76: The Fire Of Vengeance

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Author's POV

We, humans always tries to live a happy and prosperous life with our family .... The family which is a support system and a warmth that not everyone can have in their life..... Because when no one was there, you had a hope, your family, your loved ones will always be there for you. They will always be there for you helping you, celebrating with your in your joy, giving you shoulder to cry on, giving you comfort and certainly, they would be someone that you can rely on....

On the dark glorious night , the carriage is going on it's fast speed to reach the destination.... The thunderstorms are striking in the sky as the rain has started with that hawoon's heartbeat is racing with fear... Fear to lose the most beloved one, her father to whom she can rely on without any hesitation.....

The carriage finally stopped at their main destination, Palace Of Tears.... Hawoon didn't wait to open up the door of the carriage as she rushed out in rain drenching as she hurriedly entered into the palace and behind her, Queen Faria who just aimlessly followed her......

She went inside the palace looking everywhere trying to find the chamber Queen Mother stayed during her exilation ...... Queen Faria knows the route so she immediately told her she knows the way and with that she finally came in front of Queen Mother chamber as she opened the door and found the most dreadful thing that she never wanted to see...... She stood in there frozen for a moment when she saw the blood of the carpet is painted with red and here is her father layed dead......

Her eyes didn't leave from the Dead body as she slowly went towards there and kneeled down..... Hawoon's trembling hand touched her father's cold and pale face .... On the other side, Queen Faria looked at the scene with a shocked expression..... Behind the reason of her being shocked is something else, because she recognized this person very very well.....

Tears started to pour down from her eyes as she carefully took her father's head on her lap and started caress his hair looking at her father with moist eyes..... She can clearly see the bruises and rope marks on his wrist... He was Tortured before he was killed.... And that made Hawoon to brust into tears as she started scream in agony..... The pain is so unbearable..... Because of her, Her mother died, because of her, her siblings are in this royal maze and now again, because of her, her father was killed brutally......

Queen Faria: How can this be possible??!! How can s..sh.. she kill him????

Those murmuring words came out from her mouth unfortunately, Hawoon heard it as she slowly looked at Queen Faria who looked at Hawoon with surprised gaze with a hint of pitiness in her eyes.......

Queen Faria gulped before reavealing the biggest secret of her, Late king Kim Hwang Won ,Queen Mother and Kim So young life..... The reason why Faria's unborn child was killed on her own womb by Queen Mother....

" He was so Young's Past lover who came in the palace pretending as a Traveller who stayed close to So young until I unfortunately happened to see their intimate relationship as I was about to reaveal it to Hwang Won but before I could, she pushed me down from the stairs which caused my miscarriage.... You are his daughter!!!", Faria spilled out the truth that Hawoon listened as she couldn't stop her crying....... She can't handle all of this.... It's too much for her.... Which made her fall into unconscious right beside her dead father.....


In Grimm Tower

Namjoon's POV

The nature is crying with profound grief like it's pouring out someone's sorrow..... I slowly put my hand outside the window as few drops of rains are wetting my hand feeling the coldness of the weather.... That's how my life is... Cold from inside and outside.... One year.... I was confined in this small space of Grimm Tower near the sea.... The kind of luxury I had on my previous life and now the same amount of misery I had in this dark room.....

My eyes slowly went towards the brick wall where I created a masterpiece.... I slowly bend down and took the charcoal in my hand and slowly started to draw the outlines that are already drawn...... After drawing it for a while, I took few steps back and look at my art.....

The person he abore the most... The person who is the reason of his misery.... The picture of Hawoon is drawn on the brick wall which Namjoon is looking at with his dark dragon eyes....

In his other hand, there's a small knife that he hid on the small box of his clothings.... The box was sent by none other than Queen Mother who knows very well, If Namjoon didn't run away he will die in here and as a mother, she can't withstand it.....

" Hawoon, either I will get you or I will kill you.... You would be my admiration or my salvation....", Namjoon's deep voice echoed on the room as his heavy breathing hold a promise..... Do or die.....


In Hawoon's chamber

Author's POV

Hawoon's eyes slowly opened as first thing she saw is the ceiling of her chamber as she looked around and found herself in her chamber..... But her eyes struck on the corner of her chamber where Queen Faria is talking with the Royal physician about something...... She slowly tried to sit on her bed as her head is throbbing in pain ... Suddenly the hazy memories started to fill on her head as she slowly started to remember the previous night incident.... Her father's bloodied body ...... She found herself in the same dress that she wore yesterday making her more sure about it......

She immediately get up from the bed as she is so weak that she couldn't balance herself properly which made her bumped into one of the cabinet shelf beside her bed .... The sounds of glass breaking alerted Queen Faria who immediately looked and found Hawoon is looking at her with wide eyes..... Queen Faria immediately went towards Hawoon as she tried to hold her but Hawoon immediately backed away......

Hawoon: why am I back in here??? Where's Appa??? Mother, I saw a terrible dream about my Appa being dead in front of my eyes... You were there too... It didn't happened right?? I just saw a dream, right?? Why aren't you saying anything???!!!!!

Queen Faria can clearly saw how unstable Hawoon is... She hold her shoulder firmly and said," Hawoon, it's okay... Everything will be fine..... I am here to help you..... I am here... You have to calm down.... "

" Why are you avoiding the answer my question???? ", Hawoon asked looking at Queen Faria who couldn't give answer of her questions which made her realize whatever she remembered is all true...... Tears rolled down from her eyes as she fall down on the floor....

Faria can't answer to her questions... How can she do that?? After Hawoon became unconscious, she somehow was able get her back to Seoul Royal Palace.... Faria was afraid if Taehyung got to know Hawoon wasn't in the palace whole night, the situation would be worse......

Hawoon found the answer of her questions in Faria's silence.... So, it's true.... Her father is Dead and it's because of her..... He came here to find them and got killed......

Silence filled in the chamber as this time Tears didn't fall down from hawoon's eyes..... Instead, she felt immerse level of rage building up inside...... She stormed out of the chamber leaving Queen Faria as she entered into the Harem as all the girls immediately bowed down to her but she didn't care about that because only thing is on her mind that is revenge..... Taking revenge for her father death..... From the person who is responsible for this cause.... Queen Mother, So young.......

She is walking through the hallway as from the side wall, she took the fire stick in one hand and went to the hallway of Queen Mother where she stays.... The Maids of Queen Mother saw hawoon's hasten walking as, they immediately backed away in fear......

The guards outside Queen Mother chamber tried to stop her but she moves the fire stick towards them so, they immediately backed away not wanted to get burnt.....

On the other side, in Queen Mother's Chamber, So young is drinking her coffee as Erunch Kwon is beside her telling her about the schedules of today's but it got halted when suddenly the door of her chamber was opened in a thud reavealing a very angry Hawoon with a fire stick on her hand......

Hawoon: QUEEN MOTHER!!!!!!

Her voice rang out in top of her lungs as she looked at Queen Mother who looked so unfazed... And on the other side, Erunch Kwon looked so shocked seeing her behavior so he came towards her protecting Queen Mother and said," What are you doing, Lady Kim??? It's inappropriate to enter into Queen Mother chamber like that.... You have to be accountable for the disrespect you did towards her....."

Hearing her minions trying to protect her , Hawoon scoffed and said," I have to be accountable??!!! AND WHAT SHE DID YOU WON'T HOLD HER ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS!!!!! "

Queen Mother rolled her eyes in annoyence as if it's bothering her ........ She looked at Hawoon with a icy glare and said," What I did that I should be accountable for??????"

Hawoon looked at Queen Mother in disbelief hearing those remorseless words from her ..... Hawoon clenches and unclenchs her hand as she is gritting her jaw in anger.... Eyes are red as veins are popping out beside her forehead in anger.......

Hawoon: You have enmity with me.... So, deal with me.... Why .did. you. killed. My. Father??? WHY?!!!!!WHY!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU KILL MY FATHER????!!!!!!

She screamed loudly like a madwoman completely lost her control as she tried to move towards Queen Mother but her handmaiden Eun-sung and Erunch Kwon protected her......

Hearing Hawoon's desperate yell, she smirked and said," Because I am the Queen Mother.... And I have the right to kill anyone without any reason..... Because I don't have to be accountable for the things I do..... No one can put me on judgement because I am the Mother of this kingdom and My decision is the best decision...... "

Her arrogant words made Hawoon looked at her with utter disgust...... How can she justify this.... How can she justify something like this.....

Hawoon was about to attack on Queen Mother but suddenly Few guards entered into Queen Mother's Chamber as they immediately hold Hawoon from behind as they took the fire stick out of her hand as Queen dowager waltzed into the chamber fuming in anger......

" Let me go!!!! I said let me go!!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME LIKE THIS!!!! DON'T YOU KNOW KING TAEHYUNG DOESN'T LIKE IT!!! LET ME GO!!!!", Hawoon is struggling to get out of their grip as Queen dowager glared at Hawoon as she gestured her guards to get her out of the chamber...... As Hawoon was dragged away from there, Queen dowager went towards Queen Mother and whispered," I want answers about what she said....."

And with that, she left from there leaving Queen Mother who just looked at Queen dowager's disappearing figure with a bored eyes.....

On the other side, In The hallway, Hawoon was screaming and shouting to let her go as it created a choas in the Harem as everyone in the harem is looking at the second floor with curiosity about what happened......

Queen Dowager came and saw the commotion Hawoon is trying to made so, she went towards her..... She looked at her and said," CALM DOWN, HAWOON!!!!!"

Hawoon glared at Queen Dowager with a hateful eyes and said," I don't need your advice on this!!! So, stay out of this!!!!!"

She rudely spoke to her in front of her mouth which pissed Queen dowager off... No one, even Queen Mother never disrespect her like this....

" How dare you talk to me like this!!!!" She said loudly enough to make Harem's girls shiver in fear as she slapped Hawoon tight across her face making her face turned on the other side.....

Hawoon bite down her lips trying to surpress her tears as she didn't turn her head back from the tight slap...... Behind Queen dowager, Hawoon's handmaiden, Sye-hyun immediately come over and bowed as Queen dowager is huffing trying to control her anger which is on peak right now because of Hawoon......

Queen Dowager: Take this girl away and lock her up in her own chamber and if King Taehyung wants to meet her say, she isn't well.....

And with that she left from there as Sye-hyun and hawoon's other maids immediately took her back to the chamber....

But in Hawoon's mind, only one thing that is repeating and that is revenge.... She will take the revenge of her father's death.... The fire inside her heart is burning like huge flame..... And it can only be extinguish when she will see Queen Mother paint in red.....







guys!!! My lovely slothies!!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!!!! I hope you will like it!!!!! So, things are going on a dark way..... Hawoon will be completely on her badass move!!!!👑👑 Prepare yourself for the ultimate destruction in the next 24 chapters!!!!!

Guys, did you saw today's weverse live???? Namjoon, V, Jimin and Jungkook came for the last time live before military!!!! It's going to be hard to wait till 2025!!!! But I will be ready for that !!!! I have to earn money to go BTS concert!!! One time opportunity!!!!!

Wish them good luck!!! And Jungkook is shy to show his bald !!! What a cutie he is!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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