89: Your Love = obsession ≠ Pretendance

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In Bathhouse

Hawoon's POV

It hurts.... It hurts a lot when you see your son finally realizing the cruelty of this world we live..... It hurts more than the whip marks on my back that My Handmaiden, Sye-hyun is now treating by applying herbs to heal my wounds.....  Tears Fall down one by one from my eyes as I closed my eyes trying to forgot my son's traumatizing face when he saw how Taehyung has whipped Hawoon to teach Je-Ha a lesson.....  The wounds might heal but the marks on my back will forever stay on my body just like the scars on my Son's mind..... I tried to save my son from Taehyung's wrath but instead I give him the biggest wound of his life that might haunt him for a very long time......

The Door of the bathhouse opened reavealing Taehyung as Sye-hyun immediately bowed down to him as Taehyung signalled her to leave them alone..... So, Sye-hyun immediately bowed down to Hawoon and went away from there leaving the husband wife alone for a moment.....

Hawoon who has been closing her eyes suddenly feel some cold fingers touching her bruised marks on her back making her shiver down to her spine..... She immediately opened her eyes and found Taehyung who is behind her looking at his own created whip marks on Hawoon's back..... Hawoon looked at Taehyung as Taehyung's eyes Landed on Hawoon's ocean like blue eyes that he admire the most..... On the other side, Taehyung's other hand is slowly started to caressing her previous scars one was gifted by late Prince, Jungkook.....

Hawoon is still looking at Taehyung's eyes trying to understand his intentions but she can't understand any.... Because She doesn't know this Taehyung at all..... This Taehyung says he loves her but he treats her like a puppet..... She feels like Taehyung was treating her not like a his wife but a slave..... He treats her like a mindless slave that shouldn't have say words or do anything..... Because That's what A Queen was supposed to be.... A Puppet of King for his pleasure......

Hawoon: Let me meet Je-Ha, Taehyung.... That little boy became unconscious when he saw me getting whipped.... You also know, it's not his fault..... He was just a kid with lots of curiosity on his mind....

She said those words trying to convince Taehyung so that he let Hawoon out of that secret Chamber..... But Taehyung ignored her pleas and asked," Do you feel loved when I put this scars on your body???? You have so many scars of others but you don't have anything from me.... And It irked me a lot..... Jungkook, Namjoon, Seokjin has claimed you by putting scars on your body as a reminder to you and you always looked at those scars and remember them..... But what about me??? "

Hawoon feel defeated hearing Taehyung's question..... She immediately went away from him as she stand up and looked at Taehyung with utter disbelief as she Shouted at Taehyung," WHAT'S IS WRONG WITH YOU???? WHY ARE YOU BEHAVING LIKE THIS???? YOUR ACTIONS ARE MAKING ME REMIND OF  PRINCE JUNGKOOK!!!! WHY?!! WHY?!! HOW LONG YOU ARE GOING TO CONTINUE LIKE THIS??! "

With that she throw away the silver buckets on the floor as she looked at Taehyung who's not bothered by her outbrust at all..... Taehyung is patiently looking at Hawoon with a loving gaze but suddenly his face hardened as he looked at Hawoon with a cold menacing glare as he moved towards her and hold hawoon's throat and made her come closer to him almost touching each other lips.... Taehyung has finally dropped his acts as he whispered," You don't love me anymore, My Queen.... Even I can feel it now that you have lost those emotions for me that you used to feel before..... The way your blue eyes used to shines seeing me, It's gone..... The way your lips used to smile seeing, it's faded..... The way you used to embrace me, That comfort is gone too.... Why??? Why it's gone???? What have I done???? "

Taehyung demanded answers from Hawoon as she saw his hardened face as suddenly she finds Namjoon's face resonating on Taehyung's face reminding her of Namjoon's harshness... The same way Namjoon used to talk... It's same..... Hawoon can see the spiting image of Namjoon and Jungkook in Taehyung's face right now as she suddenly started to heard those voices again on her head trying to say something..... But she closed her eyes suppressing her thoughts as she opened her eyes immediately and said," You don't love me, Kim Taehyung..... It's not love, It's obsession..... You are obsessed with me..... Drop your act, Kim Taehyung.... I can finally see your real  face right now.... This is what you are....  You just care about yourself.... You wanted me because I can give you the peace you wanted in your Life.... You wanted my love, You wanted that family of where I lived happily with my mother, father and with my siblings..... You are the one who ordered those Guards to kill my whole family!!!! They killed my mother because of you..... You killed my happiness!!!!! You killed my happiness for the sake of your own happiness!!! "

Taehyung chuckled hearing Hawoon's words as she looked at Taehyung with hatred as Hawoon tried to free herself from his grip but Taehyung pressed more hard on her throat as he said," I love you... This is my love... I wanted you all for myself only....Is it sin to ask that???  I tried to be with you... I did almost everything... I became King for you so that I can have you.... I saved you from Namjoon's grip, I saved you from everything.... I tried to give you my whole but now you want to go away from me???? No, I won't let you do that..... You forgot that, You are my Wife.... King of Great Korea, Kim Taehyung's Wife, The Queen of my heart and soul..... You are Bonded with me till death...... "

And with that Taehyung let go of her throat and threw her on the floor and went away from there leaving Hawoon who started crying after a very long time..... Soon Sye-hyun came inside the bathhouse and saw hawoon's wailing..... Hawoon's is hitting her chest with her hands blaming herself in her mind that she is the reason everything happened in the first place..... In the case, Hawoon is a victim of this Royal family..... She, Being the royal blood never lived that life, only wanted a happy life.... Yet fate has planned so many painful paths for her to walk.....


[ T i m e  S k i p ]

It's night already after that argument in the bathhouse, Taehyung has let her come outside Secret Chamber as she immediately went to Je-Ha's Chamber where the little boy is sleeping peacefully.....

With Hawoon's order, her  Twins children Seokjin and Juhee who are just 6 months old are also shifted to Je-Ha's Chamber as she is taking care of them......

In one hand, she is caressing Je-Ha's hair and on the other hand, she is moving the cribs as she is trying to make those two sleep...... She loves her children more than anything in this whole world.... And she will do anything to protect them from any danger....

On the other side, outside Je-Ha's Chamber,  Prince Jimin who has just returned from the border after winning a battle with the enemy country as soon as he heard about Je-Ha situation, he didn't waste a second and went towards his son's chamber..... He was about to go inside the chamber but halted his steps when he saw from the corner of the door that Hawoon is taking care of Je-Ha crying and mumbling soothing words to their son..... Jimin has his own spy on the Seoul Royal Palace so, It's not hard for him to know what exactly has happened.....

Jimin is sad and devastated because his hands are tied up because of this two important person on his Life, Hawoon and Je-Ha..... Only because of them, He didn't start a rebellion against Taehyung..... Jimin knows about the secret Chamber too and when he got to know about that, he almost went near Taehyung to kill him but it's Hawoon who stopped him each time... But how long?? How long Hawoon has to suffer from Taehyung's madness.... The madness Taehyung call love..... In that madness, today Je-Ha has got hurt too.....

Hawoon was scared to face the consequences of Taehyung's Dethroned.... She was afraid if Taehyung got Dethroned, Taeyeong has to die because if Jimin wants to secure the throne for himself, he has to kill Taehyung and Taehyung's remaining sons.... And Taeyeong being crown prince and other sons of Taehyung who are also Hawoon's children.... How can Jimin hurt Hawoon... It's the only thing that is holding Jimin till now.....

Jimin: One day, I will take revenge on the every wounds that Taehyung inflicted on your body and Your heart.  It's my oath to you Hawoon....

Jimin was determined to do anything for Hawoon and her happiness.... For him, her happiness matters the most.....


In Jeju Royal Palace, Jeju Island

Author's POV

Jieun is looking at the letter that she got very very long time ago..... 10 years ago..... The day after that she got the news of Late Queen Dowager's death..... It's the last letter written by her and the letter hold different secret that she would never know... Fortunately , She is not the only one who got this letter.....

" So, Waiting for 10 years is worth it??? Because finally We know that Taehyung and Hawoon both are not in good terms.... What's your plan????", Jieun asked looking at her two step brothers, Prince Yoongi and Prince Hoseok who has got  those similar letters 10 years ago .....

Yoongi: Killing Hawoon is now our main target.... She needs to die... Even if Taehyung think he is the one who's ruling, it's wrong.... Hawoon has every Ministers on her side.... With the influence of being Minister Choi's daughter, she has been taking advantage of it....  Even the general people under her influence... Every decisions was taken under hawoon's influence..... Even Jimin is slowly slowly gaining military powers..... I am afraid, Taehyung will soon be dethroned....

Obviously, Hawoon is Taehyung's weakness and for Jimin too.... Ever since Hawoon came into their lives, things has gone wrong for them .... Hearing those words, Hoseok said,"  Why don't we expose Jimin and Hawoon's affair??? Taehyung won't be able to bear hawoon's Betrayal after all he loves her..... I have a plan where we can kill two birds with one stone.... "

The seed of conspiracy was sowed again.... It's time again it's a internal fight between brothers.... But this time it's a fight with Woman..... And if A woman can rule  years old dynasty by her own hands , then she can fight by her own too.... They forgot, they're now dealing with Queen Kim Hawoon... Not the slave Hawoon....








hi!!! My favorite slothies!!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!!! Woah!!! We have reached so far!!!!! It's all thanks to you!!!!

Thank you for 2.51k followers!!!!! It's not possible if you're not supporting me, so thank you!!!!!!

And a little surprise for you all!!! As some of you know, I give a announcement on my account regarding making Queen Kim's Tale cover!!!! So, from one of my lovely follower suggested me to a person who make covers... And one of my slothies has made a cover for the book too.....

They both worked hard !!!!So, thanks to them for putting their precious time to make covers!!! I highly appreciate their effort.....

Cover by: Jeonzenix

And 2nd one:

Cover: leomimi17

And I am going to use both, so first, I will use first one I got!!!! Hope you will like it!!!!!

And what do you think about this chapter??? Tell me in the comments about your thoughts!!!!

I hope now you understand how much different Taehyung and Jimin thoughts are for Hawoon!!! One want her for his own happiness and one wants to sacrifice everything for her happiness!!!!

And 11 chapters left!!!!!

I still couldn't decide it's going to be sad or happy ending??? What do you guys think????

VOTE GOAL: 75 votes and 27 comments

Please vote and comment because I want to update next chapters quickly before 14 April!!! So, I hope you will vote so that you can read more Chapters!!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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