32- About time

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About time

"All I see is you" 

Mariana's POV

"Mariana" his voice rang out once more
I tried to control my breaths
I turned my head every so slightly, seeing him stood there out of the corner of my eye
Before I slowly looked at him.

He looked... different
Physically older, stress in his face and glasses sat sticking out of his pocket
He stared back
Words lost between both of us

I saw Arthur behind him, leaning on the gate to the field
Alert. Waiting for me to explode
To cry
To try and kill him
To shout

But I could do nothing
I couldn't move
And I couldn't breathe
My body was exhausted of all emotion

"Why?" I asked to myself, looking up at the sky
"Why?" I chuckled
"Can't I catch a fucking break?" I asked, standing up
"I know Arthur's lied" he began
"I'm really not surprised Tommy, alright? I'm not surprised in the slightest, what is this eh? Redemption?" Chuckled, leaning on the wagon in front of me as I tried to rap my head around this... this monster being behind me

"I... I don't know what it is" he admitted.
"Then leave" I said quietly
"I can't" he said
"Not when you hate me" he said
"I more than hate you" I said
"I loathe you, I wish for your death Thomas, every single day" I sighed, standing back to my full height

"I know I have broke your tru-,"
He stopped. Words failing him as I turned around to face him
Eyes falling to my stomach

He stared. And stared. Disbelief falling upon his face
Arthur had left
Now all their stood was me and him.
Steps apart. With so much and so little to say to one another.

"Pregnant" I finished for him
"Wha... when?" He asked
"I'm due in a few weeks" I said simply
His eyes had not left my stomach. Not once

Not one pathetic attempt to reconcile came after he saw my bump
Nor one glare, one threat. Nothing
"It's... it's his?" He asked
"Yes" I seethed, I was sick of everyone thinking otherwise

"Pregnant..." he mumbled to himself
"Yes, why does it matter to you, eh? You just had a kid didn't you?" I asked
"Yeah, Ruby" he said simply
"I know, Pol told me" I muttered, pulling my coat closer from the harsh wind.

"And did Pol know, about this?" He asked
"Everyone knows Tommy, everyone but you, that's what happens when you kill peoples husbands, they don't generally want to speak to you" I snapped, making my way up the hill
Only to fail on my way past him, as he gripped my forearm

I ripped away from him
"Don't touch me!" I said, glaring up at him
"You're lucky I haven't put a bullet in your head already" I seethed
"Do it dove, it's what he deserves" Alfie said in my ear, I looked at him, a figure in the wind.

"Mar, who are you seeing?" Tommy asked
"Don't, don't do that, you have no right over me Tommy, no involvement in my life" I said
"You don't get to control me like you do everyone else" I said

"I'm not trying to" he sighed
"You don't have to try! It comes naturally to you, I don't think you even see it sometimes, you control everything Tommy, everyone even when you don't have to" I said.

I was fed up of being pulled into family drama that didn't concern me
I was fed up or sacrificing for the family
Fed up of losing people
When this man stands before me, happy and healthy, a family and a seat in fucking parliament.

"Goodbye Tommy" I said simply, turning to leave
"You don't have to leave like this, I am sorry for what happened" he said
"You always are aren't you? And yet you never actually are" I said.
"Because you got your way" I went on
"Like a child. Fighting in the playground, you'll never be satisfied until you're beaten, and by then... you will have no one left Tommy" I said.

"No one" I said, leaving him in that field.
"Mar" he called after me

"I'm done, I am done with you, in the future, if you need me for anything, you contact me through Polly, Ada, fucking Arthur for all I care, I don't want to see your face ever again" I said as I stopped at the gate
"You stay out of my life. And I won't kill you" I said

"You won't kill me" he said
"You don't know me anymore Tommy. You think you know everything about anyone. You don't. I'm different. And I would kill you in a heartbeat for what you've done to me. You shipped Michael away, you're ruining Arthur's marriage. I promise you... one day you will have no one left" I said, before I walked away

For the final time
I could not be a pawn in Thomas Shelby's world any longer
I had another child on the way, children rather.

I had a life to live. A business to run. Alfie's businesses to run.
I had a life in London now that was too much to bear on top of Shelby business
Shelby business that I was constantly reminded of that I was not a part of. Even though I was consistently dragged into it

Even though I suffered the repercussions of it.
I had stakes in the Shelby business
And that was it now. I was not a lackey any more
I was on my own.

I think I always had been.

3 weeks later
Alfie's POV

"What's going on?" Ollie asked, looking around
"Well if I'm coming back from the dead, I can't do it in this shit hole can I?" I said, looking around as well
The maids had started to tidy up, the windows were all open.
The sun was shining in, lighting up the room

The room I had kept dark for so long
The room I couldn't bare to leave.
But Mar was about to have our babies.

She needed me
Whether she hated me or not. Whether she killed me off
I needed to step up, I needed to take responsibility for my family.

"Good to hear" Ollie said
"Yeah well, if I'm going to see her, it needs to be tidy don't it?" I said unsure
I think the mess would be the last thing in her mind.
But she had to come here
"As I shall not be resurrecting for the whole community, it'll be here" I mumbled, looking out the window.

Here where I try and fix my family
Here where I broke it in the first place.

Mariana's POV

"You can go home" I said for the thousandth time now
"I'm not going home, so shut up and get used to me" Ada said.

She had insisted on moving in as I was so close to labour
Well... 4 days late for labour actually
She wasn't really much help anyway, she might as well be home
She took Karl to school, fed Carter and cared for him for the day. Other than that, she nagged me about anything and everything.

"Letters came for you today, Tommy said something about signatures" she said, putting them on the table
"Right" I said simply, sat on the sofa with my arm over my eyes
It was too bright in here
I was so uncomfortable and roasting hot

I wish these babies would come out already.
Polly had made her predictions
She saw a boy and a girl
One of each. That would be nice.
Especially as they would be my last.
Not like I could have anymore now Alfie was gone.

It felt reassuring to know I would have one of each from Alfie.
That the family we had wanted would actually become reality
Except without him now.

"It would be much easier if you picked up the phone and talked to him you know, I don't know half the stuff he tells me about" she said
"Ada" I said
"If Tommy had shot Freddie. Would you have forgave him?" I asked

She hesitated for a moment, before the answer I knew came
"Then please, stop fucking nagging at me to talk to him, or you will go home" I warned
"Noted" she said, before I heard her banging around in the kitchen.

And that's when it began.
That's when the pain shocked through my stomach. And the floor began to puddle
"Ada, Ada" I said, trying to get up
She looked my way, before she rushed into the hall for the car keys

"Can you get up?" She asked as she came back, moving to help me
"No" I managed out, this pain seemed... unusual
It wasn't like when I had Carter.
Something felt wrong
"Ada, I think I need an ambulance. I can't move" I said

"What? Is it that bad? We, I can get the car-"
"Ada! Somethings wrong, I need an ambulance, now" I said calmly
She nodded, quickly making her way into the hallway to grab the phone.

I don't know what was wrong with me.
My vision was beginning to blur
I had waves of contractions coming quicker and quicker but the pain was becoming unbearable.

What was happening? What was wrong?

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