77: The Truth About Hawoon's Birth

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[ Listen to " BTS Fake Love " orchestra version while reading this chapter]


2 Days Later

Author's POV

Hawoon in this two days didn't leave her chamber for once... She was grieving for her father's death..... Queen Faria has come to meet her on that time and she told her that she told her man to buried her father somewhere near the forest of Daejoon..... And Taehyung has asked about Hawoon since he didn't found Hawoon beside his bed on the next day but Queen Faria handled everything......

Right now, Hawoon is in Taemin's room who helping little one year old Taemin to get dressed up properly..... Hawoon feels contented seeing Taemin... It feels like Taemin is her own son who was sent as her that Taemin to her ... Even though she didn't give her birth, she feels connected to him.... Hawoon is trying to keep her busy to not let herself reminded of her father but still she needs to know about some answers and she knows where she will get it....

Suddenly the door of Taemin's chamber opened reavealing King Taehyung and with him, their son Hanseong as both of them entered into the room and saw Hawoon taking care of Taemin like her own child.... Taehyung's eyes are sharply looking at Taemin but his eyes softens when he saw Hawoon being so happy..... Taehyung don't like Taemin at all..... Not only because he wasn't born from Hawoon the another reason is hawoon's fondness for Taemin which irked him the most..... On the other side, four years old, Hanseong is looking at his mother who is taking care of her Younger brother which he doesn't like at all.....

Taehyung pretend to cough a little trying to gain attention of Hawoon which he succeeded as she looked at Taehyung and her son Hanseong.... Taehyung gestured Yura, Taemin's nanny to take care out of the room but as the nanny moved towards Hawoon to take the baby, Hawoon hold him firmly and said," he is not going anywhere... He is our son..... And you should love Taemin equally just like you love and affectionate towards Hanseong and Taeyeong..... He is also your child....."

Taehyung just listened everything but didn't say anything to Hawoon as he signalled Yura to get out of their sight as she immediately went from there leaving them alone...... Taehyung saw how hawoon's fondness towards Taemin and that is the another reason why he slept with her forcefully two days ago.... He wants her to get pregnant again so that her attention diverts from Taemin and taking the advantage of it, he will sent that child far away right here.....

So, trying to execute his plan, Taehyung instantly smiled at Hawoon and said," I will try whatever my Queen will tell me..... Hawoon~~ why don't we spent the night with each other????"

Taehyung sweetly whispered those words near her ear as he bite down her earlobe trying to make out a moan from her mouth.... Taehyung's one hand is on her silky silver hair and on the other side, his another hand is slowly caressing Taemin's head trying to show how much affectionate he is towards him ..... Hawoon bites her lower lip trying to surpress her moan as she is breathing heavily......

" Tae~ Taehyung ~ I can't.... I... Have to go to Busan.... Aunt Nari is having another child, I wants to meet her.... Allow me to visit in Busan Royal Palace.... ", Hawoon said as Taehyung is busy in sucking her neck roughly.....

Hawoon somehow was able to free herself from Taehyung's grip as she looked at Taehyung who looked not so happy about letting her go but he didn't want to upset her or that will affect her health so he let Hawoon to go to Busan Palace...... As Taehyung and Hanseong both went away from the chamber as soon as the door closed, Hawoon immediately took a silver bowl and vomited everything....... Sye-hyun entered into the chamber and found Queen in this situation so she immediately helped her....

Hawoon hate Taehyung's touch... It makes her feel nauseated.... Taehyung's touch right now reminds her of prince Jungkook...... It's not that lovable touch anymore rather she finds it quite unusual and disgusting......

On the other side, Taehyung is walking with Hanseong through the hallway as Taehyung's eyes landed on his son who's face is looking so sad...... Seeing this, Taehyung stopped walking as he slowly kneeled down on Hanseong's level as he caressed his son's hair and sweetly asked," My brave prince, why my prince's face is so sad???? Did you get hurt by something or someone scolded you, huh?!! Appa will take good care of them...."

Hanseong timidly looked at his father with a little teary eyes as he slowly said," I... I... want...to...be...in... Omma.... Omma's lap ..... Omma loves... Taemin.... She doesn't...louve....me.... She....hates.... Hanseong....."

The little boy started to cry which hurted Taehyung a lot .... He immediately pulled him into his arms as Hanseong is sobbing his little head is leaning on Taehyung's shoulder trying to have warmth from his father......

Taehyung: Omma loves you, Hanseong~iee... Taemin is too little and he needs care.. Ever Omma said she doesn't love you, hmm???

Hanseong muttered a little no from his mouth as Taehyung patted Hanseong shoulder and said," Omma loves you and your Taeyeong nonna a lot.... She loves me too.... She loves us all.... Soon Omma will take care of you.."

Taehyung tried to console his son as he also knows why Hanseong feel like this ..... Hanseong was so little when Hawoon run away from the palace to save herself from Namjoon's grip.... And after all that incidents happened, Hawoon wasn't able to take care of him that way she did to Taeyeong......

And Taehyung know how to take hawoon's attention.... Having her pregnant again is the only choice.....


In Busan Royal Palace

The Palquin was set outside the big Wooden Gate of Busan Palace , Sye Hyun immediately get outside and helped Queen Hawoon to step outside the Palquin as she looked at the beauty of Busan palace with her dazzling blue eyes..... The artistic works of Busan kingdom is so mesmerizing as the river flows through the bank of Busan kingdom and on the other side the mountains that is guarding like a Guardian of Angel ......

Jimin's another concubine, Hyerin came to greet her as Prince Jimin is busy with his Court..... Hyerin takes Hawoon to Nari's chamber where she found Nari is sitting on the bed..... Behind Hawoon, the maids came inside with so many gifts for her and the unborn baby on her womb.....

After sometime, all the maids went out of the chamber leaving Hawoon and Nari alone..... Hawoon looked at the window where the sun is drowning slowly as she finally blurted out what she wants to say.....

Hawoon: Appa is dead.....

Hearing hawoon's words, Nari looked at her with shocked face.... But what shocked Nari the most is the calmness of Hawoon's face....

" How???", This Only word come out from Nari's mouth as Hawoon turned around and looked at Nari and replied," Queen Mother killed him..... But I am not here to tell you about Appa's demise, I am here to know about something that you hide from Us...."

Nari looked at Hawoon with a confused gaze as she said," what are you talking about??? I didn't hide anything....."

Hawoon bitterly smiled at Her aunt and slowly sit beside her and said," I remember once Omma told me about her past life before she met Appa..... She said you and Omma used to live a Royal Palace.... But you three run away from there ..... Which royal palace is that and which kingdom that was????. "

Nari gulped hearing Hawoon's question... The fear already started to crept on her mind thinking about Hawoon wanted to know about their past Life...... The deep dark secrets that was hidden under the sleeves, Nari was afraid of let those things out..... The secrets that will bring nothing but misery......

Hawoon can feel Her aunt isn't going to spill everything that easily.... So, she decided to go on harder way ...... She slowly pulled out a knife that was hidden under her clothing as Hawoon slowly placed it on Nari's womb making Nari's eyes widen in fear ......

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! ", Nari screamed out loudly but Hawoon wasn't a bit of effected by it instead she said," Tell me the truth.... What are you hiding from me and my siblings.... I want to know the whole truth...."

Nari eyes went on hawoon's cold menacing eyes that aren't showing any emotions like it's dead...... And that was enough for Nari to understood, it's the high time, She told the truth.....

Nari slowly put her hand on hawoon's hand that was holding the knife on her belly and started to speak....

Nari: Whatever the truth is , you always remember that you are part of this family... Yeonjun and harin is your siblings and your father loves you the most ...... It was a very very long time, when the Kim dynasty was slowly slowly flourishing as a strong kingdom thanks to prince Hwang Won... Prince Hwang Won is indeed a great warrior and the most suitable one to rule this kingdom.... But the former King, prince Hwang Won father, Kim Hyun Sook was completely against him...... He didn't like his son because he has the true potential to be the king even better than the current King who was ruling.... so, he used to send him the most toughest areas to fight against enemies so that Hwang Won got defeated and died in the war ... but Hwang Won won every war with his intelligence and his skill warfare...... But king Hyun Sook wanted his other son, Kim Byun hoo to have the throne.... He was that much affectionate towards that son that he never let him out of his sight.... The other son has never gone to war so he doesn't have that skillful warfare.....

Hawoon stopped Nari's storytelling as she asked," So, the Kim dynasty, you and Omma was the part of this dynasty and my grandparents used to work in here..... I got to know from Queen Faria that my Appa was Queen Mother's past lover ...If that was then why Omma run away with Appa?? And what my parents have connections with Royal family????"

Hawoon Can't understand why Her aunt is talking about Royal family.... They're not related to them anyway then why .... Nari's eyes are teary thinking about the concequnces if she told the truth....

Nari continued without answering Hawoon's question as the story has the answer of Hawoon's every question.....

" Hwang Won had enough of acting like a puppet of his father so he decided to rebel against the king to which he succeeded.... He killed the former King Hyun Sook .... But he didn't realize his other stepbrother, Byun hoo is quite good at defending his attack..... The rebellion stayed for two years..... Being fed up of this situation, Hwang Won decided to plot something vicious..... He plotted a plan with Byun hoo favorite concubine who was forcefully taken away from her family in Busan.....That concubine poisoned Byun Hoo and in that time, Hwang Won attacked on the palace and claimed the throne killing him and took that concubine as his own concubine...... But there's another concubine of Byun Hoo who was pregnant.... She wanted to save her only child so she decided to run away with her little sister who was just eight years old.... Running away from that palace, she happened to meet with a Traveller who was there with Hwang Won.... She thought she was going to kill her so she begged to let her go for the sake of the child inside her womb .... She wants to give birth but to her surprise, that man helped her and her little sister to get out of the palace safely and stayed with them ..... That man accpected that prince Byun Hoo child as his and eventually, that concubine fall in love with that Traveller.... They got married and had two kids .... Everything was going well until that attack happened in the village of Jeju island and the game of destiny, the child of Byun Hoo entered into the Seoul Royal Palace as a concubine of a Prince......", Nari completed her story as tears are flowing down from her eyes.....

On the other side, hawoon's whole body started to tremble as slowly slowly she is processing all of those words that Nari told her .....

"No....No.... It's not true!!! It's not true....", Hawoon looked at Nari with a Hope .... A hope that all the things she said is false ... But Nari looked at Hawoon with pity ......

And she said the words that Hawoon never thought she will hear......

Nari: You are Former King Kim Hwang Won's Step brother, lated prince Kim Byun Hoo's Daughter..... You are from a royal family... You are a part of Kim dynasty....

Hawoon felt her soul crashed into pieces hearing that... She is.... she is a part of a Royal family..... She has the blood of a royal family..... Hawoon has never felt this much helpless in her whole life..... Her whole life was a lie.... The person who gives her all the fatherly love, isn't her real father....

With her quivering lips, Hawoon asked," And...and..who ..was....that.... concubine....that .... Betrayed....him?????"

Nari's eyes went on her womb as she caressed her belly and said without looking at Hawoon," it's Prince Jimin's Mother....."

A shocking Reavealtion that will change the dynamic of Hawoon's Fate.....

The destiny has indeed a played a trick on her....

The fate played with her whole existence.....

And now with this reaveal, A New fate will re-write.....








hi!!! My lovely slothies!!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!!!!

I guess, no 😕 one saw that coming???? Hawoon being the royal herself is the biggest twist of this book!!!!! The girl who fought against the royalty and royally customs is herself has the blood of royal......

The dynamic changed.... A new love Equation is coming..... It's finally Jimin's time to enter into the story as a another main character!!!! So, be ready for the next chapters!!!! You will enjoy the triangle love story between Jimin, Hawoon and Taehyung.....

VOTE GOAL: 90 Votes

Guys!!! Vote quickly or I will 🔪🔪🔪🔪

Bang pd will hunt you in your dreams.... Guys, we got HYBE mommy... Jung-hwa..... Suchitwra is a matchmaker of bang pd and jung-hwa.....


N.B: Don't take this seriously!!😜😜😜


And about my 2024 fanfiction planning and goals:

1. PARK JIMIN FANFICTION " His YEOBO" premier date- January

2. BTS FANFICTION " Mafia Brothers " new chapters

3.KIM SEOKJIN FANFICTION " Silver Spoon" premier date- January mid


5. BTS FANFICTION " Dionysus"

This is going to be my main priority list in 2024... And I will only update in Friday and Saturday!!!!!!

Since my versity has started, I will try to maintain the routine from January!!!!




SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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