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The morning at Zodiac Academy was an orchestrated symphony of activities, a blend of anticipation and routine that danced through the corridors and halls. I awoke to the gentle chiming of Brendaline, my shimmer, who always ensured I started the day on the right note.

As I stretched and rose from my bed, I couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency and precision with which Brendaline had dressed me for the day. The uniform, a symbol of our status, was adorned with the Aquarius Clan's signature shades of blue, complementing my slim frame. My round face held a perpetual hint of rosy color in my cheeks, and my blue eyes sparkled with curiosity as I faced the day ahead.

As I navigated through the vibrant morning at Zodiac Academy, my thoughts were a whirlwind of curiosity and contemplation. The joyous nature of my fellow students was infectious, yet beneath the surface, an unsettling puzzle teased at my consciousness.

The events of the previous night, the conversations of the grade 5 royals haunted my thoughts. They spoke of the queen's death, a revelation that struck me like a bolt of lightning. It was information that gnawed at my curiosity, pushing me to connect the dots.

I joined the bustling flow of students making their way to the perus hall for breakfast, I took my place among my classmates, my appetite for knowledge rivaling my hunger for the scrumptious breakfast offerings. Our shared laughter and discussions about the day's classes filled the room

The dining continued in its usual rhythm until an unexpected encounter altered the course of my day. I received a small badge from Brooke, the confident and assertive girl who defeated Ramon in a one on one, her smile held warmth and sincerity "you'll need this"

Accepting the badge with gratitude, I couldn't help but admire the unity that Brooke and her friends displayed. I smiled at her. I saw her friends approaching and walked away. I was very shy and Damien intimidated me

Whiles leaving, I heard Damien mention a hush assembly, which added an air of mystery to the day. The academy buzzed with whispers and curiosity about this unusual gathering, one held without the presence of elders or authority figures.

I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this hush assembly was a clever façade, designed to divert our attention away from the conspicuous absence of the authorities. On the first Aresday of the week after the jewels (year 1) arrival, the queen typically addressed the newly inducted young royals and gerists, a tradition that was deeply ingrained in our academy's culture.

As I walked through the corridors, lost in my contemplations about the hush assembly and the queen's death, I suddenly found myself face to face with Hayden. He leaned casually against the wall, his gaze fixated on me as if he had been waiting.
"Denisha, fancy seeing you here. You always have a way of brightening up these dreary hallways."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his flirtatious tone, though a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Hayden, do you ever run out of charming lines?" I drawled sarcastically

"Not when there's someone as captivating as you to use them on."

My eyebrows naturally furrowed when I became aware of what he was doing "Cut the flattery, Hayden. What are you up to?"

Hayden's playful expression turned serious, and he leaned in closer.

"The hush assembly - it's got everyone wondering, hasn't it?"

I nodded, acknowledging the intrigue that had been consuming my thoughts.

"It does. I can't shake the feeling that something significant is happening."

As the academy gathered for the hush assembly, my thoughts were restless. The events of last night had left me with lingering questions, and my skepticism only grew stronger as the purple-haired girl stepped forward to give us the rules for hazing day.

She clapped her hands to get our attention. "Listen up, everyone! Tomorrow is hazing day, a day we've all been waiting for!"

I exchanged an incredulous glance with Haden, who stood beside me. This was no ordinary hazing day, not with the hush assembly and the queen's death fresh in my mind.

"Remember, adventurous students who found the badges are saved. The others, prepare to be hazed!"
Oh that's the badge Brooke gave me. I made a mental note to thank her.

"Royals can haze both royals and gerists. Gerists cannot haze royals." The hierarchy remained in place

"Second-year royals are excluded from hazing because of the disrespect shown last year." It struck me as odd that the second-year royals were conveniently left out. Was it to ensure they didn't interfere with whatever was happening within the academy? Was I just overthinking it???

"If any second-year royal is caught hazing a first-year, you'd be dealt with - bye-bye." It was as if this entire assembly was a smokescreen, a distraction from something much larger and hidden.

Upon dismissal, the grand hall became noisy at once. Everyone talking about the hazing. I stared at the purple haired girl-I came to know that her name is Rayla, one of the strongest fire bender in the fifth grade- she whispered something to her friends and they all nodded and left. I wanted to follow them but the bell rang for class and I couldn't afford to miss it

Brendaline, my shimmer, efficiently assisted me in preparing for my classes, her unwavering dedication mirrored in every gesture. I admired her for ensuring I was always well-prepared.

Authors note:
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Hayden and Denisha??? Ship or no ship
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