93: Twists Of Fate Underneath The Veil

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Author's POV

Taehyung is right now going through some Documents of Different trades as he kept himself busy trying to forgot that day of the Conversation between him and Hawoon.... It's Three days since that conversation that broke Taehyung apart too.... He doesn't have the face to stand in front of Hawoon.... She was right... What he did when Seokjin, Namjoon and Jungkook tried to covet her..... Whatever he tried to do, in the End, it's Hawoon who got hurt most.... He even wonders if he deserves her???

As he put seal in one of the Trade documents, The Door of his Study Room opened reavealing A guard who came inside and bowed down to him and respectfully said," Prince Yoongi has come to meet you... He is asking for permission To enter....."

Taehyung thought for a while and nodded giving permission to send yoongi Enter into the chamber as after sometime, Yoongi entered as Taehyung looked at Him and found him looking at him intensely......

Taehyung: What's your Reason to come here, Yoongi Hyung?????

He asked as Yoongi went towards Taehyung and put a scroll down on the table as Taehyung looked at the scroll with a confusion...... Yoongi took a deep breath and explained," Taehyung, Is this scroll looks familiar To You????"

He asked as Taehyung slowly took the scroll in his hands and looked at it carefully as he found a intities of someone that he knew.....

" It's Grandmother's Scroll.... Her intities on the back of the scroll with her name's first letter.... What's in it????", Taehyung asked as he opened the scroll and a letter came out as he started to read the letter..... As Time went by, Taehyung's face paled.....


I didn't believe in my whole life, I have to write this letter To you.... It's a really shameful thing that I can't even imagine that I have to see..... As I care about Taehyung and now he is a king of this mighty kingdom, I wish his best..... I thought Having Hawoon beside him is the best Idea ... But how Wrong I was... She turned out to be a viper..... We raised a viper on our bloosom that bite down everyone in this Royal family...... Namjoon, Jungkook, So young, Miyeon she didn't spare anyone.... Now, She did a grave sin that I can never look back..... She slept with Jimin and had a child with him... The child Taehyung think is His.....

How can I tolerate this nonsense??? So, I decided to confront Hawoon and give her a time to confess it but I don't think she will.... So, This is my testimony if anything happens to me, Make Sure To let Taehyung know this ... Taehyung needs to learn this truth..... I believe my dear Hoseok will save his brother from the misery and Betrayal that he got from his love, Hawoon.....

- Your Lovely Grandmother, Ye Sun.


Taehyung put the Letter on the table as his whole hand is shaking...... He looked at Yoongi for further explanation as Yoongi replied," Hoseok Was Found Dead on His chamber!!!! It looks like natural death, But something is fishy.... So, I put some spies on his Palace to conduct a Secret Investigation and from there It was found..... "

He spitted lies in front of Taehyung as he didn't conduct any kind of secret investigation regarding Hoseok's death... He had Hoseok's letter.... When Yoongi got the news of Hoseok's death, it didn't took him that much time to understand it's Hawoon's plan...... He got rid of Hoseok using her own sister Harin who put her Son , Jung Hosu on the throne Of Gwangju Princely State..... And Hosu has cut off the ties with Yoongi as soon as he was declared As the Governing General Of Gwangju..... Well, He expected that..... So, Yoongi came up with another plan To destroy Hawoon..... And it's Queen Dowager's death..... And Yoongi knows how much Taehyung loves Queen Dowager.....

Yoongi: It was the last letter written by Queen Dowager because the next day She suddenly died.... And the things are mentioned in this regarding Hawoon, Don't you find it strange????

He tried to create a web of lies in front of Taehyung using Queen dowager as a excuse.... Obviously, he knows about the current situation of Hawoon's subordinates imprisonment.... As Taehyung has declared in front of everyone that Hawoon is Sick....... But Yoongi thinks it's a lie told by Taehyung.....

Taehyung: So, You are saying, Hawoon has something to do with Queen Dowager's Death?????

Taehyung asked as he looked at Yoongi with bewilderment as he doesn't believe in this .... But he definitely recognize this handwriting.... It's Queen Dowager's handwriting.... So, it's impossible that it's fake Letter... With the intities on the scroll, He has to believe that it's written by Queen Dowager......

Yoongi: Why she won't be??? Think Wisely, Taehyung..... Grandma never get to tell you the truth.... It looks like She knew Hawoon might do something to her as she got to know about Her Betrayal..... And You also know how much She loves you, Taehyung.... You are Grandmother's Pride..... She can't tolerate any kinds of injustice towards you......

Hearing those words, Taehyung is still contemplating about it.... Hawoon won't do that.... Hawoon didn't kill His grandmother for this reason, Right???? Hawoon know how much heartbroken he would be.... She didn't care about him at all.... All of those thoughts are lingering on Taehyung's mind.... The seed of suspection was engraved on Taehyung's mind by Yoongi......

Yoongi slowly went towards Taehyung as he put his hands on Taehyung's shoulder as Taehyung looked at him with distressed face.....

Yoongi: For Once, Think As Member of this Royal family.... We, Royal family, Always protect the person beside us who's loyal to us.... Hawoon's Betrayal is not A loyalty for you.... She killed Our grandmother..... A Member of a Royal family who holds the highest position among this Royal household..... It's a treason against Royal family..... She needed To Be Punished According To The Palace Laws..... You can't ignore this, Taehyung......

The masterstroke Yoongi played on Taehyung that will definitely gonna ruin everything whatever was slowly going right for Taehyung and Hawoon's relationship.....


In Busan

Jimin's POV

I looked at my son who's looking so drained after he got to know I took him here as I lied that Hawoon told me to take him here for the better environment for his health..... But he isn't happy when he heard that... Instead, He started crying and saying to me to take Hawoon too.... When I slowly asked him why I needed to take Hawoon with me what he told me the things that made my blood cold......

My Son has witnessed various barbaric Scenes of his mother getting locked up by Taehyung who he called as his father which hurt me a lot.....I want to tell him the truth but he is too young to understand it..... Taehyung treated Hawoon like a animal that should be caged.... Je-Ha told me about so many things how Taehyung would come inside that secret Chamber he mentioned to teach Hawoon a lesson for not listening to him.....

The more I heard about it, the more My blood boils in anger...... How can Taehyung do that??? Is this He called ' Love '?! This is how He expressed it????

Jimin: What A Coward!!!!! I should've taken Hawoon with me too.... I wonder what kind of situation She would be.... Taehyung won't handle this .. As I escaped, I am afraid He is going to vent out all of this anger on her.....Do anything To Save Her, Sunwoo!!!! You are the only person I Trust!!!!!

Sunwoo looked at Jimin who is worried about Hawoon..... The Most Trusted Person of Taehyung, His Right Hand Man happened to be the spy of Jimin.... It's indeed a shocking... It's him who helped Jimin to escape from the prison.... Sunwoo was under Jimin's Mother's assistance since his childhood..... It's Jimin's Mother who has put Sunwoo under Yoongi's guidance as He went to be Taehyung's Right Hand Man... And right now, He is king Kim Taehyung's Advisor.... Indeed the world is strange!!!!

Sunwoo: Sorry, My Prince... I don't think it would be easy.... Nobody in the palace knows where Queen Kim is.... Your Majesty has said She is Sick..... And Queen Kim's maids, servants, guards are all in prison....

Hearing those words Jimin feels restless... Then he also remembers how he behaved with her..... In the end, He also hurted her when she was already in hurt by Taehyung.....


In Jeju Island

Author's POV

The crying sound of a newborn baby echoed on the whole chamber as Jieun just give birth To a beautiful girl..... She was tired as she closed her eyes for a moment......

After sometime, Jieun slowly opened her eyes as she saw the midwife are wrapping her baby on clothing as she smiled and extended her hand and with a very little voice she asked," I want to hold my baby.... Give her to me!!!"

As The midwife was about to approach but suddenly the baby was taken away from midwife hands as Jieun saw and was about to get up but A rope was attached on her throat and started to strangling her as she tried to get out of that person's hold..... As she looked at the person who's strangling her left her eyes widened in shock..... It's none other than Yeonjun.... As he strangled her to death....

Jieun layed down on the bed lifeless as Yeonjun took the baby girl on his arms.....  Yeonjun went outside the chamber with a heavy Heart ... The Maids, Servants,  Guards are standing outside the door as He looked at them with grief and  said," Princess Jieun died while Giving Birth.... "

All of them immediately bowed down to him as they showed their deepest condolences only if they knew Jieun's own husband killed her..... The vengeance of Yeonjun finally fulfilled.... Now, He can rule on Jeju Island, His hometown where he was born and bought up ... Where he has no value but now he holds the greatest position using his daughter who has Royal blood.... He will be the reign Head till This baby girl became mature enough to rule......


In Black Ink chamber

Hawoon is shaking the cribs of the twins as she is trying to get them sleep..... She is glad that Taehyung let those twins to be with her ... They are too small to taken care of by nannies..... And she also got to know what happened with her subordinates who are on her side..... 

Just then the door of the chamber opened with a thud revealing Taehyung who went towards Hawoon and hold her hand and started to drag her out of the room as she looked so confused.......

Taehyung took Hawoon to the dark hallway as he pinned her on the wall and asked," What is this??!!!"

Taehyung showed that letter where Queen dowager's letter as Taehyung hold Hawoon's chin and made her look at him and with a deep voice he asked," Did you killed my grandmother???"

Hawoon looked at those mad eyes of Taehyung that are bearly holding his patience as Hawoon replied," I Did..... I killed Queen dowager..... She got to about my relationship with Jimin and about Je-Ha's real identity..... She was going to tell you..... But I can't afford that.... So, For saving Je-Ha and Jimin, I killed her....."

She confessed as Taehyung took few steps back hearing that.... He still wished that Hawoon will say she didn't do it ... But she gladly accepted what she did..... Tears are threatening to fall down from Taehyung's eyes as he gritted his teeth in extreme anger as he said," You know how much important she was to me .... Only person who genuinely loved and cared about me..... You .. you killed her?! "

Hawoon don't hold any kind of guilt by killing her as she exclaimed," For preventing that bigger problem, I had to do it ... I have no choice!!!!! "

Taehyung hold hawoon's shoulder as he said," The letter got in Yoongi Hyung hands..... If I don't take action against you, he might go to Royal Officers To seek justice...... You know killing a Royal family member is considered treason against Royal family.....You have to bear the punishment for it!!!!! "

Hawoon slowly get down on her knees making Taehyung widened his eyes as she said," I will accept whatever punishment You will give me..... I just Want You Not to harm Je-Ha and Jimin .... *Holding Taehyung's feet* Please!!! Please!!! Your Majesty, Have Some Mercy!!!!!"

Hearing those words from hawoon's mouth made Taehyung irked of Jimin.....  She is pleading to spare Jimin and his son to her Husband!!!! From that one thing, Taehyung realized that Hawoon do love Jimin.... There's no place left for him in Hawoon's heart ......

But he is selfish!!! He is Greedy for that love... And Moreover, Taehyung can't live without Hawoon......So, The only way to keeping her to him is to cage her in these four Walls.....

Taehyung: You are on House-arrest For the rest of your life, Queen Kim Hawoon for killing Queen Dowager and You are going to strip from all the Powers and responsibilities of Queen..... All of your Maids, servants, guards and the subordinates of you on your side will be executed in front of slave market..... Your Foundation will be closed.... The children will be with you only for a certain time and Your wages will be cut off... All the luxuries of your treasure will be seized by Head Treasurer..... You are Caged on these four Walls till death!!!!!

Tears fall down from hawoon's eyes hearing Taehyung declaration..... If that's her Fate, Being Caged on these four Walls till death, for the sake of her son's safety, She will accept it!!!!!!

On the other side, Taehyung saw Hawoon taking the hem of his clothing and kissed it accepting everything that Taehyung said...... In the end, Taehyung chose his selfishness over Hawoon's suffering!!!!









Phew~ sorry for being late!!!! Wifi connection is still bad!!!!! That's why it's so late!!! It took time to upload pics!!!!!!

Hope you will enjoy this chapter!!!!! In the end, Taehyung chose himself..... He chose his selfishness over Hawoon's misery!!!! He wants her to himself only...... The obsession is indeed very deep of Taehyung's that he doesn't care about Hawoon......

It's curtain call time!!!! I won't be updating!!! Tomorrow I will pack my baggage and spend some time with my family!!!! I will update whenever I will get time!!!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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