64: I Am So Selfish To Have You, My Queen

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( Listen to BTS ' I Need you ' Orchestra version while reading this)


In Dungeon, Seoul Royal Palace

Author pov

You don't know how life sometimes gives you the best opportunities of your life.... The Fate that you've cursed upon, wants to save you from the tragedy of your life.... But you are too reculant to understood those things......

The commotion is right now happening on the royal palace as the uproar of sadness was flowing on the air of the palace.....Far from the main palace, in the dungeon , it's a unknown errie silence following as the person entered into the dungeon hall and made every guard unconscious......

The door of the dungeon opened as the person saw miserable Hawoon was looking right now..... She is badly shivering in cold as she has clunched herself to make her warm as she is sleeping on the cold floor...... No food, no water nothing was given to her..... He slowly went towards Hawoon and slowly bend down on her level and saw the pitiful condition of her..... His eyes teared up seeing this...... How can he bear this .... How can?? He knows for himself that she won't do that..... She wasn't capable of killing anyone....

" Noona, wake up ... See your brother is here to free you from this injustice.....", The person said as he put his hand on her Elder sister head making Hawoon suddenly jolted up in fear..... She is shaking as her eyes are so frightened..... She finally saw who it is..... It's her little brother, Nicolas or the name given by the dynasty, Choi Yeonjun......

Yeonjun noticed that fear of His Elder sister eyes when he tried to touch her.... Which made him shocked a bit..... She never refuses his touch..... But why now????? He wants to know but right now, the most important thing is getting her out of here......

Hawoon: why are you here??? Go away before anyone saw you..... You .... You shouldn't be here......

She said those words as she doesn't want him to get involved in this..... She doesn't want her little brother to get into trouble because of her...... It's her choice and for her choice, she can't let anyone else to destroy their life......

Yeonjun didn't listen to her as he get up and put out a key that he found from the head Guard who is unconscious right now.... He was about to unlock the chains but she slowly said," Don't!!!! Please Nico, Don't...... I don't want to be free..... "

Hearing those words, he stopped and looked at Hawoon with unbelievable eyes.....

Yeonjun: Why??? Why??? I know you can't kill him..... He isn't anyone or any commoner who can got killed by someone so easily..... What has happened to you, Noona??? Please tell me what has happened to you..... I know my Elder sister, she was not capable of doing that ..... You took care of me , you feed me by your hands, I know those hands can't kill someone....

His words hold a agony of the situation.... He is also spilt up between two poles.... He is the commander of Jeon Jieun kingdom who is Jeon Jungkook's sister as Jieun didn't say anything against this but still how can he chose between them... Even if he has to chose, it will always be his family.... And his family is his sisters and his aunt..... That's only family left......

Hawoon can feel his dilemma as she moved her chained hands towards Yeonjun as he took it and went on his knees.....

Hawoon: You can't change the past, Nico.... My scars won't heal no matter how I try to forget.... It will stay with me till eternity..... So, don't try to change the present because the effects of the past is still visible..... You have a very long life ahead, Don't waste it on me..... Always remember, Loyalty stays forever so, be loyal to princess Jieun.... She is a good person.... Moreover, I am too tired to bear this..... I wanted to be free like a bird now.... The walls of this palace is suffocating for me.....My pain won't heal because I am heartbroken..... Don't destroy your life for me.... I wish you a very bright future.... Take care of yourself, Choi Yeonjun.... And take care of my children, Taeyeong and Hanseong..... Tell them, I love them with my whole heart .....

She said those words as it's a last goodbye to her little brother.... She wished to meet Harin and his aunt too.... But fate isn't in her favor..... Yeonjun hugged her sister as he is crying..... He was always strong like steel in front of others..... But for his family members, he has a vulnerable side which only Hawoon knows.....

Unknown to both of them, someone is listening their talk as he couldn't have the courage to get inside the dungeon..... He couldn't after knowing the truth from that dead concubine and her words , he understood, Hawoon has given up on her life..... She has given up on him.... She has given up on her children...... But he can't..... He can't..... He can't give up...... He is selfish..... He is selfish to the point that he wants to keep her alive even though she has lost the desire to live.....

He went away from there as he went inside his chamber and saw his children who are sleeping peacefully not knowing their mother is going to be executed tomorrow morning..... But how can he let that happen..... How can..... He won't let anyone to do that.... Even if that means, killing his own brother, the king, Kim Namjoon......

The door of the chamber opened reavealing Sunwoo as he bowed respectfully and said," My prince Taehyung, I have called the other princes as your request, they're coming anytime ......"

Taehyung didn't say anything as he entered into the another room, as he saw those paintings of her...... The paintings reminds him of the past.... And it makes him angry.... Angry at himself..... For not claiming her properly......He should have claimed her in the most cruelest way to make sure no of those things that are happening right now won't have happened...... And it's his fault.... And now, it's time to mend his mistakes......

He heard the door opening sound as he turned around and saw Prince Yoongi, prince Hoseok, prince Jimin as they entered into the room that two other princes never discovered before....So for them, it's quite shocking to see hawoon's paintings all over the place...... Yoongi isn't bothered by Taehyung's craziness......

Yoongi: So, for what you have called us??? If you called us about Hawoon, I don't think it will be that much helpful.... Even though jungkook's concubine confessed, it might save Hawoon from the execution but I don't think she will be able to get out of the Dungeon.... Namjoon won't.... He is going to kill her anyhow......

Yoongi stated those facts as he thought it would be about Hawoon but to his and everyone surprised, Taehyung spoke something else....

Taehyung: It's time to dethrone the King Kim Namjoon..... So, I called you all here to ask, are you with me or not????

Taehyung's words are straightforward without any misinterpreted as it took a very long time to hoseok and Jimin to register for what Taehyung has called them..... Yoongi looked at Taehyung as he saw the unbubbling rage on Taehyung's eyes...... The desperation to dethrone Namjoon......

Hoseok: You really think it's the right time???? If we failed, you know what will happen??? We are are going to be killed .... Not only us but our families will be executed too..... Namjoon will hung us all......

Hoseok finds Taehyung thoughts are rational as he is careful about the steps he is going to take.... Hearing hoseok words, a bitter chuckle left from Taehyung's mouth as he said," When did you became so coward, Hyung??? I just asked, if you are with me or not.... It's okay if you don't want to join ..... Because after I finish Kim Namjoon, I am going to finish those who are not going to be with me..... So, don't feel remorse if I cut your throat by my own sword...."

Hoseok never expected to feel threatened by Taehyung who is the most easy-going one in the royal family..... He is one of those person who doesn't care how royal family goes or how they live....... But the Taehyung hoseok is seeing right now is someone else......

Jimin decided to speak between as it won't go anywhere if they don't talk about the main issues.....

Jimin: I think it's the right time..... The Armys of the kingdom is now in miserable condition.... Not going into war and not having that kind of strategic planning, they're suffering the most.... Since they are not on war, wages of them isn't paid off by King ..... The Armys are going to support us if we give them what they want.... The wages .... It's the one way of controlling the whole Army and get their support..... But who is willing to pay that amount??? I bet royal treasury doesn't have that much money......

The words of Jimin is really strategic as it's almost perfect .... But it's still stays that Question, how we will pay that wages of that Army???

Taehyung didn't say anything as the door opened reavealing Sunwoo and behind him, two loyal guards of Taehyung with a big Wooden Box as they put it near taehyung..... Sunwoo bowed to the other princes and opened the box making Yoongi, Jimin and hoseok eyes enlarged in shock.....

The wooden box filled with Gold coins and different kinds of pearls and jewelry...... Taehyung looked at Yoongi and said," It will be more enough to give wages to the Army so, Yoongi hyung, start the preparation..... And as long as you talked about the Ministers who are on namjoon side, you all will get good news by the morning...... Expect for one ...... I will kill him by my own hands....."

As everyone left from there expect Taehyung as if he is waiting for someone..... The door of the chamber opened reavealing, Johyun who bowed to Taehyung respectfully and said," Your Majesty, Take my sincere Greetings!!!! I hope you have got the Wooden Box that you have asked for....."

Taehyung nodded as he said," I will be Greatful for the help you have given me.... I will forever remember this help....."

Hearing that Johyun smiled as she said," my Mother is fond of you, your majesty..... And I love my mother and for her, I will do anything.... I sincerely hope, you will keep the promise you have given me....."

Johyun plan isn't to show condolences to the Prince Jungkook or meet any other brothers..... She has especially came to meet prince Taehyung..... Three months ago, she got a letter from her mother, regarding this..... Prince Taehyung needs help.... And she is willing to as long as her mother wants.....


The morning for the Seoul kingdom isn't that great as everyone would have thought..... Hawoon execution has gotten postponed as the confession letter of Se jun, Prince Jungkook's concubine has reached to the King..... But still, Hawoon was going to kept on dungeon just as Yoongi exclaimed...... But another disaster happened...... All the Ministers who are on Namjoon's side, are found dead in their house..... The news has devastated the royal court...... And Namjoon is the most frustrated one in here..... It's really alarming for Namjoon...... As the day went by, Taehyung went to Namjoon's chamber to talk about Hawoon....... He got the news that Namjoon is on the fest Room enjoying the entertainment of the concubines....... But little did Namjoon know, it's the last time for him to be able to enjoy like this ......

Taehyung entered into the chamber without listening to guards as he found Namjoon moaning on hawoon's name and thrusting inside on a random girl...... Taehyung gritted his teeth as he bit his tongue inside his mouth to control his anger.... He has to be patience and The results of patience turned into sweet......

As Namjoon was finished with this, he looked at Taehyung who is looking at them ...... Namjoon sit down on the bed and pulled out that girl in his lap as that girl is completely naked in front of them as Namjoon lustful voice echoed on the room and said," Wanna join, Dear brother????"

Namjoon's lustful eyes are on taehyung as his hands put away some strands of long hair from that girl's neck and kissing and sucking like a hungry lion.......

Taehyung: Set Hawoon Free, Your Majesty.... The Confession of jungkook's concubine has proved it that she didn't kill Jungkook..... So, why she is still on the prison????

His authoritve voice told Namjoon the Truth as Namjoon sighed and gesture that girl to get out of the room as the girl went out of the room with a thin sheet wrapped on her body as they heard the sound of door closing, Namjoon wore his robe and went towards Taehyung and put his hands on his shoulder and said," I know.... I know how much my Brother loves Lady Hawoon.... But she deserves this??! Taehyung, my brother, you know I will never ever hurt you.... You are my blood brother.... And I have a reason to do that..... That Hawoon isn't what she looks like...... She.... She has... Killed our Seokjin hyung.... She is here to kill us.... She is the leader of the rebellion Organization..... "

Namjoon innocently said those words trying to convince the lie he create to kill Hawoon.... In no way, he is going to let them united.....If Hawoon can't be Namjoon then she won't be anyone's.....

Taehyung: I don't believe in you..... You really think, I will believe in you???

Namjoon isn't going to back up so easily, he has planned out everything......he knows Taehyung believes in proves....

Namjoon: I know you won't but I have witness.... I found one of the rebellion members.... That person will tell you the truth......

And with that Namjoon took him to the Special prison where Moon Hyu-Sua was kept.... But unknown to Namjoon, he digged his own grave..... Because that's what Taehyung wants.... Namjoon stepped into Taehyung's deadly plan .........







hi!!!! Hi guys!!! how are you???? I am so so sorry for being late ... I am going through some family crisis!!! My father is sick.... He has heart problems and my mother can't do the all stuffs of the home so I have volunteered to help her.... He is okay now.....

That's the reason it's delayed.... I saw how you all have finished the vote goal... I am so happy!!!!! You guys and K.N.J book followers are very energetic!!!!! I will try to update as much as fast I can do.... If I get late, please understand ......

By the way, next chapter is the end of Namjoon's era on QKT..... The Ruling Of King Kim Taehyung will start and the story of Hawoon - Taehyung will be more appearant to you all......

Cute 😍😍😍😍😍

This AI editing is becoming so dangerous now.... Even though I don't mind seeing him like this but still it's fake and it's kinda horrifying...... He is looking like a Merman of the sea.... Aish!!! I am here to talk about AI awareness and here am I drooling over this edit 😂😂

VOTE GOAL: 100 Votes



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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