94: Deadly Designs With Concealed Truths

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5 Years Later

Author's POV

The sound of bird chirping can be heard from the outside as in this melancholy dark chamber where two  people are sleeping peacefully naked entangled with each other..... Thin blankets are barely covering their body as one of them slowly get up from his slumber and looked at the person who's sleeping next to him..... He admired that face in front of him that is only reason of his existence...... The only reason he is still alive bearing this huge responsibilities of this mighty kingdom that was given to him only because of her.....

" Hawoon, my Queen... I know you're awake... Won't you greet me like you do always???", Taehyung slowly whispered those words into hawoon's ear as she slowly looked at Taehyung who's eyes are looking at her with all the love but she can only see the monster disguised as Sweet person right now in front of her.....

Hawoon slowly get up holding the thin blanket covering her  whole body as she bend down on her knees, hold Taehyung's blanket that was covering his body and slowly lowered her eyes and said,"  Take..... take ... my.... G.. Greetings,  Your Majesty. "

Taehyung who listened hawoon's timid words suddenly his sweet loveable eyes turned icly cold in his deep husky voice he said," Take Off that blanket!!!!"

Hawoon looked at Taehyung when he said those words looking at Hawoon with  his dead eyes... She immediately put down that blanket making her completely naked in front of Taehyung..... And there you saw the brutality of Taehyung... Hawoon's throat, neck, shoulder and breasts  are filled with purplish red marks..... The monster of Taehyung that tortured her in this 5 years inside this closed black chamber.... The scars healed everytime and Taehyung will start to give another new one..... Mostly that would sexual and mental torture more physical..... Taehyung would never hit her but he can't just let her go just like that.... Only way Taehyung thought of keeping her with him is to bedded together most of the time....

Taehyung's eyes are satisfied seeing those marks on her body that was made by him.... It makes his beast satisfied and intact.... It makes Hawoon remember that to whom she actually belongs.... Hawoon closed her eyes as she doesn't want to shed tears on this... But everytime Taehyung will do that, he will make sure she saw all of her scars especially the scars and wounds given by Taehyung to remind her it's only his right to lay fingers on Hawoon's body.... Her body, soul everything belongs to Taehyung only... Only Taehyung....

Being completely satisfied by his artwork on Hawoon's body, Taehyung clapped twice making the door of this black Ink chamber to be opened as few Maids stepped inside the chamber and bowed down to king with respect..... Taehyung like as always ignored their presence and went inside the bathhouse to get a warm bath as the maids went towards Hawoon to tend her wounds and helped her to get ready for bath.... They're the New maids especially selected by king Taehyung himself and they only do their job inside this Black Ink chamber....  All of the previous maids of Hawoon was killed by Taehyung's Orders and in this five years so many things changed......

After treating her wounds, She was taken to the bathhouse where Taehyung is getting bath as Hawoon entered into the bathhouse... She slowly get into the pool as she saw Taehyung coming towards her making her take few steps back in fear..... Taehyung saw the fear in Hawoon's eyes as he scoffed went towards her hastily and hold both of her shoulder looking so angry at her and  said," Why are you scared of me?! WHY ARE YOU SCARED OF ME? YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT ME LIKE THIS?! WE LIVED TOGETHER FOR YEARS!!! WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME THE WAY YOU USED TO DO BEFORE???? WHY??? WHY????"

He was screaming at her looking at Hawoon with his bloodshot eyes as Hawoon is struggling to get out of his grip..... Just then Taehyung put her head into the water as after sometime he pulled back again making her gasp in air as Taehyung hold hawoon's throat and made her look at him and said," I love you, my Queen... I love you more than anyone else in this whole world.... And no one can love you like me... Not even Jimin...."

And with that Taehyung let go of her as he went out of the bathhouse leaving Hawoon alone with her misery..... Soon after the maids came inside the bathhouse as they tried to approach towards Hawoon but she moved her hand on the air stopping them at their own place.....

Tears wanted to spill out from her eyes but she is holding back.... She doesn't want to shed tears.... She doesn't want to this time.....

" I know how to end my pain and misery, Taehyung.... The thing you call love is now became poison for me ..... There's nothing Left between Us.... Nothing....", Hawoon said those words in her mind as she couldn't hold back her tears longer as the whole bathhouse was filled with her agonizing Screaming and crying......

The maids do feel pity for the Exiled Queen who once lived with full of glory but now living the life of a prisoner in the big celestial palace.....


In Busan

So many things changed in this past five years....The Princely state, Busan  that  was under Prince Jimin has separated themselves from the main capital, Seoul making The Royal family enemy..... The same things goes for Gwangju And Jeju Island that was ruled by Jung Hosu and The Regent  representative, Choi Yeonjun.....

  Jimin has declared himself as the king of Busan as he started to ruling this small state...... He cut off the trade With Seoul kingdom as the Busan lays near the sea it's easy for them to do trade with Others.... But obviously, it affected heavily for Seoul kingdom because Busan was like a lifeline for Seoul as most of the big ports was established in Busan and so many trades happens from there......

Inside the  Arm Shield Practice Field,  The clashes of swords are heard as one of the girl entered into field and found the Park Jimin's most cherished Son, Prince Park Je-Ha who's right now 14 years old doing sword training with his newly appointed right Hand Man....

12 years old girl admired Je-Ha's skill of sword training.... How confidently he fights, the way he moves and dodge the attack , the way he strike the sword on his opponent..... Her eyes widened with joy when she saw how Je-Ha defeated his opponent...... Finally, Je-Ha's eyes Landed on the girl who's none other than one of the Minister's Daughter, who was chosen to be his Royal consort..... Seeing Je-Ha's eyes on her, she immediately lowered down her gaze and bowed respectfully.......

" Take my Warm greetings, My Prince!!! You skill improved a lot, My Prince....", The little girl said as she finally looked at him with lovable gaze.... On the other side, Je-Ha sighed heavily seeing her.....

Je-Ha: what brings you here,  Lady Ri-on???

The harsh tone of Je-Ha made Ri-on's smile faltered a bit but she didn't mind it as she was used to Je-Ha's harshness on her and said,"  My Prince, You seems to forgot that Your Majesty has arranged a dinner for the further discussion of our wedding..... You Are needed to be there..... I know you are busy with the training... But I wish you would be there ..."

Hearing that Je-Ha looked at his right hand man who nodded as he was actually there to remind him about the meeting.... He dislike this idea of marriage..... But he had no choice...  This girl in front of him is the most biggest powerful household only Daughter in Busan.... And he needs Power..... And only because of that Je-Ha himself proposed this Idea to his father.... Yes, He get to know about the real identity about his birth and about his father..... Kim Taehyung wasn't his real father... Park Jimin is.... And that's the reason he never felt any sort of fatherly affection from Taehyung no matter how much he showered him with love...... And he was always close to Jimin...... And he has noticed some similarities in habits with Jimin that further confirmed him more.....

He doesn't want her near him but whenever he tries to push Ri-on away, Je-Ha was got reminded by his Mother's advice: Never Hurt Any Woman's feelings... 

Je-Ha was well taught by Hawoon who teach him how to respect women and they're not slave for your needs... They are your companion... That's the reason why Je-Ha directly asked for marriage other than taking Ri-on as his concubine.... Je-Ha respect his mother and adore her.... And that's the reason he left his passion for painting and decided to be powerful...... He chose to be strong so that he can save his mother from King's grasp.....  That's the only goal of Je-Ha's life.... And for that he will go to any length.....


In Seoul Royal Palace

The sound of moaning can be heard on the big chamber as the girl is gasping in air after having the most rough sex with the crown prince.....

The girl slowly pulled thin blanket covering her body as she looked at the prince who just got up from the bed as she curiously asked," My Prince, Where are you going???"

Crown Prince, Hanseong didn't even look at the girl to whom he spent his night as he went towards a cabinet and pulled out a small pouch of Gold Coins and throw at her.....

" Your job is done.... You can go now....", Hanseong coldly stated those words as he was about to go to bathhouse but got halted when he heard from the girl who's one of his Mother's maid who take care of his mother.....

" My Prince, I have been with you for a long time... Why don't you accept me as your concubine??? I want to be with you.... I want to be near you... I even helped you to know about your mother's condition and took care of her... Please accept me as your concubine....", That girl pleaded to Hanseong but hearing that Hanseong was pissed off.... And he immediately went towards the girl and hold her throat tightly as the girl's eyes widened in fear....

Hanseong: You are a Maid, Woman!!!! A MAID!!!! You aren't a slave picked up from slave market!!! Do you really think you will be accepted as my concubine!?! A Crown Prince concubine?!

And with that Hanseong Left her throat as she started coughing as tears rolled down from her eyes.... Hanseong took a fistful of her hair and hold it tightly to make her look at him as he said," You should be glad that you're not caught by His Majesty.... If he gets to know that You are going to be hunged up on the open market for Betraying Royal family.... So, Do as I say, take care of my mother and give me information about how she is doing and how she is... The thing you are very good at!!!!!"

And with that Hanseong Left from there leaving that girl in her own misery...

Taehyung has lied everyone that The Queen got sick and it's contagious and that's why she was away from public appearance and it's like that since five years.... He never got to near his mother no matter how much Hanseong begged to Taehyung.... Taehyung never allowed him, Taemin, Taeho and Taeyeong to meet Hawoon.... Only Seokjin and Juhee got to meet Hawoon because they're too little not to have their mother's affection.....

And on the other side, the maid lied too .. because Hawoon wasn't sick , she was on house arrest by king and that maid was afraid to lose her head so she lied to Hanseong that she was sick and taking care of Queen... On the contrary, That Maid helps Hawoon to heal her wounds given by Taehyung.....

On the other side, Taehyung has just returned from his Royal court as he went to his chamber unlike he used to go to Black Ink chamber to see his Queen....As soon as, he entered into his chamber he found someone waiting for him.....

" Your Majesty, Take my Sincere Greetings!!!!", That girl in her twenties said as she lowered her gaze not looking at Taehyung.... Taehyung rolled his eyes seeing her as he least cared about her being here....

Taehyung started to take off his clothing as the girl immediately came to help him but Taehyung didn't even let her touch him and glared at her and Stated," Na-Young, You can't entered into my chamber like that.... Just because you are my concubine that doesn't mean you can enter.... Only .My .Queen .Has .That .Right!!!!"

Na-Young looked at Taehyung with a hurtful expression as she tried to get near Taehyung which made Taehyung angry seeing her persistence which resulted Taehyung pushing Na-Young as she fall down on the floor while she got bumped by the cabinet making the vase fall down on the floor making a small cut on her hand.... Na-Young hissed in pain as blood was oozing out from her hand.....

Seeing that Taehyung slowly bend down on her level and took a piece of glass on his hand and pulled it near Na-Young's Neck making her eyes widened.....

Taehyung: Don't test my limits, You wench!!!! You Are my concubine not by my choice!!! I never touched you and ever I will ...So, better do your act properly as a Head Of The Harem in the absence of Queen.... If you get on my head, You know I can get rid of you and have someone else at your place... It won't be that hard for me!!!!

And with that Taehyung throw away that glass and went out of there as Na-Young looked at Taehyung's disappearing figure.....

Na-Young scoffed at her fate!!! The fate of her being sold off to the royal family as a sex slave to become a Head of The Harem. She is just a substitute of a Queen...  But She can never be the replacement of Hawoon.... Because she can see how much Mad king Taehyung is for his Queen.... But Alas! Queen Hawoon ever realized that!!!! From Na-Young's perspective, Hawoon is a Villain of Royal family....What Na-Young thought was love wasn't a love for Hawoon....

" I Wish, Queen never realized His Majesty's Love!!! She doesn't deserve it!!!! ", Na-Young said those words on her mind as she never realized that unknowingly She fall for king Taehyung....



Yoongi looked at the person in front of him as he got some documents regarding the palace that no one knows...... And with that documents there's so many things he found out that he never imagined he would.....

In the absence of Hawoon in the Harem has indeed was favorable for yoongi as he was able to put so many spies on there on the royal palace who are only devoted to him ... He has already weakened Hawoon's influence but still he couldn't get rid of her..... Taehyung has protected her from everything..... But How long Taehyung can....

Finally, Yoongi found a best opportunity to get rid of Hawoon once for all..... Yoongi took out a small bottle of poison and give it to the person next to him .....

Yoongi: You know What you have to do??? It's Irish Black!!! A Deadly poison but extremely lethal..... One drop was enough to kill you... Consuming it , first she will have trouble in breathing, then slowly a little chest pain, then slowly her body will be numb and blood will come out from her mouth as she will take her last breath.... The most painful death ever ... She should be dead by the next Spring Festival!!!!

That man nodded as he left from there leaving yoongi alone with the documents that has Proof about Prince Jimin's Mother getting married to Late king Kim Hwang Won which meant Taehyung wasn't the only owner of the throne.... Jimin has the right too.... And So that Jimin's Son, The one he cherished a lot, Park Je-Ha.... And Yoongi had a feeling Hawoon knew about this too .. that's why She had a affair with Jimin.... And Jimin didn't know... If Jimin gets to know, there will be another War like His late Father and His late Uncle.....

The Another War For The Throne!!!!

A Great War For The Succession!!!!!

War Between Two Brothers!!!!!

War Not For Only Throne But For Hawoon!!!!








F**k!!! It's been a long time!!!! I missed you all!!! After one month, I updated!!!!! O god, I missed you all!!! I missed this platform!!!!!

Sorry for being late 😞😞😞

Hope you will forgive me!!!!!!

And another time leap!!!! Five years!!!! The difference between Hanseong and Je-Ha was visible isn't it??? Hawoon's suffering might you find she deserves it but her not being in power wasn't a good thing for the woman in her time!!! In next chapters, you will see it!!!!!

Hope you liked it!!! And about the hybe drama with min hee Jin, I just want to say, F*CK You Min Her Jin!!! For doing Shamanic on BTS and doing debut new jeans on BTS hardworking money but still had no shame!!!! And also mad at hybe for using BTS as a shield!!!!!

I want better for my 7 princes!!!!!They deserved better!!!!

VOTE GOAL: 90 votes and 29 comments!!!!

Please 🙏 quickly vote if you want update!!! I am little free right now!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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