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Class ended, and I made my way out of the classroom, tapping away on my phone. I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I nearly collided with Damien as I turned a corner.

"Watch where you're going," I blurted out, my frustration evident in my tone as I rubbed my shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the collision. "Oh, it's you again? Why do you keep bumping into me?"

Damien turned to look at me, his dark gray eyes locking onto mine. "My apologies," he said with a sly grin. "I didn't realize I was in your way."

I raised an eyebrow, trying to maintain my composure. "I'm starting to think you're doing this intentionally."

"So, what's on your agenda today?" he asked, his tone casual as he fell into step beside me.

"Oh, we're doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Small talk."

"It's only small talk if you make it one."

I sighed inwardly, realizing that Damien had no intention of letting me go without some form of interaction. "Well, I am making it one."

He chuckled, seemingly undeterred by my lack of enthusiasm. "Well, you know, we should all make some time for more interesting pursuits." His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint.

"What are you even saying, are you dumb?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his flirting. "If by 'interesting pursuits' you mean what I think you mean, then no."

Damien grinned, clearly enjoying our banter. "You wound me, Brooke. I promise, I have more than just trouble on my mind."

I shook my head in annoyance. I had a spa day planned with my friends later, and I didn't want to get caught up in any distractions.

"Fuck off, bye."

Once in my dorm room, I decided to freshen up before my spa day with my friends. I needed to wash away the stress of the day and focus on relaxation. I quickly changed into a comfortable dress and headed to the shared bathrooms for a refreshing shower.

The warm water cascaded over me, easing the tension in my muscles. I took my time, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Thoughts of my friends and the spa day ahead filled my mind with anticipation.

After my shower, I returned to my dorm room to get ready. I reached for my shimmer, Auriana, who was a shimmering spirit linked to me. With a mental connection, I called Auriana to assist me in getting dressed and looking my best.

"Ready for a spa day, Aura?" I asked with a smile as the shimmer materialized in a radiant display of ethereal light.

Auriana's voice resonated like a gentle breeze. "Of course, Brooke. Let's make sure you shine even brighter today."

The shimmer's magical touch helped me style my hair, apply subtle makeup, and choose the perfect accessories. With Auriana's assistance, I felt confident and ready to face the world.

I grabbed my bag, which contained essentials for the spa day, and headed out to meet my friends at our designated meeting spot, a majestic tree near the water fountain. I couldn't wait to unwind and enjoy some quality time with my best friends

As I approached the tree, I spotted Paris, Renee, and Maylee already gathered, and they didn't seem pleased.

"Brooke, you're late!" Paris exclaimed, annoyance evident in her voice. "We were supposed to meet here around 5 p.m., and now it's 6. Who do you think you are?"

Renee and Maylee joined in the frustration. "Yeah, we've been waiting forever!"

I raised my hands defensively, trying to diffuse the situation. "Relax, everyone. I had a rather...annoying encounter, and it made me run late."

Paris huffed, her impatience showing. "An encounter? Brooke, the world doesn't revolve around you. We all have our lives."

I was about to respond when my attention was abruptly diverted. I saw Denisha walking towards the Water Clan house, and she seemed distressed. Confusion and concern welled up inside me. Wasn't she supposed to be joining us for the spa day? I assumed she was heading my way, so I waved to get her attention. However, she remained oblivious, deeply engrossed in a heated argument with a boy. Denisha appeared on the verge of tears, and I couldn't just stand there.

"Something's wrong," I mumbled to my friends, who were still berating me for being late.

Paris snapped at me, "No one cares, Brooke. Let's go to the spa before her appointment gets canceled. She only gave us an hour."

But I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss. "No, seriously, something's wrong. I'm going," I declared, determined to check on Denisha.

My friends protested, warning me not to go, but I brushed off their concerns and hurried toward the unfolding situation. As I approached, I overheard Hayden uttering a hurtful phrase, "Yeah, go away slut ."

Rage surged within me, and without thinking, I delivered a punch right to Hayden's lips. He staggered back, and his friends reacted with a chorus of surprised expressions and teasing sounds.

Hayden, now incensed, retorted, "You little cunt!" He used his water power to strike me, sending me tumbling backward.

Anger and adrenaline fueled me, and I retaliated with a barrage of fire attacks. However, he skillfully blocked my fire with a water shield. The intense exchange was causing a commotion, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

The tension in the air was palpable as my fiery attacks clashed with Hayden's water defenses. It was as if the very elements were at war within us, and we were the conduits for their battle. Each fireball I hurled, he expertly countered with precise water manipulation.

My anger was a blazing inferno, driving me to escalate the conflict. I summoned more flames, the intensity of my attacks increasing with each passing moment. But my fiery barrage was met with Hayden's unyielding water shield. His control over the water element was formidable, and I felt the frustration mounting within me.

As our powers clashed, the onlookers began to murmur and gasp, the spectacle drawing the attention of a growing crowd. I could hear Paris, Renee, and Maylee's frantic voices behind me, urging me to stop. But I couldn't. Not when I felt so incensed, so powerless.

Hayden, too, seemed to have reached his breaking point. His taunts and insults only fueled my anger further.

He uttered the word "muchi," a derogatory term aimed at fire clan members, the air grew hotter, and I could sense the fire clan members in the crowd becoming agitated. Their anger mirrored my own, and it was as if their collective emotions were fueling my rage. The atmosphere crackled with tension, and it was clear that things were spiraling out of control.

I was far from finished.

My frustration grew, and I surrounded myself with flames, a desperate attempt to overpower him. I heard voices behind me, including Ramon saying, "Brooke, what are you doing? Stop."

Paris added, "They haven't taught us this part."

I realized that I had unconsciously created a fiery shield around myself. The instructors had never covered such advanced techniques.

I was furious. My back tattoo began to burn. I could feel something tugging at my soul begging for a release
My anger reached its zenith, and I pointed my trembling hands at Hayden. But instead of a fiery attack, something else happened.

A mysterious force surged through me, and I found myself uttering incomprehensible words. With each syllable, Hayden's body began to contort and convulse in mid-air.

Everyone present, including Hayden's friends, looked on in sheer shock and horror. They were witnessing something unimaginable-a power beyond our understanding. It was a chilling and surreal moment, and the tension in the air was suffocating.

The whole scene played out like a nightmarish tableau. Hayden's body continued to twist and bend unnaturally, his pained cries filling the air. I couldn't comprehend what was happening, and my own fear was growing with each passing second.

Amid the chaos, Damien emerged from the crowd, his eyes scanning the scene for answers. Someone briefed him on what had occurred, and he rushed toward me, embracing me in an attempt to calm the raging storm within.

I released my hold on Hayden at the shock of Damien touching me. The moment I did, he fell from the sky, landing on the ground with a sickening thud. He lay there, severely injured and gasping for breath, the effects of whatever had just transpired taking a toll on his body.

The onlookers remained stunned, their voices hushed, and their gazes fixed on me. I felt a whirlwind of emotions-anger, confusion, fear, and guilt-swirling within me.

"Don't fucking touch me " I pushed him away, my frustration boiling over.

I fell on my knees overwhelmed. My friends rushed to me picking me up, their expressions a mix of concern and bewilderment. However, Maylee, who had been observing the situation from a distance, looked at me and Damien with a sense of betrayal before turning and walking away.

The aftermath of the confrontation weighed heavily on my mind. What had just happened, and how had I tapped into such a formidable power? The tattoo on my back burned with an intensity I couldn't ignore, leaving me with more questions than answers.

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