79: Can't Give Up In The Brink Of Death

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2 Days Later

Author's POV

Two days.... It's been two days since Hawoon went missing..... And the whole Seoul kingdom is on choas right now...... The king has gone into crazy mode when he realized someone has kidnapped his wife, the Love of his Life.... The next morning, when Hawoon was supposed to reach Seoul Royal Palace but she didn't which alerted him to the point that he send his War commander, Prince Yoongi and The Royal soldiers who searched the whole Area of Busan to Seoul but didn't found anything.....

So, Taehyung ordered Every states in whole Korea to search for his Queen and only then he found Hawoon's handmaiden, Sye-hyun wounded so badly on the near the River of Wonju state......

Seeing the miserable condition of Hawoon's handmaiden make Taehyung go on rampage.... He started to killing guards and Maids on very slightest mistake..... Hoseok and Yeonjun both came to Seoul kingdom to find Hawoon because of the Order of Taehyung..... Hoseok started to help with yoongi to find Hawoon but it seems like there's no clue...... On the other side, Jimin who was mourning for his mother's Death, when he gets to know about Hawoon's kidnapping he felt like the soil has slipped up from his feet..... Without finishing the last prominent rituals, he set up to look for Hawoon....

Finally, after two days, Sye-hyun woken up from her slumber and right now, Taehyung is looking at the window as Sye-hyun was presented before the king who looked so weak but her health isn't that much important, it's Hawoon the Queen of this mighty kingdom is more important....... Taehyung's condition isn't that good either.....His eyes are covered with blackheads, cheeks has fallen down, body is weak as he didn't eat anything, face is pale .....

" Y-y.y....you...y-our M..a... Ma-jesty, I... I...a..am.. as .. asking...f...f... for... forgiveness.... I...I....I... I - couldn't....sa... save.... Her... highness....f... from...the ....the... danger.....", Sye-hyun said those words while words are barely coming out from her mouth as she looked down at her feet.....

Taehyung: You did more than enough to protect her... And I can see that from your wounds... You care about her.... This wounds must be because of her???? Tell me what actually happened???

He asked while he turned around as Sye-hyun slowly looked up and saw king's condition which made her more guilty for not able to save Hawoon..... Sye-hyun has a soft side on her heart for Queen Hawoon..... She was once of those who didn't look down on her because she was lower rank than the Maids and servants of this palace.... It's Hawoon who gives her the tittle of handmaiden and made her a respectable woman of this harem..... Sye-hyun will give up on her life willingly to save Hawoon from any danger.....

" W..we are... Are... returning...back...to...to... Seoul Royal Palace but the.... the ....rout-e ...was... blocked...so... The....ca... carriage... Rider....took...us....to... the a... another... route.... but... after few.... minute..s la..ter, the.. carriage.... ag..ain...stop-ped......be... before...we... could... understand....what... happened....that...rider...attacked.....on...us.... Two....maids got... killed....by... his hand...as...I .... tried...to... save.... Queen.... but....he.... stabbed...me... multiple times and ....throw...me from the...road of... the mountain....", Sye-hyun finished her words as she described the whole scenerio just then Yoongi interrupted as he and Hoseok both are present there inside the Room....

Yoongi: Mountain?!!! But... there's no...route...to come to Seoul kingdom that goes through mountains.....

Hearing that Sye-hyun eyes widened as she slowly said," b..b-but that's t...he route ...th..at that ...carriage... Rider...took...us....."

Just then the door opened reavealing A Royal guard who come inside with a letter that was bind with golden ropes indicating it's a letter from Busan kingdom..... Taehyung immediately took the letter from the guard and untied the rope and started to read.... The more he reads, the more disappointed he is.....

Hoseok took the letter from Taehyung's hand and read it as he also sighed and said," Busan Soldiers found two Carriage guard and Rider who are found Dead in the bushes of Busan Palace garden.... And Jimin's Mother is also killed..... So, that means that carriage Rider is a imposter who pretended to be rider and kidnapped Queen...."

Suddenly something clicked on Taehyung's mind as he looked at Yoongi and asked," Where Sye-hyun was found??? Near the river of Wonju state????"

Yoongi nodded in agreement as Taehyung added," With Sye-hyun description, she fall down from the mountains, it means she swept away to the shore of Wonju state ...... Get the Map, Yoongi hyung!!!!!!!"

Yoongi immediately took out the whole Korea's kap and spread it out on the floor as Taehyung looked at the Map where he saw the direction of Wonju state as from the East side, there's no mountains but on the North side, there's a mountains..... Yoongi gasped seeing the map and exclaimed," Damyang Hills????"

He looked at Taehyung as everyone knows what that mountain is.... Damyang Hills isn't a favourable mountains that people of any kingdom prefers.....

Taehyung: Prepare the soldiers, We are going to Damyang Hills.....!!!!

And with Taehyung's orders, the journey of taking his Queen Back to him.....


In Damyang Hills

In the deep forest of Damyang Hills, in a cave a heart-clenching scream was heard as Namjoon has put a hot iron rod on hawoon's chest as the skin is burning...... He pulled out the iron rod and saw the deep burning scar on her chest as her upper clothing was torn off somewhere scattered on the cave.......

Namjoon: This was supposed to be my place..... I should have been in your heart ... But instead, you give it to Taehyung.... You rejected my love, you rejected my madness, you rejected my obsession..... Why?? Why??? If... Only if you agreed then we don't have to see this....

He said as he is firing that iron rod and again placed it on her chest making her scream in unbearable pain..... Sweat is covered all around her forehead as her lips are busted, blood is coming out from her cheek that has got a sharp cut.....

Hawoon is grunting in pain as Namjoon pulled out the hot iron rod for her flesh as the letter 'N' was engraved on her left side of her chest .......

Hawoon: le...let...let...t m...m...me...e go... If T..aehyu..ng find out ab...out you, he w...ill ki...ll you....

Hearing that Namjoon started to laugh like a crazy person as he grabbed hawoon's jaw tightly and made her look at him as he said," I don't care..... I don't care if Taehyung kills me or not ..... It doesn't matter anymore.... You know what matters the most for me is to teach you a lesson... Because of you, I lost everything.... My palace, my status, my pride, my throne and most importantly, You.... I lost you ..... "

He said looking into hawoon's eyes that doesn't hold a bit of fear or sympathy..... He wants to hear her begging, her crying to let her go ... But no, she is facing it like it doesn't matter to her.....

With that Namjoon started to suck her jaw to her neck roughly as Hawoon is trying to get her free from the chains of Namjoon that was tied up her hands...... He licked hawoon's chest burn part making her hiss in pain but not a ounce of tear fall down from her eyes.....

He is sucking, biting down her wounds as blood started to oozing out from her wounds but it didn't affect Namjoon at all ... Instead, he licked hawoon's blood and had a taste of it like feeding on her blood.... Feeding on her helplessness.....

He finally let her go as Namjoon's whole face is smeared with her blood as he licked his lower lip tasting a last piece of her blood as he saw Hawoon who looked so dejected.....

Namjoon get up as he needs to go on hunting for the food as he turned around to go but stopped when he heard Hawoon saying some words that made him shivers down on his spine.....

Hawoon: I hope, you didn't forgot how prince Jungkook ended up when he took my dignity..... Pray to God that to let Taehyung caught you.... Because if I did, then I won't be merciful like him.... Just like you feed on my blood to show your dominance, I will feed on your palpitating heart to show my fire of revenge.... I didn't forgot those Torture in Black Ink chamber, Namjoon...

Namjoon just listened to her rambling but he didn't turned around to give answers.... Right now, she is a captive.... And she can't do anything to save herself..... and with that Namjoon left from there .... But Namjoon didn't understood that Hawoon isn't that pitiful girl anymore..... The brutal reality of her life taught her to be cruel..... She isn't a slave anymore.... Now, she is a Queen..... The beauty with brains......


Jimin's POV

Jimin is riding on his horse as he has already entered into the route of Damyang Hills just as his spy from the Seoul Royal Palace has provided him the information..... The sun is setting down but Jimin can't stay at ease until he finds Hawoon safe and sound in front of his eyes.....

His way of love is so different from taehyung... Taehyung loves to show aggression even though he tries to show his soft side in front of Hawoon but Jimin didn't pretend or try to be in good side like him..... If he likes something, he likes and has the courage to say it boldly and loudly enough to everyone else to hear..... But he has to stay quiet for the sake of Hawoon's life.... And he is willing to do that even if it costs his life......

As the sun goes down, the Damyang Hills that people of all Korea doesn't want to set their feet aside, Jimin was already inside just to find her......

Jimin: I will find you, Hawoon.... Just wait for me a little bit... Till then be safe.....

He mumbled those words in prayer and in immerse hope to find her quickly as he suddenly heard some rustling sound on the other side making him look at the direction where he can see a source of light......


In Seoul Royal Palace

Erunch Kwon is walking through the hallway with a scroll on his hands in hurry as his feet went on Queen Mother's Chamber......

The door of queen mother's chamber opened reavealing, Erunch Kwon who entered inside as the door closed and Erunch Kwon saw The mess of her chamber.... Everything is thrown on the floor as the mirrors are shattered on the floor.... Queen Mother looked at Erunch Kwon who immediately handed him the scroll as she immediately put out a letter from the scroll and read it whatever is written......

Her heart sank the words on that letter.... She yelled in frustration as she torn the letter in anger.... Namjoon ran away from the Grimm Tower killing everyone in that tower.... That's why the news of Namjoon's disappearance didn't come to Taehyung's ears..... It's quite shocking for her because she didn't expect Namjoon to went after Hawoon just after he got out .....

Erunch Kwon: what should we do now, Your highness??! Queen Kim was abducted by prince Namjoon.... If king gets to know about this, he will definitely kill him for sure .....

As Erunch Kwon finished his sentence, the door opened reavealing her spy who bowed to her in respect and said," His Majesty has found some clue.... He is going to Damyang Hills with his Army to search for Queen Kim....."

And hearing the name of Damyang Hills it didn't take Queen Mother to realize, it's really Namjoon.... Because Namjoon loves to go on the forbidden sites that aren't allowed and he likes to have this kinds of things in his possession.....


She needs to save her son.... She can't let him die like this......


On the other side, in cave, Namjoon returned and let down the lantern on the front of the cave as he stepped inside and found Hawoon unconscious......

A creepy smirk appeared on his face as he slowly went towards her not knowing that the grip on the knife in hawoon's hand is tightening in each seconds hearing the sounds of foot steps.....

She isn't going to give up.... Never.... Never ever... Not even in the brink of her death..... She will put the last fight......






Hi!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!! Hope you will like it!!!!

I am so sorry for being late.... I was busy in my uni study and I was sick .... I got cold and fever.... My throat hurts!!!!!😞😞

Be ready for the fight between Namjoon and Hawoon.... It's going be Bloody beautiful night....

And Jimin's digital single is coming and it's a fan song!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤

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