48- Remember your place

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Remember your place

"I am under no obligation to make sense to you"

Mariana's POV

"Oswald Mosley, a sociopath. Better than any man in a room full. Smug, knowledgeable, clever and proud of the fact that he's called as such. But my sources retrieve personal information Mr Mosely, however I would arguably call you Oswald with the amount I know" I began

"For example I... know who made the suit you're wearing right now, I know who delivered it, who pressed it... who you've fucked in it. I know your family, your siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles... trivial. I know your father, your wife... your mother" I said, his jaw tightened.

"I know where she lives, what she does, what she takes, who supplied it, who made it, and everything that's been thrown in it. I know how you tell people she's dead, to avoid the conversation of a drugged up mother who abandoned you" I said
"Mar" Tommy said
Oswald help up a hand to Tommy, seemingly wanting to take it.

"I know every lover you have had, every maid, every servant, every residence you've ever resided in. Blackthorn close, Cheshire hill, Maddison street, I know how much you officially make a year and how much you actually make a year"
By this point, his mouth had thinned into a line
I stood up, nearing him

"I know when, why and where you grew that horrid fucking moustache, I know who your first kiss was and what type of lady you prefer when your wife is absent. What you order them to do for you, I know you enjoy a brunette far more than you do a blonde, I know how you prefer smaller breasts and bigger hips, how dominant and vile you treat women" I said.
He said nothing, but looked me up and down.

"I know how many illegitimate children you've fathered even if you don't, I know how many women you've forced into abortions, when and where they were performed. In the back alleys of a small town outside London" I said, leaning back against Tommy's desk as I stood in front of Mosley
"Yet overall, your biggest weakness is your ego, the self respect you hold for yourself, in a much higher regard than you do for us, you hold yourself in a higher regard than most of the men in this building isn't that right? I know you look at yourself, every chance you get, you think every woman desires you and yet you look in a mirror when fucking just to make yourself cum" I relayed.

His hand flexed slightly, ah... reaction
Sweet sweet reaction.

"To put it bluntly and shortly as you so eloquently did for us... you're a sociopathic egotistical control freak Mr Mosley, you hate what I'm saying, how I'm saying it and the mere fact that I'm a woman saying it, you forget who you surround yourself with" I said.

"Mar" Michael said
"If we're all friends, if you want to say something to us then say it, you're sat next to a drugged up mummy's boy, who spends all his time drinking, snorting and fucking anything American" I said, looking at Michael. Who didn't seem to like my answer

"A drunken suicidal junkie who can't keep his fists in check or a wife by his wife" I said about Arthur
"A mental gypsy 'queen' who can't keep her own mind let alone her own children. And a man so fucked in the head, he refrains from shooting himself every day due to the stupidity of humanity around him" I explained.

The truth will set you free. Arthur just needed to let it go.
"You think your words here today have angered us into a vulnerable state to which you can exploit but let me tell you Mr Mosley... all you've done is write your own name on a fucking bullet" I said quieter

I leaned back, before grabbing my coat from my chair
"Mr Shelby may be a businessman, a politician and a somewhat respected figure in society now, but we're not, you said that yourself, so please... don't embarrass yourself by insulting our capability" I finished

"As charming as this is, and as charming as you are sir, I really must be getting on" I said, I walked through Michael and Mosley, who looked...

He wasn't angry. Not sad
He was... intrigued. There was a fire in his eyes that followed me out the door
Tommy called this man the devil
And if that was the case, then I had just pissed off the devil.

What I didn't know. Was that the repercussions were unlike anything I would ever experience.

"Where have you been?" Tommy snapped
I gestured around me
"The fucking spa" I said, I'm surprised they even let me in the bar under Tommy's name

"Where do you think I've been? Conversing with the elite?" I scoffed, swigging my drink
"I told you to push him, not dig out his entire life" he said, looking around
"You told me to rile him" I argued
"Yes, without me standing in the shit at the end" he said

"And are you?" I asked
"Are you in the shit?" I asked
"No" he said simply
"Right then, I'll be on my way. You are welcome Tommy" I said
"For what?" He asked
"For my charming people skills" I said, leaving the bar.

I walked through the corridors of parliament
Trying to find the fucking exit
But all I found was a prick in a suit, smiling at me from his doorway as he took a drag of his cigarette
"My my, is the lady lost?" Mosely asked

"Only in location" I said
"Well, might I point you to the exit then" he said, nearing me
"If you would" I said politely
He stopped in front of me, eyes squaring up to eyes
A battle of furious gazes

"Down the hall, take a right, down the stairs, and back onto the filthy streets" he said
"Filthy?" I echoed, raising a brow
"Quite" he said, looking me up and down
"And there was me thinking you were taken with me" I smiled
"There is still time" he said.

His mere demeanour repulsed me
"There is no time, if you hadn't decided where I stood in your eyes before you met me then you're already behind Mr Mosely" I said, heading down the corridor
"And where do I stand in your eyes? Miss Cortez" he questioned after me amused

I ignored him, trying to find my way out of this fucking maze.

He'd find out soon enough.

Alfie's POV

"I'll take what I fucking want" I snapped at Ollie
"You'll kill yourself before you get the chance to die from the 'worlds shit hand' it dealt you" Ollie shouted
"Here's hoping" I said, sitting back

"Alfie, get your fucking head together! Mariana misses you, even after all this time, she misses you, she needs you, you're a fool if you let her go on thinking your dead. You know how hard it is to work with her? Knowing you're alive? Watching her sit in your chair, reminiscing over a man she thinks left her! The man she loves that she visits? Brings flowers for? She takes care of an empty grave Alfie!" Ollie shouted

"It's wrong! You're selfish" he shouted
"And you're an idiot, fuck off out of it" I shouted back, but he was already out of the door

Mariana's POV

"He what?" I asked
"You have to get here Mar, it's fucking chaos" Ruth said down the phone
I had only just got back
And now I had to deal with that fucking rat Sabini

"Mariana" Sabini smiled, sat in a booth full of men as some woman sang on stage
A parade of girls dancing
I shot my shotgun into the ceiling, pointing it at him afterwards as everyone began to scream
The music stopping

"Now that isn't necessary" he said
"Necessary? You want to talk about necessary when you trashed my bar?" I shouted, stopping at his table
"I don't know what you mean" he smiled politely
I rammed the end of the gun into one of his men's faces

"You don't? Trashing my bar and scaring my customers, putting me out of business!" I shouted
"Now now, I don't think you're thinking straight are you" He asked
"Do you want me to blow your fucking mouth off?" I asked annoyed

What was his point?

"You need to remember your place Mariana, we all have a place in this world, si?" He asked
"Yeah, yours is in the gutter" I spat
"And yours is underneath the higher ups, such people like... Irene Cortez" he explained
"What does Irene have to do with this?" I asked

"Let's just say it wouldn't be in your best interest, as we both deal with the same associate now" he said smugly
He's working for Irene?
No. No fucking way would she do business with someone like him

I lowered my gun, before deciding otherwise and shooting the chandelier, watching as it fell, hitting the dance floor and shattering
"Shall I send you the bill?" He asked, undisturbed
"Yeah" I said, draping a table cloth over a candle holder, pushing it over
"Send me the bill" I agreed, watching fire spread as I walked out

Fucking snake.

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