87: Time Passes Away, But Bitterness Remains

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[10  Y e a r s L a t e r]

In Seoul Royal Palace

Author's POV

Time Passes Away like it was just a flow of a river as the things around the whole kingdom changed gradually..... Today is a special Occasion in the royal palace.... Not only the whole royal palace was decorated beautifully but the whole kingdom including the other states are also decorated lavishly..... For the general people, three kinds of meals are served with a token of golden coin pouch for old people as a souvenir.... The people are happy and praying for the royal family with their heart extent.... This is the golden period of Seoul kingdom where no one was straved anymore.....

Inside the Royal Palace, in Hawoon's Chamber, The beautiful red roses are placed on the vase as on the other side, the Maids are helping Their Queen to get ready for the occasion....

Even at the age of her late thirties, She looks dazzling like a Moon that shines on the dark sky with glory..... The Ash blue Dress with different kinds of jewelry, A maid is putting different kinds of rings on her fingers as on the other side, A hairdresser is doing her hair perfectly..... Another Maid is adjusting her outfit as on the other side, A maid is doing her makeup...... As everything was finished, Sye-hyun, Her handmaiden came with her crown on her hand and slowly put on her head as Hawoon looked at her in the mirror reflection looking extravagantly marvelous......

The biggest smile on her face, she admired her attire..... Sye-hyun who was at awe looking at Queen with a shiny eyes she exclaimed," You are looking so charming, My Queen "

Hawoon turned around and looked at Sye-hyun with a smile on her face as she slowly stand up holding her outfit and said," I have to look beautiful.... After all, My Daughter is getting married..... People should know from where the beauty comes from....."

Just then the door of her chamber opened reavealing three maids with Three children who are holding their hands.... Two boys and One girl.... The Heir of the Kim dynasty has extended by Hawoon's hands.... As She was blessed with 4 boy and 2 girls for the royal family......  All of the children with the maids bowed towards her with utmost respect as One of the maid came with a small infant in her hands and handed that child over to Hawoon.....

The door of the other side of her chamber opened reavealing A Boy in his twenties entered into the chamber gracefully wearing majestic suit and behind him, his servants has came and bowed down to her..... Hawoon turned around and saw his First Son,  the Crown Prince Of The Great Korea, Kim Hanseong who slowly went towards Hawoon as she moved her hand on the air as Hanseong took it and kissed the back of her hand with a little curtsey and said," Greetings, Your Highness!!!! Hope you're doing well...."

Hawoon  went a little closer to her son whispered, " Call me Mother, My Dear.... Before being the Queen I am your mother, Never ever forget that.... This is values that needed to be passed down through century after century....."

And with that, Hawoon give the baby boy to Hanseong....  And she looked behind Hanseong trying to find someone as she looked at Hanseong and asked," Where's Taemin and Je-Ha??? "

Hanseong felt a sudden irritation after hearing those words from his mother.....He just didn't like them at all.... They're his own brothers, one from another mother and one who he has always a judgemental thoughts..... He dislikes both of them.... And the another reason he dislikes them the most is Because of them, Hanseong never got the attention that he deserves..... Even right now His mother's mind is occupied by their thoughts when she should think about her first son who excel in everything.....  Sword Fighting till  Hunting, Hanseong never disappointed in those skills that he learned in his life..... His father was always there for the appreciation but he never saw his  mother doing that to him..... Rather she always praises Taemin and Je-Ha in everything they do....  Je-Ha being ten years old, He has a admiration in Art and crafts which isn't something that A Man should.... And Taemin being 11 year's Old, His interests are mostly in exploring the different sites of the world which Hanseong find ridiculous.....

Hanseong was lost into his thoughts as he didn't realize his mother isn't beside him anymore... She has gone towards her most favorite sons, As they came inside the chamber running happily as they both hugged Hawoon.....

" Take our Greetings, Mother....", Both Taemin and Je-Ha said those words at the same time hugging their mother..... Hawoon pulled out and slowly bend down on their level and kissed both of their forehead and giving blessings to them.... On the other side, Hanseong was looking at his two brothers who are sticking with his mother like a Lech.....

Just then Erunch Bae came inside the chamber and bowed down to Queen and respectfully said," Your Highness, The marriage Ceremony was about to start... Your Presence is required with the Crown Prince and Other Princes and princesses...."

And with that Hawoon and Others reached on the big Balcony of second floor where they will see The Beautiful Princess Of Great Korea, Kim Taeyeong going out of the palace...... The Marriage Ceremony was going to took place on The Ancient Temple where Once Hawoon and Taehyung got married......

Finally, The Bride came out to the hallway of Harem as the girls on the harem are standing in one line as they're bowing down to the Princess for the last time to show their gratitude.....

The most beautiful Princess Of Great Korea was descending on the floor as behind her five Maids who are handling her blue wedding dress and behind her, Lady Cein who's going to assist her on the whole rituals of the wedding......

The same mysterious eyes like her mother, Magnificent Dress and a big Heavy jewelry on her throat... Like a Walking aphrodite, She mesmerizes everyone even the Harem girls are jealous of her beauty......

Princess Taeyeong look upwards where her mother was standing and beside her, Her Elder Brother, Hanseong and her other little brothers... Hawoon saw the distress on her daughter's eyes but she decided to ignore it for the sake of the prosperity of the kingdom.....

Taeyeong just looked at her mother for a hope that at least she will be beside her but the ignorance of Her Mother just broke her heart into pieces...... Tears started to build up on Taeyeong's eyes but she blinked rapidly not to show her weak side in front of others...... And She slowly turned around and looked at the palace Door and walked out of there......

Hawoon saw the disappearing figure of her daughter as just then A voice came behind her making her eyes closed in irritation....

" It's really sad to see the farewell of your daughter, Isn't it, Hawoon??? She wanted your comfort, but you aren't providing her that.... Instead, You decided to sell the Princess of Great Korea To The Enemy Kingdom.... What A Great Policy you have, Hawoon......", Princess Jieun said those venomous words loud making the Maids shift away from there immediately making the way to Queen Hawoon.....

Hawoon turned around and bowed to Princess Jieun and said," Take my Sincere Greetings, My Princess!!!!! I hope You are doing well.... You shouldn't be walking around the time of pregnancy.... It's not good for the baby....."

Jieun smiled hearing that as she caressed her belly and looked at Hawoon and asked," Trying to change the topic? As expected from you.. You should've felt to your daughter's feelings as a mother I expected that from you but you decided to crush your daughter's heart by marrying her lover to Princess Yoonhi....."

She smirked while Jieun said those words in front of everyone making Queen Hawoon pissed off..... Hawoon forced out a smile and replied," My Princess, I thought you didn't forgot Princess can't Love..... They're just a tool for the Big Empire...... And I have done the right thing for the betterment of my daughter.... At least, my daughter won't be puppet of others hands like you.... And as far as War Commander, Min Yoongi's Daughter,Princess Yoonhi Getting Married to Gwangju King Jung Hoseok's Son, Prince Hosu it's not my fault that they got caught in act like that....."

Princess Jieun smirked faded as she heard the words from hawoon's mouth insulting her in front of everyone..... Jieun raised her hand to slap Hawoon but Hawoon caught that hand on the air and looked at Jieun with a very serious face and said," I am not a slave anyone, Princess Jieun.... I am a Queen of this mighty kingdom and the real owner of this palace where you're standing..... You have no right to touch me or you have to Give answers to the King for your behavior.... And we both don't want that....."

And with that Hawoon left from there leaving Jieun who  is gritting her teeth in anger..... How can the bitterness of years can go away?? The bitterness between them started since prince Jungkook's demise and it intensified when Princess Jieun forcefully married her brother.... Years went by but this bitterness is still intact.....


[ T i m e   S k i p ]

In the throne Room of Seoul Royal Palace, The harem girls are doing dance in front of the whole audience to entertain the guests came from different parts of the kingdom to see the wedding and give blessings to them..... The King is majesticly sitting down on his throne loving this entertainment along with others.....

And at that time, The door of the throne room opened reavealing Princess Taeyeong and beside her, her newly wedded husband, The Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty of China, Yang Sei Ji..... The dancers moved away from the center as Newlyweds bowed down to the King Kim  Taehyung....

Taehyung slowly get up from the throne and went towards them as he looked at his daughter, The Apple of his eyes, looking like a lifeless doll.... He can definitely see his daughter's sadness but he has to think like a King sometimes other than being a father.... He did the duty as a king but Taehyung knows today He failed as a father...... The Sadness of his daughter's face is the living example of it.....

Taehyung: I hope Your Marriage life would be prosperous for you two and for the two biggest kingdom.... God Bless you!!!

And with that Taehyung kissed his daughter's forehead as a assurance that he will be always there for him no matter what happens.....


In Hawoon's Chamber

Hawoon looked at the tiara that came from China as a gift as she looked at it intensely...... Then she looked her handmaiden, Sye-hyun as she immediately understood what Hawoon meant as she immediately went outside of the chamber and immediately came back inside with few Soldiers who are holding a girl tied up hands and eyes blindfolded and mouth sealed by clothes tightly..... The soldiers throw that girl in front of Queen Hawoon's feet .... Sye-hyun immediately went beside that tied up girl and unfolded her blindfolds, mouth and hands....

The girl looked so terrified by seeing the new environment as her eyes landed on a woman who is sitting on the majestic chair and breastfeeding her baby...... The woman don't feel a little bit bothered by it as she finished the breastfeeding and give the child to the maid who will put the baby on sleep....

Finally, Hawoon give her attention to that girl who's so confused as she hold that girl's jaw tightly and made her come closer to her and said," You are beautiful but still not enough to get into my son's bed ....  Since, I have got my hands on you,  You will be king's New Slave, His entertainment... Because I don't wanted to be his entertainment anymore......"

And with that Hawoon let go of that girl's jaw and stand up from her majestic chair and looked at the girl with narrow eyes as the girl looked at Hawoon with her teary gaze and said," Why would I???? I don't want to be only old man's pleasure thingy.... I love someone and he might be waiting for me already.... Please spare me, Your highness!!!!! Please have some mercy on me!!!! "

Hawoon's eyes softened a little bit hearing that girl's pleading but suddenly her mind flashes back with those memories of how she has to be with Taehyung physically when her mind is already devoted to someone..... It's the most painful thing to be for the rest of the life.....

Hawoon bend down on that girl's level and slowly tucked some hair strands beside her ear and whispered," Life is always unfair.... And whatever happening right now maybe because your fate is entangled with it.... So, you have to accept it either you like it or not..... Because once you come inside this palace, There's no turning back other than death..... And Who knows it better than me??"

Queen hawoon's words shattered the very last hope remaining on her heart as she looked so devastated.....

That girl immediately hold hawoon's clothing hem desperate for the last piece of begging..... But this time, Hawoon decided to harden up her heart and turned around as the soldiers hold that girl's hand and started to drag her away but before that girl would leave, Hawoon said something that made that girl look up at her with astonishing face.....

Hawoon: Your lover... Your lover is the one who sold you to me.... He just saw you as a profit but I saw you as a human.... And he doesn't deserve your love....  So, Don't waste your tears for someone like him .... From the rising sun of the next morning, I hope you will understand that slowly..... The world of this palace is a prison that girls and woman like us are just prisoners who just fed them their lust..... Love Is rare to find.... And when you find it, You do so many wrongdoings to have it...... From Now on, I named You As Na-Young...... Have a good night, Dear....


awoon word's reminded her of her lover, Jimin that she found as a last ray of hope..... Even though she knows what she is doing..... But she can't erase that feelings for Jimin..... Even after doing so many things, She is now looking for peace..... But in the same time, She wants to give the best to this dynasty... After all, What she is doing right now is because of them..... And She has a very big plan ahead for this.....








hi!! My lovely slothies!!!! It's been a long time!!! But I am a bit of disappointed with you all!!! You didn't fulfill the vote goal and I wrote this chapter 5 days ago but you aren't interested like before... I know because of very long a$$ book.... But it's ending soon......

13 Chapters left!!!!!!!

And how do you think about a big time Jump?! The revealing would be soon.... So, start waiting for it!!!!!

VOTE GOAL: 80 votes and 21 comments

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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