88: Forced Submission Of Love=Hate

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In Daegu Royal Palace

Author's POV

With Time things change, But how drastically it changes that no one thought for a moment.... Just like the whole Seoul kingdom is decorated lavishly for the ceremony of the King's daughter's marriage, just like in Daegu, The Royal Palace Is also beautifully decorated for another Princess Wedding Ceremony..... But this marriage is quite different.... Because it's not a political marriage between two Kingdoms, it's a forced marriage to hide the hidden truth..... A marriage between two step Cousins..... Same bloodline... How irony of this situation in here... But what can be done.... The damages needed to be repaired......

Daegu Princess handmaiden, Ke-nun is looking at the extravagant collection of the crowns as she chose the most beautiful one for the princess as she took it in her hands and slowly went towards Princess Yoonhi and slowly put it on her head...... Yoonhi looked at herself in the mirror with a proud victory smile on her face as if she finally achieved what her goal was.....

The Door of her chamber opened reavealing, Yoongi's concubine, Yoonhi Step-mother, Mina who came to take her downstairs for the wedding as it was about to begin...... And beside her, Yoonhi's Elder brother, Min Yeonseok came as he saw his little twin sister sparkling face with happiness.....

" So, You are really that happy to marry your Cousin Brother when we're from same bloodline??? Are you that obsessed with him  that you did this forbidden sin just to have him??? ", Yeonseok said those words breaking Yoonhi's dream of thoughts as Yoonhi turned around and looked at her brother with a Stern face as she replied with her very cold voice," It's love, My dear brother.... I. Love . Him. I see my whole world with Hosu..... You won't understand my love right now but one day you will.... And for having him, I can go any to any extent-

Her words was cut off by her brother, Yoonseok as he said with a mockery," To any extent that you drugged him and slept with him till you became pregnant with his child?!!! IT'S A DISGRACE, MIN YOONHI!!!!!! DON'T YOU FEEL A BIT OF ASHAMED OF YOURSELF TO STEP THAT LOW ????!!!!"

Yoonhi stood there with stubbornness as she looked at her brother's eyes with no remorse of regret as she replied," I Don't at all.... Everything is Fair in love and War..... "

And with that she put the veil on her face and went out of her chamber as behind her Mina went away as Yoonhi is walking in the hallway to get downstairs where her wedding ceremony was about to start......

She looked around her as the Maids and servants are walking behind her as this is the wedding she dreamed.... The wedding that she dreamed with her love.... Her Hosu, To whom she steal from her own Step-cousin, Kim Taeyeong...... Yes, This is not about love... This is about Power.... And Yoonhi showed Taeyeong that even if She is the princess of Great Korea, She can't have everything she desires.... Just like She didn't got Hosu , Instead Yoonhi got him.... Hosu is just a price to show that Yoonhi can have anything... Anything She actually desires....

A smirk of victory was plastered on Yoonhi's lips when she saw Hosu in wedding Aisle.... Her dream has finally come true.... And it's all thanks to Queen Hawoon.....


In King's Chamber

Taehyung's POV

Taehyung is slowly getting dressed up with his silk black robe as Maids and servants are helping him to get ready as today is the date of his Eldest Daughter, Princess Taeyeong departure from the kingdom as she is going to her husband's place where she will live.....

But Taehyung's mind was on something else right now because that wasn't his concern anymore..... Rather than he is thinking about his Only Queen Hawoon..... The love of his life who has again distanced herself from him ..... It's been six months after she give birth to his Youngest Heir..... But still he wants More.... He wants more not because he wants to expands this Kim Dynasty, because he craves her just like he did before......

Just then the door of his chamber opened reavealing His Queen, Hawoon with a beautiful Jade pink Hanbok as her hair was braided on the one side and beautiful ornaments are hanging around her throat....

Taehyung's eyes saw her entering into the chamber through mirror reflection as he still feels his heart was racing rapidly just seeing a small glance of her..... This is the woman who bore him five Boy and Two girls according to Taehyung..... Because the secret of Je-Ha birth is still a mystery that Hawoon would never let it get revealed......

Actually, Taehyung has five Heirs for his throne as the Eldest Son, The Crown Prince, Kim Hanseong, The Second Son from Miyeon the late Concubine, Kim Taemin, The Third Son who isn't his real Son, Kim Je-Ha, Fourth Son, Kim Tae-ha and the last Son, Kim Seokjin in the remembance of the late King, Taehyung's Elder brother, King Kim Seokjin..... From where Je-Ha wasn't his own blood which he didn't know and his another son from different concubine, Taemin who Taehyung doesn't consider as his heir but still having his blood on that boy's veins he can't do anything...... And lastly, Two beautiful daughters who are like a fallen angel to this dynasty, Eldest Daughter, Kim Taeyeong and the youngest daughter, The twin of Seokjin, Kim Juhee.....

Hawoon gesture everyone to get out of king's chamber to give some private time with His Majesty.... As the Sound of door shut was heard, Taehyung turned around as they both made a eye contact with each for few seconds as Hawoon immediately looked away and looked at the bed where Taehyung crown was laying.... She slowly went there and took that crown on her hands and make her way towards to Taehyung as he smiled in admiration seeing how his Queen is taking care of him like he has always dreamed for.....

Taehyung slowly bent down a little as Hawoon put that king's crown on his head and looked at Taehyung..... It fascinated her first when Taehyung wear that crown but now it feels empty for her..... Because she feels like Taehyung doesn't deserve that crown anymore.... The throne is bloody just like this crown.. whoever has seated on that throne and wear that crown became cruel and power hungry......

Hawoon was so into her thoughts she didn't realize that Taehyung has already made her sit on his lap and slowly put his slender fingers to hold her chin which made her get out of her thoughts as she looked at Taehyung who's eyes are full of lust.....

Taehyung: No matter how many years passed, you are still look the most beautiful Woman in my eyes... Just like I first saw you on that lake bathing, giggling happily.... After that, Into that fest room where your lucious eyes captured me again..... You took my breath away in every moment of my life.... Without you, I won't be where I am right now.....

Taehyung just like always tries to manipulate Hawoon though his sweet words but he didn't know that it doesn't work on her anymore... She can clearly see the façade of Taehyung who just wants her to he with him.....

And with that Taehyung made her lay down on the bed as Taehyung was hovering over her trapping her both hands over her head.... Taehyung put sloppy kisses on Hawoon's jaw as she just let him do whatever he was doing..... Taehyung slowly moves to her jaw to neck as he started to bit her marking her in a way as one his hand went over the hem of her clothing trying to remove that from her body but before he could succeed on it, Hawoon said," I .. I- I can't get pregnant anymore, Taehyung.... "

The words of Hawoon put Taehyung immediately hold whatever he was doing as he  looked at Hawoon who looked so serious as Taehyung hold her neck tightly and asked," Does it matter?? I don't think it does, My Queen.... We have enough children to secure the throne.... You and I are the most important thing right now..... And I hope you didn't forget, I don't care if our children died or alive, as long as I have you, I don't need anyone....."

And with that he smashed his lips on her as he was devouring her like a hungry animal..... Hawoon is struggling to get out of Taehyung's grip but Taehyung wasn't going to let her go ..... As Taehyung pulled out and was about to torn hawoon's clothing, Hawoon said loudly ," I HAVE CHOSEN A CONCUBINE FOR YOU, TAEHYUNG "

And that words are enough to piss of Taehyung as he hold hawoon's throat and started to chocking her slightly as he looked at her with angry red eyes and shouted at her," WHAT . DID YOU . JUST. SAID?! HOW DARE YOU TO PUT THOSE WORDS IN FRONT OF ME!!!!! YOU CHOOSE A CONCUBINE FOR ME?! WHEN I HAVE A QUEEN, DO I NEED A CONCUBINE TO FULFILL MY NEEDS??!!!!"

Hawoon didn't resist this time as she heard everything but protest a bit but her eyes are already started to losing it's focus because of the pressure was put on her throat......

Taehyung: You need punishment.... You need to remember it's only me who you have and there's no one can come between us .. I won't let that happen again.... You can't get away from me like before.. No ..No ...No .. you can't!!! I won't....

Taehyung was continuously repeating those words as his mind flashes back to those memories where because of Miyeon, Hawoon was almost gone from his life..... How can he let that thing happen again..... Those memories of her being away from him still haunts him....

Taehyung let go her throat as he immediately took Hawoon in his arms who still couldn't recover from that, As Taehyung opened another secret Chamber by kicking off the self as he put Hawoon on the bed and chained her hand, Leg and throat......

Taehyung: stay here until you realize your mistake!!!!!

And with that Taehyung left from there to bid goodbye to Taeyeong..... On the other side, Hawoon bitterly laughed at her fate where she was caged by Taehyung's cruelty and his insecurities....


Few Days Later

Hawoon is sleeping peacefully as the door of the secret Chamber opened slowly reavealing a nine years old boy sneaking into the room where his mother was hold captive by his very father.....

That boy slowly went towards the bed where his mother was sleeping not knowing her mother was just closing her eyes .... That boy eyes hold a pitiful gaze towards his mother as he looked at those chains that are holding his mother in here....

" Je-Ha, My intelligent son, you know you can't be in here???", Hawoon asked to her son with her eyes closed as Je-Ha immediately hugged her mother tightly.... He hated it whenever his mother was in this situation.....

Je-Ha: Omma, I missed you.... Appa said you're sick... Whenever you are sick that means you're here.... why Appa do that to you?? Why he hurt you like it?? I hate it!!!

Je-Ha words Pierced through hawoon's Heart.... Her son has to see her like this is already the most heartbreaking thing for her.... It's not the first time Je-Ha has came here ..... And only Je-Ha knows about this thing other than any of her children does.... And she has taken a promise from Je-Ha that he will never tell this to anyone not even his own siblings.....

Hawoon slowly opened her eyes and slowly tucked her son's hair on the side as she said," Omma hurted Appa, that's why he punished me.... But you promise me, you will never ever do that anyone, hmm??? "

Je-Ha nodded as she embraced her son tightly on her arms ashamed and guilty and angry to let her son witness this brutality of Taehyung.....

Hawoon: Do you know, When your Jimin uncle is coming back???? 

She asked as she needs to know about Jimin's whereabouts since one Year, Jimin has gone to the borderline Where he is in battle with enemy country....

Hearing Jimin's name, Je-Ha face lits up with joy as he replied," Tomorrow... I draw A painting of uncle Jimin.... I hope he likes it..... He always teaches me sword Fighting..... I love when he teaches me everything....."

Hawoon can definitely see the happiness in Je-Ha eyes whenever Jimin was mentioned... And why it wouldn't be after all, Je-Ha is Jimin's Son..... The blood of father-son duo recognizes no matter how much she and Jimin tries to hide it in front of Taehyung.... Hawoon still feel guilty not to let her son know about his real father identity and it's best not to know..... Or both Jimin and Je-Ha will be in danger....

As both Je-Ha and Hawoon was talking just then the door of the secret Chamber opened reavealing Kim Taehyung who's standing looking at them with glared eyes.....

Taehyung: Children shouldn't disobey their father's words, Don't you think Je-Ha????








hi!!! Finally!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!!! It's really glad to be back!!!! I am back for a really long days.... My Eid vacation has started!!!! Till 14 April, I will be regular on Wattpad!!!!!😄😄

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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