September 27, 2019. Atlantis. Throne Queen's Ready Room.

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I was standing by the door leading to the throne room. I had been the Queens Personal Guard for close to four years now. And the person I had been watching over in that time was someone who I would ocassionally look at like an older sister. Mera. But the funny thing is, is that our relationship adoptive or not. Didn't start like most did. I think it would be best if I backtracked a few years. Like when I left my surface life behind and embraced my new home of Atlantis and the sea.

August 10, 2005.
I had been on my own for close to a couple years, I was truly alone. My mother gone, father died a year before her. I had been roaming arond the country as a vagrant worker. I soon found myself on the ship MEG which was a leisure Craft heading to the Bahamas and we had just been caught in a very bad squall. When we crashed into a small isle of rocks and bust apart did the ship go down with all hands and the three passengers, everyone. Except, ME. I was lost at sea for close to four days and was close to giving up hope when a tall man with graying red hair surfaced and was about to kill me on the piece of wreckage I was on. But something stopped him. He told me after I was back to full health, that I had this look that told him that I wasn't afraid to die. I had to initially wear a breather in order to breathe underwater. It wasn't too long after I was taken in by King Ryus. He even had me train with the best commando's and soldiers in all of Atlantis. I met Mera officially at a special graduation ceremony Arthur had set up to congratulate me on quickly learning all the styles and ways of Atlantis. But also for becoming extremely proficient if not dangerous with all weapons used by soldiers, commando's and royalty. Mera gave me a specially made trident forged from the toughest Atlantean steel and Titanium that was salvaged from ship wrecks all over the kingdoms. I was happy to become part of the Atlantean people. But there were a few who didn't like it. Prince Orm comes to mind. He had a major problem with me being accepted by the Atlantean people. So as an impromptu screw you to Orm. Mera and Arthur did the one thing I didn't expect. They gave me the highest honor I believe I could get. They made me the Queens Personal Guard.
Orm was very pissed, but was silenced by that decision none the less. And the last thing I wanted to do was ruin or fail at being Queen Mera's Personal Guard one way or the other. And a month after I became Queen Mera's Personal Guard. That a nanite was developed that changed my genetic makeup enough for me to breathe not only on land but also in the sea. And for two years after that. Mera came under death threats from Black Manta. After the initial threat, former Queen Atlanna gave me the order to stay by Mera's side until Black Manta was caught. And so far it's been going pretty well. I try and keep my distance unless she needs an ear or a shoulder to cry on. Then I'm back to being her confidant and consigliere. It got real interesting when me and Mera would playfully wink at each other, toss flirting glances at each other or even a simple smile. But I would always remember my duty as her personal guard.

Present Day...
Mera and Arthur were going to make a very special announcement.
"Daniel." Mera said.
"Yes, Mera."
"Would you come here for a second."
"Sure." I walked up to her and she had this look of confusion and sadness on her face. "What's wrong Mera?" I asked.
"I'm just worried about you and the fact that you hadn't had one date since  you got here." I smiled and chuckled.
"Mera. Your like an older sister to me. But sometimes you try and use my personal life to hide what your really worried about." She gave me an accusatory look that would make Arthur buckle but it had no effect on me courtesy of the fact we were like siblings.
"That's not fair." She fake whined.
"Don't whine glasses." I said making her laugh. "So what's really going on?"
"Well, as you may know me and Arthur have been trying to have a child of our own and this would make the third attempt." I nodded. "Well, me and Arthur do hope this one succeeds." I smiled as I knelt in front of her.
"Mera. I want you to listen to your little 'Brother'." She smiled. "Some couples on the surface who try and start a family don't always get it on the first few tries. They sometimes try five to six times or look into adoption or other means. And by no means. Am I telling you what to do. I just think that you and Arthur will succeed eventually. Like you I hope that this time actually takes. But if it doesn't. I don't think Arthur or the people of Atlantis will blame you or call you cursed because of it." She smiled weakly. "Now. Regardless as to what others think including, Arthur. You'll always have me."
"Yeah. My little 'brother'." She grinned. I nodded. Then Vulko came in.
"Excuse me, it's time for the Queen to come in."
"Be right there Vulko." Mera said. She stood up as did I and we made our way out of the Queens ready room and to the throne room. Vulko stopped me at the door.
"I'm glad that your being there for the Queen. But you musn't forget your duties as her personal guard."
"The one thing I'll never forget is my duties as her personal guard. But when she needs an ear or shoulder. I'll be her 'brother' first. Nothing else." I told Vulko.
"King Ryus always knew you were special. I didn't see how until now. He chose well when it came to bringing a surfaceman to live amongst us. And you may not be related to Mera. But whenever she's hurting or worried. Your always there for her like a little brother ready to make her happy with a kind word or a joke or just listening to what's bothering her. And even though Arthur may not like me saying it. But your here for her more than he is."
"That's what a brother or friend is supposed to do." I smiled.
"Good point." He gestured for me to catch up with Mera and I did.

The entire kindom of Atlantis showed up for this special announcement to be made by King Arthur and Queen Mera. Once the grand throne room came to order or silence. Arthur stood up and started, "I'd like to thank you all for coming for this special announcement." Mera gave a fleeting glance at me and I kept my eyes forward and just scanned the crowd with my eyes making sure no one looked like they were going to try anything. "Well, I'll just get right to it. Myself and the Queen are happy to announce that we are expecting a child." Arthur smiled. Mera did also. But I kept a straight face and continued to look all over the room. After the announcement was made, everyone celebrated. While I kept my distance from Mera. Far enough where there would be no reason for rumor or scandal. But close enough where I was still adhering to Former Queen Atlanna's orders.

It wasn't until after the announcement was made that King Ryus. Mera's father and my adoptive father as it were approached me. "Hey, kid."
"Your majesty." I bowed my head.
"Hey, just because I'm still a king doesn't mean that you have to address me as such." He laughed. "Your doing a good job protecting Mera."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"Oh my goodness not you too."
"Mera's been on your case about getting some sleep too, eh?" I nodded.
"I don't want to sleep really. Because I have this feeling that if I do."
"Your afraid that something bad will happen to Mera." I nodded. He chuckled a bit. "Sometimes I wonder who acts like the older sibling." He laughed. "I mean. When you met Mera she took to you as a brother like a fish to, well, water. Then at times when she would be hurt or sad even before you became her personal guard. You would be there like an older brother protecting his sister." I grinned at his compliment. "It's almost as if you'd trade off on being the older sibling to each other. It's rather adorable."
"Well, be that as it may. She's the Queen. And I'm her personal guard. And the reason I'm the only one. Is simple. Arthur, Atlanna, or Mera herself don't trust anyone else. So I'm alone in this prestigious post."
Then Mera came up to us. "Dad. Can I borrow Daniel for a couple moments?"
"Sure. I was about to go and talk to Arthur anyway. Good to see you two. And congratulations on the announcement Mera."
"Thank you dad." Mera smiled. Then after King Ryus left us alone.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Well, I want you to try and get some sleep tonight. Okay?" I knew better than to argue with Mera. I nodded. "Ah, I want to hear you promise Daniel."
"I promise that I'll try and get some sleep tonight."
"Okay. I even arranged Vulko to take over your post for tonight so you can get some sleep. Because I asked around and all the guards have told me that you haven't slept for close to four days. So I want you at your best. And the only way to do that is for you to get your sleep. So please. Don't try and weasel out of it this time. In fact I'm very sure that you will have a very hard time trying to do that with Vulko." She smiled.
"Ohhh, maybe I am getting burnt out. I just don't want to fail at this Mera. Even though I have been somewhat accepted by the Atlantean people as one of their own. Somewhat being the operative term. I still feel that they don't trust me to watch out for the Queen. Or to know what's best for you or them."
"Daniel. You are a great warrior. My dad saw that in you when he found you on that piece of wreckage. You were on, so close to dying. And he said that he raised his trident ready to run you through but. You gave him this look like you weren't afraid to die. He told me that it was like you actually welcomed death. That made him stop and think as to what he could do for you or with you."
"Yes, then he brought me into the family and the rest is history." I smiled.
"You are the best warrior we have. And I fear the poor soul that faces you on the battlefield or in the arena. Practice or otherwise." I grinned at her praise. Shallow though it may have been. But I knew that if Mera actually saw me fight. She'd be more afraid than impressed. "And before Arthur asks anyone else. I want to ask you if you'd like to be the godfather?" I was stunned.
"I...I...Why me?" I asked.
"Well, your family to me. Besides. I want someone to be there for the little one like they were there for me for the past few years. And I want that person to be you."
"Is this an order or a suggestion?" I asked making her laugh.
"What do you think?"
I thought it over for a few seconds. "I'd love to. But only for you Mera."
"Thank you." She smiled. She and I looked to Arthur who was making his way to us. "Well, we need to go mingle. Just remember to get some sleep tonight." She reminded me.
"I will. Jeez, your like a mother already." I smiled.
"Hey, I just want to tell you. That your doing a wonderful job protecting Mera. I'm sure if I was called away to the surface for League Business or a leadership summit. That I'd be able to leave her in your capable hands for a few days and not have to worry." Arthur said making me kind of smile. But not too much.
Once everyone left. And Mera and Arthur went to their chambers. I was relieved for the night by Vulko who also happened to be one of the people who trained me.
I went to my room and I felt the cold air as I had not been in my room for close to four days or more. And before you jump down my throat. There's a difference as to what my human self would have considered cold and what my Atlantean self considers cold. And it's quite the dip in difference.
Anyway, when I changed and stretched a little more. I shut off the lights and got in bed and once my head hit the pillow. I was out cold.
Little did I know that I'd get a chance to test Arthur's trust in me.

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