31- Deceit

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"As long as I live I'll love you"

Alfie's POV

I had planned to die out here
Alone. In this fucked up peace I'd been trapped in
I planned to die with no hassle. No more heartache or grief, because they've all been through it now.

I had come to terms with the fact that Mariana and Carter would be better off without me.
But a baby...
Another baby.
Our baby

I couldn't even begin to imagine what she was thinking
"You took that money out like I asked?" I asked
"Yes bu-"
"And you've given it to her" I said
"No, not yet, I've been rushed off my feet with the bakery, I'll go round though, or call her in, I'll sort it" he determined

"Good" I mumbled. My mind was split
I wanted to be practical, focus on making sure she was looked after
But the other part of me was spiralling, to pick up the phone and call her.

To go round and see her
To see our baby.
"Alfie there's something else" he said.
"She's having twins" he said.

"What?" I asked
"Twins" he repeated
"Two... two" I said, stumped.
Two babies.

"Yeah, so what are you going to do Alfie?" He asked.

Mariana's POV

Voting was in today. Soon enough we'll know if Thomas fucking Shelby has a place in office
I knew he would though
It's Tommy. If he wants to be there, he'll make sure he is.

That was his problem, he really didn't see limits for himself.
"You look beautiful" Alfie said
"Oh go away" I said, ignoring him behind me as I looked in the mirror
I was really trying to pull myself together
I was trying to handle work. I was going to my doctors appointments

I even agreed to go to small Heath to sort some of my business out with Polly and a few factories
I just had to avoid that demon up in his grand house
Well... avoid wasn't the right word
I would gladly see him.
And gladly stab him.

"You don't want the compliment?" Alfie asked
"I don't want to talk to someone who isn't real" I said
"Why?" He asked
"Because I'm trying! I'm really trying and you're not helping" I snapped
"Then why do you keep seeing me?" He said.

"Because-" I cut myself off, as I looked in the mirror and he was no longer there.
"Ass" I mumbled.

A knock at the door brought me back to reality
And Ollie stood at the door brought me memories I didn't wish to think of
Seeing him was yet another painful reminder of Alfie

"Can I come in?" He asked
"Uh... sure" I said

"All of it?" I asked
"Yes, he told me he wanted you to have it" Ollie explained
I looked at the piles of money stacked on the table
There was so much.
I didn't realise how wealthy Alfie was until... this

"But the business-"
"The business is taken care of, this is personal" he said
"You can do whatever you wish with it, he wanted you to be looked after" he went on.

I tried not to cry
Grief was bad enough, but my hormones made everything so much worse.
He wanted me to be looked after...

I can't be, without him.

"This was a pleasant surprise" Jesse Eden smiled, just as I remembered her, in her drab office, drab clothes... but also a depressing attitude
She seemed to be less light than she used to
Less fight driving her
"Well, I thought it was about time I spoke to you again" I said.

"About the strikes? I told you they would walk" she said
"That you did, and many did not" I said. Many stayed loyal to my leadership.

"What are you really here for then Mariana? You don't seem to care very much for my movement" she said
I shrugged
"After everything, I just wanted to see you again, you intrigued me the first time we met" I said honestly

"I am sorry" she said
"For the loss of your husband, I heard some things" she said
"What things?" I asked
"About what you were doing after he died" she said
"You tend to hear a lot" I commented.

"I see a lot too. I like to involve myself Mariana, I am not a spectator of this world" she said
"Then tell me, what is it you see?" I asked
"Well, I see that you are pregnant, congratulations" she said.

"Thank you" I said
"And you? Any man in your life since Tommy walked out?" I asked
"No" she said dismissing it, looking away.

But that look. Told me all I needed to know
"He didn't walk away did he?" I asked
"I'm not sure it is any of your business" she said.

Oh no...
"You slept with him" I said
"I think it's time you left" she said
"Are you aware he's married?" I asked, gaining her otherwise avoidant gaze
So no. She didn't know

"When did you sleep with him?" I asked
"Like I said, I think you should leave" she said
I slowly stood up, it was harder to move around now with such a big stomach.

"I did tell you Jesse, that he would break you" I said.

"And I told you, I am capable of handling Thomas Shelby" she said.

"Why is there so much?" I sighed, looking through the mountains of paper on the desk

"Because you haven't attended to any of it" Pol said, not sparing me a glance as she wrote
It was silent for a moment, too silent
"I went to see Jessie Eden today" I said
"Oh?" She asked
"Were you aware Tommy was fucking her?" I asked

"Why do you care?" She asked
"I don't care, I care about Lizzie though, about Jessie" I said
"As long as it's not your heart he's breaking, it is a win? Right?" She said softy, finally meeting my eyes
I suppose she was right

"Hey hey now, look who it is" Arthur said, entering the office
"Hello Arthur" I said simply
The last time I saw him, I pushed him away.

"What brings you down? Ready to come home?" He asked
"I'm at home Arthur, I'm here for business" I said
"And there was my hopes up that you were here for me" he grinned, sitting beside me
"Well... that too" I smiled at him.

I missed him.
I missed being here
But I didn't trust my own mind these days
And being here... brought everything that had ever gone wrong in my life crashing back into my head.

"You're uh... pretty big now, ready any day now aren't you?" Arthur asked
"Yeah, few weeks now" I said, placing my hand over my stomach
I hadn't told him it was twins
But I had to keep some suspense
I was shocked as it was that he hadn't ran off and told Tommy.

"You have time after you're done here? We can grab a cuppa" Arthur suggested
"Yeah sure, that would be really nice Arthur" I smiled.

Polly's POV

"I'll grab my coat" Mar said, struggling to stand up before Arthur helped her
"Where are you going for this cup of tea?" I asked
"Cafe" he shrugged
"Which one?" I asked, taking my glasses off as I looked at him
"I don't know, whichever one we find" he dismissed

"Arthur" I said, earning his eyes
"If you're doing what I think you're doing, don't" I advised
"Don't know what you mean Pol" he said
"Don't say I didn't warn you" I said.

Mariana's POV

I sat here, listening to the wind around me as I waited for Arthur to come back
The field was a memory I didn't mind experiencing
Sat by Charlie's yard, it was where we played as children
Where we ran and danced, chased and fought

Where our mothers brought us for picnics
It was home if ever there was one

I closed my eyes
Feeling... peaceful for the first time in months
There was no Alfie talking to me
An unreal ghost of the man I missed with all my heart
There was no blood, no violence

No worries or cares...
It was just... quiet.


And peace shattered around me
The wind turned harsh in my ears as Tommys voice was carried to me from behind

I didn't turn around
I couldn't
I froze. And tried my hardest not to cry

Because Arthur's betrayal slowly set in... and Tommy's voice ignited all the anger and sadness that I had tried so hard to dissipate.

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