8- Messenger

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"A happy soul is the best shield for a cruel word"                                                  - Atticus

Mariana's POV

"You sent someone into my house" I stated annoyed, throwing the note down on the table in front of Marjorie
She sat back, crossing one leg over the other
What was she doing in a dingy little bar like this anyway?

"I don't know what you mean" she replied casually
"Don't" I said, she threatened my child. That was too far
"Don't pretend Marjorie, I'm really not in the mood" I said.

"Then why are you here?" She asked, tilting her head
"To warn you. You only get one. Next time, your face will be through the wall" I said
Before walking away. I had a lot to do today.

She was the least of my problems
I thought she was all bark and no bite
She surprised me. I hate surprises.

"How's he doing?" I asked, closing the front door
"He's a lot better now, settled down this morning about an hour after you left" Alfie said, handing Carter over to me
"Awe, my poor little darling, the big bad man scare you?" I cooed, swaying him in my arms.

I put him down for a little while, I had no doubt Alfie had been fussing him all morning
"And how are you doing?" Alfie asked, grasping my hips from behind
I turned around in his arms.

Winding my own around his neck
"I'm fine, talked to Marjorie" I said, smoothing down his coat
"Oh yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah, told her to back off" I said
"You think she'll be a problem?" He asked
No. Honestly I didn't
She was childish. She was throwing her weight around, making the most of the money and the muscle of her inheritance.

"No, and if she keeps pushing, I'll have to get rid of her" I shrugged
I was done playing games with people
With under estimating them and giving them the benefit of the doubt only for them to backstab me in the end.

"You alright dove?" He chuckled
"You're on the war path today eh?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm sick of waiting around. We have a family to protect, and I need to go see Polly at the hospital" I said
"Alright, I have a few meetings, we can leave Carter with Finn?" He asked.

"Yeah, you'll be back tonight for dinner though right?" I asked
"Course, why?" He asked
"It's just been a while since we properly had some us time. Dinner... would be nice" I said simply.

"Dinner we'll have then, in or out?" He asked
"You'd have dinner out?" I asked surprised
"Well, small heaths a shithole granted, but... better than staying in this shithole ain't it?" He said, looking around
"True, okay, I'll see you later then" I said, leaning up, kissing him.

He grasped the back of my hair, pulling me in deeper, his other hand sliding around my waist.
"Mm, later dove" he smiled knowingly

"He looks so... lifeless" I said
Polly glanced at me
"Stop it, he's recovering" she said, looking back to Michael's sleeping form
"Mm, I can see that" I said. Most of us probably would have been out of hospital by now.

But Polly wouldn't let him leave.
She wouldn't even let most people in to see him
"So, what's going on Pol? Why am I here?" I asked, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back.

I could tell I'd be here a while.

"Changretta" she said, lighting a cigarette
"Thought no one could smoke in here" I said, raising my eyebrow at her
She gave me a look, before she continued talking
"Tommy and I have a plan, an ambush if you like" she said.

"I'm listening..."

Alfie's POV

"This is... nice" Aila said, looking around
"Yeah" I said, looking over the place
It was a bit far out. In the middle of nowhere
But maybe that was a good thing.

Away from everything and everyone.
I mean... me and Aila managed to get here without anyone tailing us.

"What do you think?" The woman asked, strolling back into the hall
"It's good" I said
"It's picturesque, flower arch in that garden just at sunset... it'll be perfect" Aila said.

"Yeah, it'd be nice wouldn't it?" I mumbled, looking outside
I can see it. Me and Mar, stood down there in the garden, getting married.

"Is that a yes?" The woman smiled
I nodded
"It's a maybe, I'll have a talk with the missus" I said.

She nodded, walking out of the room to talk to a couple in the doorway
Leaving me and Aila in the grand hall
"I think she'll like it" she said
"Yeah, I hope so" I said.

Booking a wedding venue behind her back may not go down well.
But it could also be a nice surprise.

"You hope so? Don't you know your own fiancé?" She chuckled
"I know my wife" I corrected
Or she will be. Soon.

Very soon.

Mariana's POV

"So why all the secrecy? Why lie to Michael?" I asked
"Michael is running astray, we need to know that he's committed to this family" Pol said, looking at his sleeping figure.

"Right, so where do I come into this exactly?" I asked
"You're meeting Changretta tonight" she said
"What? No I'm busy" I said
"Look, he's going to be with his own. Any Shelby walks in there and we're dead. You... you are the most likely to turn" she said.

"Oh. Well thank you very much Polly" I said, scoffing
"Come on. Just do it" she said
"Why should I? I have plans tonight. And you want me to walk into Changretta's ground and pretend like I'm turning on the family? You want me to do all this and Tommy hasn't even got the balls to come and ask me himself, he's sent you" I said.

"Because he's dealing with other things" she said
"And you're not? You're recovering Polly, your sons lying in a hospital bed. Granted you're about to screw him over-"
"I'm not about to screw him over"
"But still, it's not business you need to be mixed up in" I said, talking over her even though she interrupted.

"Exactly, that's why you're going" she said
"I'm not going" I said, standing up
"I'll send you the address" she said as I walked out
"Fuck off" I called back, heading her chuckle.

"Hey" I called out, shutting the door, only for Carter to start whinging
"Kitchen" Finn called out
"Oh, hey Finn, where's Alfie?" I asked
"He's not back yet" he said
"Right" I mumbled.

Why wasn't he back yet? I thought we were having dinner
"I'll just go get changed" I said
"Okay" he called back
But I only made it halfway up the stairs when the phone rang.

I sighed, trudging back down
"Hello?" I answered
"Mar, I didn't know if you'd be home yet" Alfie said down the line
"Ah, where are you? I thought I could mak-"

"Listen, about dinner, can we do it tomorrow night instead, I've got a few loose ends to tie up here" he said
"And where is here?" I asked
"... London, don't worry thought I'll be back before Carter goes bed, I promise" he said.

"Oh, okay then, I'll uh- I'll speak to you later" I said
"Yeah, bye dove, love ya" he said
"Love you too" I said, putting the phone down hesitantly.

He's lying to me
Why was he lying to me?

"Finn?" I called
"Yeah" he answered, rounding the corner into the hallway
"Fancy earning an extra few quid?" I asked
"I've got to nip out" I said.

Which led me to here
Stood in a ridiculously posh dress in a bar full of Changretta's and pricks alike
"Name?" The doorman asked
"Mariana Cortéz" I said
"You're not on the list" he said.

Mariana's Outfit

"No, I'm not, but if you'll actually do some work you'll go tell Luca Changretta I'm here" o told him.
He glared at me for a moment, before walking off
I waited, until he came back and gestured me forward.

I was taken to the head table, where Luca sat with a bunch of men
"Mariana, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, smoking and watching me intently
"I have a proposition for you" I said, he looked at me for a moment, before signalling for his men to leave.

Which they did. Slowly
"guarda questo capo" one of them said as they passed me
"lei è una puttana pazza" he chuckled.
Watch this one boss
She's one crazy bitch.

"E tu sei un morto che cammina" I said back, earning a glare
And you're a dead man walking
"You have a lot of nerve coming into a place like this" he said as I sat down 

"Yes, so I'm sure you know that what I have to say has value, otherwise I wouldn't be here" I said.
He smirked
"Okay then, what is it you want?" He asked.

Here we go.

Alfie's POV

"What about these?" Aila said, holding up a bunch of white roses
"No, she won't like them, too white" I said, looking for something else
I wasn't booking all these things, I just wanted to get a start on the planning, surprise Mar and take some of the stress off her shoulders.

But I underestimated how easy planning a wedding was, it was awful.
There was the venue and flowers and people and the suit. She'd have to pick a dress and then the rings, the chairs, even fucking napkins.

What happened to turning up at the church, getting married and going home?
"Shouldn't you be heading off now anyway?" Aila said, checking her pocket watch
"Shit, yeah, I should have left an hour ago" I said.

And I had to drive all the way back to small Heath.

Marigold's POV

He agreed. Of course he agreed
He wasn't stupid. Well... he was.

But he knew a good deal when he saw it. A few Shelby's in return for Tommy?
He jumped at the chance
"Finn, I'm back... Alfie?" I called out quietly
It had taken a lot longer than I expected and Carter would definitely be in bed by now.

"Hello?" I called out, heading into the living room
And there he was. Tommy. Sat by the window with nothing but one dim lamp lighting the room.

"Why are you here? Where's Alfie?" I asked
"You look nice" he commented
"Where is he?" I asked again
He shrugged
"Finn left a while ago, so I took over" he said
"Well, thank you but I'm home now so you can leave" I said

"When did you get so cold Mar?" He asked, watching me shrug off my coat
"When you started sending me as your messenger" I said
"Did he get the message?" He asked
"Then you did a good job didn't you?" He said blankly.

I sighed
"I'm tired, did you need anything or?" I asked, looking at him expectantly.
"Yes. Remember that lad, a few years ago, the one Arthur fucked up" he said
"The one he killed you mean" I said.

"Yes. That one, well his mother paid me a visit today" he said, lighting a cigarette
"Tommy, not in here" I said
He merely opened the window next to him, and carried on
"She's invited Arthur round. For tea" he explained.

"For tea?" I echoed
He nodded slowly
"Yeah, so this is it, Changretta's trap" he said
"But he's on my side now, he took the deal" I said
"Exactly, so all you have to do is tell them where I'll be. When they come for me" he said.

"Fucking hell Tommy" I sighed, bracing my hands against the back of a chair
"So... where is Alfie?" He asked, looking around
"Was that all?" I asked simply
"No. Tell him I need to see him tomorrow" he said, standing up.

"What for?" I asked
"You always were a good messenger" he said, pulling his coat up
"Tommy. What do you want him for?" I asked
"Have him ring me. Tomorrow" he said simply, leaving the house altogether.

The slamming of the front door waking Carter up
For fuck sake
What did he want with Alfie?

I really appreciate people's thoughts

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