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As I stormed away from the chaotic scene near the Water Clan house, my heart was heavy with frustration. The argument with Hayden had left me feeling vulnerable and hurt, and I had needed a moment to collect myself. All I wanted was some space to breathe, to process the words that had been flung at me like daggers.

As I retreated to my dorm room, I couldn't shake off the annoyance building inside me. Annoyance not just at Hayden's hurtful words, but also at Brooke's impulsive intervention. I understood her intentions might have been good, but they felt misplaced, and it irked me to no end.

When I got to the room Jamal,Ramon,Paris and Renee were already there, deep in discussion. However, Maylee was conspicuously absent, and I couldn't help but wonder where she was. Damien hovered nearby, a silent presence in the room.

Brooke was lying on her bed, her face pale and fatigued. What the hell was that move she pulled anyway??? I hesitated for a moment, my annoyance resurfacing. But I couldn't let it fester any longer.

Clearing my throat, I addressed Brooke, my voice steady but laced with frustration. "Brooke, we need to talk."

She turned to face me, and I could see surprise and exhaustion in her eyes.

"Denisha are you okay?, we looked everywhere for you"

"Can I talk" I said pissed

Her friends exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of what was about to transpire.

Brooke, though clearly unwell, nodded, inviting me to continue.

"What the fuck," I began, my annoyance boiling over. "Why did you have to interfere in my argument with Hayden? I had it under control, and I didn't need your help."

Brooke's eyes widened in surprise at my unrelenting tone. She seemed taken aback by my directness, and for a moment, I didn't care how she felt. My frustration had consumed me, and I needed her to understand the depth of my annoyance.

Before she could respond, Celeste entered the room. She had been present during the confrontation with Hayden but had wisely chosen not to get involved.

I glanced at Celeste, and in that moment, without words being exchanged, I knew she understood my feelings. It was a relief to find someone who shared my viewpoint on Brooke's actions.

Brooke seemed too tired to respond, which only fueled my annoyance further. But I couldn't resist pushing her buttons a little more. "Honestly, you're such a power-hungry bitch."

The words hung in the air, and I could see the anger flash in Brooke's eyes. "What did you just say?" she snapped.

Paris spoke up, her voice tinged with frustration. "Denisha, you're blowing this way out of proportion. Brooke was just trying to help."

Renee added, "Yeah, you're acting like she did something terrible. And Hayden was getting aggressive. Brooke had to step in."

"Aggressive?? What the fuck are you talking about. I was walking away. Violence is not always the answer"

"He was disgracing you" brooke stated

"Well obviously but that's the point it was me, not you. Me"

Paris quipped, "If only you had this much confidence when you were confronting Hayden."

Renee couldn't contain her laughter, "Seriously, Denisha, that's one of the stupidest things you've said."

Their teasing remarks stung, but my frustration was unrelenting. I couldn't shake the feeling that Brooke's actions were driven by more than just a desire to protect her honor. The way she had unleashed her powers, it was as if she was performing for an audience.

"You say it was for me, but did you stop to think how I'll feel? You fucking created a scene. Now everyone is going to know that a first year royal fell in love and had sex with someone she has known for a week"

Ramon sighed "Denisha, you're overreacting. Brooke's intentions were good. Plus everyone will be talking more about the fight than what caused it especially after what Brooke did to Hayden "

Damien, however, remained a silent observer. His presence seemed almost detached from the heated exchange within the room. He didn't join the chorus of voices defending Brooke, nor did he chastise me for my anger.

"That's the point, Brooke did this for attention, she always has to be the spotlight even if it means stealing it from other people. She is selfish and doesn't care about anyone apart from herself. I wonder how your parents survive with you around"

Paris groaned "which fucking spotlight. That boy was embarrassing you and mocking you and all you did was stand and cry like a fucking orangutan and you're here talking about spotlight?? Grow up"

Brooke stared down at me "my parents what?.."

Everyone attention shifted to Brooke
"Brooke calm down " Paris said pulling her in for a hug but Brooke resisted

I didn't back down. "You heard me. You're so obsessed with showing off your powers and getting attention that you can't even see how your actions affect the rest of us."

"You're just jealous because you don't have the guts to stand up for yourself."

I couldn't let that insult slide. "Jealous? Please, Brooke. I don't need to flaunt my powers to feel good about myself."

Frustrated and feeling utterly misunderstood, I couldn't stand to be in that room any longer. I stormed out, leaving behind my friends' bewildered expressions and Brooke's tired gaze.

Sitting outside the door, I fumed in silence, my anger unabated. It was then that Celeste, who had quietly slipped out of the room, approached me. Without a word, she settled beside me, her presence a source of comfort.

I turned to Celeste, my voice softer now as I spoke my mind. "You get it, right? You understand why I'm so angry."

Celeste nodded, her expression empathetic. "I do, Denisha. Sometimes, it's not about the act itself but the intention behind it. Brooke's motives were questionable."

"Ugh Brooke is so self-absorbed. She doesn't care about defending her honor or anything like that. She just wants the attention."

Celeste nodded in agreement, her expression somber. It was reassuring to know that someone else shared my perspective on this matter.

I clenched my fists, my annoyance with Brooke intensifying with each step we took away from the scene. And then, Celeste added a comment that caught me off guard. "No wonder she was a bully back in camp."

I halted abruptly, my mind transported back to the memories of Camp Perse. The pain and anger I had buried resurfaced, mixing with my current frustration. Celeste's comment had struck a chord, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Brooke than met the eye. My anger and curiosity only grew stronger.What was Brooke hiding? What secrets were concealed beneath her confident facade?

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