to the other kingdom as well..... Prince Jimin and Yoongi immediately has to come to Seoul kingdom as they had to postpone their planning for a while....... Prince Hoseok has set his journey to go to Seoul and Jungkook's Elder sister, Jieun is coming back to Seoul to see her brother for the last time.......

Amidst of this whole situation, Prince Taehyung has gone to Nanyang Village with his right hand man, Sunwoo but he returned empty-handed..... When he entered into the village, he found the whole village empty..... It Feels like no one has lived here for a decade..... His little hope to find Hawoon has got crushed but by the investigation, he found a clue that made him believe Hawoon was there before...... The beautiful jade ring that he gifted Hawoon was found one of the biggest house in Nanyang Village.......

Taehyung has returned to the royal palace and found out about jungkook's death.... But he didn't feel a bit of sadness for him..... Instead, he decided to go to his chamber ........

The door of his chamber opened as he entered into his room and found his little daughter Taeyeong and his little son Hanseong sleeping together in his bed..... He slowly went towards them and sit beside the bed and slowly caresses Taeyeong's hair as feeling the touch , Taeyeong woke up with her half opened eyes..... She is in daze of sleep as she said," A..Appa, You came.... We ..... We wait for you..... Where's Eomma???"

Taehyung don't know what to answer his daughter's question..... He don't know.....

Taehyung: she will back soon.....

He said tried to soothe Taeyeong as his eyes went on Hanseong who is sucking his thumb on his mouth...... The Handmaiden came into his room as he gestured her to take them to their respective rooms.....

As they are taken to their respective rooms, His right hand man, Sunwoo came inside the chamber and bowed to Taehyung......

Taehyung: What happened to Jungkook??? The whole palace is in choas......

He asked nonchalantly as his eyes are on the jade ring that is on his hand......

" Prince Jungkook was killed by a girl we took in his harem ...... You know, when he wants something he gets it...... I guess that girl doesn't want to be in the harem... That's what I heard.... He was stabbed brutally multiple times until he took his last breath.....", Sunwoo said as he expressed his grief but Taehyung didn't feel anything.... But he remembers Namjoon's words, he feels a little uneasy......

Taehyung: so, what happened to that girl??? Is she got killed by the palace guards????

Sunwoo nodded in denial and said," She has run away but eventually got captured by the guards.... The body of prince Jungkook is going to come to Seoul kingdom and the girl will also be here ... She will get punished by king ..... She will definitely get Death Sentence...."

Taehyung couldn't hear to hear it as Sunwoo's words are making him feel a very different feelings.... The feelings of someone will go far away from him.....

Taehyung: Find that girl .... And stay low for now.... And if you get any kinds of letters from the Chinese Empire, just keep it..... We are so close to end Namjoon's ruling...... Just jungkook's mourning go away peacefully, we will go with our plans.....


Palace Of Tears, Daejoon

Erunch Kwon came inside the queen mother chamber as he found her looking at the window who is looking at the city of Daejoon with his curious eyes seeing how people are doing.....

" Greetings!!!! Your highness..... I hope you well.....", Erunch Kwon asked as Queen Mother turned around and looked at Erunch Kwon who came in a very unexpected time......

Queen Mother: what happened??? Why are you here in this hour????

Erunch Kwon sighed and said," There's a news came from the Main palace...... P... Prince Jungkook was killed......"

Hearing that Queen Mother eyes widened as she looked so shocked hearing that..... That's the most unexpected thing that happened.... Prince Jungkook is Dead.....

Queen Mother: What actually happened???

This news is so unexpected and most bizarre News..... She can't believe Jungkook died..... Jungkook was a war commander and how can he got killed.....

" The sources said that he was killed by a concubine of his..... He was stabbed brutally multiple times until he died.....", Erunch Kwon said as Queen Mother thought for a while.....

There's a saying, Ill News Run Fast..... But which lots of rumors.... Some say he was killed by ordinary girl, some say he was killed by enemies, and some say he was killed by a concubine of his.... The far the news goes the more distorted it became.....

Erunch Kwon: The Seoul Royal Palace asked your presence for the mourning of Prince Jungkook..... After all, A dynasty gem is dead.....King has approved for it .....

Queen Mother has a suspicion that it can be done by the enemies of the kingdom or someone who has killed his son, Seokjin..... She knew a bit and piece about her son's death..... Seokjin.... She remembers about the memories of Seokjin.... Her first Son.....

" Prepare my Carriage Now!!!!!", Queen Mother ordered as Erunch Kwon immediately went away but someone was on the door of Queen Mother as queen mother's maid stopped her to enter but she glared at them making them cower away in fear......

Queen Mother was about to get ready but seeing someone entered into the room that she less wanted to meet..... It's Ex-Queen Faria's daughter, Kim Johyun.....

" Warm Greetings, Your highness!!! I heard about the news.... I also wanted to go there.... After all, I had the rights too to meet my half- brothers and sister....." Johyun said as she warmly smile at Queen Mother which is really alarming to Queen Mother...... Who knows what kind of storm she will make there.....


The night has already fallen on the Seoul kingdom as the Main palace door was opened by the royal guards revealing a huge gathering of people coming towards the Seoul palace with a dead body in a coffin......

The palace guards ringed the bell and announced the Dead body of prince Jungkook has arrived at the palace making the whole palace went on another uproar......

All the other princes and concubines are went on a straight line as the royal family members came out ...... Few servants slowly make Jungkook's Mother come downstairs as her conditions was gotten worse......

The royal soldiers are taking the coffin inside the palace as they want to go inside the throne room but before they do that, they put down the coffin in front of the harem's door to let them see for the last time... Especially, Jungkook's Mother.....

The coffin was opened and clothes are removed from Jungkook's face as seeing her only son's pale face and chapped lips made her cry in pain...... She fall down near jungkook's coffin and went towards her son and touch her son's face.... So so cold.....

" Jungkook!!!! My.....son!!!!! Ahh!!!!!! My son!!!!! Please....talk....to me!!!! My son, talk to me!!!!! Omma is calling you!!!!", Jungkook's Mother screaming echoed to the whole palace as a heartbreaking cry and uproarimg yelling as she put her head on her son's body and crying out loudly in pain......

Prince yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung all are there looked at him sadly...... No matter what happens between them, he is still their half-brother......They grew up together.....

After sometime, the coffin got closed by the soldiers and it was going to take to the throne room to show to king as jungkook's Mother sobbing went crazy.... Jieun made her mother on her hold as she is thrashing around doesn't want to let Jungkook go.... It's really hurt for mother to see his son dead body in her eyes.... It's miserable.....

In the throne room, the king is sitting on his throne as the members of the royal court are present with the royal officers who are going to investigate the whole thing....... And the royal family and the Princes with Jungkook's sister, Jieun and the commander, Choi Yeonjun....

Jungkook's coffin was placed and shown to everyone as everyone in the royal court showed deep condolences to him as the royal guards from Wonju came..... The Head guard of Wonju palace came in front of the king and bowed respectfully......

" Greetings, Your Majesty!!! My deep condolences for Chief Jungkook And I am extremely ashamed not to able to protect the Prince..... I will take any punishment you will give me....", Head guard bowed down on his knees seeking for forgiveness from the king.....

King Namjoon gesture him to get up as he said," Since you have caught the culprit of this heinous murder, I will spare you on this account.... So, where's the killer??? Make her present in here....."

The door of the throne room opened as the two guards went inside the throne room with a huge metal chain in their arms as they pulled it in making a girl fall down on the floor of Throne room..... The girl's face was covered with her hair but familiarly her hair color is silver which is really rare to found in here.....

Taehyung immediately get up seeing a very familiar face..... His whole body went cold thinking about the possibility of being her...... Jimin also stand up feeling the familiarity and the same with others...... Yeonjun's breath got hitched seeing the person face when she looked up at the throne where Namjoon is sitting......

Namjoon stand up too with his eyes widened as he saw someone that he is looking for...... The Whole royal court gasped seeing the person who killed Prince Jungkook.....

It's none other than, Hawoon, Kim Taehyung favorite concubine who was missing since months...... Hawoon looked at Namjoon with a blank expression on her face...... For the first time in Namjoon's whole life, he feeled afraid and intimated seeing Hawoon's eyes that showed no fear, no mercy for help... Nothing.... Just empty.... The eyes are empty...... the Emotions in her eyes are dead.... The Hawoon they know was Dead...... This is the New version of Hawoon that they never saw......







HI!!!! I am back again with a new chapter!!!! I really want to update this book regularly but you guys aren't interested in this.... Maybe because of the long chapters , I don't know!!! And the comment section is so quiet 🤐 in here...

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Please tell me in the comments.... I don't feel motivated since they're no much that comments about this book!!! I don't know where am I lacking in here......

And Yeah!!! The Prince Jungkook is Dead..... But how??? You will get to know in next chapter!!! I bet it's a little shocking but it's really time for him to go.... His sin went beyond limits..... And be ready for Namjoon..... I don't know I will miss them in here or not.....

It's Soo true ❤️❤️❤️

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Please feel it up if you want me to update quickly!!!! I need motivation to update!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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