The King's Test.

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I woke up very refreshed and completely energized. The best I've felt for a long time. I got showered and dressed and was met by Vulko outside my room door. "Morning, Daniel. And how do we feel after that ten hour sleep?"
"Ten?" He nodded. "Ohh, I'm sorry Vulko. I didn't mean to leave you in charge for that long."
"It's alright. You needed your rest. Me and the Queen both agree on this. Now. Arthur is leaving to help the Justice League fight a threat. He didn't tell me who. But Mera is left in your charge. He's requested that you take good care of her."
"Of course."
"Daniel. I know that you may find this weird. But I'd be a failure as a friend to tell you that I know that there's something developing between you and the Queen."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh come on now Daniel. The glances, the smiles, the waves. A novice detective could come to the same conclusion. You and the Queen are getting too close. You are supposed to be at her side at all times. But if your not careful. You may end up breaking up her marriage with Arthur."
"Wouldn't that be a tragedy. But one problem. I'm the Queens personal guard not Arthurs. I'm not trying to cause a rift or breakup. Don't get me wrong. Mera's beautiful beyond all reason. But..."
"Okay. I get it. You will always put your duty as her personal guard above all else. I applaud you for that. But please. Be mindful while the Kings gone."
"I'll do my very best. Regardless as to who thinks what of me. You of all people Vulko. Should remember what happens when people underestimate me." He grimaced as he remembered the last time he underestimated me. "Now I better get to the Queens side. I wouldn't want to disobey former Queen Atlanna's orders."
"Ohh, no. I did that once. It wasn't pretty." He hugged me. "Well, get going." And I did just that. Once I was at Mera's side as she was standing in the hall near the throne room looking out at the city of Atlantis. I could tell something was bothering her."You okay, Mera?"
"Not really. I mean. I understand that Arthur has duties to his friends. But I would have thought he would spend more time here since I'm pregnant again."
"Not to tell you your business. But I'm sure you getting worked up isn't going to help your baby." I told her. She smiled at me.
"Same Daniel. Dependable and honest. And knows how to make me smile even if he doesn't mean to."
"Yeah. that's me." I grinned. "By the way, don't kill Vulko for this. But he seems to think there's something developing between us."
"What?" She grinned.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Well, he is getting pretty old. But I do feel somewhat ignored by Arthur. But I was hoping to have him here with me. But I can't complain. He is the King and a part of the Justice League."
"That may be, Mera. But if things get too dicey. I have a contingency in place that would guarantee to get us out of here in a hurry." I told her. "So if anything were to happen. All I have to do is enact it and we'd be out of here in a hurry."
"Thank you." Mera smiled.
"Your welcome." I walked with her and she and I talked about what to do while Arthur was busy with League business. She and I also in the middle of the day went out shopping I could definitely tell that people still hated me. But respected me enough to clear a path for the Queen. We had fun throughout the day although when we returned to the palace. Mera could tell that I was not very happy.

"Daniel," She started. "Look at me." I did, begrudgingly. But I did. "The people of Atlantis may still not like you. But the only person's opinion you should care about. Aside from your own. Is mine." She slid close to me and wrapped her arms around me. "They'll get used to you."
"Yeah. like they did for Arthur."
"Daniel. Please. I know we had fun today. The last thing I want is to be depressed. Or have my closest friend to be depressed because the Atlantean people still don't trust him or like him."
"Well, I don't mean to ruin our great day. I did have fun with you. I know you did too. I just thought, that they'd at least trust me by now."
"They will. It'll just take more time."

For the next month or so. Arthur was absent here and there, doing League business and it was getting on my nerves how neglectful he was getting. But I remained at my post until Kulvo replaced me everynight so I could get some sleep. About the start of the third month. Arthur had finally returned from his latest mission with the JL. He was happy to be home. But he noticed that I had a few choice words for him. So after he hugged and kissed Mera, he took me aside.
"Well, I see that you remained loyal to your post. And I'm glad you helped her get out of the palace. And I know you have a problem with me."
"Problem. No, no. Just a slight irritation really." He popped his brows as if to tell me to continue. "What man who is going to have a baby. Would leave his wife behind to deal with League business. I'm flattered that you left her in my charge. I am. But sometimes. League business should come dead last to family. Or maybe that's my surfacer Italian belief coming through." He nodded in understanding. "So if you wanted to test me. As far as I'm concerned. I passed."
"I agree." He said. "And I'm glad your being brutally honest. But I agree. I should put my family first." Then an explosion shook the palace. "What was that?"
My face sported a ghostly palor and I ran to Mera to see her be taken by a group of amphibious soldiers. Arthur and I started trying to save her and fought some of the soldiers even Velko helped us. By the time the last 'decoy' soldier fell. I saw no Mera. I threw my trident into the wall. "DAMN IT!!!"
"Easy." Arthur said.
"Fuck you and fuck easy. I was supposed to watch her. I was supposed to protect her. Now she's been taken." I was righteously pissed. "She was my responsibility. Now she's gone. Ten to one we hear from the Black Manta within six hours or less." I ripped my trident from the wall. Vulko could tell that it was best to get Arthur out of the foyer. After he got Arthur out of the foyer and away from me and my trident he came back in and tried to talk me down.

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