78: A New Spark Of Another Forbidden Love

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Author's POV

After that conversation with Aunt Nari, Hawoon didn't said anything as she left from her chamber as she went to the chamber that was designated for her..... Hawoon's handmaiden, Sye-hyun is taking Off her jeweleries from her ear as she looked at Queen Kim through the mirror reflection where she found Hawoon thinking about something very deeply......

Hawoon on the other side, has so many thoughts that is occuping her mind like black shadow......Her hand is trembling tremendously as she put her other hand trying to stop that shaking...... One thing that stand out the most is if she really belongs to this Kim Royal family that means Taehyung is her half-cousin along with those other princes dead or alived ones......

Just then the door of her chamber opened by the Guards revealing , Prince Park Jimin..... Seeing Jimin entered into her chamber unannounced, Sye-hyun immediately backed away but due to her negligence, Hawoon's earlobe got a small cut making Hawoon moan in pain and finally she snapped out of her thoughts......

Sye-hyun eyes widened in fear seeing how the blood is oozing out from hawoon's earlobe making her immediately bow down in fear asking for forgiveness......

Hawoon looked at Sye-hyun with angry gaze but immediately her eyes went on Jimin who's looking at her with so much intensity...... Hawoon moves her hand on the air and Indicates everyone to leave them alone...... Sye-hyun bowed and immediately get up and leave from there closing the big door.....

Hawoon and Jimin both are looking at each other as Jimin slowly walked towards her as his eyes went on her earlobe from where the blood is pouring out a little......

Jimin bend down on his knees and went towards her ear as he hold her shoulder firmly using his hand to make sure she doesn't move...... He licked the remaining blood from her earlobe making hawoon shiver .

Jimin: why didn't you give answer to my letters that i send to you ?

Jimin whispered in her ears making hawoon shiver in his harsh tone that give goosebump to her whole body. hawoon slowly looked at jimin as her breathing got hitched seeing jimin so close . both of their lips are so close that if anyone else enter into this chamber right now they will think they are kissing each other right now.

hawoon pulled off jimin's hand from her shoulder as she took few steps away from him making jimin mad as jimin as about to speak but hawoon started to talk.

" Prince Jimin, can we talk later? as you can see I have come from seoul to busan . And it's a very long journey. I need rest. ", hawoon said those words trying to get him out of the chamber but jimin went towards her and hold her hand tightly and looked at hawoon's eyes.

Jimin: i have expressed my feelings in that letter and from my spies I know you saw that letter then why didn't you wrote any reply? don't you feel anything towards me at all? In this last one year , the way we exchanged letters with each other about our unspoken feelings and talked about our undiserable thoughts. You can't abandon me like this.

The words that are coming out from Jimin's mouth is making Hawoon feel more uncomfortable..... In the one side, she knows what she did is wrong but still she feels it's right to do that.... After that gift send by Jimin one year ago, since then they've started to exchange letters without Taehyung's knowledge...

Hawoon: You also Know it's wrong... It's wrong for us to be like that.... You and I both can't have feelings for each other.... I am your Brother's Wife..... And my aunt is your concubine....We can't be in that relationship that you're thinking of..... It will put both of us in danger.....

Hawoon tried to understand prince Jimin with the outer talk inside she also knows another big reason... And it is Jimin is her half-cousin..... Now to think about it, Taehyung and her relationship is forbidden......

Jimin immediately put both of his hand on her neck pulling her closer to him enough to almost touch their lips......

Jimin: Do you really think I am afraid of that??? I know what I have gotten myself into... But still, I feel empty .... I feel empty all of this year's having everything around me.... But it's you, who fulfilled that emptiness inside my heart.... I can't bear a day without thinking about you.... I think about you all the time. Even in my dreams, you wander around like a swan..... What should I do, Hawoon??? Tell me how can I get rid of this irresistible feeling????

Tears fall down from hawoon's eyes hearing each words of Jimin that pierced through her heart ..... The same heart that was dead because of Jungkook's Torture.... It opened again wants to have the warmth of love that was missing.....

Hawoon's teary eyes looked at Jimin who is eagerly waiting for her to say something.... Hawoon wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him filling the remaining gap between them..... Both Jimin and Hawoon are devouring each other lips.....

Outside of the chamber, Nari stood there with a broken heart with tearful gaze on the door from where the sounds of moaning are coming.......


[ T i m e S k i p ]

Sun is raising up in the sky indicating a new morning for the people of Busan kingdom . On the other side in Busan Royal Palace, In hawoon's chamber the clothes are scattered all around the chamber and on the bed, two new love birds are sleeping peacefully hugging each other.......

Hawoon is the first one who Woked up and saw her in naked beside prince Jimin who is sleeping...... She stared at Jimin's face trying to read his sleepy face as she sighed and put her head on his shoulder and thought about this whole thing.......

She cheated on Taehyung..... She knows what she did with Jimin is wrong.... Still it felt so right to her ...... She was already in a forbidden relationship and have kids so having another one won't hurt that much.....

Hawoon placed a kiss on Jimin's lips making Jimin's lips curved into a sweet smile as Jimin put both of his hands on hawoon's body trapping her as he slowly opened his eyes....

Hawoon: you have to let me go, prince Jimin.... You have a royal court to attend..... And I have to return back to Seoul.....

Hearing the last words, Jimin's smile faded as he said," Don't go... "

Hawoon looked at him with a pressed lips and said," You know how Taehyung is..... He will get crazy and started to kill innocent people which I don't want.... His anger has now became legendary..... The last thing I want is to people get killed.... Because...of...me...."

Jimin: I will protect you.... I will be your shield always protect you from every single scratch..... Now I am here, I won't let you get hurt by anyone.....

He swore as his deep voice hold a another promise that he will do that even he has to died by doing this.....

Hawoon smiled hearing that as she said," I don't want you to be my shield.... I will create my own shield and will protect you instead..... It's my promise...."

A new love blossomed on the garden of forbidden land not knowing the concequnces of it .......


In Gwanju

Harin is walking on the streets of Gwanju and around her, the royal soldiers and her few Maids are roaming around as the people of Gwanju is greeting her one by one whoever is passing by .....

The people of Gwanju loves prince hoseok and Harin more than the king and the Queen of the vast kingdom..... Can't blame them for the things that hoseok and Harin try to help them is very appreciative......

Harin was out to look for some traditional clothing and jewelries that are going to be on the street market on this special day..... The market is specially sit for two days in gwanju for new vendors of different states to participate and let them show their their talent. Harin stopped in one of the shop and different types of cotten fabrics then suddenly her eyes went on the another street from where she can see people of the east is coming to their land with their belongings. Harin told one of her soldiers to go there and ask them why they are here. The soldiers went there and ask them about it . That soldiers came back and told harin about the village of nanyang which got destroyed by the king's order . the remaining people and young kids and woman has survived running away from that village and came to settle in here. Hoseok has given them permission to stay here....

harin looked at them with pity and told the soldiers to take them on the barren land and help them to create home and inhabitants for them to live well.

She bought different types of fabrics and went back to the palace and found hoseok who just return from court as she helped Hoseok to take off his clothes and ready his water for bathing. After they got married she is the one who helps him in all of this and hoseok also like this. Hoseok slowly get ino water as harin is applying herbs in his shoulder . A sudden thought come on Harin's mind regarding those people so she asked," Hoseok, today on the street i saw some new people who has came from nanyang village . They looked so miserable and mostly are young children and women. i was told you have given them permission to stay on here . and we all know from which reason they are like this. But still is it a very wise decision to let them stay?"

Hoseok looked at harin and replied," if we don't then who harin? It's not their fault to be in that village and became part of this. But still they paid for that by losing their loved ones because of king's cruelty. Why do i still feel taehyung is the most undeserving one for the throne. Namjoon and Taehyung none of them are suitable enough for the throne. It's only Seokjin hyung that deserve that throne. Only he can handle the burden of this bloody throne."

Harin understood Hoseok's point of view but still she thinks it's not a very good idea to let them stay but not wanted to defy hoseok's orders, she didn't say anything.... But only if she knew, this thing is going to create havoc on hoseok and Harin's life.....


In The Way To Seoul Royal Palace

Hawoon is cleaning her bloodied knife using the handkerchief as she is happily thinking about the choas that is happening right now in the Busan Royal Palace..... The news of Jimin's Mother being killed in her own chamber in a brutal way isn't something that anyone would expect..... The carriage is going on the deep forest of Busan as Hawoon is returning back to Seoul but suddenly, the carriage stopped making Hawoon confused about the sudden stop on the journey......

She gestured Sye Hyun to look at the matter as she opened the carriage Door and found the rider of her carriage who bowed to see Queen and said," Your Highness, The road with which we're about to return Seoul kingdom was blocked..... "

Hawoon: There's not any other way to go back to Seoul kingdom???

She asked looking at the rider who's face is covered by the cloth and the voice of the rider is so familiar to her but she can't remember where she heard that voice before.....

" There is Your highness.. but it's going to be Long journey if we take that path..... We might arrive in the morning to Seoul kingdom.....", The rider exclaimed those words with double meaning which Hawoon failed to understood....

Hawoon sighed thinking about it, she doesn't want to return back to Busan Palace since she has created a big mess there and she doesn't want to be on Jimin's suspicious eyes..... She looked at the carriage Rider and said," take that route..... "

The Rider lips curved into a creepy smirk that was hidden under the cloth mask on his face as he replied," As you wish, Your Highness.... "

And with that the carriage went on the another route completely opposite of the route to Seoul kingdom.... That route goes to the Damyang Hill where no one dares to enter.....

The rider slowly pulled off his cloth from his face as he said," You won't be disappointed by the end of the journey, My little Dove...."






HI!!! my lovely 🏵️ slothies!!!! Welcome back to new chapter!!!!

I hope you will like it!!!!!

So, Hawoon cheated on Taehyung!!! Before you started to call her s*lt and any other names, you have to understand that it's a story... A fiction.... And I don't support cheating!!!!!

But the real Maniac starts from here!! Namjoon abudcting Hawoon is going to unlock a another crazy self of Taehyung that Hawoon never encountered!!!! So be ready for that!!!!

22 Chapters left!!!!!

VOTE GOAL: 90 Votes, 15 comments!!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤

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