95: The Weight Of Secrets

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[ Warning : ⚠️ Suicidal Thoughts and Violence Ahead ⚠️]


In Busan Royal Palace

Author's POV

Near The Deep Blue Ocean on the south side and mountains and hills on the west side, The Royal State Busan is living independently with their own dignity because of Park Jimin.... The Fifth Son of Late king Kim Hwang Won has established his own territory..... But everything comes with a price..... The same thing happened with Jimin...... Inside the marvelous chamber for King, The gloominess inside his chamber says another story......

Jars of Alcohol was spread around the whole chamber as The king of Busan kingdom is sitting in front of a A very old painting looking at it with his dazzling eyes as if he's worshipping this painting......

It's none other than The very infamous painting of Hawoon  that was Once made by king Kim Taehyung on her younger age was  stolen from the Royal Palace of Seoul but it got into the hands of Jimin.....

In this five years, This painting is the only reason of Jimin's survival..... The only reason he conquered Busan as His and Became the King.... To save her from his own step brother...... But Alas!!! He couldn't!!! He tried but stopped because of one letter!!!!

Slowly Jimin looked at the letter in his hands.... The very last letter of Hawoon for him.... To stop him from trying to get her..... The last words of her was take care of their little Je-Ha and forget about her for the sake of their son's safety......


My Dear Prince Jimin,

It's been a very long time since I have written any letter to you.... But I never thought this might be the very last letter that I will write..... Jimin, let go of me!!!! Forgot that I ever existed on your life..... There's so many secrets that I have hidden from you and so many sins I did that I will never able to forgive myself.... In my greed, I dragged you in this pit of hole.... But I don't regret loving you and giving birth to our Son.... So, please I beg you, stop trying to get inside Seoul.... Not for me, But for our Son's sake, Stop looking for me!!! I won't be ever able to get out of here ..... Only way I can free  from this is Death..... And I know it won't come soon..... I really wish to see you and Je-Ha on my last moments... But I know it won't be possible.....

Always remember Jimin~ ah, I love you.... Protect Je-Ha with your life and never leave him alone.....

-Your Love, Park Hawoon


The guilt eats Jimin up to this day that he willingly accepted his defeat..... He didn't try .... Because of the promise Hawoon did to him..... Hawoon, His Angel sacrificed everything to save Jimin and Je-Ha..... Because after the Betrayal with the King isn't something Taehyung will let go ..... Taehyung didn't escalated A war with because of Hawoon...... Because Hawoon decided to stay up with him for the sake of his and their son Je-Ha......

Jimin slowly took another sip of alcohol as it hurted his throat but still he consume it just to forgot his grief for Hawoon......

" I became everything just so I can have you beside me!!! What's the point of all this when you're not beside me?? I miss you, My love..... Why it's so painful without you??? Please Come back To me!!!!!! End my suffering, Hawoon.... It's so hard to live without you......", Jimin said those words with a look of hurt on his face while his slender fingers slowly touch the painting of Hawoon......

Jimin was so immersed into his delusional thoughts that he didn't even realize someone has entered into his chamber and it's none other than Nari, Jimin's Once Favorite and Most favoured concubine who still hold The Royal Consort Rank but because of Jimin's  heavy influence on Je-Ha seems to dint on her rank..... Nari has given birth on Jimin's 3 children.... 1 Boy and 2 girls... Jimin has so many children from his other concubines but none of them are as strong as Nari... But still Nari was powerless against Je-Ha who's most favored by Jimin which was supposed to be her son, Park Jaemin.....

" Your Majesty, It's time for your medicine....", Nari spoke with a hollow voice but Jimin didn't even glance at her and said," Get Out Of My Chamber!!!!"

Nari started to take few steps towards Jimin but before she could even reach near him, Jimin throw The alcohol Jar in front of Nari as it was broken into pieces......

Jimin: Why don't you leave Me alone?! Why don't you go away just like other concubines did?! I give you a handful properties and Money so that you can live the rest of the life happily, everyone accepted but why didn't you?? Why?! WHY?!

Jimin's screams of agony was echoed on the whole chamber.... Nari slowly went towards Jimin crossing those broken jar pieces on the floor as her feet got injured but she didn't care....

Nari: Because I love you, Your Majesty!!!! I love you so much that it hurts me to leave you alone.... I am yearning for your love... I waited for you to return on my embrace.... But you never did..  you never loved me.... I can't leave you, Jimin~shi..... Because my love binds me in here with you.....

The darkness of sky witnessed another True love but it's one-sided..... It can't be fulfilled like others because fate always has different plans......


In Black Ink chamber

Hawoon's POV

It's been days after that incident with Taehyung on the bathhouse and after that Taehyung didn't came to me to which I am little glad..... I was getting ready by my Maids as my eyes landed on a very particular maid who's fixing my hair.....

After helping me, all the maids are about to go out, but I stopped that one maid and made her stay as the went away... As soon as I heard the Door of my chamber being shut, I looked at the maid who's eyes are lowered down on the floor.....

I slowly went towards her as I can feel she is nervous as I can see her fingers are trembling..... I hold her chin and made her look at me as I found a unknown fear on her eyes.....

Hawoon: So, You are the Maid who give information about me to my Son???

Hearing hawoon's words, The maid's eyes widened in shock as she immediately kneeled down and asking for mercy...... On the contrary, Hawoon can see how afraid and desperate she is.....

Hawoon's icy  blue eyes bored into that maid's soul as this time she sternly looked at her and said," Don't be afraid... Since you've been passing out information about me which is highly forbidden and if king gets to know about you, it will endanger both you and my Hanseong~ie.... To which I never wished for....."

And with that Hawoon bend down on her level and caressed maid's beautiful black hair and asked," What's your name?? And what are you to my son that you are willing to put your danger??"

Hearing such a sweet velvet voice of Hawoon startles that maid... As the Maid expected to be punished for her misconduct....

" S-s- Sarang, Your highness.... I...I  am just...a... Maid who is deeply in love with My Prince... And for him, I am willing to put my whole life danger... Even if he is the one who hurts me the most, I am willing to stay by his side forever!!!", Sarang, the Maid said those honey like words that was so good enough to melt hawoon's heart.... Hawoon can see the sincerity on Sarang's eyes.... Such a gem who is only devoted to Her son, obviously would be the most suitable one for Crown Prince Hanseong.....

Hawoon: Sarang... The meaning of this name is love... Just like your name it's meant to spread love but I am afraid my son who follows his father's path, won't be easy to win over....So, my first advice to you, No matter what happens, Don't leave my son's side and embrace his darkness..... Only then, you will be able to hold him....

Hearing such a wonderful words from Hawoon, Sarang was glad... She took the hem of Hawoon dress and kissed on it to show her gratitude and loyalty towards her.... But now, Hawoon won't feel superior by this!!!

Sarang: thank you so much, Your highness.... I will always follow your path without any hesitation.....

Hawoon smiled looking at the innocent maid who's just madly and deeply in love with Hanseong....

Hawoon: But there's something else I want you to do, Tell my Hanseong~ie that I want to meet him.... And convey this message as soon as possible to him.... And God Bless you.

The little maid is  so happy to hear Queen's words but hawoon's mind foggs with a uncertain question.... Which she only hopes, just like she tried to embrace Taehyung's darkness but in the end of the day, the darkness swallowed her, she wish not to be the same with Sarang.....


In Taehyung's Chamber

Author's POV

Inside Taehyung's chamber, Taehyung eyes are dangerously boring glares to the boy in front of him who's hold by five soldiers......

'T SEND ME AWAY!!! PLEASE FATHER!!! I BEG YOU!!! PLEASE LET ME STAY IN THE PALACE!!!!", 15 years old, Kim Taemin, The Second Son of Kim Taehyung by another Late Concubine, Miyeon is trying to get out of soldier's grips..... In this five years, Taemin was sent far away from the palace once Hawoon was locked on the Black Ink chamber, No one was there to save Taemin from his father's vicious plans....

Taemin was always a eyesore for Taehyung... Taehyung just dislikes him because he is not from hawoon's womb.... Taehyung slammed his fist on the table in front of table as he said," You don't deserve to be here!!! So, Go back to Hanyang nicely or I know how to throw you away!!!! "

Hearing Those cruel Words from Taehyung it indeed broke Taemin's heart as he immediately on his knees to beg mercy....

Taemin: please have some mercy, Your Majesty!!! I beg to you please Don't send me away!!! I don't want to go!!! I will be a very good son to you.... I don't wish to be a candidate for the throne, You can give it to Hanseong Hyung... Just please don't send me away!!!!

But Taehyung is stubborn on his decision... He didn't want him in front of his eyes... It bothers him... It reminds him of his biggest mistake, that leads to the current situation with his Queen....

Taehyung signalled the soldiers to take him away as the soldiers are dragging Taemin away but Taehyung stopped on his tracks hearing Taemin's loud voice....

Taemin: Let Me See My Mother For Once!!! Let Me Meet Queen!!!!!!

The desperate voice Of Taemin ringed on Taehyung's ears as he stopped the soldiers who are taking Taemin away.... Taemin's hope rise up a bit maybe his father considered his words for once.....

Taemin wasn't disobedient like this!!! He became like that after Taehyung started to torment him like this!!! It's not the first time, Taemin was sent to Hanyang... He run away from there three times.... It's his fourth attempt to run away but this time, he was caught by his father's soldiers..... Hanyang is like a nightmare to him... The palace where Royal Princes like him or who was once prince but their father was beheaded on killed would be sent there for the rest of the life..... Taemin was never on this things... But His father still send him there ... Only because His mother isn't Queen Hawoon....

Taehyung went towards his son as he caressed Taemin's Hair and looked into Taemin's eyes with such a Hostility that it crept Taemin....

Taehyung: You Should be glad, I still didn't kill you .... You don't have the right to meet MY Queen!!!! She is not your mother!!!! And she will never be!!!!! Don't have this kind of desire and never ever dare to utter her name from your mouth or I might sew your lips.....

And with that, Taehyung turned around as soldiers are dragging Taemin away but Taemin doesn't want to leave.... Suddenly Taemin broke out from soldiers grip as he looked at the balcony and just ran and jumped off from the balcony killed himself.....

It happened so fast that Taehyung didn't even thought about it..... Taehyung looked at Taemin who's eyes are open as the blood scattered all around the whole ground..... It's a really tragic death of a prince that Kim Dynasty ever witnessed!!!!!


[ T   i   m   e        S    k    i    p  ]

It's been three days after the burial of prince Taemin. The whole palace is mourning but inside the Black Ink chamber, The environment is too suffocating..... All the things inside the chamber is broken as Hawoon throw a vase at Taehyung which he skillfully dodged it.....

Hawoon: HE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!  you tormented my boy!!! Why Taehyung why??? He is your blood!!! Why  are you so harsh on him ... Too harsh on him that he thought killing himself is more peaceful than living...

She sat down on the floor crying her heart at the loss of her son to whom she didn't even give birth.... But she is the one who raised Taemin as her own child, giving him The name of her dead child, feeding him to everything.... Taemin is hawoon's Son no matter what.....

Taehyung slowly took some calculative steps towards Hawoon as he tried to hold her but she yanked away his hands and glared at him and said," I HATE YOU, KIM TAEHYUNG!!! I HATE-

before Hawoon could finish, Taehyung hold hawoon's fistful of hair making her scream in pain as he angrily looked at Hawoon teary eyes and said," Dare To say that again, Kim Hawoon, I will kill each of our child and trust me you won't like it how I will Kill them!!!!  I don't care about our children... Only thing I need is you... And Hanseong.... "

Hawoon's eyes widened with fear hearing Taehyung's horrified words..... Soon her crying turned into sobbing as she looked so defeated and said," You need me because of your obsession and you need Hanseong~ie because he is your  future successor.... The Replica of you.... You didn't even let me near him because you're afraid that I might mislead him from being what you want him to be...."

Suddenly Hawoon started to feel dizzy as everything around him started to spinning as she fall unconscious on Taehyung's arms.....


Taehyung is looking at unconscious figure of Hawoon as physician are checking on her.... He looked at the physician who bowed down to him respectfully and said,"  Congratulations!!!!!Your Majesty, Queen is Pregnant!!! The dynasty is thriving again with a heir!!!!!! "

Taehyung immediately kissed hawoon's forehead as he is so happy hearing that news.... For this he has been waiting for!!!! Taehyung caressed hawoon's delicate silver color hair as he indicated his Erunch to give physician rewards....... He recalled that time when Hawoon said to him she can't get pregnant... But after torturing Hawoon's handmaiden, Sye-hyun before the execution he got to learn some secrets that he won't be think of.... Hawoon was drinking contraceptive drink to make sure she doesn't get pregnant with Taehyung's child.... But Taehyung was smart enough to change the drink as for one year she has been drinking a different drink .......

Taehyung slowly put his hands on Hawoon's belly as he said," You will fix everything between us... You Are a blessing, my child.... I promise, I won't hurt your mother anymore....."

Taehyung looked at Erunch Shin who is  lowering down his gaze as Taehyung ordered," contribute Drinks and sweets all over the palace and declare the news of Queen being pregnant and the most important thing, She shouldn't know about her pregnancy.... I will be the one who will tell her about this Happy news...."

Taehyung didn't want her to know because he is afraid if Hawoon tried to run away from him or tried to harm himself and the child on her womb.... But only if he knew not telling her about this, Taehyung did a very grave mistake of his life.....

On the other side, in Harem, The sweets and drinks are being served to the Harem girls as Na-Young entered into the Harem and saw the celebration which she isn't aware of.....

She asked one of the girls in Harem," what's happening??? Why they're are serving sweets and drinks????"

Before the girl could answer someone else answered making Na-Young irritated... Na-Young turned around and looked at the girl same age as her, King Kim Taehyung's another concubine obviously not by his choice , Kaya....

Kaya: looks like the Head of Harem isn't aware of her doom yet!!!!

Na-Young scoffed and went towards her as Kaya didn't back away as she looked straight on Na-Young's eyes and said," Our beloved Queen is pregnant .. Looks like you will remain virgin no matter how much you try to seduce King... In the end of the day, Your Majesty belongs to his  one and only love, Queen Hawoon..... "

Hearing the news of Queen getting pregnant, it felt like something shattered inside Na-Young's heart...... She tried to seduce King Taehyung but he always rejected her or throw her away from the chamber......

Kaya, The concubine of King Kim Taehyung didn't stop here mocking Na-Young as she uttered," You know Not everyone is Queen Hawoon... Accept your defeat Na-Young. You can never have the place in King's heart..... "

Na-Young couldn't control herself anymore as she slapped Kaya making her fall down on the floor..... Kaya put her hand on her slapping cheek as she looked at Na-Young with extreme anger.....

Na-Young: Who The Hell Are You To talk To Me like this!!!!! You Are just a ordinary concubine who would just be happy to see king from far away, But I am always near Your Majesty!!! He just made you his concubine because he pity you.... Did he ever summoned you?! No!! He didn't... He did that to me countless times.... So, who knows what might happen inside the chamber???


Few Days Later

The kingdom has passed away from their time of  grieving  for prince Taemin's death.... As Hawoon refused to meet with Taehyung after that..... Right now, She is singing lullaby to her twins as they soon fall asleep......

The door of her chamber opened reavealing A Maid who came inside with a cup of drink on the tray..... She went towards Hawoon as she looked at the maid who's isn't the one who usually come to her give medicine..... But Hawoon didn't think much as she took the glass in her hands and was about to drink it but suddenly hawoon's eyes went on the glass that was turned from gold to ash making her eyes widened as she immediately throw the cup away......  The gold losing its color meant the drink was poisoned......

The maid immediately tried to run away as she was exposed but Hawoon hold her hair and kicked on her legs to make her fall down as Hawoon put her leg on that maid's throat who's trying to get away from hawoon's grip....

Hawoon: who sent you???? Tell me Girl, WHO SENT YOU HERE TO KILL ME?!

she asked as she put more pressure on that maid's throat as the girl said something that made hawoon's eyes widened....

" Yo..You..Your....Maj..... Majesty has....has... ordered...your .... execution!!!!", The maid lied just as she was instructed by Prince Yoongi who's mastermind behind this......

Hawoon froze hearing those words as she looked at the maid disbelief thinking the maid is lying as she immediately hold that maid's throat and asked again," Who sent you?! Taehyung?! No!!! No!! He won't!!! You Are lying!!!! "

That maid however pushed Hawoon and hovered over her tried to choke Hawoon as she uttered lies after lies..... " Your Majesty is preparing for war against Busan kingdom to annihilate king of Busan and he wants to kill you because you're posing a great danger for him...."

As the maid tried to strangle Hawoon to death as Hawoon was about barely breathing trying to find something as she didn't know what she found on her hand and with that Hawoon strike on that maid's head as the maid fall down on the floor dead .....

Hawoon slowly get up looked at her surroundings.. She saw how her kids are sleeping peacefully when their father tried to kill her..... Taehyung lied... Taehyung promised if I stayed with him till eternity he won't hurt Jimin and Je-Ha.... But he broke that promise.... So, his obsession towards me finally ended??? She won't be surprised now because she knew about Taehyung taking concubines to his chamber... The one Hawoon herself chosen for him.....

She feel pity for herself!!! This five years Hawoon endured everything.... She stayed with Taehyung when Jimin tried countless times to save her.... She rejected Jimin's help because she knew it will escalate to a War.... Taehyung didn't even thought about it for a moment.....

Hawoon looked at herself in the mirror.... She is in her mid forties but the sparkle of her age is slowly fading.... Hawoon gently touched her face....

Hawoon: So, I am slowly getting ugly... That's why he doesn't come to me anymore.... He started to sleep with other girls just like others ... He always has broken the promises.... He said he loves me!! What kind of love it is when you are trying to kill your lover?! You Are a liar Kim Taehyung!!! You Are a liar....

She wiped off her tears as she slowly looked at the balcony.....

On the other side, Crown Prince Hanseong has just returned from his voyage as soon as he entered into the palace, the maid Sarang approached to him as he was about to ignore that maid but that maid said something to made him stop on his tracks....

Sarang: Queen wants to meet you, My prince!!!!!

Hearing that, Hanseong immediately went towards her and hold both of her shoulder and asked," what did you say???"

Sarang smiled slightly as she answered," Queen wants to meet you.... She wants to see you... But you're not here so I couldn't convey the mess-

Sarang couldn't complete her whole sentences as Hanseong run towards the black Ink chamber.... His mother for the first time has asked about him.... She wants to meet him.... It's the most happiest thing for him.....

As he entered into the Area, The maid's tried to stop him as he isn't allowed but Hanseong didn't listen to any of this.... For the first time, Hanseong disobyed his father's Orders and went inside the Black Ink chamber....

As soon as he opened the door of the chamber, it revealed something that he didn't expected to see.... A maid is laying down on the floor dead as  the chamber was messed up completely.....

Hanseong panicked thinking something bad has happened to his mother.....

" Mother!!! Mother!!!!", Hearing the screaming twins wake up from their slumber as they saw the mess around them ... Suddenly Hanseong eyes went on the balcony as he slowly went towards there as he just found a veil on the railing.... His hands are shaking as he slowly looked at the down as tears rolled down from Hanseong's eyes seeing the most horrific scene.....

Here is one of the most powerful Woman of this Kim Dynasty, Who did so many prosperous things for the women of her dynasty has killed herself by jumping off from the balcony......

The blood scattered everywhere on the concrete floor as The mighty Queen, The Tale of King Taehyung and Queen Hawoon was spoken all around the Great Korea died..... It's not a peaceful death, it's a death of a agony.... She wants to free from this worldly shackles but she didn't know that she didn't just kill herself she killed her unborn child with her too ....

The death of Hawoon will change The direction of the history.... A War that wasn't supposed to happen now will happen...








finally!!! I am back!!! Phew~ it's so hard to be here!!! I saw so many people looking out for me!!! Thank you for doing that!!!! I came back to my hometown for summer vacation and Eid vacation!!!! I am here till 20 June!!! Will try my best to update!!!!

I want to finish this book by 20 June and also CARA MIA!!!!

So, it's the end of Hawoon... It's tragic!!!! Taking your own life is sin!!!! But more tragic is she killed a innocent infant with her ......

You think it's over, it's not!!!! Taehyung's madness is still left to see......

VOTE GOAL: 99 votes and 40 comments!!!!

Fill it up quickly because I have enough time to write another new chapter!!!!!

And Jin is coming back!!!! 😍😍😍😍 It's being colorful again!!! I can't wait!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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